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Sep 20th, 2018
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  1. Emilia-tanToday at 7:41 PM
  2. ..................
  3. And I can't tell if you read my DMs
  4. I assume you do
  5. Even though there's a lot sometimes
  6. .....................
  7. Hey Murk
  8. You know you've sent me 400 DMs in 4 days
  9. I haven't actually sent that many more
  10. How odd
  11. Murk
  12. What is this
  13. smh
  14. It's holidays
  15. You should be chilling
  16. By that I mean talking to me
  17. >.>
  18. Hey, I can talk about something other than maths or programming
  19. Ummmmm
  20. What's your favourite flavour of ice cream?
  21. I realise that if I keep talking after asking a question you might not answer
  22. Yet more evidence you don't read my DMs
  23. Pfft
  24. Oh and if you're reading this you can say 37801 (no really write '37801' because I swear if you don't I will actually be incredibly depressed)(edited)
  25. That's one of my lucky numbers
  26. I guess
  27. It's actually the first part of a discord ID
  28. Err
  29. It's not yours, believe it or not
  30. I only memorised the whole ID because I had this command line version of Discord I made
  31. Except initially the only way to DM people was to select their DM channel with an ID
  32. It was pretty shit but I thought it was cool I guess
  33. The reason I needed it was to log in as a Discord bot
  34. So I used to just use a bot account to talk to people
  35. Was funny
  36. Although the guy who owned the ID
  37. 378013273129484299
  38. Ha
  39. It would be embarrassing if I got that wrong
  40. I typed it in like 1 second
  41. I'm a god
  42. Anyways
  43. He was a dick
  44. Friggin mean to me all the time
  45. Even though I was trying to be friends with him
  46. He really liked hentai
  47. He was kind of a pervert
  48. Emilia-tanToday at 8:00 PM
  49. I think he said he was into saliva
  50. .....
  51. Yeah so diverting from the topic of hentai and programming
  52. Jeez
  53. What the heck are you doing? <-------------------------------- QUESTION(edited)
  54. If I had enough time to write all of this you probably should've maybe given me a heads up before leaving
  55. I'm eating ice cream now
  56. Boysenberry
  57. In a cone
  58. huh
  59. It didn't sound like you actually had dinner
  60. Are you hungry? <-------------------------------- QUESTION(edited)
  61. Even tho you did eat
  62. Mmmph
  63. It's unfortunate you don't live very close
  64. I wonder if there's a word for wanting to cook food for someone
  65. I should've done more work today
  66. all I did was screw around with art
  67. I'm supposed to get through about 8 math books in the next year, and this one is like the easiest but I'm only 21% done after 7 days(edited)
  68. I'm trash
  69. fuckin
  70. struggling with basic algebra
  71. I sort of winged some of it and got some dodgy af quadratics
  72. the solutions are all weird radicals so I can't tell if they're right or if I did something dumb
  73. I did this one on autopilot, got 200/sqrt(23) km/h(edited)
  74. weird number right
  75. 117. When there is no wind, a plane travels the round-trip from A to B and back in 10 hours. If the wind blows from A toward B at k km/h, it adds 25 minutes to the round-trip. If A and B are 1000km apart, find k.
  76. I looked at 122 and got it basically right away at least
  77. ez, vieta's formula
  78. 122. Which of the following is not true for the equation
  81. A) the sum of the roots is 2
  82. B) The discriminant is 9
  83. C) The roots are imaginary
  84. D) The roots can be found with the quadratic formula
  85. E) The roots can be found by factoring, using imaginary numbers(edited)
  86. vieta's formula, sum of the roots of a quadratic = -b/a
  87. product of roots = c/a
  88. b is -1 and a is i, so the sum of the roots is -1/i
  89. which is not 2
  90. lul
  91. plus it's obvious I guess that C and A are contradictory
  92. oops
  93. I wasn't meant to talk about maths or programming
  94. uhhh
  95. Oh and if you were reading, say the answer to the question I posted (question 122)
  96. anyways
  97. I really am basically trolling you now
  98. but uh
  99. you deserve it
  100. for making me do this
  101. What is there to say, hum
  102. A book arrived today
  103. King Lear
  104. Dunno if you've read it <-------------------------------- QUESTION (sort of)(edited)
  105. it's Shakespeare
  106. I've sort of been learning to read japanese lately
  107. But I'm pretty shit at it
  108. I can recognise some words and common particles like no and wa but that's just from me trying to learn japanese to have funny nicknames or talk to you(edited)
  109. my favourite character is tenshi
  110. I don't have a jap keyboard
  111. so uh
  112. I'll just assume you know what that one looks like
  113. I can write Emilia
  114. and Murk
  115. I'm not very good at reading japanese so obv I'd be horrid at writing it
  116. oh well
  117. Emilia-tanToday at 9:01 PM
  118. Oh and I don't mean to imply Shakespeare is Japanese
  119. that was just a bit of a sudden change of topic
  120. lol
  121. ummm
  122. You know, nothing really interesting happened today
  123. I could talk about trying to draw Utaha
  124. mmm
  125. nah
  126. You probably know how that went
  127. My drawing tablet was dusty af
  128. So I wiped all the dust off for like 5 mins
  129. It's a big tablet
  130. I mean the black one
  131. I actually prefer the white one for osu, the black one feels kind of shaky for some reason
  132. not shaky
  133. laggy
  134. mm
  135. not like slow, like low framerate
  136. it just looks weird
  137. It's really good for drawing though
  138. I can't draw with the white one at all now
  139. cuz uhh
  140. the pen is kind of totally broken and being held together literally with blutack and tape
  141. The drawing part with the lines must have taken like 20-30 mins?
  142. The colouring took the rest of the time
  143. I really wanted to screenshare it with you or something while I was doing it
  144. but you were either on the way to school or at school
  145. rip
  146. Hey, maybe I can screenshare the sprite making <-------------------------------- give me your opinion on this one(edited)
  147. lol
  148. I screenshared programming ages ago
  149. Was I doing Unity or AI?
  150. can't remember
  151. Probably AI
  152. I would've remembered it being cooler if I could actually show you the game I was making
  153. Even though the game isn't that good
  154. I remember in one of my first maths classes I asked my teacher about randomly generating rocks
  155. like, weird shaped ones
  156. then he told me about normal distribution and stuff
  157. which was actually a pretty good call
  158. I think it had to be tweaked a little because of the way my rock generation worked, but I got something working at least
  159. some messed up version of a gaussian
  160. OOPS
  161. I didn't mean to talk about maths or programming
  162. um
  163. Anyways
  164. I wonder if I should watch Saekano
  165. I had a look a the sheet music for the OP
  166. ha, fuck that
  167. 6 sharps on the key signature
  168. And there was only piano sheet, but since I wasn't familiar with the song and it had all these piano flourishes it was pretty hard to pick out the melody
  169. Anyways
  170. Utaha seems like a pretty good waifu
  171. on the surface
  172. I haven't watched/read Saekano ofc
  173. I haven't watched anime in a while
  174. Oh, the Azur Lane server I started on was down earlier, I guess I could check it out again now
  175. There isn't really multiplayer, right? <-------------------------------- QUESTION(edited)
  176. Doesn't seem like there would e
  177. god dammit, update
  178. I just got the game
  179. OH
  180. Have you played From the Depths? <-------------------------------- QUESTION(edited)
  181. mm, wait
  182. It'll say on your Steam I guess(edited)
  183. That game is the best(edited)
  184. Really complex in comparison to most games but holy crap
  185. You can build battleships and tanks
  186. but like
  187. everything about them
  188. Oh, server is still down
  189. I wondered if Sandy was some weird way of saying Australia
  190. since we're all desert and beach
  191. lol
  192. Honestly
  193. I don't blame you if you don't read all of these
  194. I'd be so impressed if you did though
  195. I can maybe give you a heads up now that you're 170 something messages through that they're not all that interesting
  196. NaNoWriMo will be so fun
  197. well
  198. actually it's kind of scary
  199. but I mean, the whole point of that is to write a shit-ton of words in a small amount of time
  200. 1,500 a day I think was the average to aim for
  201. see I'm a pretty slow writer so 2k was like the max I could pull
  202. whereas other people could write like 10k or some ridiculous number in a single day but they were all over the place in terms of consistency
  203. I had to stick to 1,500 + or - like 200
  204. but spent most of the day on it
  205. (wow, that probably sounds really bad to someone who can actually write)
  206. I'm scared of editing the novel
  207. Even though I finished it almost a year ago
  208. it's a really big book
  209. I was tempted to write like a near-future sci-fi thing
  210. for this year
  211. just like, a completely different genre from my last book lmao
  212. I thought it would be interesting to make the protagonist an AI
  213. but also after thinking about it for several months I have decided that would be kind of difficult
  214. it's so hard to relate to an AI
  215. even in robot bodies or whatever they probably don't feel pain or get fungus or have to brush their teeth or get cramps like real humans do
  216. And I considering writing a chunk of the book in like
  217. cyberspace
  218. If you've ever heard of Love Hina, they had a funny way of doing that, by having this sort of weird outer-space/underwater place and doors to represent different servers/computers/nodes on a network and actually drew the AI girls in this place
  219. but like, that would just be weird to write about in a sci-fi book
  220. from the perspective of an AI
  221. it might make sense if a human was interacting with cyberspace with some kind of fucked up sort of VR UI
  222. but like, computer programs only see text, numbers and files
  223. how do you write about that
  224. I think it's probably a bad idea to try this
  225. the other alternative was a sequel to my last book
  226. There are a few possibilities I had set up for sequels but like
  227. The first one isn't even past second draft, you know?
  228. I hope you post a screenshot of all of these notifications
  229. that would be hilarious
  230. I can't actually get you to do that without you clearing them though so
  231. I'll just hope you do
  232. oooof
  233. my fingertips are numb from typing
  234. It's a lot easier to talk about things than to actually construct a narrative though
  235. I always wrote with very complete, correct and mostly logical sentences so I go really slow when I'm writing
  236. Dialogue is like my life-giver
  237. bloomin hecc
  238. I'm glad I had two MCs
  239. to talk to each other
  240. Being the noob writer I was, I probably wasn't very capable of going full on like
  241. Robinson Crusoe
  242. and having only one MC that just did things alone with nobody else around or any dialogue for half the book
  243. That was a good book
  244. Did you read it? <-------------------------------- QUESTION(edited)
  245. Maybe I should point out my questions with big arrows
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