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Bloodmage Attempt #1

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May 8th, 2019
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  1. GameView Start
  2. WARNING: Could not find achievement controller class for Base_MultiplayerInfection
  3. Possible achievement: Base_RedirectMany
  4. GameController puts Automated Turret into play.
  5. GameController puts Custom Hand-Cannon into play.
  6. GameController puts Sonic Mine into play.
  7. Ambuscade shuffles their the villain deck.
  8. Went to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  9. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  10. GameController plays Custom Hand-Cannon.
  11. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  12. Ambuscade initiates 3 Projectile damage to Lifeline.
  13. Ambuscade deals Lifeline 3 Projectile damage.
  14. Lifeline is now at 28 HP.
  15. Automated Turret initiates 2 Projectile damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  16. Automated Turret deals America's Greatest Legacy 2 Projectile damage.
  17. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 28 HP.
  18. Ambuscade initiates 2 Projectile damage to Lifeline.
  19. Ambuscade deals Lifeline 2 Projectile damage.
  20. Lifeline is now at 26 HP.
  21. Ambuscade initiates 2 Projectile damage to Lifeline.
  22. Ambuscade deals Lifeline 2 Projectile damage.
  23. Lifeline is now at 24 HP.
  24. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  25. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  26. GameController plays HUD Goggles.
  27. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  28. GameController plays Accelerated Assault.
  29. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Melee damage to Custom Hand-Cannon.
  30. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Custom Hand-Cannon 1 Melee damage.
  31. Custom Hand-Cannon is now at 4 HP.
  32. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Melee damage to Ambuscade.
  33. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Ambuscade 1 Melee damage.
  34. Ambuscade is now at 49 HP.
  35. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Melee damage to Automated Turret.
  36. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Automated Turret 1 Melee damage.
  37. Automated Turret is now at 7 HP.
  38. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Melee damage to Custom Hand-Cannon.
  39. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Custom Hand-Cannon 1 Melee damage.
  40. Custom Hand-Cannon is now at 4 HP.
  41. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Melee damage to Sonic Mine.
  42. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Sonic Mine 1 Melee damage.
  43. Sonic Mine is now at 0 HP.
  44. Sonic Mine initiates 2 Sonic damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  45. Sonic Mine deals The Super Scientific Tachyon 2 Sonic damage.
  46. The Super Scientific Tachyon is now at 24 HP.
  47. Applying ongoing effect: The Super Scientific Tachyon cannot deal damage.
  48. Sonic Mine initiates 2 Sonic damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  49. Sonic Mine deals America's Greatest Legacy 2 Sonic damage.
  50. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 26 HP.
  51. Applying ongoing effect: America's Greatest Legacy cannot deal damage.
  52. Sonic Mine initiates 2 Sonic damage to Lifeline.
  53. Sonic Mine deals Lifeline 2 Sonic damage.
  54. Lifeline is now at 22 HP.
  55. Applying ongoing effect: Lifeline cannot deal damage.
  56. Sonic Mine initiates 2 Sonic damage to Dr. Medico.
  57. Sonic Mine deals Dr. Medico 2 Sonic damage.
  58. Dr. Medico is now at 22 HP.
  59. Applying ongoing effect: Dr. Medico cannot deal damage.
  60. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment destroys Sonic Mine!
  61. GameController moved Sonic Mine to the villain trash.
  62. GameController moved Accelerated Assault to Tachyon's trash.
  63. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  64. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  65. Revealed card: Ley-Line Shift
  66. Revealed card: Terminarch's Casing
  67. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Ley-Line Shift from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  68. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Terminarch's Casing from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  69. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  70. Tachyon draws Hypersonic Assault.
  71. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  72. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  73. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  74. GameController plays Fortitude.
  75. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  76. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  77. America's Greatest Legacy's Gung-Ho caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 23.
  78. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  79. Lifeline draws Unleash Energy.
  80. Tachyon draws Lightspeed Barrage.
  81. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  82. Legacy draws Surge of Strength.
  83. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  84. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  85. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  86. GameController plays Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  87. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  88. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  89. Lifeline draws Ley-Line Shift.
  90. Legacy draws Superhuman Durability.
  91. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  92. Lifeline draws Harrow.
  93. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  94. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  95. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  96. GameController plays Experimental Medicine.
  97. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  98. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  99. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by America's Greatest Legacy by 2.
  100. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  101. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Healing Pulse.
  102. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  103. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  104. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  105. GameController plays Unhallowed Halls.
  106. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  107. Went from The Court of Blood's End phase to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  108. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: The Super Scientific Tachyon cannot deal damage.
  109. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: America's Greatest Legacy cannot deal damage.
  110. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: Lifeline cannot deal damage.
  111. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: Dr. Medico cannot deal damage.
  112. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  113. GameController plays Unavoidable Explosive.
  114. Unavoidable Explosive was moved to the bottom of the villain deck.
  115. Ambuscade shuffles their the villain deck.
  116. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  117. Ambuscade initiates 3 Projectile damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  118. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Ambuscade by 1.
  119. Ambuscade deals America's Greatest Legacy 2 Projectile damage.
  120. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 24 HP.
  121. Automated Turret initiates 2 Projectile damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  122. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Automated Turret by 1.
  123. Automated Turret deals America's Greatest Legacy 1 Projectile damage.
  124. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 23 HP.
  125. Ambuscade initiates 2 Projectile damage to Lifeline.
  126. Ambuscade deals Lifeline 2 Projectile damage.
  127. Lifeline is now at 21 HP.
  128. Ambuscade initiates 2 Projectile damage to Lifeline.
  129. Ambuscade deals Lifeline 2 Projectile damage.
  130. Lifeline is now at 19 HP.
  131. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  132. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  133. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase. (Count: 2)
  134. GameController plays Hypersonic Assault.
  135. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Sonic damage to Ambuscade.
  136. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Ambuscade 1 Sonic damage.
  137. Ambuscade is now at 48 HP.
  138. Applying ongoing effect: Ambuscade cannot deal damage.
  139. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Sonic damage to Automated Turret.
  140. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Automated Turret 1 Sonic damage.
  141. Automated Turret is now at 6 HP.
  142. Applying ongoing effect: Automated Turret cannot deal damage.
  143. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Sonic damage to Custom Hand-Cannon.
  144. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Custom Hand-Cannon 1 Sonic damage.
  145. Custom Hand-Cannon is now at 3 HP.
  146. Applying ongoing effect: Custom Hand-Cannon cannot deal damage.
  147. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Sonic damage to Custom Hand-Cannon.
  148. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Custom Hand-Cannon 1 Sonic damage.
  149. Custom Hand-Cannon is now at 3 HP.
  150. Applying ongoing effect: Custom Hand-Cannon cannot deal damage.
  151. GameController moved Hypersonic Assault to Tachyon's trash.
  152. GameController plays Sonic Vortex.
  153. Tachyon may select up to 1 targets.
  154. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 3 Sonic damage to Custom Hand-Cannon.
  155. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Custom Hand-Cannon 3 Sonic damage.
  156. Custom Hand-Cannon is now at 0 HP.
  157. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment destroys Custom Hand-Cannon!
  158. GameController moved Custom Hand-Cannon to the villain trash.
  159. GameController moved Sonic Vortex to Tachyon's trash.
  160. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  161. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  162. Revealed card: Cryptic Alignment
  163. Revealed card: Ley-Line Shift
  164. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Cryptic Alignment from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  165. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Ley-Line Shift from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  166. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  167. Tachyon draws Pushing The Limits.
  168. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  169. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  170. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  171. GameController plays Bolster Allies.
  172. Tachyon draws Fleet of Foot.
  173. Legacy draws The Legacy Ring.
  174. Lifeline draws Calculated Action.
  175. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Positive Prognosis.
  176. GameController moved Bolster Allies to Legacy's trash.
  177. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  178. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  179. Unhallowed Halls prevented Dr. Medico from regaining HP.
  180. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  181. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by Lifeline by 2.
  182. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  183. Legacy draws Heroic Interception.
  184. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  185. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  186. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  187. GameController plays Calculated Action.
  188. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  189. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  190. Lifeline deals Lifeline 2 Infernal damage.
  191. Lifeline is now at 17 HP.
  192. Calculated Action plays Unleash Energy.
  193. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Lifeline.
  194. Lifeline deals Lifeline 2 Energy damage.
  195. Lifeline is now at 15 HP.
  196. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Ambuscade.
  197. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 2 Energy damage.
  198. Ambuscade is now at 46 HP.
  199. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Automated Turret.
  200. Lifeline deals Automated Turret 2 Energy damage.
  201. Automated Turret is now at 4 HP.
  202. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Custom Hand-Cannon.
  203. Lifeline deals Custom Hand-Cannon 2 Energy damage.
  204. Custom Hand-Cannon is now at 1 HP.
  205. Unleash Energy plays Ley-Line Shift.
  206. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  207. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  208. Lifeline deals Lifeline 2 Infernal damage.
  209. Lifeline is now at 13 HP.
  210. Ley-Line Shift moved Armed and Dangerous from the villain deck to the villain trash.
  211. Ley-Line Shift moved Accelerated Assault from Tachyon's deck to Tachyon's trash.
  212. Ley-Line Shift moved Inspiring Presence from Legacy's deck to Legacy's trash.
  213. Ley-Line Shift moved Orphic Repository from Lifeline's deck to Lifeline's trash.
  214. Ley-Line Shift moved Doctor's Orders from Void Guard Dr. Medico's deck to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  215. Ley-Line Shift moved Angry Mob from the environment deck to the environment trash.
  216. Ley-Line Shift puts Orphic Repository into play.
  217. GameController moved Ley-Line Shift to Lifeline's trash.
  218. GameController moved Unleash Energy to Lifeline's trash.
  219. Calculated Action plays Haunting Memories.
  220. Lifeline initiates 2 Psychic damage to Lifeline.
  221. Lifeline deals Lifeline 2 Psychic damage.
  222. Lifeline is now at 11 HP.
  223. Haunting Memories moved Terminarch's Casing from Lifeline's trash to Lifeline's hand.
  224. Haunting Memories moved Ley-Line Shift from Lifeline's trash to Lifeline's hand.
  225. Haunting Memories moved Cryptic Alignment from Lifeline's trash to Lifeline's hand.
  226. GameController moved Haunting Memories to Lifeline's trash.
  227. GameController moved Calculated Action to Lifeline's trash.
  228. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  229. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  230. Lifeline draws Harrow.
  231. Tachyon draws Lightspeed Barrage.
  232. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  233. Lifeline draws Repair Ley-Line.
  234. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  235. Orphic Repository moved Calculated Action from Lifeline's trash under Orphic Repository.
  236. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  237. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Toxic damage to Dr. Medico.
  238. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  239. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  240. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Toxic damage.
  241. Dr. Medico is now at 20 HP.
  242. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  243. GameController plays Healing Pulse.
  244. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  245. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  246. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by Lifeline by 2.
  247. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  248. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Experimental Medicine.
  249. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  250. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  251. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  252. GameController plays Blood Countess Bathory.
  253. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  254. Blood Countess Bathory initiates 2 Melee damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  255. Blood Countess Bathory deals The Super Scientific Tachyon 2 Melee damage.
  256. The Super Scientific Tachyon is now at 22 HP.
  257. Blood Countess Bathory initiates 2 Infernal damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  258. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Blood Countess Bathory by 1.
  259. Blood Countess Bathory deals The Super Scientific Tachyon 3 Infernal damage.
  260. The Super Scientific Tachyon is now at 19 HP.
  261. Went from The Court of Blood's End phase to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  262. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  263. GameController plays Armed and Dangerous.
  264. Revealed matching card: Sonic Mine
  265. Armed and Dangerous puts Sonic Mine into play.
  266. Armed and Dangerous moves 0 cards to the top of Ambuscade's Deck.
  267. Ambuscade shuffles their the villain deck.
  268. Armed and Dangerous plays Snatch and Grab.
  269. GameController moved Snatch and Grab to the villain trash.
  270. GameController moved Armed and Dangerous to the villain trash.
  271. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  272. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  273. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: Ambuscade cannot deal damage.
  274. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: Automated Turret cannot deal damage.
  275. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: Custom Hand-Cannon cannot deal damage.
  276. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  277. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase. (Count: 2)
  278. GameController plays Pushing The Limits.
  279. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  280. GameController plays Fleet of Foot.
  281. Tachyon draws Pushing The Limits.
  282. Legacy draws Next Evolution.
  283. Lifeline draws Cryptic Alignment.
  284. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Positive Prognosis.
  285. Fleet of Foot plays Supersonic Response.
  286. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 2 Melee damage to Blood Countess Bathory.
  287. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Blood Countess Bathory 2 Melee damage.
  288. Blood Countess Bathory is now at 13 HP.
  289. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 2 Sonic damage to Blood Countess Bathory.
  290. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Blood Countess Bathory 2 Sonic damage.
  291. Blood Countess Bathory is now at 11 HP.
  292. GameController moved Supersonic Response to Tachyon's trash.
  293. GameController moved Fleet of Foot to Tachyon's trash.
  294. GameController plays Lightspeed Barrage.
  295. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 4 Melee damage to Blood Countess Bathory.
  296. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Blood Countess Bathory 4 Melee damage.
  297. Blood Countess Bathory is now at 7 HP.
  298. GameController moved Lightspeed Barrage to Tachyon's trash.
  299. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  300. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  301. Revealed card: Unnatural Upheaval
  302. Revealed card: Enclave's Tech
  303. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment puts Unnatural Upheaval into play.
  304. Unnatural Upheaval will destroy 3 ongoing cards.
  305. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Blood Countess Bathory.
  306. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  307. Lifeline deals Blood Countess Bathory 2 Infernal damage.
  308. Blood Countess Bathory is now at 5 HP.
  309. GameController moved Unnatural Upheaval to Lifeline's trash.
  310. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment puts Enclave's Tech into play.
  311. Revealed card: Haunting Memories
  312. Revealed card: Unleash Energy
  313. Revealed card: Unnatural Upheaval
  314. Revealed card: Calculated Action
  315. Revealed card: Harrow
  316. Revealed card: Repair Ley-Line
  317. Revealed card: Discharge Lifeforce
  318. Revealed matching card: Vitality Battery
  319. Enclave's Tech puts Vitality Battery into play.
  320. Enclave's Tech moved Haunting Memories from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  321. Enclave's Tech moved Unleash Energy from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  322. Enclave's Tech moved Unnatural Upheaval from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  323. Enclave's Tech moved Calculated Action from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  324. Enclave's Tech moved Harrow from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  325. Enclave's Tech moved Repair Ley-Line from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  326. Enclave's Tech moved Discharge Lifeforce from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  327. Enclave's Tech moves 12 cards to the top of Lifeline's Deck.
  328. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  329. GameController moved Enclave's Tech to Lifeline's trash.
  330. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of DrawCard by 1.
  331. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase. (Count: 2)
  332. Tachyon draws Lightspeed Barrage.
  333. Tachyon draws Sonic Vortex.
  334. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  335. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  336. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  337. GameController plays Motivational Charge.
  338. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  339. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  340. Unhallowed Halls prevented Dr. Medico from regaining HP.
  341. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  342. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by Lifeline by 2.
  343. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  344. Legacy draws Lead from the Front.
  345. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  346. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  347. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  348. GameController plays Terminarch's Casing.
  349. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  350. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  351. Lifeline draws Alien Arcana.
  352. Tachyon draws Pushing The Limits.
  353. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  354. Lifeline draws Calculated Action.
  355. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  356. Orphic Repository moves 1 cards to the top of Lifeline's Hand.
  357. Lifeline initiates 1 Lightning damage to Sonic Mine.
  358. Lifeline deals Sonic Mine 1 Lightning damage.
  359. Sonic Mine is now at 0 HP.
  360. Sonic Mine initiates 2 Sonic damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  361. Sonic Mine deals The Super Scientific Tachyon 2 Sonic damage.
  362. The Super Scientific Tachyon is now at 17 HP.
  363. Applying ongoing effect: The Super Scientific Tachyon cannot deal damage.
  364. Sonic Mine initiates 2 Sonic damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  365. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Sonic Mine by 1.
  366. Sonic Mine deals America's Greatest Legacy 1 Sonic damage.
  367. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 22 HP.
  368. Applying ongoing effect: America's Greatest Legacy cannot deal damage.
  369. Sonic Mine initiates 2 Sonic damage to Lifeline.
  370. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Sonic Mine by 1.
  371. Sonic Mine deals Lifeline 1 Sonic damage.
  372. Lifeline is now at 10 HP.
  373. Applying ongoing effect: Lifeline cannot deal damage.
  374. Sonic Mine initiates 2 Sonic damage to Dr. Medico.
  375. Sonic Mine deals Dr. Medico 2 Sonic damage.
  376. Dr. Medico is now at 18 HP.
  377. Applying ongoing effect: Dr. Medico cannot deal damage.
  378. Lifeline draws Repair Ley-Line.
  379. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Sonic Mine!
  380. GameController moved Sonic Mine to the villain trash.
  381. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  382. Experimental Medicine destroys itself!
  383. GameController moved Experimental Medicine to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  384. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  385. GameController plays Experimental Medicine.
  386. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  387. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  388. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by Lifeline by 2.
  389. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  390. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Regeneration.
  391. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  392. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  393. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  394. GameController plays Dame Katarina.
  395. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  396. Blood Countess Bathory initiates 2 Melee damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  397. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Blood Countess Bathory by 1.
  398. Blood Countess Bathory deals America's Greatest Legacy 1 Melee damage.
  399. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 21 HP.
  400. Blood Countess Bathory initiates 2 Infernal damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  401. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Blood Countess Bathory by 1.
  402. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Blood Countess Bathory by 1.
  403. Blood Countess Bathory deals America's Greatest Legacy 2 Infernal damage.
  404. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 19 HP.
  405. Dame Katarina initiates 3 Infernal damage to Custom Hand-Cannon.
  406. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Dame Katarina by 1.
  407. Dame Katarina deals Custom Hand-Cannon 4 Infernal damage.
  408. Custom Hand-Cannon is now at -3 HP.
  409. Dame Katarina destroys Custom Hand-Cannon!
  410. GameController moved Custom Hand-Cannon to the villain trash.
  411. Went from The Court of Blood's End phase to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  412. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: The Super Scientific Tachyon cannot deal damage.
  413. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: America's Greatest Legacy cannot deal damage.
  414. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: Lifeline cannot deal damage.
  415. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: Dr. Medico cannot deal damage.
  416. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  417. GameController plays Vanish.
  418. Vanish puts Personal Cloaking Device into play.
  419. Ambuscade was flipped to its back side.
  420. Ambuscade shuffles their the villain deck.
  421. GameController moved Vanish to the villain trash.
  422. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  423. Ambuscade initiates 3 Energy damage to Lifeline.
  424. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Ambuscade by 1.
  425. Ambuscade deals Lifeline 2 Energy damage.
  426. Lifeline is now at 8 HP.
  427. Automated Turret initiates 2 Projectile damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  428. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Automated Turret by 1.
  429. Automated Turret deals America's Greatest Legacy 1 Projectile damage.
  430. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 18 HP.
  431. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  432. Pushing The Limits destroys itself!
  433. GameController moved Pushing The Limits to Tachyon's trash.
  434. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  435. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase. (Count: 2)
  436. GameController plays Pushing The Limits.
  437. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  438. GameController plays Sonic Vortex.
  439. Tachyon may select up to 4 targets.
  440. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 3 Sonic damage to Automated Turret.
  441. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Automated Turret 3 Sonic damage.
  442. Automated Turret is now at 1 HP.
  443. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 3 Sonic damage to Blood Countess Bathory.
  444. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Blood Countess Bathory 3 Sonic damage.
  445. Blood Countess Bathory is now at 2 HP.
  446. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 3 Sonic damage to Personal Cloaking Device.
  447. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Personal Cloaking Device 3 Sonic damage.
  448. Personal Cloaking Device is now at 6 HP.
  449. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 3 Sonic damage to Dame Katarina.
  450. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Dame Katarina 3 Sonic damage.
  451. Dame Katarina is now at 8 HP.
  452. GameController moved Sonic Vortex to Tachyon's trash.
  453. GameController plays Lightspeed Barrage.
  454. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 4 Melee damage to Personal Cloaking Device.
  455. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Personal Cloaking Device 4 Melee damage.
  456. Personal Cloaking Device is now at 2 HP.
  457. GameController moved Lightspeed Barrage to Tachyon's trash.
  458. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  459. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  460. Revealed card: Synaptic Interruption
  461. Revealed card: Research Grant
  462. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment puts Research Grant into play.
  463. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment puts Synaptic Interruption into play.
  464. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of DrawCard by 1.
  465. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase. (Count: 2)
  466. Tachyon draws Nimble Strike.
  467. Tachyon draws Blinding Speed.
  468. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  469. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  470. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  471. GameController plays Surge of Strength.
  472. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  473. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  474. Unhallowed Halls prevented Dr. Medico from regaining HP.
  475. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  476. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by Lifeline by 2.
  477. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  478. Legacy draws Lead from the Front.
  479. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  480. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  481. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  482. GameController plays Alien Arcana.
  483. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  484. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  485. Lifeline draws Matter Manipulator.
  486. Tachyon draws Fleet of Foot.
  487. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  488. Lifeline draws Unleash Energy.
  489. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  490. Orphic Repository moved Enclave's Tech from Lifeline's trash under Orphic Repository.
  491. Lifeline initiates 1 Lightning damage to Personal Cloaking Device.
  492. Lifeline deals Personal Cloaking Device 1 Lightning damage.
  493. Personal Cloaking Device is now at 1 HP.
  494. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Personal Cloaking Device.
  495. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  496. Lifeline deals Personal Cloaking Device 2 Infernal damage.
  497. Personal Cloaking Device is now at -1 HP.
  498. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Personal Cloaking Device!
  499. Lifeline draws Discharge Lifeforce.
  500. GameController moved Personal Cloaking Device to the villain trash.
  501. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  502. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Toxic damage to Dr. Medico.
  503. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  504. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  505. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Toxic damage.
  506. Dr. Medico is now at 16 HP.
  507. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  508. GameController plays Universal Donor.
  509. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  510. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  511. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by America's Greatest Legacy by 2.
  512. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  513. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Regeneration.
  514. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  515. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  516. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  517. GameController plays Angry Mob.
  518. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  519. Blood Countess Bathory initiates 2 Melee damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  520. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Blood Countess Bathory by 1.
  521. Blood Countess Bathory deals America's Greatest Legacy 1 Melee damage.
  522. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 17 HP.
  523. Blood Countess Bathory initiates 2 Infernal damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  524. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Blood Countess Bathory by 1.
  525. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Blood Countess Bathory by 1.
  526. Blood Countess Bathory deals America's Greatest Legacy 2 Infernal damage.
  527. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 15 HP.
  528. Dame Katarina initiates 3 Infernal damage to Automated Turret.
  529. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Dame Katarina by 1.
  530. Dame Katarina deals Automated Turret 4 Infernal damage.
  531. Automated Turret is now at -3 HP.
  532. Dame Katarina destroys Automated Turret!
  533. GameController moved Automated Turret to the villain trash.
  534. Went from The Court of Blood's End phase to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  535. Ambuscade was flipped to its front side.
  536. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  537. GameController plays Charged Attacks.
  538. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  539. Ambuscade initiates 3 Projectile damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  540. Synaptic Interruption redirects the damage dealt from The Super Scientific Tachyon to Dame Katarina.
  541. Synaptic Interruption destroys itself!
  542. GameController moved Synaptic Interruption to Tachyon's trash.
  543. Charged Attacks increases the damage dealt by Ambuscade by 1.
  544. Ambuscade deals Dame Katarina 4 Projectile damage.
  545. Dame Katarina is now at 4 HP.
  546. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  547. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 2 Sonic damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  548. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals The Super Scientific Tachyon 2 Sonic damage.
  549. The Super Scientific Tachyon is now at 15 HP.
  550. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  551. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  552. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase. (Count: 3)
  553. GameController plays Fleet of Foot.
  554. Tachyon draws Synaptic Interruption.
  555. Legacy draws Back-Fist Strike.
  556. Lifeline draws Alien Arcana.
  557. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws From the Brink.
  558. Fleet of Foot plays Nimble Strike.
  559. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Melee damage to Dame Katarina.
  560. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Dame Katarina 1 Melee damage.
  561. Dame Katarina is now at 3 HP.
  562. Tachyon draws Nimble Strike.
  563. GameController moved Nimble Strike to Tachyon's trash.
  564. GameController moved Fleet of Foot to Tachyon's trash.
  565. GameController plays Blinding Speed.
  566. Blinding Speed destroys Unhallowed Halls!
  567. GameController moved Unhallowed Halls to the environment trash.
  568. GameController moved Blinding Speed to Tachyon's trash.
  569. GameController plays Synaptic Interruption.
  570. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  571. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  572. Revealed card: Unleash Energy
  573. Revealed card: Unnatural Upheaval
  574. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment puts Unnatural Upheaval into play.
  575. Unnatural Upheaval will destroy 3 ongoing cards.
  576. Unnatural Upheaval destroys Charged Attacks!
  577. GameController moved Charged Attacks to the villain trash.
  578. Lifeline initiates 3 Infernal damage to Dame Katarina.
  579. Lifeline deals Dame Katarina 3 Infernal damage.
  580. Dame Katarina is now at 0 HP.
  581. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Dame Katarina!
  582. GameController moved Dame Katarina to the environment trash.
  583. GameController moved Unnatural Upheaval to Lifeline's trash.
  584. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment puts Unleash Energy into play.
  585. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Lifeline.
  586. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  587. Lifeline deals Lifeline 1 Energy damage.
  588. Lifeline is now at 7 HP.
  589. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Ambuscade.
  590. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 2 Energy damage.
  591. Ambuscade is now at 44 HP.
  592. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Angry Mob.
  593. Lifeline deals Angry Mob 2 Energy damage.
  594. Angry Mob is now at 8 HP.
  595. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Blood Countess Bathory.
  596. Lifeline deals Blood Countess Bathory 2 Energy damage.
  597. Blood Countess Bathory is now at 0 HP.
  598. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Blood Countess Bathory!
  599. GameController moved Blood Countess Bathory to the environment trash.
  600. Unleash Energy plays Alien Arcana.
  601. Lifeline draws Matter Manipulator.
  602. GameController moved Unleash Energy to Lifeline's trash.
  603. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of DrawCard by 1.
  604. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase. (Count: 2)
  605. Tachyon draws Synaptic Interruption.
  606. Tachyon draws Quick Insight.
  607. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  608. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  609. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  610. GameController plays The Legacy Ring.
  611. The Legacy Ring increased the action count of UsePower by 1.
  612. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase. (Count: 2)
  613. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  614. Dr. Medico's Clinical Consult increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 2.
  615. Dr. Medico's Clinical Consult increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 2.
  616. Dr. Medico's Clinical Consult increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 2.
  617. Dr. Medico's Clinical Consult increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 2.
  618. Dr. Medico's Clinical Consult increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 2.
  619. America's Greatest Legacy's Gung-Ho caused Lifeline to regain 11 HP. HP is now 18.
  620. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  621. Lifeline draws Calculated Action.
  622. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Immunization.
  623. Legacy uses the power on Motivational Charge.
  624. America's Greatest Legacy initiates 2 Melee damage to Angry Mob.
  625. Surge of Strength increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  626. America's Greatest Legacy deals Angry Mob 3 Melee damage.
  627. Angry Mob is now at 5 HP.
  628. Motivational Charge caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 1 HP. HP is now 16.
  629. Dr. Medico's Clinical Consult increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 2.
  630. Dr. Medico's Clinical Consult increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 2.
  631. Motivational Charge caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 5 HP. HP is now 20.
  632. Motivational Charge caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 19.
  633. Motivational Charge caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP. HP is now 17.
  634. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  635. Legacy draws "Thokk!".
  636. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  637. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  638. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  639. GameController plays Calculated Action.
  640. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  641. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  642. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  643. Calculated Action plays Calculated Action.
  644. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  645. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  646. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  647. Calculated Action plays Calculated Action.
  648. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  649. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  650. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  651. Calculated Action plays Infernal Detonator.
  652. Calculated Action plays Matter Manipulator.
  653. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  654. Lifeline uses the power on Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  655. Lifeline initiates 2 Melee damage to Angry Mob.
  656. Lifeline deals Angry Mob 2 Melee damage.
  657. Angry Mob is now at 3 HP.
  658. Lifeline initiates 1 Fire damage to Angry Mob.
  659. Lifeline deals Angry Mob 1 Fire damage.
  660. Angry Mob is now at 2 HP.
  661. Lifeline draws Haunting Memories.
  662. GameController moved Calculated Action to Lifeline's trash.
  663. Calculated Action plays Ley-Line Shift.
  664. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  665. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  666. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  667. Ley-Line Shift moved Vanish from the villain deck to the villain trash.
  668. Ley-Line Shift moved Blinding Speed from Tachyon's deck to Tachyon's trash.
  669. Ley-Line Shift moved Back-Fist Strike from Legacy's deck to Legacy's trash.
  670. Ley-Line Shift moved Unnatural Upheaval from Lifeline's deck to Lifeline's trash.
  671. Ley-Line Shift moved Second Opinion from Void Guard Dr. Medico's deck to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  672. Ley-Line Shift moved Unhallowed Halls from the environment deck to the environment trash.
  673. Ley-Line Shift puts Second Opinion into play.
  674. GameController moved Ley-Line Shift to Lifeline's trash.
  675. GameController moved Calculated Action to Lifeline's trash.
  676. Calculated Action plays Discharge Lifeforce.
  677. GameController moved Calculated Action to Lifeline's trash.
  678. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  679. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  680. Lifeline draws Repair Ley-Line.
  681. Legacy draws Fortitude.
  682. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  683. Lifeline draws Ley-Line Shift.
  684. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  685. Orphic Repository moved Calculated Action from Lifeline's trash under Orphic Repository.
  686. Terminarch's Casing caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 20.
  687. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Angry Mob.
  688. Lifeline deals Angry Mob 1 Infernal damage.
  689. Angry Mob is now at 1 HP.
  690. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Angry Mob.
  691. Lifeline deals Angry Mob 1 Infernal damage.
  692. Angry Mob is now at 0 HP.
  693. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Angry Mob!
  694. Vitality Battery caused Lifeline to regain 2 HP. HP is now 22.
  695. GameController moved Angry Mob to the environment trash.
  696. Infernal Detonator moved Harrow from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  697. Infernal Detonator moved Harrow from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  698. Infernal Detonator moved Matter Manipulator from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  699. Infernal Detonator moved Unnatural Upheaval from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  700. Infernal Detonator moved Repair Ley-Line from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  701. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  702. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Toxic damage to Dr. Medico.
  703. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  704. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  705. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Toxic damage.
  706. Dr. Medico is now at 15 HP.
  707. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  708. Universal Donor caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 2 HP. HP is now 18.
  709. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  710. GameController plays Regeneration.
  711. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  712. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Healing Pulse.
  713. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Energy damage to Dr. Medico.
  714. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  715. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  716. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Energy damage.
  717. Dr. Medico is now at 13 HP.
  718. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  719. Universal Donor caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 2 HP. HP is now 20.
  720. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  721. Healing Pulse caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 3 HP. HP is now 23.
  722. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  723. Healing Pulse caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 3 HP. HP is now 23.
  724. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  725. Second Opinion prevented Lifeline from regaining HP.
  726. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  727. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  728. Lifeline uses the power on Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  729. Lifeline initiates 2 Melee damage to Ambuscade.
  730. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 2 Melee damage.
  731. Ambuscade is now at 42 HP.
  732. Lifeline initiates 1 Fire damage to Ambuscade.
  733. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 1 Fire damage.
  734. Ambuscade is now at 41 HP.
  735. Tachyon draws HUD Goggles.
  736. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  737. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Immunization.
  738. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  739. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  740. Healing Pulse caused Dr. Medico to regain 2 HP. HP is now 15.
  741. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  742. Healing Pulse caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 2 HP. HP is now 25.
  743. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  744. Healing Pulse caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 2 HP. HP is now 25.
  745. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  746. Regeneration caused Dr. Medico to regain 3 HP. HP is now 18.
  747. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  748. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  749. GameController plays Dowager Ilona.
  750. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  751. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  752. Regeneration caused Dr. Medico to regain 3 HP. HP is now 21.
  753. Went from The Court of Blood's End phase to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  754. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  755. GameController plays Run and Gun.
  756. Ambuscade initiates 2 Projectile damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  757. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Ambuscade by 1.
  758. Ambuscade deals America's Greatest Legacy 1 Projectile damage.
  759. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 24 HP.
  760. Run and Gun moves 12 cards to the top of Ambuscade's Deck.
  761. Ambuscade shuffles their the villain deck.
  762. Run and Gun plays Custom Hand-Cannon.
  763. GameController moved Run and Gun to the villain trash.
  764. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  765. Ambuscade initiates 3 Projectile damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  766. Synaptic Interruption redirects the damage dealt from The Super Scientific Tachyon to Custom Hand-Cannon.
  767. Synaptic Interruption destroys itself!
  768. GameController moved Synaptic Interruption to Tachyon's trash.
  769. Ambuscade deals Custom Hand-Cannon 3 Projectile damage.
  770. Custom Hand-Cannon is now at 2 HP.
  771. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  772. Regeneration caused Dr. Medico to regain 3 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 24.
  773. Ambuscade initiates 2 Projectile damage to Lifeline.
  774. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Ambuscade by 1.
  775. Ambuscade deals Lifeline 1 Projectile damage.
  776. Lifeline is now at 21 HP.
  777. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  778. Pushing The Limits destroys itself!
  779. GameController moved Pushing The Limits to Tachyon's trash.
  780. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  781. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase. (Count: 2)
  782. GameController plays Pushing The Limits.
  783. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  784. GameController plays Nimble Strike.
  785. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Melee damage to Custom Hand-Cannon.
  786. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Custom Hand-Cannon 1 Melee damage.
  787. Custom Hand-Cannon is now at 1 HP.
  788. Tachyon draws Sucker Punch.
  789. GameController moved Nimble Strike to Tachyon's trash.
  790. GameController plays Synaptic Interruption.
  791. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  792. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  793. Revealed card: Unleash Energy
  794. Revealed card: Enclave's Tech
  795. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment puts Enclave's Tech into play.
  796. Revealed card: Cosmic Immolation
  797. Revealed card: Discharge Lifeforce
  798. Revealed card: Haunting Memories
  799. Revealed card: Cosmic Immolation
  800. Revealed card: Haunting Memories
  801. Revealed card: Harrow
  802. Revealed card: Matter Manipulator
  803. Revealed card: Ley-Line Shift
  804. Revealed card: Enclave's Tech
  805. Ran out of cards to reveal.
  806. Enclave's Tech moved Cosmic Immolation from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  807. Enclave's Tech moved Discharge Lifeforce from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  808. Enclave's Tech moved Haunting Memories from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  809. Enclave's Tech moved Cosmic Immolation from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  810. Enclave's Tech moved Haunting Memories from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  811. Enclave's Tech moved Harrow from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  812. Enclave's Tech moved Matter Manipulator from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  813. Enclave's Tech moved Ley-Line Shift from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  814. Enclave's Tech moved Enclave's Tech from Lifeline's revealed cards to Lifeline's trash.
  815. Enclave's Tech moves 15 cards to the top of Lifeline's Deck.
  816. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  817. GameController moved Enclave's Tech to Lifeline's trash.
  818. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment puts Unleash Energy into play.
  819. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Lifeline.
  820. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  821. Lifeline deals Lifeline 1 Energy damage.
  822. Lifeline is now at 20 HP.
  823. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Ambuscade.
  824. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 2 Energy damage.
  825. Ambuscade is now at 39 HP.
  826. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Custom Hand-Cannon.
  827. Lifeline deals Custom Hand-Cannon 2 Energy damage.
  828. Custom Hand-Cannon is now at -1 HP.
  829. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Custom Hand-Cannon!
  830. GameController moved Custom Hand-Cannon to the villain trash.
  831. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Dowager Ilona.
  832. Lifeline deals Dowager Ilona 2 Energy damage.
  833. Dowager Ilona is now at 5 HP.
  834. Unleash Energy plays Unleash Energy.
  835. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Lifeline.
  836. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  837. Lifeline deals Lifeline 1 Energy damage.
  838. Lifeline is now at 19 HP.
  839. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Ambuscade.
  840. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 2 Energy damage.
  841. Ambuscade is now at 37 HP.
  842. Lifeline initiates 2 Energy damage to Dowager Ilona.
  843. Lifeline deals Dowager Ilona 2 Energy damage.
  844. Dowager Ilona is now at 3 HP.
  845. Unleash Energy plays Cryptic Alignment.
  846. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  847. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  848. Lifeline draws Matter Manipulator.
  849. Legacy draws Bolster Allies.
  850. Lifeline draws Haunting Memories.
  851. GameController moved Unleash Energy to Lifeline's trash.
  852. GameController moved Unleash Energy to Lifeline's trash.
  853. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of DrawCard by 1.
  854. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase. (Count: 2)
  855. Tachyon draws Nimble Strike.
  856. Tachyon draws Blinding Speed.
  857. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  858. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  859. Regeneration tried to increase Dr. Medico's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  860. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  861. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  862. GameController plays Bolster Allies.
  863. Tachyon draws Lightning Reflexes.
  864. Legacy draws Heroic Interception.
  865. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  866. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  867. Lifeline draws Discharge Lifeforce.
  868. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Preventative Care.
  869. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Second Opinion.
  870. GameController moved Bolster Allies to Legacy's trash.
  871. The Legacy Ring increased the action count of UsePower by 1.
  872. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase. (Count: 2)
  873. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  874. America's Greatest Legacy's Gung-Ho tried to increase Dr. Medico's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  875. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  876. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by America's Greatest Legacy by 2.
  877. Legacy uses the power on Motivational Charge.
  878. America's Greatest Legacy initiates 2 Melee damage to Ambuscade.
  879. Surge of Strength increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  880. America's Greatest Legacy deals Ambuscade 3 Melee damage.
  881. Ambuscade is now at 34 HP.
  882. Motivational Charge caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 1 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 26.
  883. Dr. Medico's Clinical Consult increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 2.
  884. Motivational Charge caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 3 HP. HP is now 27.
  885. Motivational Charge caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 20.
  886. Motivational Charge tried to increase Dr. Medico's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  887. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  888. Legacy draws Next Evolution.
  889. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  890. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  891. Regeneration tried to increase Dr. Medico's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  892. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  893. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  894. GameController plays Discharge Lifeforce.
  895. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  896. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  897. Lifeline draws Cosmic Immolation.
  898. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Triage.
  899. Lifeline draws Cosmic Immolation.
  900. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  901. Lifeline uses the power on Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  902. Lifeline initiates 2 Melee damage to Dowager Ilona.
  903. Lifeline deals Dowager Ilona 2 Melee damage.
  904. Dowager Ilona is now at 1 HP.
  905. Lifeline initiates 1 Fire damage to Dowager Ilona.
  906. Lifeline deals Dowager Ilona 1 Fire damage.
  907. Dowager Ilona is now at 0 HP.
  908. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Dowager Ilona!
  909. Lifeline draws Enclave's Tech.
  910. GameController moved Dowager Ilona to the environment trash.
  911. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  912. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 1 Infernal damage.
  913. Ambuscade is now at 33 HP.
  914. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  915. Lifeline draws Unnatural Upheaval.
  916. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  917. Orphic Repository moved Unleash Energy from Lifeline's trash under Orphic Repository.
  918. Terminarch's Casing caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 21.
  919. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  920. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 1 Infernal damage.
  921. Ambuscade is now at 32 HP.
  922. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  923. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 1 Infernal damage.
  924. Ambuscade is now at 31 HP.
  925. Infernal Detonator moved Haunting Memories from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  926. Infernal Detonator moved Haunting Memories from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  927. Infernal Detonator moved Matter Manipulator from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  928. Infernal Detonator moved Unnatural Upheaval from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  929. Infernal Detonator moved Repair Ley-Line from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  930. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  931. Regeneration tried to increase Dr. Medico's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  932. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  933. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Toxic damage to Dr. Medico.
  934. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  935. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  936. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Toxic damage.
  937. Dr. Medico is now at 22 HP.
  938. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  939. Universal Donor caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 2 HP. HP is now 29.
  940. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Healing Pulse.
  941. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Doctor's Orders.
  942. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  943. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by Dr. Medico by 2.
  944. Regeneration destroys itself!
  945. GameController moved Regeneration to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  946. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  947. GameController plays Positive Prognosis.
  948. Dr. Medico initiates 1 Energy damage to Dr. Medico.
  949. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  950. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  951. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 1 Energy damage.
  952. Dr. Medico is now at 21 HP.
  953. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  954. Universal Donor caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 1 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 30.
  955. Tachyon draws Quick Insight.
  956. Legacy draws Danger Sense.
  957. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  958. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  959. Lifeline draws Unnatural Upheaval.
  960. Legacy draws Danger Sense.
  961. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Intensive Care.
  962. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  963. Positive Prognosis tried to increase The Super Scientific Tachyon's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  964. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  965. Positive Prognosis tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  966. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  967. Positive Prognosis caused Lifeline to regain 2 HP. HP is now 23.
  968. Dr. Medico's Clinical Consult increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 2.
  969. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  970. Positive Prognosis caused Dr. Medico to regain 3 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 24.
  971. GameController moved Positive Prognosis to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  972. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  973. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Universal Donor.
  974. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Ambuscade by 1.
  975. Universal Donor caused Ambuscade to regain 3 HP. HP is now 34.
  976. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  977. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Doctor's Orders.
  978. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  979. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Ambuscade by 1.
  980. Healing Pulse caused Ambuscade to regain 2 HP. HP is now 36.
  981. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  982. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  983. GameController plays Infecting an Heir.
  984. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  985. There are no vampires in play to infect an heir.
  986. Went from The Court of Blood's End phase to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  987. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  988. GameController plays Vanish.
  989. Vanish puts Personal Cloaking Device into play.
  990. Ambuscade was flipped to its back side.
  991. Ambuscade shuffles their the villain deck.
  992. GameController moved Vanish to the villain trash.
  993. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  994. Ambuscade initiates 3 Energy damage to Lifeline.
  995. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Ambuscade by 1.
  996. Ambuscade deals Lifeline 2 Energy damage.
  997. Lifeline is now at 21 HP.
  998. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  999. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 2 Sonic damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1000. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals The Super Scientific Tachyon 2 Sonic damage.
  1001. The Super Scientific Tachyon is now at 24 HP.
  1002. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  1003. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  1004. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase. (Count: 3)
  1005. GameController plays Nimble Strike.
  1006. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Melee damage to Personal Cloaking Device.
  1007. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Personal Cloaking Device 1 Melee damage.
  1008. Personal Cloaking Device is now at 8 HP.
  1009. Tachyon draws Research Grant.
  1010. GameController moved Nimble Strike to Tachyon's trash.
  1011. GameController plays Research Grant.
  1012. GameController plays Lightspeed Barrage.
  1013. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 12 Melee damage to Personal Cloaking Device.
  1014. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Personal Cloaking Device 12 Melee damage.
  1015. Personal Cloaking Device is now at -4 HP.
  1016. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment destroys Personal Cloaking Device!
  1017. GameController moved Personal Cloaking Device to the villain trash.
  1018. GameController moved Lightspeed Barrage to Tachyon's trash.
  1019. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1020. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1021. Revealed card: Calculated Action
  1022. Revealed card: Haunting Memories
  1023. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment puts Haunting Memories into play.
  1024. Lifeline initiates 2 Psychic damage to Lifeline.
  1025. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1026. Lifeline deals Lifeline 1 Psychic damage.
  1027. Lifeline is now at 20 HP.
  1028. Haunting Memories moved Enclave's Tech from Lifeline's trash to Lifeline's hand.
  1029. Haunting Memories moved Unleash Energy from Lifeline's trash to Lifeline's hand.
  1030. GameController moved Haunting Memories to Lifeline's trash.
  1031. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment puts Calculated Action into play.
  1032. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  1033. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1034. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1035. Calculated Action plays Cryptic Alignment.
  1036. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  1037. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  1038. Lifeline draws Ley-Line Shift.
  1039. Legacy draws Inspiring Presence.
  1040. Lifeline draws Unleash Energy.
  1041. Calculated Action plays Ley-Line Shift.
  1042. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  1043. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1044. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1045. Ley-Line Shift moved Charged Attacks from the villain deck to the villain trash.
  1046. Ley-Line Shift moved Hypersonic Assault from Tachyon's deck to Tachyon's trash.
  1047. Ley-Line Shift moved Surge of Strength from Legacy's deck to Legacy's trash.
  1048. Ley-Line Shift moved Calculated Action from Lifeline's deck to Lifeline's trash.
  1049. Ley-Line Shift moved Flare Up from Void Guard Dr. Medico's deck to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  1050. Ley-Line Shift moved Relict Dorotya from the environment deck to the environment trash.
  1051. Ley-Line Shift puts Calculated Action into play.
  1052. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  1053. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1054. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1055. Calculated Action plays Ley-Line Shift.
  1056. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  1057. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1058. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1059. Ley-Line Shift moved Sonic Mine from the villain deck to the villain trash.
  1060. Ley-Line Shift moved Lightning Reflexes from Tachyon's deck to Tachyon's trash.
  1061. Ley-Line Shift moved Motivational Charge from Legacy's deck to Legacy's trash.
  1062. Ley-Line Shift moved Harrow from Lifeline's deck to Lifeline's trash.
  1063. Ley-Line Shift moved Intensive Care from Void Guard Dr. Medico's deck to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  1064. Ley-Line Shift moved Feast of Flesh from the environment deck to the environment trash.
  1065. Ley-Line Shift puts Intensive Care into play.
  1066. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Energy damage to Dr. Medico.
  1067. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1068. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1069. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Energy damage.
  1070. Dr. Medico is now at 22 HP.
  1071. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1072. Universal Donor caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 2 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 26.
  1073. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1074. Intensive Care tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1075. Applying ongoing effect: Reduce the next damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by 2.
  1076. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Positive Prognosis.
  1077. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Triage.
  1078. GameController moved Intensive Care to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  1079. GameController moved Ley-Line Shift to Lifeline's trash.
  1080. Calculated Action plays Repair Ley-Line.
  1081. Repair Ley-Line tried to increase The Super Scientific Tachyon's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1082. Repair Ley-Line tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1083. Repair Ley-Line caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 21.
  1084. Repair Ley-Line caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP. HP is now 23.
  1085. Tachyon draws HUD Goggles.
  1086. Legacy draws Motivational Charge.
  1087. Lifeline draws Ley-Line Shift.
  1088. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Universal Donor.
  1089. Repair Ley-Line plays Matron Erzsi.
  1090. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  1091. America's Greatest Legacy's Gung-Ho caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 22.
  1092. Lifeline uses the power on Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  1093. Lifeline initiates 2 Melee damage to Matron Erzsi.
  1094. Matron Erzsi reduces the damage dealt to Matron Erzsi by Lifeline by 1.
  1095. Lifeline deals Matron Erzsi 1 Melee damage.
  1096. Matron Erzsi is now at 12 HP.
  1097. Lifeline initiates 1 Fire damage to Matron Erzsi.
  1098. Matron Erzsi reduces the damage dealt to Matron Erzsi by Lifeline by 1.
  1099. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1100. GameController moved Repair Ley-Line to Lifeline's trash.
  1101. GameController moved Calculated Action to Lifeline's trash.
  1102. GameController moved Ley-Line Shift to Lifeline's trash.
  1103. GameController moved Calculated Action to Lifeline's trash.
  1104. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of DrawCard by 1.
  1105. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase. (Count: 2)
  1106. Tachyon draws Accelerated Assault.
  1107. Tachyon draws Fleet of Foot.
  1108. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1109. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  1110. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1111. GameController plays Inspiring Presence.
  1112. Inspiring Presence tried to increase The Super Scientific Tachyon's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1113. Inspiring Presence tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1114. Inspiring Presence caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 23.
  1115. Inspiring Presence caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 24.
  1116. The Legacy Ring increased the action count of UsePower by 1.
  1117. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase. (Count: 2)
  1118. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  1119. America's Greatest Legacy's Gung-Ho tried to increase The Super Scientific Tachyon's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1120. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1121. Legacy uses the power on Motivational Charge.
  1122. America's Greatest Legacy initiates 2 Melee damage to Matron Erzsi.
  1123. Surge of Strength increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1124. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1125. Matron Erzsi reduces the damage dealt to Matron Erzsi by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1126. America's Greatest Legacy deals Matron Erzsi 3 Melee damage.
  1127. Matron Erzsi is now at 9 HP.
  1128. Motivational Charge tried to increase The Super Scientific Tachyon's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1129. Motivational Charge tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1130. Motivational Charge caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 24.
  1131. Motivational Charge tried to increase Dr. Medico's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1132. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1133. Legacy draws Superhuman Durability.
  1134. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1135. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  1136. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1137. GameController plays Cosmic Immolation.
  1138. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  1139. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  1140. Lifeline's Extract Power moves 7 cards to the top of Lifeline's Deck.
  1141. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1142. Lifeline draws Ley-Line Shift.
  1143. Legacy draws Inspiring Presence.
  1144. Lifeline draws Haunting Memories.
  1145. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1146. Lifeline uses the power on Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  1147. Lifeline initiates 2 Melee damage to Matron Erzsi.
  1148. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1149. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1150. Matron Erzsi reduces the damage dealt to Matron Erzsi by Lifeline by 1.
  1151. Lifeline deals Matron Erzsi 4 Melee damage.
  1152. Matron Erzsi is now at 5 HP.
  1153. Lifeline initiates 1 Fire damage to Matron Erzsi.
  1154. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1155. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1156. Matron Erzsi reduces the damage dealt to Matron Erzsi by Lifeline by 1.
  1157. Lifeline deals Matron Erzsi 3 Fire damage.
  1158. Matron Erzsi is now at 2 HP.
  1159. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1160. Lifeline draws Ley-Line Shift.
  1161. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1162. Orphic Repository moves 3 cards to the top of Lifeline's Hand.
  1163. Lifeline initiates 1 Lightning damage to Matron Erzsi.
  1164. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1165. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1166. Matron Erzsi reduces the damage dealt to Matron Erzsi by Lifeline by 1.
  1167. Lifeline deals Matron Erzsi 3 Lightning damage.
  1168. Matron Erzsi is now at -1 HP.
  1169. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Matron Erzsi!
  1170. Lifeline draws Calculated Action.
  1171. GameController moved Matron Erzsi to the environment trash.
  1172. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  1173. Ambuscade made Ambuscade immune to damage.
  1174. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1175. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  1176. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1177. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1178. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1179. Lifeline deals Lifeline 3 Infernal damage.
  1180. Lifeline is now at 21 HP.
  1181. Infernal Detonator moved Enclave's Tech from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1182. Infernal Detonator moved Enclave's Tech from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1183. Infernal Detonator moved Enclave's Tech from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1184. Infernal Detonator moved Haunting Memories from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1185. Infernal Detonator moved Ley-Line Shift from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1186. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  1187. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Toxic damage to Dr. Medico.
  1188. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1189. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1190. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Toxic damage.
  1191. Dr. Medico is now at 22 HP.
  1192. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1193. Universal Donor caused Lifeline to regain 2 HP. HP is now 23.
  1194. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1195. GameController plays Doctor's Orders.
  1196. Dr. Medico initiates 1 Energy damage to Dr. Medico.
  1197. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1198. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1199. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 1 Energy damage.
  1200. Dr. Medico is now at 21 HP.
  1201. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1202. Universal Donor caused Lifeline to regain 2 HP. HP is now 25.
  1203. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1204. Second Opinion prevented Lifeline from regaining HP.
  1205. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  1206. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  1207. Lifeline uses the power on Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  1208. Lifeline initiates 2 Melee damage to Lifeline.
  1209. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1210. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1211. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1212. Lifeline deals Lifeline 4 Melee damage.
  1213. Lifeline is now at 21 HP.
  1214. Lifeline initiates 1 Fire damage to Lifeline.
  1215. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1216. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1217. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1218. Lifeline deals Lifeline 3 Fire damage.
  1219. Lifeline is now at 18 HP.
  1220. Lifeline draws Harrow.
  1221. Lifeline uses the power on Cryptic Alignment.
  1222. Lifeline discards Unleash Energy.
  1223. Cryptic Alignment moved Unleash Energy from Lifeline's hand to Lifeline's trash.
  1224. Lifeline initiates 8 Energy damage to Ambuscade.
  1225. Ambuscade made Ambuscade immune to damage.
  1226. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1227. GameController moved Doctor's Orders to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  1228. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1229. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Healing Pulse.
  1230. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Energy damage to Dr. Medico.
  1231. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1232. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1233. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Energy damage.
  1234. Dr. Medico is now at 19 HP.
  1235. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1236. Universal Donor caused Lifeline to regain 2 HP. HP is now 20.
  1237. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1238. Healing Pulse tried to increase The Super Scientific Tachyon's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1239. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1240. Healing Pulse tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1241. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1242. Second Opinion prevented Lifeline from regaining HP.
  1243. Lifeline uses the power on Cryptic Alignment.
  1244. Lifeline discards Unleash Energy.
  1245. Cryptic Alignment moved Unleash Energy from Lifeline's hand to Lifeline's trash.
  1246. Lifeline initiates 8 Energy damage to Ambuscade.
  1247. Ambuscade made Ambuscade immune to damage.
  1248. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1249. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1250. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Healing Pulse.
  1251. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1252. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  1253. Healing Pulse caused Dr. Medico to regain 2 HP. HP is now 21.
  1254. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  1255. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1256. GameController plays Feast of Flesh.
  1257. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  1258. There are no vampires in play to infect an heir.
  1259. Feast of Flesh plays the top card of the environment deck...
  1260. Feast of Flesh plays the top card of the environment deck.
  1261. Feast of Flesh plays Infecting an Heir.
  1262. There are no vampires in play to infect an heir.
  1263. Went from The Court of Blood's End phase to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  1264. Ambuscade was flipped to its front side.
  1265. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1266. GameController plays Rigged to Detonate.
  1267. Rigged to Detonate was moved to the bottom of the villain deck.
  1268. Ambuscade shuffles their the villain deck.
  1269. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  1270. Ambuscade initiates 3 Projectile damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  1271. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Ambuscade by 1.
  1272. Intensive Care reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Ambuscade by 2.
  1273. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1274. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  1275. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 2 Sonic damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1276. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1277. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals The Super Scientific Tachyon 3 Sonic damage.
  1278. The Super Scientific Tachyon is now at 23 HP.
  1279. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  1280. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  1281. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase. (Count: 3)
  1282. GameController plays Fleet of Foot.
  1283. Tachyon draws Sucker Punch.
  1284. Legacy draws Take Down.
  1285. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  1286. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  1287. Lifeline draws Calculated Action.
  1288. Tachyon draws Sucker Punch.
  1289. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Prescription Strength.
  1290. Fleet of Foot plays Quick Insight.
  1291. Tachyon draws Supersonic Response.
  1292. Tachyon draws Hypersonic Assault.
  1293. Quick Insight moves 22 cards to the top of Tachyon's Deck.
  1294. Tachyon shuffles their Tachyon's deck.
  1295. Tachyon draws Synaptic Interruption.
  1296. Tachyon discards Sucker Punch.
  1297. Quick Insight moved Sucker Punch from Tachyon's hand to Tachyon's trash.
  1298. Tachyon discards Sucker Punch.
  1299. Quick Insight moved Sucker Punch from Tachyon's hand to Tachyon's trash.
  1300. GameController moved Quick Insight to Tachyon's trash.
  1301. GameController moved Fleet of Foot to Tachyon's trash.
  1302. GameController plays Quick Insight.
  1303. Tachyon draws Nimble Strike.
  1304. Tachyon draws Accelerated Assault.
  1305. Tachyon draws Pushing The Limits.
  1306. Tachyon discards Pushing The Limits.
  1307. Quick Insight moved Pushing The Limits from Tachyon's hand to Tachyon's trash.
  1308. Tachyon discards Sucker Punch.
  1309. Quick Insight moved Sucker Punch from Tachyon's hand to Tachyon's trash.
  1310. GameController moved Quick Insight to Tachyon's trash.
  1311. GameController plays Synaptic Interruption.
  1312. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1313. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1314. Revealed card: Bolster Allies
  1315. Revealed card: Danger Sense
  1316. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Bolster Allies from Legacy's revealed cards to Legacy's trash.
  1317. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Danger Sense from Legacy's revealed cards to Legacy's trash.
  1318. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of DrawCard by 1.
  1319. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase. (Count: 2)
  1320. Tachyon draws Lightspeed Barrage.
  1321. Tachyon draws Sonic Vortex.
  1322. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1323. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  1324. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1325. GameController plays Danger Sense.
  1326. The Legacy Ring increased the action count of UsePower by 1.
  1327. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase. (Count: 2)
  1328. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  1329. America's Greatest Legacy's Gung-Ho caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 21.
  1330. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  1331. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  1332. Lifeline uses the power on Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  1333. Lifeline initiates 2 Melee damage to Ambuscade.
  1334. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1335. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1336. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 5 Melee damage.
  1337. Ambuscade is now at 31 HP.
  1338. Lifeline initiates 1 Fire damage to Ambuscade.
  1339. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1340. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1341. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 4 Fire damage.
  1342. Ambuscade is now at 27 HP.
  1343. Lifeline draws Repair Ley-Line.
  1344. Legacy uses the power on Motivational Charge.
  1345. America's Greatest Legacy initiates 2 Melee damage to Ambuscade.
  1346. Surge of Strength increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1347. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1348. America's Greatest Legacy deals Ambuscade 4 Melee damage.
  1349. Ambuscade is now at 23 HP.
  1350. Motivational Charge caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 1 HP. HP is now 24.
  1351. Motivational Charge tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1352. Motivational Charge caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 22.
  1353. Motivational Charge caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP. HP is now 22.
  1354. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1355. Legacy draws Flying Smash.
  1356. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1357. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  1358. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  1359. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  1360. Lifeline's Extract Power moves 2 cards to the top of Lifeline's Deck.
  1361. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1362. Lifeline draws Unleash Energy.
  1363. Lifeline draws Unleash Energy.
  1364. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1365. GameController plays Cosmic Immolation.
  1366. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1367. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1368. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1369. Lifeline uses the power on Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  1370. Lifeline initiates 2 Melee damage to Lifeline.
  1371. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1372. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1373. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1374. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1375. Lifeline deals Lifeline 6 Melee damage.
  1376. Lifeline is now at 16 HP.
  1377. Lifeline initiates 1 Fire damage to Lifeline.
  1378. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1379. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1380. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1381. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1382. Lifeline deals Lifeline 5 Fire damage.
  1383. Lifeline is now at 11 HP.
  1384. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1385. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1386. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1387. Lifeline initiates 1 Lightning damage to Ambuscade.
  1388. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1389. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1390. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1391. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 6 Lightning damage.
  1392. Ambuscade is now at 17 HP.
  1393. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  1394. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1395. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1396. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1397. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1398. Lifeline deals Lifeline 5 Infernal damage.
  1399. Lifeline is now at 6 HP.
  1400. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  1401. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1402. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1403. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1404. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 6 Infernal damage.
  1405. Ambuscade is now at 11 HP.
  1406. Infernal Detonator moved Calculated Action from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1407. Infernal Detonator moved Calculated Action from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1408. Infernal Detonator moved Calculated Action from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1409. Infernal Detonator moved Harrow from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1410. Infernal Detonator moved Unnatural Upheaval from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1411. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  1412. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Toxic damage to Dr. Medico.
  1413. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1414. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1415. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Toxic damage.
  1416. Dr. Medico is now at 20 HP.
  1417. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1418. Universal Donor caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 2 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 26.
  1419. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1420. GameController plays Triage.
  1421. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Energy damage to Dr. Medico.
  1422. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1423. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1424. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Energy damage.
  1425. Dr. Medico is now at 18 HP.
  1426. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1427. Universal Donor caused Lifeline to regain 2 HP. HP is now 8.
  1428. Void Guard Dr. Medico discards Triage.
  1429. Triage moved Triage from Void Guard Dr. Medico's hand to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  1430. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1431. Triage caused Lifeline to regain 5 HP. HP is now 13.
  1432. GameController moved Triage to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  1433. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1434. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Healing Pulse.
  1435. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Energy damage to Dr. Medico.
  1436. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1437. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1438. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Energy damage.
  1439. Dr. Medico is now at 16 HP.
  1440. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1441. Universal Donor caused Lifeline to regain 2 HP. HP is now 15.
  1442. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1443. Healing Pulse tried to increase The Super Scientific Tachyon's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1444. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1445. Healing Pulse tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1446. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1447. Second Opinion prevented Lifeline from regaining HP.
  1448. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  1449. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  1450. Lifeline uses the power on Discharge Lifeforce.
  1451. Discharge Lifeforce will destroy 1 environment cards.
  1452. Discharge Lifeforce destroys Feast of Flesh!
  1453. GameController moved Feast of Flesh to the environment trash.
  1454. Legacy draws Lead from the Front.
  1455. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1456. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Second Opinion.
  1457. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1458. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  1459. Healing Pulse caused Dr. Medico to regain 2 HP. HP is now 18.
  1460. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1461. Healing Pulse caused Lifeline to regain 2 HP. HP is now 17.
  1462. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Ambuscade by 1.
  1463. Healing Pulse caused Ambuscade to regain 2 HP. HP is now 13.
  1464. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  1465. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1466. GameController plays Hunter Fulepet.
  1467. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  1468. There are no vampires in play to infect an heir.
  1469. There are no vampires in play to infect an heir.
  1470. Went from The Court of Blood's End phase to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  1471. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1472. GameController plays Automated Turret.
  1473. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  1474. Ambuscade initiates 3 Projectile damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  1475. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Ambuscade by 1.
  1476. Ambuscade deals America's Greatest Legacy 2 Projectile damage.
  1477. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 28 HP.
  1478. Automated Turret initiates 2 Projectile damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  1479. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Automated Turret by 1.
  1480. Automated Turret deals America's Greatest Legacy 1 Projectile damage.
  1481. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 27 HP.
  1482. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  1483. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 2 Sonic damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1484. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1485. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals The Super Scientific Tachyon 3 Sonic damage.
  1486. The Super Scientific Tachyon is now at 23 HP.
  1487. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  1488. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  1489. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase. (Count: 3)
  1490. GameController plays Hypersonic Assault.
  1491. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Sonic damage to Ambuscade.
  1492. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1493. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Ambuscade 2 Sonic damage.
  1494. Ambuscade is now at 11 HP.
  1495. Applying ongoing effect: Ambuscade cannot deal damage.
  1496. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Sonic damage to Automated Turret.
  1497. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1498. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Automated Turret 2 Sonic damage.
  1499. Automated Turret is now at 6 HP.
  1500. Applying ongoing effect: Automated Turret cannot deal damage.
  1501. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Sonic damage to Hunter Fulepet.
  1502. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1503. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Hunter Fulepet 2 Sonic damage.
  1504. Hunter Fulepet is now at 10 HP.
  1505. Applying ongoing effect: Hunter Fulepet cannot deal damage.
  1506. GameController moved Hypersonic Assault to Tachyon's trash.
  1507. GameController plays Nimble Strike.
  1508. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Melee damage to Automated Turret.
  1509. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1510. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Automated Turret 2 Melee damage.
  1511. Automated Turret is now at 4 HP.
  1512. Tachyon draws Lightspeed Barrage.
  1513. GameController moved Nimble Strike to Tachyon's trash.
  1514. GameController plays Sonic Vortex.
  1515. Tachyon may select up to 7 targets.
  1516. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 3 Sonic damage to Automated Turret.
  1517. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1518. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Automated Turret 4 Sonic damage.
  1519. Automated Turret is now at 0 HP.
  1520. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment destroys Automated Turret!
  1521. GameController moved Automated Turret to the villain trash.
  1522. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 3 Sonic damage to Hunter Fulepet.
  1523. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1524. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Hunter Fulepet 4 Sonic damage.
  1525. Hunter Fulepet is now at 6 HP.
  1526. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 3 Sonic damage to Ambuscade.
  1527. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1528. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Ambuscade 4 Sonic damage.
  1529. Ambuscade is now at 7 HP.
  1530. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 3 Sonic damage to Lifeline.
  1531. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1532. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1533. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Lifeline 3 Sonic damage.
  1534. Lifeline is now at 14 HP.
  1535. GameController moved Sonic Vortex to Tachyon's trash.
  1536. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1537. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1538. Revealed card: Blinding Speed
  1539. Revealed card: Pushing The Limits
  1540. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Blinding Speed from Tachyon's revealed cards to Tachyon's trash.
  1541. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Pushing The Limits from Tachyon's revealed cards to Tachyon's trash.
  1542. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of DrawCard by 1.
  1543. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase. (Count: 2)
  1544. Tachyon draws Synaptic Interruption.
  1545. Tachyon draws Accelerated Assault.
  1546. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1547. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  1548. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1549. GameController plays Superhuman Durability.
  1550. The Legacy Ring increased the action count of UsePower by 1.
  1551. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase. (Count: 2)
  1552. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  1553. America's Greatest Legacy's Gung-Ho caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 15.
  1554. Lifeline uses the power on Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  1555. Lifeline initiates 2 Melee damage to Hunter Fulepet.
  1556. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1557. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1558. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1559. Lifeline deals Hunter Fulepet 7 Melee damage.
  1560. Hunter Fulepet is now at -1 HP.
  1561. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Hunter Fulepet!
  1562. GameController moved Hunter Fulepet to the environment trash.
  1563. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  1564. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1565. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1566. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1567. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 6 Infernal damage.
  1568. Ambuscade is now at 1 HP.
  1569. Legacy uses the power on Motivational Charge.
  1570. America's Greatest Legacy initiates 2 Melee damage to Lifeline.
  1571. Surge of Strength increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1572. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1573. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1574. America's Greatest Legacy deals Lifeline 3 Melee damage.
  1575. Lifeline is now at 12 HP.
  1576. Motivational Charge caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 1 HP. HP is now 24.
  1577. Motivational Charge caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 1 HP. HP is now 28.
  1578. Motivational Charge caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 13.
  1579. Motivational Charge caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP. HP is now 19.
  1580. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1581. Legacy draws "Thokk!".
  1582. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1583. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  1584. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1585. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1586. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1587. GameController plays Repair Ley-Line.
  1588. Repair Ley-Line caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 1 HP. HP is now 25.
  1589. Repair Ley-Line caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 1 HP. HP is now 29.
  1590. Repair Ley-Line caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 14.
  1591. Repair Ley-Line caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP. HP is now 20.
  1592. Tachyon draws Blinding Speed.
  1593. Legacy draws "Thokk!".
  1594. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1595. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Lifeforce of Will.
  1596. Repair Ley-Line plays Drudge Ficko.
  1597. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Universal Donor.
  1598. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Ambuscade by 1.
  1599. Universal Donor caused Ambuscade to regain 3 HP. HP is now 4.
  1600. GameController moved Repair Ley-Line to Lifeline's trash.
  1601. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1602. Lifeline uses the power on Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  1603. ***** LOADED UNDO FILE: undo-224-Lifeline-UsePower *****
  1604. Possible achievement: Base_CumulativeDamage, progress: 100
  1605. Possible achievement: Base_CumulativeHeal, progress: 1551.5
  1606. Possible achievement: Base_LargeAttack
  1607. Possible achievement: Base_LastHeroStanding
  1608. WARNING: Could not find achievement controller class for Base_MultiplayerInfection
  1609. Possible achievement: Base_NoCards
  1610. Possible achievement: Base_NoPowers
  1611. Possible achievement: Base_RedirectMany
  1612. Possible achievement: Base_WinFullHP
  1613. Possible achievement: Base_WinGame
  1614. Lifeline uses the power on Cryptic Alignment.
  1615. Lifeline discards Unleash Energy.
  1616. Cryptic Alignment moved Unleash Energy from Lifeline's hand to Lifeline's trash.
  1617. Lifeline initiates 9 Energy damage to Drudge Ficko.
  1618. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1619. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1620. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1621. Lifeline deals Drudge Ficko 14 Energy damage.
  1622. Drudge Ficko is now at -9 HP.
  1623. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Drudge Ficko!
  1624. Vitality Battery moves 2 cards to the top of Lifeline's Deck.
  1625. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1626. Lifeline draws Unleash Energy.
  1627. GameController moved Drudge Ficko to the environment trash.
  1628. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1629. Lifeline draws Repair Ley-Line.
  1630. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1631. Terminarch's Casing caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 15.
  1632. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  1633. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1634. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1635. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1636. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1637. Lifeline deals Lifeline 5 Infernal damage.
  1638. Lifeline is now at 10 HP.
  1639. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  1640. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1641. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1642. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1643. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  1644. Lifeline deals Lifeline 5 Infernal damage.
  1645. Lifeline is now at 5 HP.
  1646. Infernal Detonator moved Unleash Energy from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1647. Infernal Detonator moved Unleash Energy from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1648. Infernal Detonator moved Unleash Energy from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1649. Infernal Detonator moved Ley-Line Shift from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  1650. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  1651. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Toxic damage to Dr. Medico.
  1652. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1653. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1654. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Toxic damage.
  1655. Dr. Medico is now at 18 HP.
  1656. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1657. Universal Donor caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 1 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 30.
  1658. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1659. GameController plays Prescription Strength.
  1660. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1661. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Universal Donor.
  1662. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Ambuscade by 1.
  1663. Universal Donor caused Ambuscade to regain 3 HP. HP is now 7.
  1664. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1665. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Intensive Care.
  1666. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1667. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Ambuscade by 1.
  1668. Healing Pulse caused Ambuscade to regain 2 HP. HP is now 9.
  1669. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  1670. Healing Pulse caused Dr. Medico to regain 2 HP. HP is now 20.
  1671. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1672. Healing Pulse caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 1 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 26.
  1673. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  1674. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1675. GameController moves 13 cards to the top of The Court of Blood's Deck.
  1676. The Court of Blood shuffles their the environment deck.
  1677. GameController plays Unhallowed Halls.
  1678. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  1679. There are no vampires in play to infect an heir.
  1680. There are no vampires in play to infect an heir.
  1681. Went from The Court of Blood's End phase to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  1682. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1683. GameController plays Explosive Launcher.
  1684. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  1685. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  1686. Notice: an ongoing effect just expired: Ambuscade cannot deal damage.
  1687. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 2 Sonic damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1688. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1689. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals The Super Scientific Tachyon 3 Sonic damage.
  1690. The Super Scientific Tachyon is now at 23 HP.
  1691. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  1692. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  1693. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase. (Count: 3)
  1694. GameController plays Synaptic Interruption.
  1695. GameController plays Lightspeed Barrage.
  1696. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 8 Melee damage to Explosive Launcher.
  1697. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1698. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Explosive Launcher 9 Melee damage.
  1699. Explosive Launcher is now at -3 HP.
  1700. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment destroys Explosive Launcher!
  1701. GameController moved Explosive Launcher to the villain trash.
  1702. GameController moved Lightspeed Barrage to Tachyon's trash.
  1703. GameController plays Blinding Speed.
  1704. Blinding Speed destroys Unhallowed Halls!
  1705. GameController moved Unhallowed Halls to the environment trash.
  1706. GameController moved Blinding Speed to Tachyon's trash.
  1707. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1708. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1709. Revealed card: Lifeforce of Will
  1710. Revealed card: Prescription Strength
  1711. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Lifeforce of Will from Void Guard Dr. Medico's revealed cards to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  1712. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Prescription Strength from Void Guard Dr. Medico's revealed cards to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  1713. Pushing The Limits increased the action count of DrawCard by 1.
  1714. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase. (Count: 2)
  1715. Tachyon draws Lightning Reflexes.
  1716. Tachyon draws Lightspeed Barrage.
  1717. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1718. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  1719. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1720. GameController plays Lead from the Front.
  1721. The Legacy Ring increased the action count of UsePower by 1.
  1722. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase. (Count: 2)
  1723. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  1724. America's Greatest Legacy's Gung-Ho caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP. HP is now 21.
  1725. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Universal Donor.
  1726. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Ambuscade by 1.
  1727. Universal Donor caused Ambuscade to regain 3 HP. HP is now 12.
  1728. Legacy uses the power on Motivational Charge.
  1729. America's Greatest Legacy initiates 2 Melee damage to Ambuscade.
  1730. Surge of Strength increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1731. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1732. America's Greatest Legacy deals Ambuscade 4 Melee damage.
  1733. Ambuscade is now at 8 HP.
  1734. Motivational Charge caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 1 HP. HP is now 24.
  1735. Motivational Charge tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1736. Motivational Charge caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 6.
  1737. Motivational Charge caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP. HP is now 22.
  1738. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1739. Legacy draws Flying Smash.
  1740. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1741. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  1742. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1743. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1744. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1745. GameController plays Repair Ley-Line.
  1746. Repair Ley-Line caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 1 HP. HP is now 25.
  1747. Repair Ley-Line tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1748. Repair Ley-Line caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 7.
  1749. Repair Ley-Line caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP. HP is now 23.
  1750. Tachyon draws Hypersonic Assault.
  1751. Legacy draws Next Evolution.
  1752. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1753. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Flare Up.
  1754. Repair Ley-Line plays Dowager Ilona.
  1755. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1756. Revealed card: Unhallowed Halls
  1757. Revealed card: Feast of Flesh
  1758. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Unhallowed Halls from The Court of Blood's revealed cards to the environment trash.
  1759. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Feast of Flesh from The Court of Blood's revealed cards to the environment trash.
  1760. GameController moved Repair Ley-Line to Lifeline's trash.
  1761. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1762. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  1763. Lifeline's Extract Power moves 1 cards to the top of Lifeline's Deck.
  1764. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1765. Lifeline draws Repair Ley-Line.
  1766. Legacy draws Take Down.
  1767. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1768. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1769. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1770. Terminarch's Casing caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 8.
  1771. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Dowager Ilona.
  1772. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1773. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1774. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1775. Lifeline deals Dowager Ilona 6 Infernal damage.
  1776. Dowager Ilona is now at 1 HP.
  1777. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Dowager Ilona.
  1778. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1779. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1780. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1781. Lifeline deals Dowager Ilona 6 Infernal damage.
  1782. Dowager Ilona is now at -5 HP.
  1783. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Dowager Ilona!
  1784. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1785. GameController moved Dowager Ilona to the environment trash.
  1786. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  1787. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Toxic damage to Dr. Medico.
  1788. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1789. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1790. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Toxic damage.
  1791. Dr. Medico is now at 21 HP.
  1792. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1793. Universal Donor caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 1 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 26.
  1794. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1795. GameController plays Lifeforce of Will.
  1796. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Energy damage to Dr. Medico.
  1797. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1798. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1799. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Energy damage.
  1800. Dr. Medico is now at 19 HP.
  1801. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1802. Universal Donor caused Lifeline to regain 2 HP. HP is now 10.
  1803. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1804. Revealed card: Drudge Ficko
  1805. Revealed card: Hunter Fulepet
  1806. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Drudge Ficko from The Court of Blood's revealed cards to the environment trash.
  1807. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Hunter Fulepet from The Court of Blood's revealed cards to the environment trash.
  1808. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  1809. America's Greatest Legacy's Gung-Ho caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP. HP is now 20.
  1810. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Universal Donor.
  1811. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Ambuscade by 1.
  1812. Universal Donor caused Ambuscade to regain 3 HP. HP is now 11.
  1813. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1814. Lifeforce of Will caused Lifeline to regain 3 HP. HP is now 13.
  1815. GameController moved Lifeforce of Will to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  1816. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1817. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  1818. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by Ambuscade by 2.
  1819. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1820. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Prescription Strength.
  1821. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1822. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  1823. Healing Pulse caused Dr. Medico to regain 2 HP. HP is now 22.
  1824. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  1825. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1826. GameController plays Feast of Flesh.
  1827. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  1828. There are no vampires in play to infect an heir.
  1829. There are no vampires in play to infect an heir.
  1830. Feast of Flesh plays the top card of the environment deck...
  1831. Feast of Flesh plays the top card of the environment deck.
  1832. Feast of Flesh plays Relict Dorotya.
  1833. Relict Dorotya initiates 1 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  1834. Relict Dorotya deals Ambuscade 1 Infernal damage.
  1835. Ambuscade is now at 10 HP.
  1836. Relict Dorotya initiates 1 Infernal damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1837. Relict Dorotya deals The Super Scientific Tachyon 1 Infernal damage.
  1838. The Super Scientific Tachyon is now at 25 HP.
  1839. Relict Dorotya initiates 1 Infernal damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  1840. Danger Sense made America's Greatest Legacy immune to damage.
  1841. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1842. Relict Dorotya initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  1843. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Relict Dorotya by 2.
  1844. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Relict Dorotya by 2.
  1845. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Relict Dorotya by 1.
  1846. Relict Dorotya deals Lifeline 4 Infernal damage.
  1847. Lifeline is now at 9 HP.
  1848. Relict Dorotya initiates 1 Infernal damage to Dr. Medico.
  1849. Relict Dorotya deals Dr. Medico 1 Infernal damage.
  1850. Dr. Medico is now at 21 HP.
  1851. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1852. Universal Donor caused Lifeline to regain 2 HP. HP is now 11.
  1853. Went from The Court of Blood's End phase to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  1854. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1855. GameController plays Vanish.
  1856. Vanish puts Personal Cloaking Device into play.
  1857. Ambuscade was flipped to its back side.
  1858. GameController moved Vanish to the villain trash.
  1859. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  1860. Ambuscade initiates 3 Energy damage to Lifeline.
  1861. Lead from the Front redirects the damage dealt from Lifeline to America's Greatest Legacy.
  1862. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Ambuscade by 1.
  1863. Ambuscade deals America's Greatest Legacy 2 Energy damage.
  1864. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 28 HP.
  1865. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  1866. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 2 Sonic damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1867. Synaptic Interruption redirects the damage dealt from The Super Scientific Tachyon to Personal Cloaking Device.
  1868. Synaptic Interruption destroys itself!
  1869. GameController moved Synaptic Interruption to Tachyon's trash.
  1870. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1871. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Personal Cloaking Device 3 Sonic damage.
  1872. Personal Cloaking Device is now at 6 HP.
  1873. Pushing The Limits destroys itself!
  1874. GameController moved Pushing The Limits to Tachyon's trash.
  1875. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  1876. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase. (Count: 2)
  1877. GameController plays Lightspeed Barrage.
  1878. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 10 Melee damage to Personal Cloaking Device.
  1879. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  1880. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Personal Cloaking Device 11 Melee damage.
  1881. Personal Cloaking Device is now at -5 HP.
  1882. The Super Scientific Tachyon's Experiment destroys Personal Cloaking Device!
  1883. GameController moved Personal Cloaking Device to the villain trash.
  1884. GameController moved Lightspeed Barrage to Tachyon's trash.
  1885. GameController plays Blinding Speed.
  1886. Blinding Speed destroys Feast of Flesh!
  1887. GameController moved Feast of Flesh to the environment trash.
  1888. GameController moved Blinding Speed to Tachyon's trash.
  1889. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1890. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  1891. Revealed card: Snatch and Grab
  1892. Revealed card: Unavoidable Explosive
  1893. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Snatch and Grab from Ambuscade's revealed cards to the villain trash.
  1894. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Unavoidable Explosive from Ambuscade's revealed cards to the villain trash.
  1895. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1896. Tachyon draws Fleet of Foot.
  1897. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1898. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  1899. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1900. GameController plays Danger Sense.
  1901. The Legacy Ring increased the action count of UsePower by 1.
  1902. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase. (Count: 2)
  1903. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  1904. America's Greatest Legacy's Gung-Ho caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP. HP is now 22.
  1905. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Universal Donor.
  1906. Dr. Medico's Clinical Consult increases the HP gained by Ambuscade by 2.
  1907. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Ambuscade by 1.
  1908. Universal Donor caused Ambuscade to regain 5 HP. HP is now 15.
  1909. Legacy uses the power on Motivational Charge.
  1910. America's Greatest Legacy initiates 2 Melee damage to Relict Dorotya.
  1911. Surge of Strength increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1912. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1913. America's Greatest Legacy deals Relict Dorotya 4 Melee damage.
  1914. Relict Dorotya is now at 5 HP.
  1915. Motivational Charge caused The Super Scientific Tachyon to regain 1 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 26.
  1916. Motivational Charge caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 1 HP. HP is now 29.
  1917. Motivational Charge caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 12.
  1918. Motivational Charge caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP. HP is now 23.
  1919. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1920. Legacy draws Heroic Interception.
  1921. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1922. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  1923. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1924. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1925. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1926. GameController plays Repair Ley-Line.
  1927. Repair Ley-Line tried to increase The Super Scientific Tachyon's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1928. Repair Ley-Line caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 1 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 30.
  1929. Repair Ley-Line caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 13.
  1930. Repair Ley-Line caused Dr. Medico to regain 1 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 24.
  1931. Tachyon draws Fleet of Foot.
  1932. Legacy draws Surge of Strength.
  1933. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1934. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Experimental Medicine.
  1935. Repair Ley-Line plays Dame Katarina.
  1936. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Universal Donor.
  1937. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Ambuscade by 1.
  1938. Universal Donor caused Ambuscade to regain 3 HP. HP is now 18.
  1939. GameController moved Repair Ley-Line to Lifeline's trash.
  1940. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  1941. Lifeline uses the power on Nordidian Sulph-Axe.
  1942. Lifeline initiates 2 Melee damage to Dame Katarina.
  1943. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1944. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1945. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1946. Lifeline deals Dame Katarina 7 Melee damage.
  1947. Dame Katarina is now at 4 HP.
  1948. Lifeline initiates 1 Fire damage to Dame Katarina.
  1949. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1950. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1951. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1952. Lifeline deals Dame Katarina 6 Fire damage.
  1953. Dame Katarina is now at -2 HP.
  1954. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Dame Katarina!
  1955. Vitality Battery moves 1 cards to the top of Lifeline's Deck.
  1956. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1957. Lifeline draws Repair Ley-Line.
  1958. GameController moved Dame Katarina to the environment trash.
  1959. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  1960. Ambuscade made Ambuscade immune to damage.
  1961. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1962. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  1963. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1964. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  1965. Lifeline initiates 1 Lightning damage to Relict Dorotya.
  1966. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  1967. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1968. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  1969. Lifeline deals Relict Dorotya 6 Lightning damage.
  1970. Relict Dorotya is now at -1 HP.
  1971. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Relict Dorotya!
  1972. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  1973. GameController moved Relict Dorotya to the environment trash.
  1974. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  1975. Ambuscade made Ambuscade immune to damage.
  1976. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1977. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  1978. Ambuscade made Ambuscade immune to damage.
  1979. Damage amount was 0, so no damage was dealt.
  1980. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  1981. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Toxic damage to Dr. Medico.
  1982. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1983. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1984. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Toxic damage.
  1985. Dr. Medico is now at 22 HP.
  1986. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  1987. Universal Donor tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  1988. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  1989. GameController plays Flare Up.
  1990. Dr. Medico initiates 3 Energy damage to Lifeline.
  1991. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  1992. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  1993. Terminarch's Casing cannot reduce the damage, because it is irreducible.
  1994. Dr. Medico deals Lifeline 3 Energy damage.
  1995. Lifeline is now at 10 HP.
  1996. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  1997. Flare Up caused Dr. Medico to regain 2 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 24.
  1998. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Lifeline by 1.
  1999. Flare Up caused Lifeline to regain 2 HP. HP is now 12.
  2000. GameController moved Flare Up to Void Guard Dr. Medico's trash.
  2001. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  2002. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  2003. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by America's Greatest Legacy by 2.
  2004. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  2005. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws From the Brink.
  2006. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  2007. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  2008. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  2009. GameController plays Angry Mob.
  2010. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  2011. There are no vampires in play to infect an heir.
  2012. There are no vampires in play to infect an heir.
  2013. Went from The Court of Blood's End phase to Ambuscade's Start phase.
  2014. Ambuscade was flipped to its front side.
  2015. Went from Ambuscade's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  2016. GameController plays Rigged to Detonate.
  2017. Rigged to Detonate was moved to the bottom of the villain deck.
  2018. Ambuscade shuffles their the villain deck.
  2019. Went from Ambuscade's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  2020. Ambuscade initiates 3 Projectile damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  2021. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Ambuscade by 1.
  2022. Ambuscade deals America's Greatest Legacy 2 Projectile damage.
  2023. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 28 HP.
  2024. Went from Ambuscade's End phase to Tachyon's Start phase.
  2025. HUD Goggles increased the action count of PlayCard by 1.
  2026. Went from Tachyon's Start phase to PlayCard phase. (Count: 2)
  2027. GameController plays Fleet of Foot.
  2028. Tachyon draws Nimble Strike.
  2029. Legacy draws The Legacy Ring.
  2030. Matter Manipulator prevented Lifeline from drawing cards.
  2031. Lifeline uses the power on Lifeline.
  2032. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  2033. Tachyon draws Nimble Strike.
  2034. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Preventative Care.
  2035. Fleet of Foot plays Fleet of Foot.
  2036. Tachyon draws Sonic Vortex.
  2037. Fleet of Foot moves 8 cards to the top of Legacy's Deck.
  2038. Legacy shuffles their Legacy's deck.
  2039. Legacy draws Bolster Allies.
  2040. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  2041. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Flare Up.
  2042. Fleet of Foot plays Nimble Strike.
  2043. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Melee damage to Angry Mob.
  2044. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  2045. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Angry Mob 2 Melee damage.
  2046. Angry Mob is now at 8 HP.
  2047. Tachyon draws Supersonic Response.
  2048. GameController moved Nimble Strike to Tachyon's trash.
  2049. GameController moved Fleet of Foot to Tachyon's trash.
  2050. GameController moved Fleet of Foot to Tachyon's trash.
  2051. GameController plays Nimble Strike.
  2052. The Super Scientific Tachyon initiates 1 Melee damage to Angry Mob.
  2053. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 1.
  2054. The Super Scientific Tachyon deals Angry Mob 2 Melee damage.
  2055. Angry Mob is now at 6 HP.
  2056. Tachyon draws Hypersonic Assault.
  2057. GameController moved Nimble Strike to Tachyon's trash.
  2058. Went from Tachyon's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  2059. Tachyon uses the power on The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  2060. Revealed card: Matron Erzsi
  2061. Revealed card: Angry Mob
  2062. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Matron Erzsi from The Court of Blood's revealed cards to the environment trash.
  2063. The Super Scientific Tachyon moved Angry Mob from The Court of Blood's revealed cards to the environment trash.
  2064. Went from Tachyon's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  2065. GameController moves 22 cards to the top of Tachyon's Deck.
  2066. Tachyon shuffles their Tachyon's deck.
  2067. Tachyon draws Lightspeed Barrage.
  2068. Went from Tachyon's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  2069. Went from Tachyon's End phase to Legacy's Start phase.
  2070. Went from Legacy's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  2071. GameController plays Bolster Allies.
  2072. Tachyon draws Nimble Strike.
  2073. Legacy draws Bolster Allies.
  2074. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  2075. Bolster Allies moves 13 cards to the top of Void Guard Dr. Medico's Deck.
  2076. Void Guard Dr. Medico shuffles their Void Guard Dr. Medico's deck.
  2077. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Positive Prognosis.
  2078. GameController moved Bolster Allies to Legacy's trash.
  2079. The Legacy Ring increased the action count of UsePower by 1.
  2080. Went from Legacy's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase. (Count: 2)
  2081. Legacy uses the power on America's Greatest Legacy.
  2082. America's Greatest Legacy's Gung-Ho tried to increase Dr. Medico's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  2083. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  2084. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 2.
  2085. Legacy uses the power on Motivational Charge.
  2086. America's Greatest Legacy initiates 2 Melee damage to Angry Mob.
  2087. Surge of Strength increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  2088. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  2089. America's Greatest Legacy deals Angry Mob 4 Melee damage.
  2090. Angry Mob is now at 2 HP.
  2091. Motivational Charge tried to increase The Super Scientific Tachyon's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  2092. Dr. Medico's Clinical Consult increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 2.
  2093. Motivational Charge caused America's Greatest Legacy to regain 2 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 30.
  2094. Motivational Charge caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 13.
  2095. Motivational Charge tried to increase Dr. Medico's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  2096. Went from Legacy's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  2097. Legacy draws Inspiring Presence.
  2098. Went from Legacy's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  2099. Went from Legacy's End phase to Lifeline's Start phase.
  2100. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  2101. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  2102. Went from Lifeline's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  2103. GameController plays Repair Ley-Line.
  2104. Repair Ley-Line tried to increase The Super Scientific Tachyon's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  2105. Repair Ley-Line tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  2106. Repair Ley-Line caused Lifeline to regain 1 HP. HP is now 14.
  2107. Repair Ley-Line tried to increase Dr. Medico's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  2108. Tachyon draws Nimble Strike.
  2109. Legacy draws Surge of Strength.
  2110. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  2111. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Doctor's Orders.
  2112. Repair Ley-Line plays Blood Countess Bathory.
  2113. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  2114. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by Blood Countess Bathory by 2.
  2115. GameController moved Repair Ley-Line to Lifeline's trash.
  2116. Went from Lifeline's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  2117. Lifeline uses the power on Orphic Repository.
  2118. Lifeline initiates 2 Infernal damage to Angry Mob.
  2119. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2120. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2121. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2122. Lifeline deals Angry Mob 7 Infernal damage.
  2123. Angry Mob is now at -5 HP.
  2124. Lifeline's Extract Power destroys Angry Mob!
  2125. Vitality Battery moves 1 cards to the top of Lifeline's Deck.
  2126. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  2127. Lifeline draws Repair Ley-Line.
  2128. GameController moved Angry Mob to the environment trash.
  2129. Went from Lifeline's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  2130. Lifeline shuffles their Lifeline's deck.
  2131. Went from Lifeline's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  2132. Lifeline initiates 1 Lightning damage to Blood Countess Bathory.
  2133. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2134. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2135. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2136. Lifeline deals Blood Countess Bathory 6 Lightning damage.
  2137. Blood Countess Bathory is now at 9 HP.
  2138. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  2139. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2140. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2141. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2142. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  2143. Lifeline deals Lifeline 5 Infernal damage.
  2144. Lifeline is now at 9 HP.
  2145. Lifeline initiates 1 Infernal damage to Blood Countess Bathory.
  2146. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2147. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2148. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2149. Lifeline deals Blood Countess Bathory 6 Infernal damage.
  2150. Blood Countess Bathory is now at 3 HP.
  2151. Infernal Detonator moved Ley-Line Shift from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  2152. Infernal Detonator moved Repair Ley-Line from Lifeline's hand under Infernal Detonator.
  2153. Went from Lifeline's End phase to Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase.
  2154. Dr. Medico initiates 2 Toxic damage to Dr. Medico.
  2155. Experimental Medicine makes the damage irreducible.
  2156. Experimental Medicine makes the damage unincreasable.
  2157. Dr. Medico deals Dr. Medico 2 Toxic damage.
  2158. Dr. Medico is now at 22 HP.
  2159. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by America's Greatest Legacy by 1.
  2160. Universal Donor tried to increase America's Greatest Legacy's HP, but they are already at their maximum HP.
  2161. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  2162. GameController plays Prescription Strength.
  2163. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's PlayCard phase to UsePower phase.
  2164. Void Guard Dr. Medico uses the power on Dr. Medico.
  2165. Applying ongoing effect: Increase the next HP gain by The Super Scientific Tachyon by 2.
  2166. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's UsePower phase to DrawCard phase.
  2167. Void Guard Dr. Medico draws Triage.
  2168. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's DrawCard phase to End phase.
  2169. Experimental Medicine increases the HP gained by Dr. Medico by 1.
  2170. Healing Pulse caused Dr. Medico to regain 2 HP, up to their maximum HP. HP is now 24.
  2171. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  2172. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  2173. GameController moves 12 cards to the top of The Court of Blood's Deck.
  2174. The Court of Blood shuffles their the environment deck.
  2175. GameController plays Unhallowed Halls.
  2176. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  2177. Blood Countess Bathory initiates 2 Melee damage to Lifeline.
  2178. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Blood Countess Bathory by 2.
  2179. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Blood Countess Bathory by 2.
  2180. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Blood Countess Bathory by 1.
  2181. Blood Countess Bathory deals Lifeline 5 Melee damage.
  2182. Lifeline is now at 4 HP.
  2183. Lifeline initiates 2 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  2184. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2185. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2186. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2187. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2188. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 8 Infernal damage.
  2189. Ambuscade is now at 10 HP.
  2190. Lifeline initiates 2 Infernal damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  2191. ***** LOADED UNDO FILE: undo-310-TheCourtOfBlood-Start *****
  2192. Possible achievement: Base_CumulativeDamage, progress: 100
  2193. Possible achievement: Base_CumulativeHeal, progress: 1572.5
  2194. Possible achievement: Base_LargeAttack
  2195. Possible achievement: Base_LastHeroStanding
  2196. WARNING: Could not find achievement controller class for Base_MultiplayerInfection
  2197. Possible achievement: Base_NoCards
  2198. Possible achievement: Base_NoPowers
  2199. Possible achievement: Base_RedirectMany
  2200. Possible achievement: Base_WinFullHP
  2201. Possible achievement: Base_WinGame
  2202. Went from Void Guard Dr. Medico's End phase to The Court of Blood's Start phase.
  2203. Went from The Court of Blood's Start phase to PlayCard phase.
  2204. GameController moves 12 cards to the top of The Court of Blood's Deck.
  2205. The Court of Blood shuffles their the environment deck.
  2206. GameController plays Unhallowed Halls.
  2207. Went from The Court of Blood's PlayCard phase to End phase.
  2208. Blood Countess Bathory initiates 2 Melee damage to Lifeline.
  2209. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Blood Countess Bathory by 2.
  2210. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Blood Countess Bathory by 2.
  2211. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Blood Countess Bathory by 1.
  2212. Blood Countess Bathory deals Lifeline 5 Melee damage.
  2213. Lifeline is now at 4 HP.
  2214. Lifeline initiates 2 Infernal damage to Ambuscade.
  2215. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2216. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2217. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2218. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2219. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 8 Infernal damage.
  2220. Ambuscade is now at 10 HP.
  2221. Lifeline initiates 2 Infernal damage to The Super Scientific Tachyon.
  2222. Synaptic Interruption redirects the damage dealt from The Super Scientific Tachyon to Ambuscade.
  2223. Synaptic Interruption destroys itself!
  2224. GameController moved Synaptic Interruption to Tachyon's trash.
  2225. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2226. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2227. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2228. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2229. Lifeline deals Ambuscade 8 Infernal damage.
  2230. Ambuscade is now at 2 HP.
  2231. Lifeline initiates 2 Infernal damage to America's Greatest Legacy.
  2232. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2233. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2234. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2235. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2236. Fortitude reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Lifeline by 1.
  2237. Superhuman Durability reduces the damage dealt to America's Greatest Legacy by Lifeline by 3.
  2238. Lifeline deals America's Greatest Legacy 4 Infernal damage.
  2239. America's Greatest Legacy is now at 26 HP.
  2240. Lifeline initiates 2 Infernal damage to Lifeline.
  2241. Inspiring Presence increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2242. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2243. Cosmic Immolation increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 2.
  2244. Unhallowed Halls increases the damage dealt by Lifeline by 1.
  2245. Terminarch's Casing reduces the damage dealt to Lifeline by Lifeline by 1.
  2246. Lifeline deals Lifeline 7 Infernal damage.
  2247. Lifeline is now at -3 HP.
  2248. Lifeline is no longer a target.
  2249. Lifeline's cards are removed from the game.
  2250. GameController moves 40 cards to the top of Lifeline's OutOfGame.
  2251. Infernal Detonator moved Matter Manipulator from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2252. Infernal Detonator moved Unnatural Upheaval from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2253. Infernal Detonator moved Repair Ley-Line from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2254. Infernal Detonator moved Matter Manipulator from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2255. Infernal Detonator moved Unnatural Upheaval from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2256. Infernal Detonator moved Repair Ley-Line from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2257. Infernal Detonator moved Ley-Line Shift from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2258. Infernal Detonator moved Unnatural Upheaval from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2259. Infernal Detonator moved Unleash Energy from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2260. Infernal Detonator moved Unleash Energy from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2261. Infernal Detonator moved Unleash Energy from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2262. Infernal Detonator moved Ley-Line Shift from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2263. Infernal Detonator moved Ley-Line Shift from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2264. Infernal Detonator moved Repair Ley-Line from under Infernal Detonator to Lifeline's trash.
  2265. Lifeline was flipped to its back side.
  2266. Infecting an Heir destroys itself!
  2267. GameController moved Infecting an Heir to the environment trash.
  2268. Blood Countess Bathory initiates 2 Melee damage to Ambuscade.
  2269. Blood Countess Bathory deals Ambuscade 2 Melee damage.
  2270. Ambuscade is now at 0 HP.
  2271. The Super Scientific Tachyon, America's Greatest Legacy, Lifeline and Dr. Medico all defeated Ambuscade! Congratulations!
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