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Megumin and Kazuma in bed

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Aug 26th, 2016
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  1. The demon king army’s offensive force was cut in half, and
  2. the general that led them was defeated.
  3. This would usually be the time to celebrate, but because of
  4. Megumin’s circumstances, we decided to call it a day.
  5. We left the fortress the next morning after bidding farewell to
  6. the people there in an uncharacteristically proper fashion.
  7. Right now, we were at the hot spring inn where I bathed with
  8. Wolbach earlier on this journey. Using my arms as pillows, I
  9. laid on the bed.
  10. Since a lot of things happened yesterday, it would be best for
  11. me to take a bath and quickly go to bed, but the girls were in
  12. the bath right now.
  13. There was no problem from a legal perspective, however,
  14. when I tried to enter the bath, I noticed the Crimson glow of
  15. somebody’s eyes, and quickly ran away.
  16. …The dangers of this battle was incomparable to anything
  17. I’ve experienced.
  18. Compared to our opponents from before, she was more…How
  19. should I say this? There was always somewhere to run to.
  20. This time around, we were on the receiving end of explosion
  21. magic. It was a truly terrifying experience.
  22. Well, I’ll make sure to not make Megumin angry.
  23. As I reflected on what happened, I put Chomusuke – who had
  24. been following me around – on my chest.
  25. …By the way, just what is this little guy?
  26. Wolbach had disappeared without a trace.
  27. Even if was explosion magic, it shouldn’t completely
  28. annihilate a demon king army general – at least, not to the
  29. extent where there were no remains whatsoever.
  30. All that was left behind from the explosion was a beautifully
  31. shaped and empty crater. Since I didn’t want to see that
  32. onee-san’s corpse, maybe I should consider myself lucky?
  33. When Megumin had released her explosion magic along with
  34. her thanks, I think I saw Wolbach smile…Was it just me?
  35. It would be better if it was just me…
  36. Also, shouldn’t this tired furball disappear as well? Its other
  37. half was destroyed after all…
  38. I couldn’t keep up with the rapid turn of events.
  39. After all, there were just too many things that I didn’t
  40. understand. My thoughts were just a jumbled mess.
  41. As I was lost in thought, Chomusuke suddenly poked me with
  42. its nose.
  43. …I don’t care if you are an evil god.
  44. The only one that can cure my heart is you…
  45. As I rubbed Chomusuke, it released a purring noise.
  46. “Kazuma, are you still awake? Everyone is done with their
  47. bath.”
  48. Someone knocked on my door. It was Megumin.
  49. “Oh alright! I’ll go in a bit!”
  50. I didn’t want to disturb Chomusuke’s peaceful rest, so I had
  51. no choice but to lay here.
  52. Then, the door was opened.
  53. “…So Chomusuke was here, I was looking for it you know?”
  54. As she entered the room, she smiled at the sight of
  55. Chomusuke resting on my chest.
  56. She then casually closed the door, and sat on my bed.
  57. “This is my healing time alright? So come and fetch this guy
  58. later.”
  59. “I didn’t come here to fetch him. I just thought that it
  60. might’ve run away from the inn. Seeing Chomusuke with
  61. Kazuma is a pleasant feeling.
  62. Despite what she said, Megumin stretched her hand towards
  63. Chomusuke, who was resting harmlessly on my chest.
  64. Then—
  65. “…Hey, hey, are you looking for a fight?”
  66. Megumin rubbed Chomusuke, and laid down on the bed
  67. beside me.
  68. She slowly began to inch closer.
  69. As if it could read the situation, Chomusuke jumped from my
  70. chest, and laid down on the floor.
  71. Megumin ignored my troubled comment, and – as if to hide
  72. her expression – she buried herself under the blankets.
  73. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”
  74. Since yesterday’s events, this person had shut herself in her
  75. own room… So what did she want from me all of a sudden?
  76. They had known one another, and she had ended her life
  77. with explosion magic.
  78. —So it’s not like I didn’t understand her feelings, but…
  79. “…Can you what? What did you say? I don’t know what
  80. you’re planning, but I’ll let you know that I’m not the same as
  81. I was during my shut-in (hiki)NEET days… Ah I remember
  82. now, I promised to myself the first time we stayed here, that
  83. if you or Darkness tried to provoke me with underhanded
  84. methods, I’ll ‘follow through’ no matter what happens.”
  85. I joked around to lighten the mood.
  86. Megumin’s eyes flared Crimson.
  87. “I can alright? I mean, that’s why I came here tonight.”
  88. She said with a giggle.
  89. …What was she thinking?
  90. The feeling of her breath on my chest was a little hot.
  91. Ah, what is happening all of a sudden? I can’t help but feel a
  92. little nervous now…
  93. I’m in big trouble, she’s not just playing around after all…
  94. If this goes on, my lower half will start chanting explosion
  95. magic.
  96. “Oi, I’m a healthy young man, so don’t say those kinds of
  97. jokes. If you say those kinds of things, men will
  98. misunderstand you know? I heard that there are some
  99. unpopular men that fall in love with a girl the moment they
  100. shake their hand, so be careful alright?”
  101. Doing the best sharp voice impression I could in my nervous
  102. state, I lectured Megumin, who laid beside me on the bed.
  103. —But then, she stretched her arms behind my back, and
  104. hugged me tightly.
  105. “I told you before didn’t I?”
  106. Even though I couldn’t see her expression, I could hear her
  107. soft voice clearly.
  108. “—I love you.”
  109. Part 10
  110. How did it turn out like this?
  111. What’s with this sudden development?
  112. No, calm down Kazuma! This is the usual Megumin. She’s just
  113. a bit strange right now, that’s all…
  114. —But I couldn’t control my urge to continue on.
  115. Let’s start with a self introduction—
  116. I love manga.
  117. I love light novels
  118. I love games, and I love anime even more.
  119. When I was enjoying these wonderful things, I often thought
  120. to myself:
  121. —Why isn’t he making a move even though this beautiful girl
  122. has pushed on so hard!? It’s not like you’re homo or impotent
  123. or something! If it was me, I would’ve given in a long time
  124. ago.
  125. But now, I was the one put into the situation of the male lead
  126. of a manga.
  127. It was now, that I finally understood everything.
  128. Please forgive me for saying such things to you guys.
  129. Right now I am being hugged by a young girl in a bed, and
  130. she just confessed to me. Please tell me what to do.
  131. Megumin’s hug became tighter.
  132. —But it wasn’t anything like a painful bear hug.
  133. It was as if she was trying to tell something my heart, and
  134. that hugging me tightly was part of the process.
  135. …I’m in trouble aren’t I?
  136. In this situation, one small move – one small burst of bravery
  137. – is all it would take to cross the line.
  138. No, no, no! I can’t cross that! If I’m do then I’m finished!
  139. Calm down and think Satou Kazuma! Think!
  140. This is not to different from that time with Darkness.
  141. Back then, Darkness thought she was going to be married off,
  142. so it was a last resort for her.
  143. But this time the person in question had voluntarily come
  144. here!
  145. Since our party all lived under the same roof, if Megumin and
  146. I did that kind of thing, what would happen in the end…!
  147. This is wrong, this is really wrong!
  148. This girl definitely ate something wrong or hit her head or
  149. something—!
  150. Alright, alright, calm down Kazuma. Let’s not rush this too
  151. hard.
  152. Yea, she’s just hugging me right now, and all she ever said
  153. was that she liked me.
  154. I could feel my head getting hotter by the moment.
  155. I mustered all my words, and said with a hoarse voice.
  156. “I-, If you keep this up you’ll definitely be a bad woman when
  157. you grow up. You can’t do these things so carelessly alright?
  158. Listen closely, if you do something like this to a man, the
  159. man’s thing will go out of control and they won’t be able to
  160. resist the urge. In the future, please think a bit before you say
  161. such things. Lucky for you, I am a true man with a mind of
  162. steel, otherwise you would already be…”
  163. During my speech, Megumin continued to breathe on my
  164. chest. I tried to ignore that, and say what I had to with as
  165. much modesty as I could.
  166. Megumin began to giggle.
  167. “…When I grow up? What are you talking about?”
  168. Then, she pulled herself closer to me, and said with a light
  169. voice:
  170. “I’m almost 15 you know? I’m already an adult.”
  171. I should stop thinking too much.
  172. —I put my right hand on Megumin’s head, and felt her cool
  173. hair between my fingers. As if my fingers were a comb, I
  174. began to stroke her pretty hair.
  175. Megumin, who continued to lower her head, moved her left
  176. hand to my head, and began stroking my hair as well.
  177. I put my arms behind her back and hugged her petite body.
  178. Megumin seemed to relax, and released a deep breath.
  179. …As a virgin, I have tried hard.
  180. So should I do next?
  181. Please, someone teach me what to do.
  182. Am I supposed to go for a kiss?
  183. Damn, think of the simulations I’ve done using the succubus
  184. service!
  185. During the silent moment where I was conflicted, Megumin
  186. and I continued to hug one another and rub each other’s hair.
  187. Her cool and damp hair was really soothing.
  188. I slid my head under the blanket, and was now face to face
  189. with Megumin in the dark.
  190. I can’t really see her expression at all.
  191. Using the power of ‘Night Vision’ and ‘Farsight’ I could clearly
  192. see the outline of her face.
  193. I managed to arrive here by following the flow, but I still
  194. didn’t understand what was happening all of a sudden.
  195. My nervous mind felt like it was going to break down, but at
  196. the same time, my heart was full of expectations.
  197. My chest feels heavy, and my heart is beating nonstop.
  198. Is this ‘love’?
  199. Did I begin to like her without noticing?
  200. My heartbeat was not caused by my sexual urges.
  201. I thought and thought on, and finally arrived at a resolution.
  202. —No problem, I have a house, and I have money.
  203. I will definitely be able to live well with Megumin.
  204. Then, Megumin began to pull me in.
  205. Our heads were almost aligned, and her body became closer.
  206. Her lips drew close to my chin.
  207. Everytime she breathed, neck would become hot.
  208. Towards her lips, I will…!
  209. “Megumin! Where are you Megumin!? Are you here!?”
  210. Goddamnit! I knew that this would happen!
  211. In response to Aqua’s voice in the hallway, I quickly pulled
  212. my head out of the sheets.
  213. Outside the door were sounds of frantic running.
  214. I felt nothing but intense anger for the people who couldn’t
  215. read the atmosphere at all, but I managed to calm down a
  216. little. I also felt a little more relaxed.
  218. Mm, I will definitely regret this if I let myself be pressured into
  219. it.
  220. After all, today’s Megumin was a bit strange.
  221. If I cross the line with her, then our relationship with
  222. everyone else will be in jeopardy.
  223. Yea, didn’t she say so herself when she was making the
  224. charm?
  225. ‘Of course. These amulets all hold my wish, that everyone will
  226. stay together forever… I’m grateful to you too, Aqua. Let’s
  227. always be together.’
  228. Even if we cross the line, we can still be together with
  229. everyone.
  230. But what she wanted was to forever live in harmony with
  231. everyone.
  232. Then, this is enough isn’t it?
  233. It was too early for me to do this kind of thing with a girl I
  234. haven’t even dated before.
  235. “Aqua, did you see Megumin on your side?”
  236. Hearing Darkness’ voice, I decided to get up from the bed.
  237. However, I was stopped by Megumin who tightly pulled on
  238. my hand.
  239. …Eh.
  240. Even though everyone was waiting for her outside, she still
  241. wanted to continue?
  242. “M-, Megumin, Aqua and Darkness are…A-Are you alright with
  243. this?”
  244. I had my doubts, but I laid back down on the bed.
  245. Even though I had asked her that, she continued to hug me
  246. without another word.
  247. “Um, I think Megumin wants to be alone for now. I want to as
  248. well… Something happened between her and Wolbach a long
  249. time ago after all…”
  250. Yunyun’s voice permeated through the door.
  251. “Is that so…Mm, well there wouldn’t be a problem as long as
  252. she doesn’t leave the inn… Then Aqua, let’s go to bed first.”
  253. “Eh~ I wanted the four of us to play poker together…”
  254. Megumin and I were already wrapped in each other’s arms,
  255. and I no longer paid attention to the conversation occurring
  256. on the other side of the door.
  257. Since neither of us had the courage to make the next move,
  258. all we could do was imitate one another.
  259. However, if I’ve already gone this far, then I should see this
  260. mistake through to the end.
  261. The relationship between companions?
  262. My relationship with others might be in jeopardy?
  263. Why should I care?
  264. Yea, before I go for a kiss I should say something.
  265. Megumin already said that she likes me, then I should say
  266. something back to her.
  267. “M-Megumin. Uhm, you said you love me right? Well…Uhm…I
  268. think I also love you too!”
  269. And done!
  270. Now I can just go ahead and do what I want!
  271. Just as I was about to pridefully start this revolution, Megumin
  272. “…Really? What do you like about me?”
  273. Her head was lowered until now, but now she raised her head
  274. and returned my gaze with eyes full of expectation.
  275. Since I wasn’t much of a ladies-man, I couldn’t really think of
  276. anything sweet to say.
  277. “…Um, well, like…explosion magic and such…?”
  278. “If you really have nothing to say, do you think that throwing
  279. some explosion magic gibberish would make this better?”
  280. Megumin’s gaze went from soft to sharp.
  281. Damn, I shouldn’t have done something I’m not used to. Now
  282. I’ve made a huge mess..
  283. Why do I have the ability to crush such sweet atmospheres to
  284. smithereens?
  285. Maybe I was cursed with being a virgin for eternity.
  286. But then, Megumin – who I thought didn’t want to continue
  287. anymore – buried her face in my chest and laughed.
  288. “I love this uncomposed side of you, Kazuma. You have a lot
  289. of self-awareness, and when we meet some powerful
  290. enemies you won’t try to be manly or anything and protect us
  291. girls. Instead, you willingly use Darkness as a shield. Also,
  292. you don’t have the guts to do anything cruel, but you aren’t
  293. needlessly righteous about what you do either. You’ll do bad
  294. things when no one is looking, and you’ll do good things
  295. when you feel like it. You are a paradoxical, uncomposed
  296. normal person.”
  297. …Eh? Was she complimenting me?
  298. “If you’re in debt then you’ll work hard, if you’re wealthy then
  299. you’ll stop working. If you’re in a good mood you’ll be gentle,
  300. if you’re in a bad mood then you’ll be vicious. You seem to
  301. think about your companions, but at the same time you’ll
  302. won’t hesitate to give your party members the short straw.
  303. Even though you seem really smart and flexible, sometimes
  304. you’ll do some unimaginably dumb things…”
  305. Nevermind.
  306. Megumin looked at my troubled expression, and began to
  307. laugh.
  308. “Finally, I love you, who always complains about every little
  309. thing, but chooses to help everyone in the end. Even though
  310. you aren’t straightforward with us, I understand that you are
  311. truly kind at heart. When it should be time for you to make a
  312. move, you decide not to – just like you are now. You can’t act
  313. cool, and you drop the ball at crucial moments, but that is the
  314. you that I love.”
  315. She smiled while saying such things, and she brought her
  316. hands from my back to my neck.
  317. With the glimmering moonlight behind her, Megumin closed
  318. her eyes.
  319. Seeing her like this, I couldn’t help but feel an urge to follow
  320. her lead.
  321. Was this really alright?
  322. If it kept going like this then this’ll work.
  323. Yea, this was another world.
  324. Even though I was still a student back in Japan, in this world
  325. where people’s life expectancies were short, we were already
  326. considered adults.
  327. Megumin was already of marriageable age, so there was no
  328. need for me to say any more.
  329. Alright, I’ll take this responsibility.
  330. As I slowly drifted my face towards her with resolution—
  331. I saw tears trickle from Megumin’s closed eyes…
  332. “…Hey, hey, don’t force yourself! Do you really love me? Or
  333. is this a bit too early for you? Since I’m a gentleman I have no
  334. problem with waiting you know!? I am a man with much to
  335. spare, in terms of both money and love experiences—!”
  336. Megumin suddenly began to cry. In response, I began to
  337. nervously spout sentences that I couldn’t really understand.
  338. “Ah! N-No, this is…!”
  339. Megumin hurriedly recomposed herself, and used her fingers
  340. to wipe her tears.
  341. She breathed deep breaths and began to calm down.
  342. “…By the way, why did you come here tonight?”
  343. I asked her such a question on the eleventh-hour
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