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Sep 15th, 2013
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  1. [2013-09-07 21:54:19] <Gamesmaster> It is 14:05 hours, 4th October, 3067. After securing the outer comms facility and mercilessly exposing all the topside personnel to the Vacuum, the Third White Fangs Claws 2 and 3 reconsolidated their position. Cadets Remus and Stephan plunged inside the central elevator building in pursuit of retreating infantry, catching them as they attempted to flee utilising the main shaft elevator
  2. [2013-09-07 21:55:45] <Gamesmaster> Accompanied by a nervous Dorn, Dierson Pyre asseses his claws options outside of the entrance airlock. Over in the nearby hills, Ridian and Bran are covering Linus's slowly cooling mech, disabled from the previous encounter.
  3. [2013-09-07 21:57:16] * ^Bran^ looks for threats.
  4. [2013-09-07 21:58:49] <Dierson_Pyre> **2-3 can you manage to get 3-5 down here?**
  5. [2013-09-07 21:59:27] <^Bran^> **I will try**
  6. [2013-09-07 22:00:04] <Dierson_Pyre> **if it can be managed to relocate his mech inside it could be refired and
  7. possibly repaired
  8. [2013-09-07 22:00:06] * ^Stephan^ keeps watch at the elevator
  9. [2013-09-07 22:00:38] <Dierson_Pyre> **3-2 (stephan) status report**
  10. [2013-09-07 22:01:54] <^Stephan^> *nothing here, lead*
  11. [2013-09-07 22:02:06] <Jacob_Dorn> ** Heading inside would be an grand idea. I have a uncomfortable feeling. **
  12. [2013-09-07 22:02:45] <Dierson_Pyre> **Aff 2-4 (dorn) we however can not leave the rest of the star out here
  13. undefended**
  14. [2013-09-07 22:03:16] <^Stephan^> * your feelings are your own concern, freebirth. Keep them that way.*
  15. [2013-09-07 22:03:29] <Dierson_Pyre> **COMMS CLEAR STRAVAG**
  16. [2013-09-07 22:04:12] * ^Bran^ pulls up the icestorm very carefully making sure I don't put my mech under undue
  17. presure while doing so.
  18. [2013-09-07 22:04:20] <Dierson_Pyre> **all unengaged units proceed to entry of facility, I will remain out here to
  19. cover 2-3 and 3-5**
  20. [2013-09-07 22:05:11] <Gamesmaster> *Starting off carefully, Bran begins hauling the icestorm close to the edge of
  21. the slope that leads down to the facility*
  22. [2013-09-07 22:05:40] * Jacob_Dorn Looks up his computer systems and browses its abilities to see if there is a way to use his mechs Active Probe equipment to scan for signals such as remote triggers
  23. [2013-09-07 22:05:45] *** _Remus ( joined
  24. [2013-09-07 22:05:53] <Ridian> **\**Roger ROger Cap'n**
  25. [2013-09-07 22:06:00] * Dierson_Pyre moves to Bran and linus to assist
  26. [2013-09-07 22:06:10] * Ridian Swings his mech around and plods it to the elevator shaft
  27. [2013-09-07 22:12:37] <Gamesmaster> *Scanning, all Dorn can see on the BAP is the slowly cooling exterior buildings and other 'objects' that litter the moonscape*
  28. [2013-09-07 22:14:02] <Gamesmaster> *Meanwhile, Dierson's Thunderbolt has successfully grabbed hold of the Icestorms left flank, assisting the Clint in dragging it across the moonscape. The mech leaves a tell tale trail where its armour has scoured a small indentation in the landscape.*
  29. [2013-09-07 22:14:25] * Jacob_Dorn having picked nothing up on scaning the area he blames it on faulty tech but sighs disgruntlely over the coms
  30. [2013-09-07 22:15:20] <Jacob_Dorn> ** Gahhh... Probably nothing… Probably**
  31. [2013-09-07 22:16:23] <Dierson_Pyre> ** anything out of the ordinary 2-4**
  32. [2013-09-07 22:17:30] <Jacob_Dorn> **Sweep of the area has shown empty**
  33. [2013-09-07 22:18:23] <Ridian> **neg, quiet as tomb in a vacuum**
  34. [2013-09-07 22:19:15] <Dierson_Pyre> *** static crackles **
  35. [2013-09-07 22:19:22] <^Stephan^> *The elevator is returning*
  36. [2013-09-07 22:19:29] <Gamesmaster> *Ridian has now reached the elevator building airlock, alongside Dierson and
  37. Bran. Bjorn heads up the rear, following the crippled Icestorm*
  38. [2013-09-07 22:20:18] <^Stephan^> ** but there was some other movement I was not able to discern **
  39. [2013-09-07 22:20:26] <Dierson_Pyre> ** once inside, Linus will need assistance repairing the back closed to re-enter the vacuum once we complete our objectives**
  40. [2013-09-07 22:20:47] <Dierson_Pyre> **stay alert in there, we are coming in**
  41. [2013-09-07 22:20:58] <Gamesmaster> *The airlock begins to cycle*
  42. [2013-09-07 22:21:20] <Ridian> **Hey Linus, if you get a sec, think you could patch weld my arm sealed?**
  43. [2013-09-07 22:21:35] <Jacob_Dorn> ** Irrelevant right now Potato **
  44. [2013-09-07 22:21:55] * ^Stephan^ takes a couple steps back and hunkers down to prepare an ambush (for the elevator should it be manned)
  45. [2013-09-07 22:22:58] <Gamesmaster> Linus to Ridian : *Im not exactly the most comfortable around a blowtorch, but if I can I will*
  46. [2013-09-07 22:24:20] <Jacob_Dorn> ** This close quaters combat conditions will be a pain with this targeting
  47. computer **
  48. [2013-09-07 22:24:53] <Gamesmaster> *With the airlock cycled, the claws move inside with the icestorm in tow*
  49. [2013-09-07 22:25:06] <Gamesmaster> *meeting up with Stephan and Remus*
  50. [2013-09-07 22:25:19] <Dierson_Pyre> ** Linus, stay in your mech for now, once we have delt with the elevator I and Bjorn will see to assisting you repair your back armour crack**
  51. [2013-09-07 22:25:35] <Gamesmaster> *With a large mechnical whir, the elevator makes its presence known as it climbs higher and higher*
  52. [2013-09-07 22:26:35] <Ridian> **So,,,,anyone just want to lob a missle down there, just saying""
  53. [2013-09-07 22:26:36] <Gamesmaster> Linus to Dierson - *Aff lead*
  54. [2013-09-07 22:27:54] <Dierson_Pyre> **all units hold, weapons free, once targets are identified and
  55. acquired...remove them, QUIAFF?**
  56. [2013-09-07 22:28:45] <Jacob_Dorn> **Confirmed**
  57. [2013-09-07 22:30:52] <Gamesmaster> *With a mechnical groan the elevator screeches to a halt. Seconds lates, the
  58. console onboard shorts out, and you can see a vicious black smoke rising from its remains*
  59. [2013-09-07 22:32:02] <Jacob_Dorn> **Fantabulous....** *there is a clear hint of trustration in his voice*
  60. [2013-09-07 22:33:17] <Dierson_Pyre> **3-2 (stephan) check out the elevator**
  61. [2013-09-07 22:33:37] <_Remus> /I love you Zwei, but nigga fuck you//
  62. [2013-09-07 22:33:37] <^Stephan^> ** The elevator seems to have been sabotaged
  63. [2013-09-07 22:33:50] <Jacob_Dorn> **No shit...**
  64. [2013-09-07 22:34:01] <Dierson_Pyre> **2-5 (remus) go with him**
  65. [2013-09-07 22:34:09] <^Stephan^> ** There is no feces on the elevator **
  66. [2013-09-07 22:34:12] <Jacob_Dorn> ** go and jump up and down on it see if it falls down **
  67. [2013-09-07 22:34:12] <Dierson_Pyre> **aff....fix it then**
  68. [2013-09-07 22:34:13] <Ridian> **if you want, I can blow a hole into the wall and jump jet down **
  69. [2013-09-07 22:34:18] <_Remus> **Aff Lead**
  70. [2013-09-07 22:34:57] * ^Stephan^ scans for reapir tools
  71. [2013-09-07 22:35:29] * Jacob_Dorn faint crys of laughter can be heard
  72. [2013-09-07 22:35:41] <Dierson_Pyre> **Claws, defend Remus and Stephan while they inspect the elevator, Linus and
  73. Bjorn...with me, we will see about getting Linus back up**
  74. [2013-09-07 22:36:47] * ^Bran^ takes up a defencinve stance.
  75. [2013-09-07 22:37:14] <^Stephan^> * aff, lead *
  76. [2013-09-07 22:37:26] <_Bjorn> * Add *
  77. [2013-09-07 22:37:30] <_Bjorn> *Aff
  78. [2013-09-07 22:38:00] <Gamesmaster> *Stephan scans for repair tools, but then realises that if he had only had used his eyes, he would have seen that this building is simpl an entrance way. Other than a few basic maintainance
  79. workstations the area is not equipped to deal with heavy duty repairs.*
  80. [2013-09-07 22:38:19] <Gamesmaster> *Funnily enough, Stephan can not detect personal tools using his MECH SIZED
  82. [2013-09-07 22:38:54] * _Remus switches to IR scanners, looking for anything resembling life or possible vehicles*
  83. [2013-09-07 22:39:09] <Ridian> **Anyone got a good ol beam laser? We can just do this the old fasioned way*
  84. [2013-09-07 22:39:21] <^Bran^> **aff**
  85. [2013-09-07 22:39:22] * ^Stephan^ disembarks his mech and starts walking owards the elevator maintnence workstation
  86. [2013-09-07 22:39:52] <_Remus> **Decompression is not fun in a 'mech, I'm not good at rolling trashcans back up to
  87. standing**
  88. [2013-09-07 22:39:59] * Jacob_Dorn surveys the room for ant kind of remote computer access
  89. [2013-09-07 22:40:53] <Gamesmaster> *Dorn can see several computers, whether they are networked or not he has no idea from this distance*
  90. [2013-09-07 22:41:43] <Gamesmaster> *Crouching the incubus, Stephan deploys the loading ladder and descends from his mech. His nostrils are instantly assailed by the smell of burning human flesh, that is quite overpowering*
  91. [2013-09-07 22:41:52] * ^Stephan^ examines the workstation to see if elevator can be operated manually
  92. [2013-09-07 22:42:19] * Dierson_Pyre takes up position near 3-5 (linus) , crouches the mech and opens the cockpit to exit
  93. [2013-09-07 22:42:55] <Jacob_Dorn> *over person Comms* **Potato, there are a number of Computer Terminals see what
  94. you can dig up**
  95. [2013-09-07 22:43:02] * _Remus trains the Urbanmech's arms on the tiny man that is scurrying around.
  96. [2013-09-07 22:43:07] <Gamesmaster> *Stephan reaches into the console. It appears still live, and he cannot identify any mechanical override*
  97. [2013-09-07 22:43:08] * Dierson_Pyre instantly smells the burnt remains of the defense personnel, the memories of
  98. happier times floods back to him
  99. [2013-09-07 22:44:14] * ^Stephan^ tries fiddling with the contolls to see what will happen
  100. [2013-09-07 22:45:11] <_Remus> **Do you know what you're doing Stephan?**
  101. [2013-09-07 22:45:23] <_Remus> **Or do you need me to go down there and help?**
  102. [2013-09-07 22:45:44] <Jacob_Dorn> **sure he does for he is Trueborn**
  103. [2013-09-07 22:46:31] <Jacob_Dorn> ((Thank you Baked Potato!))
  104. [2013-09-07 22:46:41] * _Remus snorts over the radio.
  105. [2013-09-07 22:46:50] * Dierson_Pyre begins climbing down from his Thunderbolt C
  106. [2013-09-07 22:47:38] <Gamesmaster> *Suddenly, Stephan is blown backwards as a joly of eletricity surges through his body.*
  107. [2013-09-07 22:48:07] <Gamesmaster> **jolt. Witha scream, he drops to his knees and shakes his head as his vision
  108. swims for several seconds. His hand is badly burned*
  109. [2013-09-07 22:48:25] * Dierson_Pyre hearing a loud BANG behind him he turns just in time to see stephans limb form flung from the elevator console
  110. [2013-09-07 22:48:41] <_Remus> **Huh, I guess not.**
  111. [2013-09-07 22:48:45] <Ridian> So we all learned a valuable lesson, when poking a console with black smoke chugging out, wear rubber boots
  112. [2013-09-07 22:48:50] <Jacob_Dorn> **YES!!!**
  113. [2013-09-07 22:49:17] *** _Bjorn changed nick to Biorn
  114. [2013-09-07 22:49:26] * ^Stephan^ is shaking
  115. [2013-09-07 22:49:29] <^Bran^> **hehe**
  116. [2013-09-07 22:49:34] <Gamesmaster> *You hear the elevator motors begin to power up*
  117. [2013-09-07 22:49:38] <Ridian> <<Bjorn was biorn again??
  118. [2013-09-07 22:49:47] <_Remus> **You alright, Spud?**
  119. [2013-09-07 22:49:47] <^Stephan^> .. s-s-s-ss-h-h-h-h-hh-o-o-o-o-o-c-c-cc--k-k-k-kk--i-i-ii-i--n-n-n-ng-g-g-g-g
  120. [2013-09-07 22:50:17] * Dierson_Pyre begings inspecting the damage to the Icestorm
  121. [2013-09-07 22:50:26] <Gamesmaster> *power again seems to be flowing through the elevator, that now hums again with a faint throb*
  122. [2013-09-07 22:50:40] * ^Stephan^ shakes his head trying to get a hold on himself
  123. [2013-09-07 22:50:50] <^Stephan^> ** What happened
  124. [2013-09-07 22:50:56] <Jacob_Dorn> ** The Lift lives again! **
  125. [2013-09-07 22:51:08] <^Stephan^> ** As planned **
  126. [2013-09-07 22:51:17] <^Bran^> **So getting mown up wasn't in vain then.**
  127. [2013-09-07 22:51:17] * Dierson_Pyre turns to notice the elevator running, turns back to inspecting damage
  128. [2013-09-07 22:51:53] * _Remus tries to get down and make his way out of the Urbie to the burnt spud-man
  129. [2013-09-07 22:52:23] * Ridian noticing the elevator, arms srms at the elevator**
  130. [2013-09-07 22:52:31] * ^Stephan^ realises his comunicator is dead
  131. [2013-09-07 22:52:37] * ^Stephan^ heds back to his mech
  132. [2013-09-07 22:52:38] <Gamesmaster> *Dierson pyre can immediately see the damage. A laser blast has blown off a large section of armour, reducing it to a thin sliver or intact armour. A single, long crack has opened, which has vented the engine. The engine looks like it has been undamaged, and could be started inside an atmosphere without repair*
  133. [2013-09-07 22:53:02] * ^Stephan^ or atleast tried
  134. [2013-09-07 22:53:33] <Dierson_Pyre> Bjorn, go find a welding tool...I think we can repair this
  135. [2013-09-07 22:53:57] * Biorn kneels his mech and jumps out to go give a hand with the repairs
  136. [2013-09-07 22:54:08] * ^Stephan^ every couple of shakes and then continues walking
  137. [2013-09-07 22:54:44] * ^Stephan^ every couple steppes he skakes ***
  138. [2013-09-07 22:54:51] * Dierson_Pyre begins searching nearby for any welding materials
  139. [2013-09-07 22:55:00] * Biorn joins Dierson in the searhc
  140. [2013-09-07 22:55:29] * _Remus once on the ground from the Urbie, he walks over to the shaking spud and asks, "A
  141. little crispy, good job though, looks like power is restored."
  142. [2013-09-07 22:55:47] * _Remus then offers a hand to assist Stephan back to the Incubus.
  143. [2013-09-07 22:55:48] * ^Bran^ Watches over them and makes sure that nothing attacks.
  144. [2013-09-07 22:56:10] <^Stephan^> Indeed? Shocking
  145. [2013-09-07 22:56:13] <Gamesmaster> *Biorns manage to find a blowtorch in one of the piles of spare equipment for
  146. emergency vehicle servicing near the terminal arrays*.
  147. [2013-09-07 22:57:17] <_Remus> I should kill you for that pun...
  148. [2013-09-07 22:57:22] <Dierson_Pyre> YOU FIND ANYTHING BJORN?
  149. [2013-09-07 22:57:26] * Biorn hauls the gear back towards the Thunderbolt
  150. [2013-09-07 22:57:30] <^Stephan^> What pun?
  151. [2013-09-07 22:57:35] * _Remus sighs.
  152. [2013-09-07 22:57:36] <^Stephan^> I do not make puns
  153. [2013-09-07 22:57:47] <Biorn> Some servicable welding equipment, SC
  154. [2013-09-07 22:57:48] <_Remus> Nevermind. Get back into the Incubus, I will finish this.
  155. [2013-09-07 22:57:52] <^Stephan^> they are irrelevant
  156. [2013-09-07 22:58:06] * Ridian sits back in his cockpit, gittering slightly
  157. [2013-09-07 22:58:21] * Ridian **Jittering
  158. [2013-09-07 22:58:24] <Jacob_Dorn> **Beep boop**
  159. [2013-09-07 22:58:28] * ^Stephan^ returns to his mech
  160. [2013-09-07 22:58:48] <Dierson_Pyre> Aff, lets get to work
  161. [2013-09-07 22:59:00] <^Stephan^> ** ;ission accomplished, lead, the elevator is again operational
  162. [2013-09-07 23:00:17] * _Remus sighs and shakes his head.
  163. [2013-09-07 23:00:17] * Dierson_Pyre begins working with Bjorn to repair the crach in the Icestorm
  164. [2013-09-07 23:00:28] <_Remus> **Sans the fact you're medium-well.
  165. [2013-09-07 23:00:31] <_Remus> **
  166. [2013-09-07 23:01:20] * Jacob_Dorn plays some music on his PDA to pass time having nothing to do
  167. [2013-09-07 23:01:29] *** Gouty quit (Quit )
  168. [2013-09-07 23:01:35] * _Remus walks over to the terminal and looks around for any obvious connectors or unplugged
  169. parts.
  170. [2013-09-07 23:02:44] * Dierson_Pyre see's a obvious location to start welding and pulling the crach closed
  171. [2013-09-07 23:03:26] <Jacob_Dorn> **Want any music to make things more civil?**
  172. [2013-09-07 23:03:33] <Gamesmaster> *Inside the console, Remus can see what looks like a bent, mechanical release
  173. lever marked *lift override*. It has positions for up, down, and cease operation*
  174. [2013-09-07 23:04:05] <Ridian> **Some light jazz I feel would be appropriate**
  175. [2013-09-07 23:04:43] <Jacob_Dorn> **sorry dont have any Jazz**
  176. [2013-09-07 23:05:15] <Jacob_Dorn> **But I do have this.**
  177. [2013-09-07 23:05:38] * Jacob_Dorn switchs over the playing music in his cocjpit over the lowd speaker ad a low
  178. volume
  179. [2013-09-07 23:05:54] <_Remus> **Good news, I found the lever, amazing what a little probing around can do, isn't it Stephan?**
  180. [2013-09-07 23:05:55] <Gamesmaster> *The mechanical release is current in *cease operation* as it has not yet been
  181. used. Next to the lever is a blackended note bearing the text MAX LOAD: 100 Tons*
  182. [2013-09-07 23:06:45] * Ridian bobs mech head in time with the music, turns on his disco light switch and opens
  183. cockpit window*
  184. [2013-09-07 23:06:53] <^Stephan^> ** The order was to keep the comms clear, freeborth
  185. [2013-09-07 23:06:54] * _Remus turns around to see which mechs are actually on the platform.
  186. [2013-09-07 23:07:05] <^Stephan^> **Turn that music off and clear the channels
  187. [2013-09-07 23:07:49] <Jacob_Dorn> **This is not being played over the coms**
  188. [2013-09-07 23:07:55] <Gamesmaster> *Goggle equipped, Biorn and Dierson have begun to make decent progress on the
  189. Icestorms outer hull*
  190. [2013-09-07 23:09:12] <_Remus> **Ready to make a wake-up call?**
  191. [2013-09-07 23:09:48] <Ridian> ** Hell yeah, we have our theme song now and everything
  192. [2013-09-07 23:10:34] * _Remus grabs the lever and pulls it to the up position and scrambles back to the Urbie as
  193. fast as he can
  194. [2013-09-07 23:11:32] * Jacob_Dorn cuts the music
  195. [2013-09-07 23:12:04] <Jacob_Dorn> **so are we ready to decend into darkness?**
  196. [2013-09-07 23:12:30] <_Remus> **Found a way to get the elevator started**
  197. [2013-09-07 23:12:39] * Jacob_Dorn also seems to have calmed down somewhat
  198. [2013-09-07 23:12:44] * Ridian Closes cockpit and switches disco light to red
  199. [2013-09-07 23:12:46] <_Remus> **Orders to decend?**
  200. [2013-09-07 23:12:58] <_Remus> \\descend*
  201. [2013-09-07 23:13:10] * Dierson_Pyre stops welding...
  202. [2013-09-07 23:13:16] <Dierson_Pyre> **repeat that?**
  203. [2013-09-07 23:13:57] <_Remus> **We have the elevator working again, orders to descend?**
  204. [2013-09-07 23:14:32] <Dierson_Pyre> **do you have an estmate or time to descend**
  205. [2013-09-07 23:14:58] <_Remus> **Neg, we have yet to test the elevator**
  206. [2013-09-07 23:15:50] * Biorn takes up the welding whilst Dierson attends to the the situation
  207. [2013-09-07 23:16:25] <Dierson_Pyre> **aff, we should be finished here shortly, if Claws descend 2 to 3 at a time we should be finished here by the time it is our turn**
  208. [2013-09-07 23:16:46] <Dierson_Pyre> **proceed 2-5**
  209. [2013-09-07 23:17:01] <Dierson_Pyre> **3-2 accompany **
  210. [2013-09-07 23:17:02] * Jacob_Dorn attempts to use his Active Probe again to scan downwards to get any intel on what may be down the shaft
  211. [2013-09-07 23:17:14] <_Remus> **Ill advised, lead, load limit is only one-hundred tonnes. You will have to go in two or three at a time**
  212. [2013-09-07 23:17:23] <Dierson_Pyre> **followed by 2-4 and 2-3**
  213. [2013-09-07 23:17:39] <Ridian> **I could go, my jenners pretty light**
  214. [2013-09-07 23:18:19] <Dierson_Pyre> **Aff 2-5 acknowledged, proceed**
  215. [2013-09-07 23:18:25] <^Stephan^> aff **
  216. [2013-09-07 23:18:35] <_Remus> **Aff, priming lift now.**
  217. [2013-09-07 23:18:38] * ^Stephan^ stepps on the elebator
  218. [2013-09-07 23:18:39] * Dierson_Pyre turns back to welding
  219. [2013-09-07 23:19:30] <Gamesmaster> *Jacob Dorns active sensors, although fighting the interference of the ground and the shaft, detects that there is a faint heat signature of a vehicle moving away from the base of the elevator. Using his intuition, Dorn assumes that the vehicle is now in retreat*
  220. [2013-09-07 23:19:49] * _Remus scampers back to his 'mech
  221. [2013-09-07 23:20:33] <Jacob_Dorn> **People. a Quick scan has reveald that theres a heat signiture moving away from the bottom of the shaft.**
  222. [2013-09-07 23:20:38] * _Remus stomps to the platform with the 'can.
  223. [2013-09-07 23:20:55] <_Remus> **Aff, will be prepared. Thanks for the heads up Dorn**
  224. [2013-09-07 23:21:48] * ^Stephan^ primes his weapons
  225. [2013-09-07 23:25:40] *** ^Bran^ quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  226. [2013-09-07 23:38:17] * Dierson_Pyre stops welding
  227. [2013-09-07 23:39:21] <Dierson_Pyre> **All claws, watch for ambush or any other lowly freebirth tactics, in there
  228. position I was lay traps for any intruders**
  229. [2013-09-07 23:39:29] <Dierson_Pyre> their
  230. [2013-09-07 23:39:52] * ^Stephan^ scans his sroundings, visually, as he comes down
  231. [2013-09-07 23:50:45] <^Stephan^> Enemies detected... Ane enemy shadowhawk, 4 turets, lost of infantry and armor
  232. [2013-09-07 23:50:59] <^Stephan^> concentrating fire on enemy mechs
  233. [2013-09-07 23:51:45] * Dierson_Pyre hears reports of enemies on the comms and orders being issued
  234. [2013-09-08 00:01:40] * _Remus swears loudly over the comms as a gout of flame erupts from the ground around his mech
  235. [2013-09-08 00:01:52] <Gamesmaster> *Stephan is cut short by a PPC blast to the leg, which rocks his entire mech. The cadets have desdcende dinto a large cave, and unfortunately the enemy are there to greet them in a hastily arranged defence*
  236. [2013-09-08 00:02:04] <^Stephan^> Mines - switching to mag scan.
  237. [2013-09-08 00:02:22] <_Remus> **Watch the ground, looks like inferno minefields!**
  238. [2013-09-08 00:02:39] <Ridian> **Keep cool Remus, return fire, no problem**
  239. [2013-09-08 00:06:28] <_Remus> **Watch the wheeled scout, follow it's path, should keep you clear of the mines**
  240. [2013-09-08 00:10:14] <Gamesmaster> *Another PPC shot bursts out, slamming into Stephans mech. Ridian and Dorn,
  241. arriving on the battlefield, advance from the elevator and open fire*
  242. [2013-09-08 00:14:57] * Jacob_Dorn blairs out over the loudspeaker
  243. [2013-09-08 00:15:36] <Jacob_Dorn> SURENDER OR SUFFER THE CONSIQUENCES
  244. [2013-09-08 00:16:25] <^Stephan^> ** They will suffer eiter way, they are dezgra pirate freeborths **
  245. [2013-09-08 00:17:05] <Ridian> **Less talky more wooshy**
  246. [2013-09-08 00:17:47] <Gamesmaster> *A communication channel opens up on a wide frequency* "A Steiner pig? Here?
  247. Commander? What the hell is going on"
  248. [2013-09-08 00:21:35] * Jacob_Dorn attempts to listen in and keep the chanel open one way as well as home in on the source
  249. [2013-09-08 00:22:01] <Gamesmaster> *A reply cmes through* "Keep them away from the base, we are beginning startup
  250. procedures. Aim for the lead, concentrate fire. Switch to secondary encrypted channel, and watch your language" is
  251. the return reply, stern and commanding cuts over him.
  252. [2013-09-08 00:23:14] <Gamesmaster> *further comms chatter* "Sdsads out sdassa my mech. Cover fdsajkdsa m&"£&62
  253. oth298298rs"
  254. [2013-09-08 00:24:50] <Jacob_Dorn> **Guys did you catch that? They are begining start up prociedures so expect more trouble.**
  255. [2013-09-08 00:29:48] <Gamesmaster> *With a large explosion, the right arm on Ridians IIC is shorn off by the
  256. Myrmidons blast as it PUNCHES THROUGH THE HULL*
  257. [2013-09-08 00:32:06] <Ridian> **Well shit....would you look at that **
  258. [2013-09-08 00:32:21] <Ridian> ** How am I going to use my digital watch now?**
  259. [2013-09-08 00:33:15] <Gamesmaster> *Chatter* "Ive£&"*&£827close237832 Capta*2973n. For the Mid84937437ght St88!"
  260. [2013-09-08 00:38:06] <Jacob_Dorn> **Biorn stay close to us if you please it looks like Foot troops are moving up and you are best suited to combat them**
  261. [2013-09-08 00:39:56] <Jacob_Dorn> **Ridian you Magnificent Bastard! **
  262. [2013-09-08 00:41:40] <_Remus> **Time to put that training to use, burn away fuckface!**
  263. [2013-09-08 00:41:41] <Ridian> **Ya ha ha ha ha ha ha*
  264. [2013-09-08 00:41:56] * Ridian lets loose a laugh over comes....not quite all there
  265. [2013-09-08 00:43:03] <Gamesmaster> *Roaring the throttle, RIdian bursts through the lines after the Myrmidon*
  266. [2013-09-08 00:43:26] <Jacob_Dorn> **Turret Destroyed!**
  267. [2013-09-08 00:50:21] <Gamesmaster> *Several scout cars break off in pursuit of the Jenner IIC as Remus engages the Shadowhawk in close combat*
  268. [2013-09-08 00:57:46] <Gamesmaster> Dierson Pyre: I am descending the Elevator. Status report, Claws 2 and 3.
  269. [2013-09-08 01:00:00] <Jacob_Dorn> **Lead welcome to the fight. The Battle is going steady there are a lot of them
  270. putting up stuborn resistance. However they are inexprienced and are scared**
  271. [2013-09-08 01:00:55] <Gamesmaster> Dierson Pyre: All points report in.
  272. [2013-09-08 01:01:09] <Ridian> **Im on my arse rolling around like a drunk fish, welcome to the party, drinks are on me**
  273. [2013-09-08 01:02:01] <^Stephan^> ** engaged with the shadowhawk with Remus ... it is currently prone, Infantry
  274. closing in.
  275. [2013-09-08 01:02:14] <Biorn> **Multiple infantry corps moving in on lead mechs, engaging on counter offensive**
  276. [2013-09-08 01:03:31] <Jacob_Dorn> **Beware of Mine fields**
  277. [2013-09-08 01:04:15] <_Remus> **Engaging infantry and a Shadow Hawk**
  278. [2013-09-08 01:04:33] <_Remus> **Nothing like the smell of fresh toast to liven the day**
  279. [2013-09-08 01:05:11] <Gamesmaster> Dierson Pyre: "3-1, Biorn, Move to our Jenner IIC and secure the area. All other units push our advantage. Location of minefields cadet?"
  280. [2013-09-08 01:06:41] <Gamesmaster> *Comms cut in* ^£^327632%%£$£$ Having 323iffculty &&6263eactor star£"3p*
  281. [2013-09-08 01:09:29] <Jacob_Dorn> **Right in front of you!. grid 1012 and surounding area unkown reference. Advice taking path right of the Road, Your right that is**
  282. [2013-09-08 01:10:00] <Jacob_Dorn> **Also from what i can gather on Comms thats a little garbled some one may be
  283. having trouble powering up**
  284. [2013-09-08 01:11:36] <Gamesmaster> Dierson Pyre: Confirmed, engaging long range support fire.
  285. [2013-09-08 01:15:03] <_Remus> **Bjorn, use the opening from the Hawk, I'll take care of the stragglers**
  286. [2013-09-08 01:16:55] <Biorn> **Aff, moving to support Jenner**
  287. [2013-09-08 01:21:00] <Gamesmaster> Dierson Pyre: "All claws, ignore retreating infantry, concentrate on remaining
  288. enemy assets"
  289. [2013-09-08 01:27:33] * Ridian watches the crab hit, slings out a stim and jacks up. As his eyes light up more, his smile grows
  290. [2013-09-08 01:31:16] <Biorn> **Cover me, moving in against enemy Myrmidon**
  291. [2013-09-08 01:32:23] * Ridian with the rarest sound of lock on, Ridian smile grows manic as he lets the streak fly, smashing into the head of crab
  292. [2013-09-08 01:34:14] <Gamesmaster> *AS the crabs uppper torso slumps, there is a burst of communication * "783278E can"3232 star23223!!11239832"
  293. [2013-09-08 01:38:18] <Biorn> **Enemy Myrmidon, confirm destroyed**
  294. [2013-09-08 01:40:43] <Jacob_Dorn> **Turret Destroyed**
  295. [2013-09-08 01:41:17] <Biorn> **SC, targets?
  296. [2013-09-08 01:41:49] <Gamesmaster> *Communications lines open* "To the enemy commander, this is Heishi Stenberg,
  297. commander of this lance. We surrender unconditionally, please break off your attack!"
  298. [2013-09-08 01:42:58] <Gamesmaster> Dierson Pyre to Stenberg: "Neg, no quarter will be given. Your mechs are
  299. continuing to power up. Die where you stand. All claws engage at will".
  300. [2013-09-08 01:43:43] <Jacob_Dorn> **Sucks to be them**
  301. [2013-09-08 01:44:14] <Biorn> **Enemy scout vehicle on my 6**
  302. [2013-09-08 01:48:56] <^Stephan^> (over open comms, with a smile) ** AFF, Lead **
  303. [2013-09-08 01:50:29] <Gamesmaster> *With a determined blast of his large pulse laser, Dierson knocks the source of the communication to the ground*
  304. [2013-09-08 01:51:56] <Ridian> **Sits back in his chair, knocks comms onto low volume and lets the next wave of stim roll over him like electricity**
  305. [2013-09-08 01:55:03] <Biorn> **Enemy crab dead in my sites, engaging alpha strike**
  306. [2013-09-08 01:56:05] <Gamesmaster> *another voice cuts across the comms* "Please stop firing!"
  307. [2013-09-08 01:59:23] <Jacob_Dorn> **Those anoying littel shits are causeing trouble**
  308. [2013-09-08 01:59:51] <Gamesmaster> *Another mine explodes, covering Stephans mech in burning gel as he attempts to chase down fleeing infantry*
  309. [2013-09-08 02:02:29] <Gamesmaster> *The Crab explodes as Biorns locust fires a scathing barrage. The pilot punches for the eject at the last second, the computer finally overriding the start up procedures*
  310. [2013-09-08 02:04:05] <Gamesmaster> *With a thud, the pilot slams into the attacking locust, and disintegrates
  311. violently due to the force of the ejection*
  312. [2013-09-08 02:05:01] <Gamesmaster> *'Debris' coats the frontal plating of the Locust IIC*
  313. [2013-09-08 02:05:07] <Gamesmaster> *reaching up to the cockpit*
  314. [2013-09-08 02:08:41] <Gamesmaster> *several infantry have made it to the elevator, which is now beginning to ascend due to them utilising the override lever*
  315. [2013-09-08 02:09:08] <^Stephan^> ** enemy infantry are fleeing for the elevator. Prepare to intercept topside **
  316. [2013-09-08 02:09:16] * Ridian sighs
  317. [2013-09-08 02:09:54] <Gamesmaster> *There is no reply to Stephans communication transmission*
  318. [2013-09-08 02:12:34] <Gamesmaster> *With a final horrified scream, the two hunchbacks die horrendously to the claws combined fire. THe leader of the lance is cut down as the head is blown clean off, whilst the second hunchbacks ammo detonates. Biorns Locust IIC is rocked by the powerful explosion, sharpnel tearing off some of its armour plates*
  319. [2013-09-08 02:13:34] <Jacob_Dorn> **Shit... My coolant is crudding up... **
  320. [2013-09-08 02:14:05] <Gamesmaster> *The second pilot is caught in the hunchbacks ammo explosion. Limbs and parts of the control chair slam into the Locust IIC as additional wreckage*
  321. [2013-09-08 02:15:16] <Gamesmaster> Dierson Pyre: "All points, report in immediately."
  322. [2013-09-08 02:15:32] <Gamesmaster> Dierson Pyre: "Finish up any and remaining stragglers"
  323. [2013-09-08 02:16:11] <Ridian> ** Dont think I'm going to be playing piano anytime sarge, nope nope nope**
  324. [2013-09-08 02:21:12] * Ridian watches part of the building nearby and his team mate disappear in amusement
  325. [2013-09-08 02:22:12] <Gamesmaster> *Under the force of the explosion, the Locust IIC stumbles through a building,
  326. and its leg actuators snap. It falls to the ground, covered in debris*
  327. [2013-09-08 02:25:54] <_Remus> **Looks like I'm not the only who's dead in the water.**
  328. [2013-09-08 02:26:22] * Jacob_Dorn does a final scan of his Active Probe to see what he can dig up
  329. [2013-09-08 02:26:52] <Jacob_Dorn> **lets just do a sweep that will probably turn up nothing but...**
  330. [2013-09-08 02:30:37] <Gamesmaster> *As almost fated by his questioning, all Dorn can see is heat signals from the
  331. buildings*
  332. [2013-09-08 02:30:41] *** ^Stephan^ quit (Quit )
  333. [2013-09-08 02:33:11] <Gamesmaster> Dierson Pyre: Tear apart the facility at your leisure. Utilise energy weapons
  334. only. Point 2-4, head upstairs and bring Point 2-3 and POint 3-5 down here. We will need help to recover the
  335. Urbanmech. 3-1, report status"
  336. [2013-09-08 02:33:22] <Gamesmaster> Dierson Pyre: "what is your situation"
  337. [2013-09-08 02:34:12] <Biorn> **Leg apatures appear to be disables. Unable to assess full damage as my unit is
  338. partially buried in debrie*
  339. [2013-09-08 02:34:15] <Jacob_Dorn> **Confirmed**
  340. [2013-09-08 02:34:53] * Jacob_Dorn plods back to the elevator following the safe path through the mines and heads up to the surface
  341. [2013-09-08 02:36:36] <Gamesmaster> Dierson Pyre: Confirmed 3-1. Stay immobile, I will retrieve you. All other units commence base destruction, watch for fuel tank detonation. Once complete, stand on point for futher orders Pyre out"
  342. [2013-09-08 02:37:04] <Gamesmaster> <---SESSION 15 END--->
  343. [2013-09-08 02:38:12] *** Biorn quit (Quit )
  344. [2013-09-08 02:38:47] *** Jacob_Dorn quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Like it? Visit #hydrairc on EFNet)
  345. [2013-09-08 02:38:57] *** _Remus quit (Quit: I leave, to sail beyond the sunset)
  346. [2013-09-08 02:41:59] *** Ridian quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Chicks dig it)
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