
Mandatory Beach Episode

Jul 13th, 2012
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  1. Man, is it hot today..
  2. >Rainbow dash insisted that all of you should play a friendly game of volleyball at the beach.
  3. >The rules were a little different here though. You couldn’t hold the ball with your wings, and there was no magic allowed, but flying was fair game.
  4. >At least that is what Rainbow Dash told you.
  5. >Pinkie and you were on one team, and Rainbow and Twilight were on the other. Twilight insisted on letting Applejack play instead, but when Dash started to tease her about not even being capable of playing anyway, Twilight was game.
  6. >So far, Twili and Rainbow were kicking your ass, although to be fair, Pinkie’s senses kept kicking in, and she would always dodge the ball whenever it came her way.
  7. >Pinkie: Ahh! I’m twitch-a-twitching again!
  8. >She screams as the ball lands right were she was yet again, and she dives out of the way.
  9. Pinkie, for the last time we’re playing a game!
  10. >Pinkie: Oh, sorry Nonny! I forget!
  11. >Twi: *sigh* Are we done now!
  12. >Dash: Tell you guys what, next goal wins!
  13. >Seemed fair enough. They were creaming you anyway.
  14. >Rainbow Dash hikes the ball up, and Twilight bucks the ball over to your side. By now, Pinkie has finally gotten it through her head, and she kicks the ball over for the first time.
  15. >Rainbow retaliates by flying up, and spiking it down HARD.
  16. >Right into your face.
  17. >It smashes into your nose, and you fall backwards, hitting the sand.
  18. >Dash: Yeah, I win! I win!
  19. >Pinkie: OhmygoshNonny! Areyouok?
  20. >Dash just leaves laughing, and the purple one leaves [spoiler] because fuck you [/spoiler] , leaving you and Pinkie alone.
  21. >You groan as you lean back up. Amazingly, the volleyball did not break your nose.
  22. >Pinkie: Aw, is non non okay?
  23. Ugh.. I think so..
  24. >All of the other ponies were playing near the water now, except Twilight, who was reading.
  25. >You get to your feet quickly, and Pinkie beams at you.
  26. Pinkie: Oh, I know what you need! How about a nice walk?
  27. >You think about it for a second. A walk seemed like a great idea, and if Pinkie was going with you, then you were game.
  28. >You nodded your head, and Pinkie shines her smile at you, a thing that you have really come to love since you came to Equestria.
  29. >Pinkie was the first one who found you when you first got here, and she took you into her home, much to Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s dismay, and took care of you. Pinkie was the one that convinced everyone that you were nothing to fear in Ponyville, and she even fought for you when Celestia wanted you to stay at Canterlot, which you were pretty sure was just so she could study and experiment on you.
  30. >You really liked Pinkie, although you didn’t speak much to anyone here.
  31. >Right now, you were in blue swimming trunks, which Rarity had so generously made for you.
  32. >Pinkie had insisted to wear a swimming suit too, which everyone had insisted was highly unnecessary, but Pinkie ignored the pleas and wore it anyway.
  33. >No one knew where she got a swimming suit because Rarity never made her one, but Pinkie somehow was able to get her hooves on it.
  34. >It was a blue bottom piece, and a yellow top piece. You had to admit that it was pretty cute. To complete the look, she even had an orange flower put right behind her left ear. It was adorable.
  35. >Pinkie: Hey Anon, wanna hear a funarific joke?
  36. Sure Pinkie, what do you have?
  37. Pinkie: Okay *giggle* : What is the best day of the week to go to the beach?
  38. Uhh.. Saturday?
  39. Pinkie: Nope! SUNday!
  40. >You let out a little chuckle, but it was nothing compared to the laughing giggle snorts that Pinkie was throwing out while she was rolling on the floor.
  41. >After she finally calmed down, you helped her to her hooves again, and kept walking.
  42. >You were getting pretty far away from the rest of the group now, being only pricks in the sunset.
  43. Hey Pinkie?
  44. >Pinkie: Yes Nonny?
  45. Don’t you think we sho- OOF AUH IFS AUGH!
  46. You weren’t paying attention, but the beach was actually getting rockier and rockier. Soon, you were actually walking on a cliff overlooking the ocean, and you just happened to fall in a small gap, ricocheting between the rock walls, and finally landing into the seawater below.
  47. >You start to struggle for air, still confused, and manage to make your way to the surface.
  48. >You take in a big breath of air, and look around.
  49. >Sure enough, you managed to entirely miss a five foot gap that was extremely obvious to you now.
  50. >You couldn’t see Pinkie though. Where-
  51. >Pinkie: GERONIMOOO!!
  52. >Pinkie goes for her signature move: the Pinkie Ball, where she manages to roll into a ball, and spin rapidly as she is diving. She hits the water, and hundreds of gallons of seawater are launched into the air.
  53. >You don’t know how the little pink pony did that, but it was impressive nonetheless.
  54. Whoa Pinkie, that was impressive!
  55. …Pinkie?
  56. >You start to frantically search around, but Pinkie was nowhere to be seen.
  57. >Ohno.
  58. >You dive under, looking for Pinkie. The water was nice and clear, so you had no problem finding Pinkie passed out on the ocean floor. You widen your eyes, and swim down a good 15 feet to her.
  59. >You feel the pressure in your ears as you lift Pinkie in your arms, and kick your way up to the surface.
  60. >You take in a nice long breath of cold air as you swim to the nearest bit of sand you could get to.
  61. >You flop Pinkie on her back. She wasn’t responding. She had quit breathing. Thankfully, her heart was still beating.
  62. >She needed air, and now.
  63. >You start to open her mouth, and lean in.
  64. >Wait, you’re just going to..
  65. >Focus. Pinkie needs you right now.
  66. >with her pony face, you knew you wouldn’t get a good enough seal, so you position your hands, one at the ends of her mouth, and one pinching her nose.
  67. >You take one deep breath, and push your lips against her.
  68. >It was awkward to get a good seal, but you managed to make it work.
  69. >You didn’t want to admit it, but the pressure that Pinkie was putting on your lips felt.. good.
  70. >You keep at it, seeing her chest rise and fall with each breath you give her, until finally-
  71. Pinkie: SPLFTHH!
  72. >Pinkie finally awakens with an enormous cough, sputtering out ocean water and confetti all over you.
  73. >Wait, wha-
  74. >Pinkie looks at you in confusion.
  75. Pinkie: What just happened? …Did I just..
  76. >You take Pinkie in a giant hug.
  77. It’s okay Pinkie, I gave you mouth to, er, snout. You should be fine..
  78. >Pinkie looks at you with her beautiful blue eyes, and hugs you back.
  79. >Pinkie: Thanks for saving me Nonny.
  80. Just promise me you won’t ever scare me like that again.
  81. >Pinkie: I’m sorry Anon, I didn’t mean to scare you..
  82. >You pick Pinkie up, and she nestles in your arms.
  83. It’s okay Pinkie..
  84. >Pinkie’s soft body was pushed against your torso. She was like a wet, squishy sponge at the moment.
  85. >She looks up at you for a second, as if thinking deeply about something. Then, she surprises you with a kiss on the lips.
  86. >You kiss her back, and all the troubles melt away. Her body and candy flavoured mouth felt amazing.
  87. >You carry Pinkie towards the sunset, kissing on the way.
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