
Human rights tribunal vs Birth giver

Dec 3rd, 2023
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  1. See like I dont know I just don’t care because this bitch has been ruining my life since the day she refused to self emancipate me at the time I wasn’t bad enough to just her name. My fault practicing empathy but in an adult and now she thinks people are stupid if she plays stupid fuck that got her little African friends to fraud me die. I’m won’t come to the funeral. They thought they could manipulate my family to manipulate me not knowing I was prepared to beef from the jump. She doesn’t care just wants to know how if I plan on following through notice now I asked if they got the paper work from human rights tribunal never responded but when I started talking about it on my notes now you know who was responsible for what happened to Jess since this Asian goofbag knows through digital manipulation they just want influence my life but I’m already on my way out from this fucken stupid culture denounce my citizenship to these fuc*en idiots. In my mind they made me believe they rushed her house and broke facials bones making her/they assume a male identity so I’m leaning towards annilation with flames 🤷🏿‍♂️II want all the smoke no one takes punishments for me or gets revenge for me that’s how you make me as an enemy ignoring my masochistic tendencies claiming I’m suicidal fu*king stupid can’t be both since being alive is only way to feel pain plus that makes the all the work the doctors did for me goes out the window. Are you fuck*ng stupid I’m not gonna let this fuck*ng b*tch ruin my life again as an adult I’m ruining yours first fuck*ng dumb*ss I don’t give a fuck about that country. they have an issue that’s different from the solution they thought they would get from what they were doing to me. Fuc*ing idiot. They never cared enough to take an interest in my medical history to find out anything that happened to me now that I’m an adult to respond in the way that I wanted to as a kid I still regret not fake, signing her fu**ing signature on my self emancipation papers my birth giving weirdo never took meds or went to therapy so it’s okay to abuse mentally and physical but pretend to forget so you don’t have legal consequences i’ve had to deal with all of my legal consequences by myself while all they ever do is run away from them and fraud other people to the point where they had to do fraud on me to try to get away from a claim that was going to make them take therapy I’m happy that they got to see just how deranged these people are knowing that this is the ends they would go to as opposed to just mediating a meeting before a trial fuck*ng stupid. This is how I’m always able to find out why people think of me and it’s easy. Do you think if I was lying even a little bit about my early childhood issues I would be able to give a fuck about some drug peddlers fuc*ing problems. You’re off your fuck*ng rocker if you think I give a fuck about you I got bigger problems you fuc*ing idiots. I do business too high class to be worried about some debt. Some broke bitch boy can’t pay for.
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