
Jay and Rin Part 5: クリムゾンプリンセスオブウィンド!!!

Jul 23rd, 2017
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  1. Aug WK4 1072
  3. (Rhiannon)
  5. Awwww fuck yeah! It's time for the Meet between Ylisse and Hoshido! Me and big bro are driving there with Caesar in our car as we are the Rank S AND Captain of the YML Team! I'm drinking hella water on the way there as I guess on who we gonna fight against. Meets never reveal who their teams are until the actual day of the event, so that neither nation can prep ahead.
  7. "SO! Who the fuck you think it's gonna be there?"
  8. "Well..."
  10. Jalen is the one driving us there as he swerve in traffic like a mad man. I swear he got his driving skills from our mommy...
  12. "Sadly for us, I'm sure either Hinoka or Ryoma will be the Rank S rep. As for the rest, if Hinoka's there, then I'm sure Setsuna will be there as well"
  13. "Oh yeah...Hinoka...fuck"
  14. "My thoughts exactly..."
  16. Hinoka is one of the best breeders from Hoshido who specialize in fast Hares, Tigers, Rippers, and more. Meaning we can have ourselves a mirror match cause last time she and mommy spoke, Mommy told us Hinoka have a Fairy Hare(Hare/Pixie) named Arngra(Or in the Hoshinease...Arungara) We make it to the stadium and get out of our car after parking it. We seems to be the 1st ones there as the arena is not packed. We look around and see a lot of flags for the 2 Leagues in this meet, Jalen whistles as we both take it all in...This is probably gonna be a very hard tourney unlike the ones here....
  18. "So when you think everyone gonna get here, Jalen?"
  19. "Ehhhh....We start in about 40 mins so soon I bet. Imma go and lay down in our dugout cause I'm tired from last night..."
  20. "Heh, I just wanted to get some of big bro's big dick~"
  21. "I know you do, But even I need rest, Rin-rin~"
  23. I smile as I kiss him on the cheek as he go lay down..I follow him and sit down on the floor before him as Caesar does the same...we both just relax as the arena begin to fill up with spectators. I know most of them from previous matches, Percy and I guess his dad(Who's fighting off some seagulls that want his Hot dog....) are here, Hinata is there, but don't see us...and there's Dio who glares at us. I flip him off, happy that he's not the rep.
  25. I look at the entrance and see the rest of the YML coming in...Looks like some rookie with an Antlan, Kaze, Inigo, and Soleil are here with us. Kaze nods towards us as Inigo ignores us to go bask with his fans, the lame...that rookie(His name is Red and he is a very reserved boy) sit by himself, super nervous which I don't blame him..with all of these cameras, I scoot closer to Jalen, waking himup in the process.
  27. "Oh, Sorry Jalen!"
  28. "It's fine....seems like it's time anyway.
  30. He yawns as he stretch his limbs out...he get up and look around.
  32. "Lots of people, goddamn..."
  33. "Yeah...As usual, I'll stay in here, ok?"
  34. "Allright"
  36. He tussles my hair affectionately like he always do...After that,, Soleil walk over with her Pixie
  38. "Yo"
  39. "Sup"
  40. "Hey Soleil, how's it going?"
  41. "Fine I suppose, Had to wait until Inigo was ready to come here..."
  43. Jalen quirked an eyebrow at this...
  45. "Wait, you don't have a car?"
  46. "I do, asswipe, Just that Inigo spend the night at my ranch after our monster sparred for this meet, and he takes FOREVER IN THE FUCKING SHOWER!"
  48. As she yell at her brother who's busy flirting with the girls in the stand..Jalen groans and nudge me to look over across the field. I do that and frown.
  50. "Well, we gonna have to fight Arngra..."
  51. "Damnit...."
  54. (Soleil)
  56. Words couldn't describe what I felt at seeing Jalen....Anger, Adoration, Annoyance, Love...fuck I guess words COULD tell what I felt.
  57. Anyway, after greeting them and yelling at my brother for almost making us late, I hear a Damnit from Rin and turn around to see both of them looking concerned...I couldn't fathom what would make 2 of our best breeders so worried until I saw who was here.
  59. Standing across from arena talking to a stoned green hair girl was Hinoka Yoake, the best female breeder with her Fairy Hare behind her doing Katas. I can see why they are worried now. Hinoka glances over and pause as she walk to where the siblings are..No way, they couldn't know each other, right?
  61. "ジャレン・クンとリャノン・チャン
  63. もう一度お会いできてうれしいです!"(Jalen-Kun and Rhiannon-Chan
  65. It's so nice to see you guys again!)
  67. "あなたと同じ、ヒノカ・センパイ"(Same to you, Hinoka-Sempai!)
  69. Not...Not only did they bowed to her, but they spoke Hoshinease to her!! What...I shouldn't even be shocked by this, they always go beyond what I know of them...I listen more to their conversation.
  71. "あなたはどうでしたか?私はあなたの母、カミラから素晴らしいことを聞いたことがあります!"(How have you guys been? I've heard great things from your mother, Camilla!)
  73. "私たちは大丈夫でした。私たちのモンスター、シーザーは2年前にランクDカップでデビューして以来リーグを支配してきました...正直に言うと非常に簡単で、誰もここで悲しいことに誰も挑戦していません。" (We've been fine. Our monster, Caesar, has been dominating the league here since his debut at the Rank D cup 2 years ago...Been very easy to be honest, no one here has been a challenge sadly.)~~Rhiannon~~
  75. Rhianon look somewhat sad by this as Hinoka adopt a thoughtful look.
  77. "2人ではっきりとするには...皆さんが星野に来て競い合おうと思っていたのですが、皆さんが必要とする挑戦を受けられないことを知っていました。"(To be clear with you two..I would had wanted you guys to come over to Hoshido and compete there, I knew you guys wouldn't gotten the challenge you needed.)
  79. At this, Jalen roll his eyes and spoke. I couldn't help but get some tone of annoyance from him..
  81. "あなたと私たちはどちらも、秀吉に行った時か、Nohrにいた時のことを知っています。パワースケールは長い間不平等になっていたでしょう...イライシスに来るための唯一の方法でした。カエサルがここで何回怪物を犯したのか知っていますか? あまりにも多くの時間!私の新しいベータ版に加えて、トップレベルのブリーダーと見なされる限り、誰も私の新しいベータ版に加えて、それ以上の可能性はありません。" (You and us both know that had we gone to Hoshido or stayed in Nohr, the power scales would had been uneven for a long-ass time....The only way to make things fair was for us to come here to Ylisse. Do you know how many times Caesar KO'ed a monster here? Too many times! No one besides my new Beta over there have the potential as far as I'm concerned to be considered a top-level breeder.)
  83. After this, he nudge his head towards me as I blink..Hinoka look at me and look back at Jalen with a smirk like she is on to him..That smirk she threw at me as well didn't make me feel comfortable. Jalen blushes and look away with a huff, heh...he's cuter when he's flustered~
  85. "オハイオ州....そうだね。ジャレンくんは、イリスのベータ版でパックを展開したいのですか?〜" (Ohhhhh....I see.Jalen-Kun wants to expand his pack with some Ylissian betas?~)
  87. "黙れ!ソレイユはちょうどセヴェラとルシナと一緒にここでは非常に少数の女の子の一人であったことが起こった!"(Shut up! Soleil just happened to be one of the very few girls here along with Severa and Lucina who are cool damnit!)
  89. Hinoka laughed as she hugged both of them to her chest(She's not as big as me where I sit at a C going to D..she's a B) and whispers to them with a rather lewd smile...she walk away from them waving as the siblings are flustered.
  91. "ああ、私はあなたたちとファックしています...精神的にそして性的に〜...私は1週間はここに来るだろうとここではあまりにも遠くないホテルで2、私はここにいる私を訪問してくださいいつものゲーム〜。ええ、幸運を!" (Awww, I miss fucking with you guys...Mentally and sexually~...I'll be here for a week and 2 in the hotel not too far from here, Come visit me while I'm here so we can play our usual games~.See ya and good luck!)
  93. Apparently, they got a card from her and as they look at it, both of their eyes widen...
  95. (Jalen)
  97. Our mom will be there as well....Shit, and it's MY turn to take her dick!!..
  100. "......My ass isn't ready"
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