

Jan 22nd, 2017
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  1. [10:21] == WifiSpy [webchat@SpigotMC-8as.nee.52.204.IP] has joined #md_5
  2. [10:22] <WifiSpy> So, Hi.
  3. [10:22] <WifiSpy> Im sure you know who I am.
  4. [10:22] <WifiSpy> First off, I'm not here because of Tor's appeal. He was stupid enough to get caught, idgaf about it.
  5. [10:22] <WifiSpy> I would just like to speak with you, md_5, about a few things.
  6. [10:23] <WifiSpy> If possible, contact me on discord, (WifiSpy #8796). If that is not possible, I will DM you here on this IRC.
  7. [10:23] <LeftLane> wow so formal
  8. [10:24] <WifiSpy> As far as t0r goes, he is no longer of use to BSMC, and thus will be stepping down. What he does after, I do not care about.
  9. [10:24] <LeftLane> T0R, you gonna take that he called you stupid D:
  10. [10:25] <md_5> I have absolutely no desire to speak to you because I think you are a scumbag who knows what he is doing is wrong and illegal, but if you wish to state your case or justify your actions or whatever helps you sleep at night, you are welcome to use this channel as your soapbox. I see nothing wrong with having a record we both know is publiv
  11. [10:25] <md_5> Public
  12. [10:26] <WifiSpy> Alright.
  13. [10:26] <WifiSpy> Thank You.
  14. [10:29] <WifiSpy> First off, I believe that minecraft shouldn't be profited off of. Its a creative game. All the creativity should be given for free, not just to the people who pay. I know some people disagree "people wouldn't make cool stuff if it wasn't profitable", but I think differently. I believe that is all creativity was shared freely, there would be so much more cool stuff out there.
  15. [10:29] <WifiSpy> *that if
  16. [10:31] <WifiSpy> I'm not in this for the money, i'm in it for the people. I'm 16-19 now, but years ago, my family did not have much money. It would make me so mad when I would see people selling things for minecraft online. I just wanted to be creative, but that creativity was blocked behind money.
  17. [10:32] <WifiSpy> So i'm running BSMC for the people like me who were young, creative, but poor.
  18. [10:32] <WifiSpy> We make VERY LITTLE, and all donations go towards keeping the site up. (Which they barely do).
  19. [10:32] <md_5> Plugins are fundamentally different from anything made in Minecraft, they are standalone pieces of code which may or may not be used within Minecraft. The established laws in pretty much every country in the world disagree you on that, anyone who produces an original work is generally allowed to assert their copyright how they see fit, and this can include licensing fees. \
  20. [10:34] <WifiSpy> I understand that I cannot stop people from selling plugins at obscene prices, or from selling them at all. But atleast this way, I can give back to the little guy. I do not care about it being "illegal
  21. [10:34] <WifiSpy> ".
  22. [10:35] <md_5> You say that "It would make me so mad when I would see people selling things for minecraft online". How exactly is this different from selling literally any other original work?
  23. [10:35] <md_5> Does it make you mad when people sell drawings that they made? eg:
  24. [10:36] <md_5> Does it make you mad when Disney sells the latest Star Wars movie?
  25. [10:36] <WifiSpy> Because minecraft is a place where freely sharing your creativity thrives. Minecraft was built opun people sharing things freely. That is how it should be for everything related to minecraft.
  26. [10:37] <md_5> But a canvas is a place where freely sharing your creativity thrives.
  27. [10:37] <md_5> Canvases were made for people to have an outlet to put their work on
  28. [10:37] <md_5> Does this mean you are opposed to selling any sort of painting made on a canvas?
  29. [10:39] <md_5> You say in your argument: "I just wanted to be creative, but that creativity was blocked behind money. ". However you are not being creative. Other people are being creative. Other people are putting hundreds of hours into writing their code. You are simply stealing it. That is not creativity in my mind.
  30. [10:39] <md_5> If you want to be creative, the tools are there for you. I make Spigot. I give it away for free. You have exactly the same ability to be creative as those whose work you are ripping off.
  31. [10:39] <WifiSpy> I'd rather not compare minecraft to a canvas. A more suitable comparison would be to compare it to parts of a painting. People all donate parts of their creativity, in order to create a whole painting. But if some people decide to charge money for their parts, the painting as a whole looks bad for some people.
  32. [10:41] <WifiSpy> In my argument, I was referring to when I used to run servers, and was not affiliated with BSMC.
  33. [10:41] <md_5> What would you rather I compare it to? Star Wars is a creative work, that doesn't mean it's ok to pirate it.
  34. [10:43] <WifiSpy> Didn'
  35. [10:43] <LeftLane> if i sell a painting do i need permission from the person that sold me the canvas?
  36. [10:43] <WifiSpy> *Didn't I just say? I would rather compare it to parts of a painting. "People all donate parts of their creativity, in order to create a whole painting. But if some people decide to charge money for their parts, the painting as a whole looks bad for some people."
  37. [10:43] == mode/#md_5 [+v WifiSpy] by md_5
  38. [10:43] == mode/#md_5 [+m] by md_5
  39. [10:43] <md_5> Except that your analogy makes no sense
  40. [10:44] <md_5> No one is selling parts of anything
  41. [10:44] <md_5> They are selling their entire original work
  42. [10:45] <WifiSpy> The plugin community SHOULDN'T be a place where people sell their work. It should be a place where all people contribute their ideas, and code, for free. Like the people donating parts of their creativity to make a painting.
  43. [10:46] <md_5> The film community SHOULDN'T be a place where people sell their work. It should be a place where all people contribute their ideas, and acting and special effects and writing and advertising, for free. Like the people donating parts of their creativity to make a painting
  44. [10:46] <md_5> Also I don't know where you're from, but paintings are generally sold, regardless of if they are a collaboration or not :)
  45. [10:47] <WifiSpy> I'd rather have hundreds of people, contributing small pieces, towards something great for free, than one person selling something ok for alot.
  46. [10:47] <md_5> Thats a very noble ideology you have there. It's also not how the world works.
  47. [10:48] <WifiSpy> I am trying to make that ideology come true to the best of my ability.
  48. [10:48] <md_5> There are one hundred and seventy two countries that have ratified the berne convention and disagree with you.
  49. [10:48] <md_5> Copyright is a very basic human thing
  50. [10:49] <md_5> You dont get exclusions from it just because you think it shouldnt be that way
  51. [10:49] <WifiSpy> Like many human things, it is also stupid.
  52. [10:49] <WifiSpy> On the contrary, it seems that I do.
  53. [10:50] <md_5> You're not violating any laws?
  54. [10:50] <md_5> I don't think I'm wrong in saying the rules still apply to you
  55. [10:50] <WifiSpy> The rules haven't applied to me yet.
  56. [10:51] <md_5> yeah I murdered 5 people on Friday
  57. [10:51] <md_5> the rules haven't applied to me yet though
  58. [10:51] <WifiSpy> More like stealing a few things from a store, but the items you stole are still there in the store, when the owner checks later that day.
  59. [10:52] <md_5> I take that to mean you support piracy of any intangible object
  60. [10:52] <md_5> Since after you steal it, it is still there
  61. [10:53] <md_5> If not, could you please explain how your argument is different and doesn't allow me to pirate the latest star wars
  62. [10:54] <WifiSpy> Since the richer, are only getting richer, and the poor, are only getting poorer. I believe that all people should get to enjoy the same luxuries as one another. The rich can afford to buy the latest star wars, so they should. However, the poor can't, so they should be allowed to pirate it.
  63. [10:55] <md_5> well you see, I can't exactly afford a Ferrari, so is it ok if I steal it?
  64. [10:55] <md_5> Because I mean the rich guy with the Ferrari is just getting richer, so there shouldn't be an issue with me just taking it
  65. [10:56] <WifiSpy> I believe it is morally right, as long as your actions do not harm others. A poor person, who wouldn't buy star wars anyway, can pirate it because they wouldn't buy it anyways.
  66. [10:56] <WifiSpy> With your example of the ferrari, it would be morally wrong, as the other man worked hard for the ferrari. It would cause him lots of time and trouble to track it down, or collect on the insurance.
  67. [10:57] <md_5> But Disney worked hard on star wars
  68. [10:57] <md_5> It took them years and over a quarter billion dollars
  69. [10:57] <WifiSpy> They would not be losing anything though. You would not have bought the movie anyways.
  70. [10:58] <md_5> Are you so young that you don't understand the concept of saving up for something?
  71. [10:59] <WifiSpy> There are millions, even billions of people who struggle to save up enough to buy food. They don't have the money to pay for films, much less spigot plugins.
  72. [10:59] <md_5> You cannot argue that no one has lost money to piracy of any description because "you would not have bought it in the first place"
  73. [10:59] <WifiSpy> That is not what I am trying to argue.
  74. [10:59] <WifiSpy> I am trying to argue that it is morally ok to pirate, if you cannot afford it.
  75. [10:59] <WifiSpy> And would not have bought it anyways.
  76. [10:59] <md_5> There are around 30,000 available Spigot plugins
  77. [10:59] <md_5> around 1,000 of them are paid
  78. [11:00] <WifiSpy> That is 1000 too many.
  79. [11:00] <md_5> There are plenty alternatives out there that dont end in stealing
  80. [11:00] <WifiSpy> Is it stealing though?
  81. [11:00] <WifiSpy> I don't believe it is stealing.
  82. [11:01] <md_5> Yes, one hundred and seventy two countries agree that it is stealing
  83. [11:01] <WifiSpy> Well I disagree.
  84. [11:01] <WifiSpy> Thus, I will defy those countries, and the law, to go after what I believe is morally right.
  85. [11:02] <md_5> I believe that it is morally right that every man should have a ferrari
  86. [11:02] <md_5> I will now proceed to acquire a ferrari
  87. [11:02] <WifiSpy> In a perfect world, yes.
  88. [11:03] <WifiSpy> In a perfect world, wealth is shared, not hoarded. In a perfect world, everyone enjoys the same luxuries. I am trying to provide a small portion of that perfect world.
  89. [11:03] <md_5> So you would describe yourself as a communist?
  90. [11:04] <WifiSpy> Communism is far from perfect. However, its overall goal was a good thing.
  91. [11:06] <md_5> Understandable given Czechoslovakia was a communist country for a long time
  92. [11:06] <WifiSpy> OhYeah55, and T0R are from Czechoslovakia. I am not.
  93. [11:06] <md_5> But hey, whaddya know, communism doesn't really work
  94. [11:07] <WifiSpy> I am from the United States of America.
  95. [11:07] <WifiSpy> (By the way, I don't like Trump). However, I wouldn't be surprised if you do.
  96. [11:08] <WifiSpy> I also encourage people who want to share freely, and contribute to the perfect world, to do so on BSMC. It is not only a place of leaking, but a place of sharing.
  97. [11:08] <md_5> shame on me for bringing politics into this
  98. [11:08] <md_5> I think I got what youre saying now though
  99. [11:08] <md_5> theft=sharing
  100. [11:08] <md_5> he can just share is ferrari with me
  101. [11:09] <WifiSpy> In a perfect world, where people loved each other, yes.
  102. [11:09] <md_5> You're either naive or delusional, I'm not quite sure which at this point
  103. [11:09] <T0R> Communism was good in our country md_5, but this also had its drawbacks.
  104. [11:09] == Cannot send to channel (+m): #md_5
  105. [11:09] <WifiSpy> A word of advice my daddy once told me md_5, "You can't bullshit a bullshitter".
  106. [11:10] <WifiSpy> Oh! And I'll see you at minecon next year ;)
  107. [11:11] <md_5> I guess that money from your site is coming in good then
  108. [11:11] <WifiSpy> Nah, i'm paying for that out of my own pocket. My website makes roughly $30 a month in profit, which is used to cover site costs.
  109. [11:12] <md_5> MINECON will be in Europe
  110. [11:12] <md_5> its quite expensive to go from the US to europe
  111. [11:12] <md_5> Do you have another job?
  112. [11:12] <WifiSpy> Lets just say that I'm important outside of the minecraft community.
  113. [11:13] <md_5> you're 16-19 and a "big deal"
  114. [11:13] <md_5> nice
  115. [11:13] <md_5> Just curious, your job wouldnt in any way be related to people producing original work of any kind
  116. [11:14] <WifiSpy> I'm not talking anymore about my personal life in regards to my privacy.
  117. [11:15] <md_5> so we can just speculate in saying that your job is one you wouldnt have if people didnt pay for things
  118. [11:15] <md_5> (ie: literally every job in the world)
  119. [11:16] <WifiSpy> Well that depends.
  120. [11:17] <md_5> Or are you a "big deal" in the bulletproof hosting community?
  121. [11:17] <WifiSpy> I do not own BlackHost if that is what you are thinking.
  122. [11:17] <WifiSpy> It is just a coincidental name, of a host who sponsors us.
  123. [11:17] <md_5> You're right, I wouldn't want to mistake you for an entrepreneur
  124. [11:17] <md_5> Stealing dedicated servers is a bit harder than stealing software
  125. [11:18] <WifiSpy> I'll give you props for that comment, as it made me laugh.
  126. [11:18] <md_5> it would be ok to steal them though
  127. [11:18] <md_5> because you'd only be using them to spread the creativity of Minecraft
  128. [11:19] <md_5> which is something everyone should have access to
  129. [11:19] <WifiSpy> As I said before, it depends if it is morally right.
  130. [11:19] <md_5> Is it morally right?
  131. [11:19] <WifiSpy> Who will stealing the servers harm?
  132. [11:20] <md_5> Who will stealing the plugins harm?
  133. [11:20] <md_5> The developers
  134. [11:20] <md_5> People like you who may not be in the most fortunate situation
  135. [11:20] <md_5> People who have gone and taught themselves how to code
  136. [11:20] <md_5> People who are helping to support their family by selling their work
  137. [11:21] <WifiSpy> If the best way to support their family is by selling minecraft plugins, they need to go get a job. We all know those developers are using the money to buy games, and other crap.
  138. [11:21] <md_5> (This isn't made up either, recently I had someone from Greece thank me for that opportunity because it is helping his family there because their economy aint so hot right now)
  139. [11:21] <WifiSpy> And those are the people whom I blacklist.
  140. [11:21] <T0R> Its Vagdedes.
  141. [11:21] == Cannot send to channel (+m): #md_5
  142. [11:22] <md_5> So you are the judge of whether their work is worthy of payment or not?
  143. [11:23] <WifiSpy> Indeed I am.
  144. [11:23] <md_5> I mean you gotta be ethical whilst breaking the law, right
  145. [11:23] <WifiSpy> Exactly!
  146. [11:23] <md_5> I only murder bad people
  147. [11:23] <WifiSpy> Also, it's 1-6AM for me, so my brain isn't fully functional, as I have not slept.
  148. [11:24] <WifiSpy> Also, that is morally right in my opinion, Ever seen dexter?
  149. [11:24] <md_5> Why have you not slept?
  150. [11:24] <md_5> If you're as young as you say you are, shouldnt you be in school
  151. [11:24] <WifiSpy> I like to stay up late.
  152. [11:24] <md_5> you shouldnt do that
  153. [11:24] <WifiSpy> Also, i'm using a VPN. I'm not stupid.
  154. [11:24] <md_5> it's bad for your health
  155. [11:25] <md_5> you need to be alert in class so you can learn and get a good job
  156. [11:25] <md_5> Also VPN's don't change your browser's timezone :)
  157. [11:25] <WifiSpy> I will say, that I am not in school currently.
  158. [11:25] <WifiSpy> Also, touche, touche.
  159. [11:25] == PhanaticD [~PhanaticD@SpigotMC-imr.g10.63.45.IP] has joined #md_5
  160. [11:25] <md_5> you should be in school if you want a good job
  161. [11:26] <WifiSpy> I already have a great job.
  162. [11:26] <WifiSpy> One that probably makes more than you.
  163. [11:26] <md_5> you go girl!
  164. [11:26] <md_5> shouldnt you give me some of your money then though
  165. [11:26] <md_5> because I mean youre rich
  166. [11:26] <md_5> and just getting richer compared to me
  167. [11:26] <WifiSpy> Now that is just down right elementary.
  168. [11:27] == VoidWhisperer [~VoidWhisper@SpigotMC-j1i.bul.110.172.IP] has joined #md_5
  169. [11:27] <WifiSpy> I donate to the American Red Cross, The ALS Association, and many other charities every month.
  170. [11:28] <WifiSpy> I also have given you plenty of my money.
  171. [11:28] <WifiSpy> Atleast $50 in donations towards spigot.
  172. [11:28] <md_5> after just saying how much money you have you used $50 and plenty in the same sentence
  173. [11:29] <md_5> if you were older maybe you would know that $50 aint nothing in the real world
  174. [11:30] <WifiSpy> I didn't give you money because I wanted to. I gave you money because I wanted to access the VIP forum on my 5 accounts.
  175. [11:31] <WifiSpy> I used the word plenty, in regards to you not needing much. The same way I say it to my friend who always asks me for money "I have already given you PLENTY of money george, stop asking".
  176. [11:31] <WifiSpy> Don't bother looking for my 5 accounts, I use a different VM, IP, and browser on each one.
  177. [11:33] <md_5> Do you honestly think I care who you are?
  178. [11:33] <md_5> I mean aside from a criminal
  179. [11:33] <WifiSpy> Now, Criminal is a harsh term.
  180. [11:33] <WifiSpy> The maximum penalty I could be charged with is a few felonies, and or a fine.
  181. [11:34] <md_5> Is it though? You just admitted to willful copyright infringement because you believe it's morally right.
  182. [11:34] <WifiSpy> Ah, but am I actually WifiSpy? The world will never know.
  183. [11:34] <md_5> things have a way of catching up with you
  184. [11:35] <md_5> you really do need to learn that
  185. [11:35] <md_5> btw if a "few felonies" isn't criminal, what is?
  186. [11:36] <WifiSpy> A felony is not a crime. Thus, I am not a criminal.
  187. [11:36] <md_5> felony
  188. [11:36] <md_5> 'f?l?ni/
  189. [11:36] <md_5> noun
  190. [11:36] <md_5> noun: felony; plural noun: felonies
  191. [11:36] <md_5> a crime regarded in the US and many other judicial systems as more serious than a misdemeanour.
  192. [11:36] <md_5> ---
  193. [11:36] <md_5> Please can you consult a dictionary before speaking
  194. [11:36] == mode/#md_5 [+v CafeBabe] by md_5
  195. [11:36] <WifiSpy> Copyright infringement can be a felony or a misdemeanor.
  196. [11:37] <md_5> I'm not versed in US law, but I'd say repeated and willful copyright infringement is a felony
  197. [11:37] <WifiSpy> Usually it is considered a felony if the damages are over $250,000.
  198. [11:37] <WifiSpy> I don't believe that BSMC has caused that much damage.
  199. [11:37] <WifiSpy> Thus I would be convicted of a misdemeanor. Thus, I am not a criminal.
  200. [11:38] <md_5> "Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or "statutory" damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For "willful" infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to
  201. [11:38] <md_5> five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense."
  202. [11:38] <WifiSpy> That is a for a felony.
  203. [11:39] <WifiSpy> And also the maximum sentence.
  204. [11:39] <WifiSpy> The way BSMC is set up, my lawyers would help me lost the charges, or settle for a very small fee and no prison time.
  205. [11:39] <WifiSpy> *lose
  206. [11:39] <md_5> your lawyers
  207. [11:39] <md_5> lol
  208. [11:39] <md_5> want me to let you in on a secret
  209. [11:40] <WifiSpy> Do you think I would run a site like this without hiring lawyers? That would be a bad idea.
  210. [11:40] <md_5> I copy pasted that from a letter that our actual lawyers sent a few years ago to a kid exactly like you
  211. [11:40] <WifiSpy> No you didn't. You copy pasted it from google.
  212. [11:40] <WifiSpy> I was looking at the same page you copy pasted it from.
  213. [11:40] <WifiSpy> Nice Try though.
  214. [11:42] <md_5> it may be on google as well, but I'm not lying when I say our lawyers sent a letter containing those exact words
  215. [11:42] <md_5> <+WifiSpy> Nah, i'm paying for that out of my own pocket. My website makes roughly $30 a month in profit, which is used to cover site costs.
  216. [11:42] <WifiSpy> By site costs, I am referring to hosting, and purchasing plugins.
  217. [11:42] <md_5> well I guess when you're spending several hundred an hour on lawyers eh
  218. [11:43] <WifiSpy> I have my owner lawyers, for my actual job, and I have consulted them on things regarding BSMC.
  219. [11:43] <WifiSpy> *my own
  220. [11:43] <md_5> ooh your mysterious actual job that you have as a 16-19 old whilst moonlighting as the batman of Minecraft creativity
  221. [11:44] <WifiSpy> ^I will give you props for that comment as well, as it made me laugh.
  222. [11:44] <md_5> If you wanna send me your lawyer's contact details we can sort this out with them
  223. [11:44] <WifiSpy> No thanks, especially since I am not violating any of your copyright <3
  224. [11:45] <md_5> Maybe not my copyright, but copyrights which we are authorised to represent :)
  225. [11:45] <md_5> If you do end up coming to Minecon, do lemme know well in advance, because I would *love* to be able to serve you in person
  226. [11:46] <WifiSpy> As far as my lawyers go, they are just consultants, there to keep me from getting into too much trouble. I have been told that if anything would be brought to court, I would most likely win, or I would face very little charges.
  227. [11:47] <md_5> so let me get this straight
  228. [11:47] <md_5> you went to your lawyers
  229. [11:47] <md_5> and said "Hey Im doing this illegal thing"
  230. [11:47] <WifiSpy> I will be at Minecon, and I will talk to you, but you will not know who I am. It will be interesting to interact with you when you are not hostile.
  231. [11:47] <md_5> and they went "yeah sure thats illegal, but keep on doing it, if you get caught it wont matter too much"
  232. [11:48] <WifiSpy> They advised me on how to run BSMC whilst violating little to no copyright. (Or atleast leaving little to no evidence behind). They did advice me against running BSMC, but I pay them to advise me on legal matters, and that they did.
  233. [11:48] <md_5> oooh
  234. [11:48] <WifiSpy> *advise
  235. [11:48] <md_5> your lawyers advised you on how to bury evidence as well
  236. [11:49] <md_5> These are some top quality lawyers you have there
  237. [11:49] <WifiSpy> Not how to bury evidence, but how to not create it.
  238. [11:49] <WifiSpy> How to run BSMC without violating any laws directly.
  239. [11:50] <md_5> But you just told me you were knowingly violating laws
  240. [11:50] <WifiSpy> Yes, but am I actually WifiSpy?
  241. [11:50] <md_5> Also lawyers don't tend to be accessories to their client's crimes
  242. [11:50] <md_5> lmao
  243. [11:50] <md_5> yeah I been fooled
  244. [11:51] <md_5> you lose the argument so you pretend it never happened
  245. [11:51] <WifiSpy> This chat would not be valid in a court of law, as there is no proof that the person in this chat is actually me.
  246. [11:52] <WifiSpy> Bottom line is, you think things are right one way, I believe differently. Right and Wrong is a matter of opinion.
  247. [11:52] <md_5> lol
  248. [11:53] <md_5> so if I murder 5 people
  249. [11:53] <md_5> I can just tell the police their opiinion is wrong
  250. [11:53] <md_5> and what I did was right
  251. [11:53] <WifiSpy> We have already gone down this road Md_5. What I am doing is NOT murdering 5 people.
  252. [11:53] <WifiSpy> It is much much different.
  253. [11:54] <WifiSpy> It is a necessary evil.
  254. [11:54] <md_5> so the law is different because you say it is different
  255. [11:54] <WifiSpy> It is a necessary evil.
  256. [11:54] <md_5> so is murder yeah?
  257. [11:54] <WifiSpy> Sometimes, it is.
  258. [11:54] <WifiSpy> Again, referencing dexter.
  259. [11:55] <md_5> in for a penny, in for a pound. I'm quite partial to a bit of genocide whilst I'm at it
  260. [11:55] <md_5> Another necessary evil in the world
  261. [11:55] <WifiSpy> Depends on the type of genocide, and the circumstances.
  262. [11:55] <WifiSpy> If its the genocide of all the child rapists, be my guest. Go ahead.
  263. [11:56] <md_5> What about software pirates?
  264. [11:56] <WifiSpy> Another necessary evil.
  265. [11:56] <md_5> killing them is?
  266. [11:56] <md_5> oh my
  267. [11:56] <WifiSpy> No No No. Md_5. Now you are just twisting my words.
  268. [11:57] <WifiSpy> Software Pirates existing is a necessary evil.
  269. [11:57] <md_5> Twisting your words? You mean exactly like what the opposing lawyer would do to you in court?
  270. [11:57] <WifiSpy> Your good md_5, i'll give you that.
  271. [11:57] <md_5> *You're
  272. [11:58] <WifiSpy> It's 3AM, give me a break.
  273. [11:58] <md_5> 3am? not 1-6am?
  274. [11:58] <md_5> oh nevermind we established that before
  275. [11:59] <WifiSpy> You already know the time, so I didn't want to bother.
  276. [12:00] <md_5> It's been so long I've already forgotten why software piracy was a necessary evil
  277. [12:00] == Billy [~BillyGalbre@SpigotMC-jbl6fo.s1tt.94fc.02c5.2601.IP] has joined #md_5
  278. [12:01] <WifiSpy> Steal from the rich, give to the poor. (Except if the rich still had their money when they woke up).
  279. [12:01] <md_5> You're a regular robin hood
  280. [12:01] <md_5> do the kids have to steal their own PC?
  281. [12:01] <md_5> Or could they afford that already
  282. [12:01] <WifiSpy> I stole my first PC.
  283. [12:01] <WifiSpy> Via amazon refunds.
  284. [12:01] <WifiSpy> When I was 13.
  285. [12:02] <md_5> oh
  286. [12:02] <md_5> so youre not just a software theif
  287. [12:02] <md_5> your an actual thief
  288. [12:02] <md_5> s/your/you're
  289. [12:02] <CafeBabe> Correction, <md_5> you're an actual thief
  290. [12:02] <WifiSpy> Haha.
  291. [12:02] <md_5> who caused tangible damage
  292. [12:03] <WifiSpy> Amazon doesn't pay enough in taxes, they should be giving back more.
  293. [12:03] <md_5> <+WifiSpy> With your example of the pc, it would be morally wrong, as amazon worked hard for the pc. It would cause them lots of time and trouble to track it down, or collect on the insurance.
  294. [12:03] <WifiSpy> A. Amazon is so rich they don't give a crap.
  295. [12:04] <WifiSpy> B. It cause little to no damage to amazon, and by stealing the PC, I have earned money that has helped hundreds of people.
  296. [12:04] <WifiSpy> * caused
  297. [12:05] <md_5> Is this the defense you would use in court?
  298. [12:05] <md_5> Do you honestly think it would work?
  299. [12:05] <md_5> Did your lawyers help you plan it?
  300. [12:05] <WifiSpy> Nobody has ever been sued for amazon refunding. Not to mention I was a minor.
  301. [12:05] <WifiSpy> (sued or brought to court).
  302. [12:06] <md_5> ok, so crimes are ok if 1) No one else (to your knowledge) has been caught before and b) You commit them whilst you're under age
  303. [12:06] <md_5> I also dont read that as "amazon refunding", I read that as "theft"
  304. [12:07] <md_5> The means are irrelevant, it's no different than if you walked into best buy or whatever you have there and walked out with a PC under your arm
  305. [12:07] <WifiSpy> With that computer I made alot of money, which I used to by my mother a home. I used that money to feed kids in starving countries. I used that money to start a homeless shelter in my city. I used that money to do good. I am a good person md_5. All because of one computer. I do not regret stealing that computer, as it helped so many people.
  306. [12:08] <WifiSpy> You may think otherwise, but I know in my heart that I have done good. So I sleep well at night. I hope you do as well.
  307. [12:08] <md_5> I take what I said back
  308. [12:08] <md_5> You're not a robin hood
  309. [12:08] <WifiSpy> Goodbye, Md_5. It was nice speaking with you.
  310. [12:08] <md_5> You're a jan val jean
  311. [12:08] <md_5> s/jan/jean
  312. [12:08] <CafeBabe> Correction, <md_5> You're a jean val jean
  313. [12:09] <md_5> awe
  314. [12:09] <md_5> so early
  315. [12:09] <md_5> but we were just getting started
  316. [12:09] <T0R> .
  317. [12:09] == Cannot send to channel (+m): #md_5
  318. [12:09] <md_5> I was hoping you'd confess to murder or something next
  319. [12:10] == md_5 [~md_5@localhost]
  320. [12:10] == realname : Got ZNC?
  321. [12:10] == channels : ~#staff ~#md_5 ~#spigot ~#spigot-chat ~#cafebabe &#think ~#spigot-dev ~#help #thinkofcat #wiki ~#spigot-server
  322. [12:10] == server : [Bite my shiny metal ass.]
  323. [12:10] == oper : IRC Operator
  324. [12:10] == account : md_5
  325. [12:10] == info : is using a secure connection
  326. [12:10] == End of WHOIS
  327. [12:11] <md_5> WifiSpy please don't leave me so soon </3
  328. [12:11] <T0R> Hey md_5 ?
  329. [12:11] == Cannot send to channel (+m): #md_5
  330. [12:11] <T0R> ..
  331. [12:11] == Cannot send to channel (+m): #md_5
  332. [12:12] <WifiSpy>
  333. [12:12] <WifiSpy> Approve it.
  334. [12:12] <md_5> nah
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