
A Pimp Named Drew Mav

Jun 7th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was sitting on the porch having just got off the phone with his mom who was freaking out after his Dad told her about how bruised Eli's face was and all that when he went to go help with the remodel earlier today. He probably spent all day sending Bliss messages asking her if she was okay or if there was anything he could do. "I love you mom, I'm fine really. Goodnight" He said as he hung up and stood up, to make his way back inside.
  2. Tsaaq: Bliss tried her best to ignore the situation as best as she could. She was upstairs in her bedroom on her bed looking through some of her old notebooks when she heard someone come to the door. // "So..." Persephone trailed off. "I still need an outfit for that gala, are you going to help me pick out something or not?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow. "You've been sealed up in here all day. It's worrisome. Gram wasn't happy that you missed dinner." // "Oh I'm sorry I suppose I keep losing track of time." She sighed as she slid off her bed.
  3. Covet: Eli made his way into the kitchen to grab a couple of bottles of water for him and Bliss and made his way back up to her room. He wasn't expecting Persephone to be there when he walked in and quickly turned around so she couldn't see his face. "Oh hey Persephone... I didn't realize you ladies were talking, I can come back..."
  4. Tsaaq: "I'm so sorry." Bliss repeated once more before looking at Eli. "It's fine we were just talking." She flashed him a smile. // She sighed dramatically. "Don't be sorry. Stop being so rude!" She complained. She turned to glance at Eli and raised her eyebrow at him, inspecting his face. "Yeah... It's fine. I'll just be in my closet if you need me." She said softly.
  5. Covet: Eli cleared his throat as she walked past him to go into her closet. "Thanks, Persephone." He said then ducked into Bliss's room closing the door but not all the way. He brought the water over to Bliss, and gave her a soft smile. "Here, brought this up for you, do you need anything right now?" He asked her looking at her cheek.
  6. Tsaaq: She took the water from him and smiled. "Thank you dearest." She said with a smile. "Nothing for now. This is fine. Come lay down." She instructed, waving her hand at the bed. Bliss watched Persephone walk off and looked a little relieved.
  7. Covet: He looked at her smile, and gave a soft one, wincing as it pulled the bruised skin on his face, " You're welcome. Are you sure?" He asked then walked over to the bed and laid down on the matress propping his head up with one arm. He let out a sigh , " My Dad wouldn't stop asking me what happened. I tried to tell him as little as possible, I don't need him making my mom worry."
  8. Tsaaq: "I'm sure." She replied. She closed one of notebooks and cleared space for him. She sighed as she lowered her head. "Oh..." She trailed off, sounding a distressed. "We shouldn't have done that." Bliss murmured. "The stake out was a bad idea."
  9. Covet: "No, my decision to let what he said get to me was a bad idea. The stake out was a good one. We should have just left when we found out what he was up to." He said then frowned a bit, "But how he's treating those people.. That's not right either. He's not helping them"
  10. Tsaaq: Bliss shook her head at Eli. "This right now is a bad idea. We can't do anything about it... He'll grow weary of it soon enough." Bliss said hurriedly. "Don't bother your mind with it."
  11. Covet: Eli looked at her, "We saw him beating people, and taking their money... and forcing them to answer propositions for sex for that money. And we're just supposed to wait for him to get tired of it? I don't know if I can do that. I know that sounds stupid, giving the state of my face at the moment. But nobody deserves that kind of treatement of life. What if he takes it one step further and starts... " He trailed off unable to finish his statement.
  12. Tsaaq: "Eli." Bliss said loudly and looked over to him. "Stop." She whispered and shook her head. "I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to hear about it. Yes, it's awful. But it definitely was happening before any of us were involved. People before us were doing it. And before them. Did it ever occur to you that maybe those people do those things because they feel like they have to? Not because Drew is making them?" Bliss said sternly. "And suddenly because you witnessed it iand you have a face to attach to it you want to do something about it? Why didn't you do that before? And getting beat up isn't helping those people. Or Drew." She said. "Anyways. I don't want to talk about it. So I don't really know what you're thinking right now but I don't want to be involved." She said softly.
  13. Covet: "So because we can't see it happening. and because we didn't know about it before... We're just supposed to keep pretending like none of that happened and it's none of our business? You saw the way those people were around him, you and I both know they don't feel like they even have a choice." Eli said then looked up at the ceiling, "It's not even that it's his face attatched to this...If we would have witnessed anyone doing that, I would have done the same." He said setting his jaw, "I got beat up because your cousin has a something against Jewish Nerd guys who apparently can't be redeemable."
  14. Tsaaq: She shook her head again and inhaled deeply, touching her sore cheek. "I'm not pretending it isn't happening. I'm just not getting involved and honestly neither should you. Lest you end up in the hospital because you were stabbed or attacked or something of the sort." She said sternly. "Yeah, what else is new? He has always been a bigot." Bliss sighed. "Eli I really don't want to dwell on this any longer." She got up from the bed.
  15. Covet: "I realize that I'm just a privlidged cisgender white male, but if I was any other skin color and he had said something like that, It'd be a hate crime. Am I even allowed to press charges? He hit you too, that's violence against women." Eli said sounding a little bitter about it. "And what if his next step is taking to murdering one of those people? And we knew something was up but didn't say anything? We're just supposed to let him go about his merry way because he's also a rich privledged white male?"
  16. Tsaaq: "It is a hate crime Eli! If you want to press charges be my guest. That's your business. I've tried to tell him saying things like that is wrong. He doesn't care." She yelled. "Eli, stop it." She rose her hands and sighed. "You're jumping to conclusions. I'm sure he has no intentions to kill those people." Bliss said before sighing. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I don't want to talk about this anymore. But you keep going."
  17. Covet: "If I pressed charges, everyone here would be mad at me. So would it really do any good? He threatened to kill me... who's to say he hasn't done it to them too. That's one step away from actually committing murder." Eli said getting up, " You're right ... you don't want to talk about it. But I can't stop thinking about it. And if I think about it, I'm going to want to talk about it. So maybe it's just better if I stay at the apartment tonight. I'll need to be back over there in the morning anyways." Eli said, slipping his feet into his shoes.
  18. Tsaaq: Bliss sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I saw you Eli. You hit him first. You egged him on. Even though you said you can handle it." She said with a shake of her head. "Words mean nothing. People say things all the time. That doesn't mean they do things." She shook her head. "Well... I suppose if that's what you want to do I'm not going to stop you." Bliss lowered her head and leaned on the wall near her door. "Even though we both agreed to stay here."
  19. Covet: "I... I egged him on? All I wanted to know was what he was up to, and called him a jerk for treating those people, well, like a jerk. Then he throws my infidelity back in my face and called me Semite garbage saying I tricked you into being with me." Eli said getting frustrated. "But since words mean nothing. That means none of what he said was a hate crime, you know that would mean everything I've ever said to you out of love means nothing." Eli said then shook his head, walking out of the door "I know we both agreed to stay here, But I just keep bothering you because I'm worked up about this, and I just need to go figure out what I'm supposed to do about this, without bothering you."
  20. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "Eli. I think you're being a little dramatic. I'm not against you. So stop putting words in my mouth. You're just jumping to extremes because you're upset. If you were being logical you'd know that I wasn't referring to THOSE words. I was talking about him saying he'll 'kill' you. I'm sure he didn't mean it literally." She said sternly then rolled her eyes. "Don't do anything just stay here. You walking out of here is still bothering me. That would not solve that. So if you want to leave do it for another reason. You walking out of here because you're worried more about... I don't even know over our well being... Is not comforting me whatsoever. You are not doing me any favors by leaving."
  21. Covet: "I know I'm being dramatic. You're trying to play it off as if it's nothing.. that it's okay for him to do this because he's bored. " He said with a sigh. "Can we really know if he was just talking a big game? We didn't exactly think he was capable of what he's doing now either." Eli said stopping just outside her door, "And I don't want to think it, but part of me thinks if it was anyone else we'd seen do this you'd be a lot more supportive of being proactive in making this right." He said softly. "And. He's family I get it, you want to protect him too, which is why it's not making it any eaiser for me right now."
  22. Tsaaq: "Yes. We can. Or I can. I think I've known him a little longer than you. I can make an educated guess." Bliss said. "I'm not saying that's it okay. I'm not acting like it's nothing. It's not right. I agree. But I will not allow some type of foolishness on our end. If you're so concerned alert the authorities. Be smart about it. If you're not doing that then I cannot support whatever your mind has in store. You're saying you don't want to. But if you're so bothered by it go ahead. Just as I said before. Go ahead." Bliss sighed. "It is bad but, it's also dangerous to think you can do something about it by yourself or in an unconventional way. You don't even give yourself time to heal." She waved her hand in the direction of his face.
  23. Covet: "You can't tell me in one sentence that it's fine, and then in another that it's dangerous." Eli said then stood there listening to her. Thinking things over in his head, "If I go to the police, how many people are going to be upset at me?" He asked as a genuine question, looking over at her to read her face.
  24. Tsaaq: "It's not dangerous because of Drew. It's dangerous because of the setting. That place is nothing but trouble and always has been. And you know that. You don't know what could happen, who could be around. There's too many factors." Bliss lowered her head and shrugged. "I don't know..." She answered.
  25. Covet: "You're right... You're right..." He said with another heavy sigh, "And that answer right there is why I haven't gone and done it. Your family was upset with me over the whole cheating thing... sure they're mostly over it now, but it's not going to go away because I press charges against Drew, or clue the cops into what he's doing." He said as he went to sit back down on the bed, taking his shoes off.
  26. Tsaaq: Bliss inhaled and stood up from the wall. She shut her bedroom door before going over to the bed once more. She frowned as she began to pull off her clothes. "I know it's a complicated situation..." Bliss trailed off. "I just want you to heal up and be safe above all else... We can explore our options when it isn't so... Intense?" She suggested. "It's still fresh and new in our minds. I don't want anyone to act prematurely."
  27. Covet: "I know. I've taken pictures so if we decide to press charges we still have that evidence at least. It's not that bad. It hurts.. but it probably looks worse that it is. How's your cheek?" He asked her as he rubbed his head feeling it throb a little. He stripped out of his shorts and laid them over the chair, laying back in just his shirt and boxers for bed.
  28. Tsaaq: After Bliss pulled off her sweater and shirt she touched her cheek then fell silent. "It's... Not as bad as it looks." She whispered as she lowered her head as she took off her pants. "It's more important how you're doing." She said as she got into bed in just her underwear and watched him.
  29. Covet: "I'll be fine. I'm supposed to be able to take a hit." He said with a light laugh trying to ease her mood as he rolled over and put an arm around her, "I'm still sorry for getting you involved, you should have never gotten hit." He said that much he did feel guilty for.
  30. Tsaaq: She cuddled up beside him. "It's okay. It happened." She sighed as she closed her eyes. "I don't really have a profession where I'm required to have an attractive face."
  31. Covet: "You hush your face right now, you have a beautiful face and I'll be damned if anyone does anything to change that." He said pulling her closer, feeling himself start to doze off.
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