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May 30th, 2018
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  1. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern Courier New;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset129 Tahoma;}}
  2. {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;}
  3. \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs18
  4. \par (initramfs) fsck /dev/mmcblk1p1\cf1\highlight1
  5. \par \cf0\highlight0 fsck from util-linux 2.25.2\cf1\highlight1
  6. \par \cf0\highlight0 e2fsck 1.43 (17-May-2016)\cf1\highlight1
  7. \par \cf0\highlight0 rootfs contains a file system with errors, check forced.\cf1\highlight1
  8. \par \cf0\highlight0 Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes\cf1\highlight1
  9. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 41226, end of extent exceeds allowed value\cf1\highlight1
  10. \par \cf0\highlight0 (logical block 63, physical block 363233, len 4)\cf1\highlight1
  11. \par \cf0\highlight0 Clear<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  12. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 41226, i_blocks is 536, should be 512. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  13. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 41229, end of extent exceeds allowed value\cf1\highlight1
  14. \par \cf0\highlight0 (logical block 1037, physical block 25156, len 129)\cf1\highlight1
  15. \par \cf0\highlight0 Clear<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  16. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 41229, i_blocks is 9056, should be 8304. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  17. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 41230, end of extent exceeds allowed value\cf1\highlight1
  18. \par \cf0\highlight0 (logical block 27, physical block 15233, len 1)\cf1\highlight1
  19. \par \cf0\highlight0 Clear<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  20. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 41235, end of extent exceeds allowed value\cf1\highlight1
  21. \par \cf0\highlight0 (logical block 827, physical block 26167, len 102)\cf1\highlight1
  22. \par \cf0\highlight0 Clear<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  23. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 41235, i_blocks is 7192, should be 6624. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  24. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 41238, end of extent exceeds allowed value\cf1\highlight1
  25. \par \cf0\highlight0 (logical block 2048, physical block 364544, len 163)\cf1\highlight1
  26. \par \cf0\highlight0 Clear<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  27. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 41238, i_blocks is 17144, should be 16392. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  28. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 41240, end of extent exceeds allowed value\cf1\highlight1
  29. \par \cf0\highlight0 (logical block 97, physical block 352288, len 4)\cf1\highlight1
  30. \par \cf0\highlight0 Clear ('a' enables 'yes' to all) <y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  31. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 41240, i_blocks is 800, should be 784. Fix ('a' enables 'yes' to all) <y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  32. \par \cf0\highlight0 yyyy\cf1\highlight1
  33. \par \cf0\highlight0 Running additional passes to resolve blocks claimed by more than one inode...\cf1\highlight1
  34. \par \cf0\highlight0 Pass 1B: Rescanning for multiply-claimed blocks\cf1\highlight1
  35. \par \cf0\highlight0 Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 37186: 253398\cf1\highlight1
  36. \par \cf0\highlight0 Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 45622: 253398\cf1\highlight1
  37. \par \cf0\highlight0 Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 45625: 229622\cf1\highlight1
  38. \par \cf0\highlight0 Multiply-claimed block(s) in inode 45639: 229622\cf1\highlight1
  39. \par \cf0\highlight0 ^HPass 1C: Scanning directories for inodes with multiply-claimed blocks\cf1\highlight1
  40. \par \cf0\highlight0 Pass 1D: Reconciling multiply-claimed blocks\cf1\highlight1
  41. \par \cf0\highlight0 (There are 4 inodes containing multiply-claimed blocks.)\cf1\highlight1
  42. \par
  43. \par \cf0\highlight0 File /root/cloudponics/log/net.txt (inode #37186, mod time Fri May 4 20:56:37 2018)\cf1\highlight1
  44. \par \cf0\highlight0 has 1 multiply-claimed block(s), shared with 1 file(s):\cf1\highlight1
  45. \par \cf0\highlight0 /var/tmp/systemd-private-64fb4203fd3248e79a0a14087e76019f-systemd-timesyncd.service-IR0p09 (inode #45622, mod time Fri May 4 20:18:39 2018)\cf1\highlight1
  46. \par \cf0\highlight0 Clone multiply-claimed blocks ('a' enables 'yes' to all) <y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  47. \par \cf0\highlight0 File /var/tmp/systemd-private-64fb4203fd3248e79a0a14087e76019f-systemd-timesyncd.service-IR0p09 (inode #45622, mod time Fri May 4 20:18:39 2018)\cf1\highlight1
  48. \par \cf0\highlight0 has 1 multiply-claimed block(s), shared with 1 file(s):\cf1\highlight1
  49. \par \cf0\highlight0 /root/cloudponics/log/net.txt (inode #37186, mod time Fri May 4 20:56:37 2018)\cf1\highlight1
  50. \par \cf0\highlight0 Multiply-claimed blocks already reassigned or cloned.\cf1\highlight1
  51. \par
  52. \par \cf0\highlight0 File /tmp/ota_log (inode #45625, mod time Fri May 4 20:50:07 2018)\cf1\highlight1
  53. \par \cf0\highlight0 has 1 multiply-claimed block(s), shared with 1 file(s):\cf1\highlight1
  54. \par \cf0\highlight0 /etc/issue (inode #45639, mod time Fri May 4 20:56:14 2018)\cf1\highlight1
  55. \par \cf0\highlight0 Clone multiply-claimed blocks ('a' enables 'yes' to all) <y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  56. \par \cf0\highlight0 File /etc/issue (inode #45639, mod time Fri May 4 20:56:14 2018)\cf1\highlight1
  57. \par \cf0\highlight0 has 1 multiply-claimed block(s), shared with 1 file(s):\cf1\highlight1
  58. \par \cf0\highlight0 /tmp/ota_log (inode #45625, mod time Fri May 4 20:50:07 2018)\cf1\highlight1
  59. \par \cf0\highlight0 Multiply-claimed blocks already reassigned or cloned.\cf1\highlight1
  60. \par
  61. \par \cf0\highlight0 Pass 2: Checking directory structure\cf1\highlight1
  62. \par \cf0\highlight0 Entry 'systemd-private-cf07397077ef4925a18654e030e16d12-systemd-timesyncd.service-Ih4mn9' in /var/tmp (37138) has an incorrect filetype (was 2, should be 1).\cf1\highlight1
  63. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  64. \par \cf0\highlight0 Entry 'systemd-private-64fb4203fd3248e79a0a14087e76019f-systemd-hostnamed.service-oYAdD9' in /var/tmp (37138) has deleted/unused inode 45630. Clear<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  65. \par \cf0\highlight0 Entry 'systemd-private-96a6ec71d3e242d0a78ee60cd1611142-systemd-timesyncd.service-umwcWy' in /var/tmp (37138) has an incorrect filetype (was 2, should be 6).\cf1\highlight1
  66. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  67. \par \cf0\highlight0 Entry 'systemd-private-cf07397077ef4925a18654e030e16d12-systemd-hostnamed.service-I0fHYy' in /var/tmp (37138) has an incorrect filetype (was 2, should be 1).\cf1\highlight1
  68. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  69. \par \cf0\highlight0 Entry 'systemd-private-64fb4203fd3248e79a0a14087e76019f-systemd-timesyncd.service-IR0p09' in /var/tmp (37138) has an incorrect filetype (was 2, should be 1).\cf1\highlight1
  70. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  71. \par \cf0\highlight0 Entry 'systemd-private-98c22cb17d4a4ec391937e29adb5d1a0-systemd-timesyncd.service-czvQzd' in /var/tmp (37138) has deleted/unused inode 45629. Clear<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  72. \par \cf0\highlight0 Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity\cf1\highlight1
  73. \par \cf0\highlight0 Pass 4: Checking reference counts\cf1\highlight1
  74. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 37138 ref count is 83, should be 77. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  75. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 45618 ref count is 1, should be 2. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  76. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 45623 ref count is 1, should be 2. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  77. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 45625 ref count is 1, should be 2. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  78. \par \cf0\highlight0 Unattached inode 45626\cf1\highlight1
  79. \par \cf0\highlight0 Connect to /lost+found<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  80. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 45626 ref count is 2, should be 1. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  81. \par \cf0\highlight0 Unattached inode 45627\cf1\highlight1
  82. \par \cf0\highlight0 Connect to /lost+found<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  83. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 45627 ref count is 2, should be 1. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  84. \par \cf0\highlight0 Unattached inode 45634\cf1\highlight1
  85. \par \cf0\highlight0 Connect to /lost+found<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  86. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 45634 ref count is 2, should be 1. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  87. \par \cf0\highlight0 Unattached zero-length inode 45636. Clear<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  88. \par \cf0\highlight0 Unattached inode 45640\cf1\highlight1
  89. \par \cf0\highlight0 Connect to /lost+found<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  90. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode 45640 ref count is 2, should be 1. Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  91. \par \cf0\highlight0 Pass 5: Checking group summary information\cf1\highlight1
  92. \par \cf0\highlight0 Block bitmap differences: -13699 -13701 -13717 -13719 -(15141--15142) -(15144--15145) -(15147--15148) -15151 -(15232--15233) -(16045--16074) -(25156--25284) -(26167--26268) +251384 -(352288--352289) -(357376--357377) -357383 -357388 +(359936--359938) +359942 +(359948--359949) -(363233--363236) -(364544--364706)\cf1\highlight1
  93. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  94. \par \cf0\highlight0 Free blocks count wrong for group #0 (16638, counted=16801).\cf1\highlight1
  95. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  96. \par \cf0\highlight0 Free blocks count wrong for group #7 (176, counted=175).\cf1\highlight1
  97. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  98. \par \cf0\highlight0 Free blocks count wrong for group #11 (29886, counted=29983).\cf1\highlight1
  99. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  100. \par \cf0\highlight0 Free blocks count wrong (407586, counted=424373).\cf1\highlight1
  101. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  102. \par \cf0\highlight0 Inode bitmap differences: +(45633--45634) +(45638--45640)\cf1\highlight1
  103. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  104. \par \cf0\highlight0 Free inodes count wrong for group #5 (2086, counted=2080).\cf1\highlight1
  105. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  106. \par \cf0\highlight0 Free inodes count wrong (139549, counted=139542).\cf1\highlight1
  107. \par \cf0\highlight0 Fix<y>? yes\cf1\highlight1
  108. \par
  109. \par \cf0\highlight0 rootfs: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****\cf1\highlight1
  110. \par \cf0\highlight0 rootfs: 99018/238560 files (0.1% non-contiguous), 528971/953344 blocks\cf1\highlight1
  111. \par \cf0\highlight0 (initramfs)\cf1\highlight1
  112. \par \pard\cf0\highlight0\f1\fs20
  113. \par }
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