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a guest
Nov 12th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. GrandDaddyAtArms: bruh
  4. GrandDaddyAtArms: chill
  5. GrandDaddyAtArms: the fuck
  6. GrandDaddyAtArms: out
  7. GrandDaddyAtArms: hahahahaha
  8. GrandDaddyAtArms: muted
  9. GrandDaddyAtArms: no smite bri
  10. GrandDaddyAtArms: fucking mentally ill league players
  11. GrandDaddyAtArms: flaming this hard in a bots game
  12. GrandDaddyAtArms: can you imagine
  13. GrandDaddyAtArms: must just be trolling
  14. GrandDaddyAtArms: as if reports in games vs bots
  15. GrandDaddyAtArms: go anywhere other than the trash
  16. GrandDaddyAtArms: you can literally run it down vs bots
  17. GrandDaddyAtArms: and not get banned
  18. GrandDaddyAtArms: xD
  19. GrandDaddyAtArms: report away
  20. GrandDaddyAtArms: all good
  21. Game 2
  22. Pre-Game
  23. GrandDaddyAtArms: Jax E no longer consumes the cooldown of garen Q
  24. GrandDaddyAtArms: despite blocking it :(
  25. In-Game
  26. GrandDaddyAtArms: elise
  27. GrandDaddyAtArms: he literally walked past you
  28. GrandDaddyAtArms: to gank me
  29. GrandDaddyAtArms: I hate that shit
  30. GrandDaddyAtArms: ok
  31. GrandDaddyAtArms: idk why we keep forcing shit top
  32. GrandDaddyAtArms: I just need to farm
  33. GrandDaddyAtArms: now garen's too far ahead because of mistakes for me to outscale
  34. GrandDaddyAtArms: he can just E ignite R under tower and 100-0 me
  35. GrandDaddyAtArms: he's ahead by 2000 gold
  36. GrandDaddyAtArms: which at this point
  37. GrandDaddyAtArms: is tooi much
  38. GrandDaddyAtArms: your champ is so retarded
  39. GrandDaddyAtArms: Q E for half my health bar
  40. GrandDaddyAtArms: so balanced
  41. GrandDaddyAtArms: see
  42. GrandDaddyAtArms: why I didn't want to fight that?
  43. GrandDaddyAtArms: again
  44. GrandDaddyAtArms: we force some dumb shit top
  45. GrandDaddyAtArms: and Idie for it
  46. GrandDaddyAtArms: he's a stat check with true damage
  47. GrandDaddyAtArms: you can't out play that shit when it's ahead
  48. GrandDaddyAtArms: so fucking brain damaged
  49. GrandDaddyAtArms: im not playing this game
  50. GrandDaddyAtArms: fuck you elise
  51. GrandDaddyAtArms: you literally
  52. GrandDaddyAtArms: let lee
  53. GrandDaddyAtArms: river gank me
  54. GrandDaddyAtArms: while you were taking crab
  55. GrandDaddyAtArms: you just sat there and watched
  56. GrandDaddyAtArms: then you force two dumb ganks that get me killed
  57. GrandDaddyAtArms: elise literally stood there taking crab while lee river ganks
  58. GrandDaddyAtArms: forces two dumb ganks that get me killed
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