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Nov 20th, 2015
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  1. You still can’t believe your luck.
  2. "So, I'll see you tonight?"
  3. She'd said it so cutely. Her long legs entwined, balancing on high heels, her hands playfully clasped behind her back, her head tipped to the side lustrous dark hair draped over and behind her shoulders. That hint of shyness as she rocked on her heels. And then she looked up at you under long lashes gently biting her lower lip.
  4. "Sure," you'd replied, your gaze fully intent on that primal gesture, that suggestion of hunger.
  5. So here you are, clad in some cheap aftershave you keep in the glove compartment of your car, a bottle of wine in hand, standing on the doorstep of some rough neighbourhood. You've just knocked on the door, the doorbell hanging off the wall, and you're wondering what to say. Maybe you read the signals all wrong. She's new to the city; maybe she just wants a friend.
  6. The door opens a fraction. A girl's head appears through the gap, long fringe not quite hiding inquiring eyes.
  7. "Hi, I'm erm... here for Annie."
  8. She looks you up down, as if appraising you and then she unbolts the door and opens it. She's dressed for a rave. The shortest skirt covering a petite body, slender legs wrapped in a pair of pink fishnets. She catches you looking and she rolls her eyes at you.
  9. "You must be Annie's sister… Lexi right?"
  10. She turns, crooking her neck on a slant in the same way her sister does, and shouts up the stairs. Her voice is kind of husky, thick like caramel.
  11. "Annie, that guy's here."
  12. You hear Annie shout something back and there's a few crashes. You shut the door behind you and smile at Lexi feeling kind of awkward.
  13. She lets out this sort of cute irritated sigh and walks off. As she turns a corner to exit the hall her miniskirt billows in the breeze and you catch a glimpse of her perfectly rounded and firm butt, sculpted in a tight pair of yellow panties with pink hearts on them. You find yourself wondering if they share clothes.
  14. "Hey! You're early."
  15. Annie comes down the stairs. She's just got out of the bath, she smells like artificial cherries and cocoa. She's wearing a towel, but she obviously hasn't taken the time to dry properly because the visible part of her chest is still shining with water.
  16. "Ha, yeah. Sorry about that. You know what they say… the early bird...," You falter, licking your lips looking at the floor. You feel dehydrated. You notice her feet, she's got really nice feet.
  17. She laughs and you meet her eye. She's looking at you strangely, a delicate eyebrow slanted, her green eyes dancing.
  18. "I brought wine," you say.
  19. "Ohh, Bordeaux my favourite," she replies as you hand it to her. You watch her chest shimmy as she retightens her towel that’s threatening to unravel. You try to will it. She doesn't notice, she's already walking away talking over her shoulder.
  20. "Come through; let me get some glasses down."
  21. You follow her, admiring the wet footprints she leaves behind. Perfect small soles, she has the delicate tread of a grazing fawn. You enter the kitchen; it's small, private. She gestures for you to sit on a breakfast stool and you do so.
  22. "Here," She passes you two wine glasses¬—flumes, "I'll leave you to sort this out, while I go change."
  23. She leaves and you open the wine. You pour yourself a generous glass and take a large swig. You feel like you need it. You take another. As you wait you look around the kitchen. Her fridge is plastered with dozens of pictures. There's one in the middle with her and Lexi, hugging and grinning behind a large cake that says '18'. You find yourself comparing the sisters. Annie is older by a few years, she has those green eyes, full lips, and dimples; Lexi's eyes are brown, and she's tall and slender where her sister is more curvaceous.
  24. Lexi enters and sees you looking at the picture.
  25. "Is this recent?"
  26. She head straight for the wine and pours herself a glass. She shrugs when you look at her, rolling her bare, pale shoulders.
  27. You sit back down and finish your glass.
  28. "So how do you like it here?"
  29. She shrugs again, looking over her glass at you with deep eyes. She's wearing an identity card round her neck that's nestled in the gap of her supple cleavage.
  30. "You're at college? What are you studying?"
  31. "I don't know. Stuff." Despite the wine, her voice is still dry. You find yourself smiling.
  32. "She's doing a course in media studies. She's really creative. You should see some of the videos she's created," Annie walks in.
  33. Lexi rolls her eyes.
  34. “You should take more pride in your work.”
  35. “He doesn’t care.”
  36. You shrug, “I care.”
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