

Dec 27th, 2019
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  1. on join:
  2. set {notjoin::*} to player
  3. if {lobby} is true:
  4. set slot 0 of player to bedrock named "&c現在コスチューム作成中..." with lore "&1" and "&c&lCOMING SOON..." and "&2"
  5. set slot 4 of player to nether star named "&aGame Join &7(Right Click)"
  6. set player's gamemode to adventure
  7. set {lobbysidebar.%player%} to true
  8. if {default.%player%} is set:
  9. set join message to "&7%player% &ejoined."
  10. set player's display name to "&7%player%"
  11. set tablist name of player to "&7%player%"
  12. teleport player to {defaultspawn}
  13. if {vip.%player%} is set:
  14. set join message to "&a[VIP] %player% &6joined the lobby!"
  15. set player's display name to "&a[VIP] %player%"
  16. set tablist name of player to "&a[VIP] %player%"
  17. set player's flight mode to true
  18. set {fly.%player%} to player
  19. teleport player to {vipspawn}
  20. if {vip+.%player%} is set:
  21. set join message to "&a[VIP&6+&a] %player% &6joined the lobby!"
  22. set player's display name to "&a[VIP&6+&a] %player%"
  23. set tablist name of player to "&a[VIP&6+&a] %player%"
  24. set player's flight mode to true
  25. teleport player to {vip+spawn}
  26. set {fly.%player%} to player
  27. if {mvp.%player%} is set:
  28. set join message to "&b>&c>&a> &b[MVP] %player% &6joined the lobby! &a<&c<&b<"
  29. set player's display name to "&b[MVP] %player%"
  30. set tablist name of player to "&b[MVP] %player%"
  31. set player's flight mode to true
  32. teleport player to {mvpspawn}
  33. set {fly.%player%} to player
  34. if {mvp+.%player%} is set:
  35. set join message to "&b>&c>&a> &b[MVP&c+&b] %player% &6joined the lobby! &a<&c<&b<"
  36. set player's display name to "&b[MVP&c+&b] %player%"
  37. set tablist name of player to "&b[MVP&c+&b] %player%"
  38. set player's flight mode to true
  39. teleport player to {mvp+spawn}
  40. set {fly.%player%} to player
  41. if {special.%player%} is set:
  42. set join message to "&b>&c>&a> &d[SPECIAL] %player% &6joined the lobby! &a<&c<&b<"
  43. set player's display name to "&d[SPECIAL] %player%"
  44. set tablist name of player to "&d[SPECIAL] %player%"
  45. set player's flight mode to true
  46. set {fly.%player%} to player
  47. teleport player to {specialspawn}
  48. if {admin.%player%} is set:
  49. set join message to "&b>&c>&a> &c[ADMIN] %player% &6joined the lobby! &a<&c<&b<"
  50. set player's display name to "&c[ADMIN] %player%"
  51. set tablist name of player to "&c[ADMIN] %player%"
  52. set player's flight mode to true
  53. set {fly.%player%} to player
  54. teleport player to {adminspawn}
  56. on break of prismarine:
  57. player do not have permission "skript.admin"
  58. cancel event
  59. on break of dark prismarine:
  60. player do not have permission "skript.admin"
  61. cancel event
  62. on break of prismarine bricks:
  63. player do not have permission "skript.admin"
  64. cancel event
  66. command /fly:
  67. trigger:
  68. if {lobby} is true:
  69. if {default.%player%} is set:
  70. send "&cフライトモードは &aVIP &c以上のランクを購入すれば使用できます。"
  71. stop
  72. else:
  73. if {fly.%player%} is not set:
  74. set player's flight mode to true
  75. set {fly.%player%} to player
  76. send "&aフライトモードをオンにしました。"
  77. stop
  78. if {fly.%player%} is set:
  79. set player's flight mode to false
  80. delete {fly.%player%}
  81. send "&aフライトモードをオフにしました。"
  82. stop
  84. on first join:
  85. set {notjoin::*} to player
  86. if {lobby} is true:
  87. set slot 0 of player to bedrock named "&c現在コスチューム作成中..." with lore "&1" and "&c&lCOMING SOON..." and "&2"
  88. set slot 4 of player to nether star named "&aGame Join &7(Right Click)"
  89. set join message to "&7%player% &efirst joined."
  90. set player's display name to "&7%player%"
  91. set tablist name of player to "&7%player%"
  92. set {lobbysidebar.%player%} to true
  93. set {default.%player%} to player
  94. set {ranks.%player%} to "&7Default"
  95. set {coins.%player%} to 0
  96. set {kills.%player%} to 0
  97. set {wins.%player%} to 0
  98. set {cash.%player%} to 0
  99. set {levels.%player%} to 0
  100. set {level.%player%} to "&7■■■■■■■■■■"
  101. set {exp.%player%} to 0
  102. teleport player to {defaultspawn}
  103. set player's gamemode to adventure
  105. on quit:
  106. if {lobby} is set:
  107. set quit message to "&7%player% &eleft."
  109. every 3 seconds:
  110. loop all players:
  111. if {lobby} is true:
  112. {lobbysidebar.%loop-player%} is true
  113. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  114. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&lTHE WALLS"
  115. set score "&1" in sidebar of loop-player to 14
  116. set score "&fLevels: &b%{exp.%loop-player%}%&7/5000" in sidebar of loop-player to 13
  117. set score "%{level.%loop-player%}% &6✪%{levels.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 12
  118. set score "&4" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
  119. set score "&fRanks: %{ranks.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  120. set score "&5" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
  121. set score "&fTotal Kills: &a%{kills.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
  122. set score "&fTotal Wins: &a%{wins.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  123. set score "&6" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  124. set score "&fPlayers: &a%number of all players%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  125. set score "&7" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  126. set score "&fCoins: &6%{coins.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  127. set score "&fCash: &e%{cash.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  128. set score "&8" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  129. set score "&" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  131. on any movement:
  132. if {exp.%player%} >= 500:
  133. set {level.%player%} to "&b■&7■■■■■■■■■"
  134. if {exp.%player%} >= 1000:
  135. set {level.%player%} to "&b■■&7■■■■■■■■"
  136. if {exp.%player%} >= 1500:
  137. set {level.%player%} to "&b■■■&7■■■■■■■"
  138. if {exp.%player%} >= 2000:
  139. set {level.%player%} to "&b■■■■&7■■■■■■"
  140. if {exp.%player%} >= 2500:
  141. set {level.%player%} to "&b■■■■■&7■■■■■"
  142. if {exp.%player%} >= 3000:
  143. set {level.%player%} to "&b■■■■■■&7■■■■"
  144. if {exp.%player%} >= 3500:
  145. set {level.%player%} to "&b■■■■■■■&7■■■"
  146. if {exp.%player%} >= 4000:
  147. set {level.%player%} to "&b■■■■■■■■&7■■"
  148. if {exp.%player%} >= 4500:
  149. set {level.%player%} to "&b■■■■■■■■■&7■"
  150. if {exp.%player%} >= 5000:
  151. add 1 to {levels.%player%}
  152. send "&e--------------------------------------------------"
  153. send "&1"
  154. send "&b &f&lLEVEL UP!"
  155. send "&7 %player% &bは &e%{levels.%player%}% &bにレベルアップしました!"
  156. send "&b XP 5000&7/5000 &7(&b■■■■■■■■■■&7)"
  157. send "&2"
  158. send "&e--------------------------------------------------"
  159. command "/playsound entity.player.levelup master %player% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  160. set {level.%player%} to "&7■■■■■■■■■■"
  161. set {exp.%player%} to 0
  162. stop
  165. command /lobbymode <text>:
  166. permission: skript.admin
  167. trigger:
  168. if arg-1 is "true":
  169. set {lobby} to true
  170. send "&aLobby Mode: &eTrue"
  171. if arg-1 is "false":
  172. set {lobby} to false
  173. send "&alobby Mode: &cFalse"
  175. command /setspawn <text>:
  176. permission: skript.admin
  177. trigger:
  178. if arg-1 is "default":
  179. set {defaultspawn} to location of player
  180. send "&adefault ランクのスポーン地点を設定しました。"
  181. if arg-1 is "vip":
  182. set {vipspawn} to location of player
  183. send "&avip ランクのスポーン地点を設定しました。"
  184. if arg-1 is "vip+":
  185. set {vip+spawn} to location of player
  186. send "&avip+ ランクのスポーン地点を設定しました。"
  187. if arg-1 is "mvp":
  188. set {mvpspawn} to location of player
  189. send "&amvp ランクのスポーン地点を設定しました。"
  190. if arg-1 is "mvp+":
  191. set {mvp+spawn} to location of player
  192. send "&amvp+ ランクのスポーン地点を設定しました。"
  193. if arg-1 is "special":
  194. set {specialspawn} to location of player
  195. send "&aspecial ランクのスポーン地点を設定しました。"
  196. if arg-1 is "admin":
  197. set {adminspawn} to location of player
  198. send "&aadmin ランクのスポーン地点を設定しました。"
  199. if arg-1 is "spectate":
  200. set {spectate} to location of player
  201. send "&aSpectate のスポーン地点をしました!"
  203. command /setrank <player> <text>:
  204. permission: skript.admin
  205. trigger:
  206. if arg-2 is "default":
  207. set {default.%arg-1%} to arg-1
  208. delete {vip.%arg-1%}
  209. delete {vip+.%arg-1%}
  210. delete {mvp.%arg-1%}
  211. delete {mvp+.%arg-1%}
  212. delete {special.%arg-1%}
  213. delete {admin.%arg-1%}
  214. set {ranks.%arg-1%} to "&7DEFAULT"
  215. set arg-1's display name to "&7%player%"
  216. set tablist name of arg-1 to "&7%player%"
  217. send "&a%arg-1% &aに default ランクを付与しました!"
  218. send "&aYou are now default Rank!" to arg-1
  219. if arg-2 is "vip":
  220. set {vip.%arg-1%} to arg-1
  221. delete {default.%arg-1%}
  222. delete {vip+.%arg-1%}
  223. delete {mvp.%arg-1%}
  224. delete {mvp+.%arg-1%}
  225. delete {special.%arg-1%}
  226. delete {admin.%arg-1%}
  227. set {ranks.%arg-1%} to "&aVIP"
  228. set arg-1's display name to "&a[VIP] %player%"
  229. set tablist name of arg-1 to "&a[VIP] %player%"
  230. send "&a%arg-1% &aに VIP ランクを付与しました!"
  231. send "&aYou are now VIP Rank!" to arg-1
  232. if arg-2 is "vip+":
  233. set {vip+.%arg-1%} to arg-1
  234. delete {vip.%arg-1%}
  235. delete {default.%arg-1%}
  236. delete {mvp.%arg-1%}
  237. delete {mvp+.%arg-1%}
  238. delete {special.%arg-1%}
  239. delete {admin.%arg-1%}
  240. set {ranks.%arg-1%} to "&aVIP&6+"
  241. set arg-1's display name to "&a[VIP&6+&a] %player%"
  242. set tablist name of arg-1 to "&a[VIP&6+&a] %player%"
  243. send "&a%arg-1% &aに VIP+ ランクを付与しました!"
  244. send "&aYou are now VIP+ Rank!" to arg-1
  245. if arg-2 is "mvp":
  246. set {mvp.%arg-1%} to arg-1
  247. delete {vip.%arg-1%}
  248. delete {vip+.%arg-1%}
  249. delete {default.%arg-1%}
  250. delete {mvp+.%arg-1%}
  251. delete {special.%arg-1%}
  252. delete {admin.%arg-1%}
  253. set {ranks.%arg-1%} to "&bMVP"
  254. set arg-1's display name to "&b[MVP] %player%"
  255. set tablist name of arg-1 to "&b[MVP] %player%"
  256. send "&a%arg-1% &aに MVP ランクを付与しました!"
  257. send "&aYou are now MVP Rank!" to arg-1
  258. if arg-2 is "mvp+":
  259. set {mvp+.%arg-1%} to arg-1
  260. delete {vip.%arg-1%}
  261. delete {vip+.%arg-1%}
  262. delete {mvp.%arg-1%}
  263. delete {default.%arg-1%}
  264. delete {special.%arg-1%}
  265. delete {admin.%arg-1%}
  266. set {ranks.%arg-1%} to "&bMVP&c+"
  267. set arg-1's display name to "&b[MVP&c+&b] %player%"
  268. set tablist name of arg-1 to "&b[MVP&c+&b] %player%"
  269. send "&a%arg-1% &aに MVP+ ランクを付与しました!"
  270. send "&aYou are now MVP+ Rank!" to arg-1
  271. if arg-2 is "special":
  272. set {special.%arg-1%} to arg-1
  273. delete {vip.%arg-1%}
  274. delete {vip+.%arg-1%}
  275. delete {mvp.%arg-1%}
  276. delete {mvp+.%arg-1%}
  277. delete {default.%arg-1%}
  278. delete {admin.%arg-1%}
  279. set {ranks.%arg-1%} to "&dSPECIAL"
  280. set arg-1's display name to "&d[SPECIAL] %player%"
  281. set tablist name of arg-1 to "&d[SPECIAL] %player%"
  282. send "&a%arg-1% &aに Special ランクを付与しました!"
  283. send "&aYou are now Special Rank!" to arg-1
  284. if arg-2 is "admin":
  285. set {admin.%arg-1%} to arg-1
  286. delete {vip.%arg-1%}
  287. delete {vip+.%arg-1%}
  288. delete {mvp.%arg-1%}
  289. delete {mvp+.%arg-1%}
  290. delete {special.%arg-1%}
  291. delete {default.%arg-1%}
  292. set {ranks.%arg-1%} to "&cADMIN"
  293. set arg-1's display name to "&c[ADMIN] %player%"
  294. set tablist name of arg-1 to "&c[ADMIN] %player%"
  295. send "&a%arg-1% &aに Admin ランクを付与しました!"
  296. send "&aYou are now Admin Rank!" to arg-1
  297. if arg-2 is "reset":
  298. set {default.%arg-1%} to arg-1
  299. delete {vip.%arg-1%}
  300. delete {vip+.%arg-1%}
  301. delete {mvp.%arg-1%}
  302. delete {mvp+.%arg-1%}
  303. delete {special.%arg-1%}
  304. delete {admin.%arg-1%}
  305. set {ranks.%arg-1%} to "&7Default"
  306. set arg-1's display name to "&7%player%"
  307. set tablist name of arg-1 to "&7%player%"
  308. send "&a%arg-2% のランクをリセットしました!"
  309. send "&aあなたのランクがデフォルトに剥奪されました。" to arg-1
  311. on break:
  312. if {lobby} is true:
  313. player do not have permission "skript.admin"
  314. cancel event
  316. on place:
  317. if {lobby} is true:
  318. player do not have permission "skript.admin"
  319. cancel event
  321. on damage of player:
  322. if {lobby} is true:
  323. cancel event
  325. command /score <player> <text> <text> <int>:
  326. permission: skript.admin
  327. trigger:
  328. if arg-2 is "add":
  329. if arg-3 is "kills":
  330. send "%arg-1% &aに &6%arg-4% &aキル付与しました!"
  331. add arg-4 to {kills.%arg-1%}
  332. if arg-3 is "wins":
  333. send "%arg-1% &aに &6%arg-4% &aウィン付与しました!"
  334. add arg-4 to {wins.%arg-1%}
  335. if arg-3 is "coins":
  336. send "%arg-1% &aに &6%arg-4% &aコイン付与しました!"
  337. add arg-4 to {coins.%arg-1%}
  338. if arg-3 is "gold":
  339. send "%arg-1% &aに &6%arg-4% &aゴールド付与しました!"
  340. add arg-4 to {gold.%arg-1%}
  341. if arg-3 is "cash":
  342. send "%arg-1% &aに &6%arg-4% &aキャッシュ付与しました!"
  343. add arg-4 to {cash.%arg-1%}
  344. if arg-3 is "exp":
  345. send "%arg-1% &aに &6%arg-4% &aexp付与しました!"
  346. add arg-4 to {exp.%arg-1%}
  347. if arg-3 is "level":
  348. send "%arg-1% &aに &6%arg-4% &aレベル付与しました!"
  349. add arg-4 to {levels.%arg-1%}
  350. if arg-2 is "remove":
  351. if arg-3 is "kills":
  352. send "%arg-1% &aに &6%arg-4% &aキル剥奪しました!"
  353. remove arg-4 from {kills.%arg-1%}
  354. if arg-3 is "wins":
  355. send "%arg-1% &aに &6%arg-4% &aウィン剥奪しました!"
  356. remove arg-4 from {wins.%arg-1%}
  357. if arg-3 is "coins":
  358. send "%arg-1% &aに &6%arg-4% &aコイン剥奪しました!"
  359. remove arg-4 from {coins.%arg-1%}
  360. if arg-3 is "gold":
  361. send "%arg-1% &aの &6%arg-4% &aゴールドを剥奪しました!"
  362. remove arg-4 from {gold.%arg-1%}
  363. if arg-3 is "cash":
  364. send "%arg-1% &aの &6%arg-4% &aキャッシュを剥奪しました!"
  365. remove arg-4 from {cash.%arg-1%}
  366. if arg-3 is "exp":
  367. send "%arg-1% &aの &6%arg-4% &aexpを剥奪しました!"
  368. remove arg-4 from {exp.%arg-1%}
  369. if arg-3 is "level":
  370. send "%arg-1% &aの &6%arg-4% &aレベルを剥奪しました!"
  371. remove arg-4 from {levels.%arg-1%}
  373. command /buy <player> <text>:
  374. permission: skript.admin
  375. trigger:
  376. if arg-2 is "1000":
  377. execute console command "/playsound ui.toast.challenge_complete master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 0.5 1"
  378. execute console command "/playsound ui.toast.challenge_complete master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  379. execute console command "/playsound entity.enderdragon.death master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  380. add 1000 to {cash.%arg-1%}
  381. close arg-1's inventory
  382. broadcast "&b------------------------------------------------------------"
  383. broadcast "&7%arg-1% &aさんが &e1000 &aキャッシュを購入してくれました!"
  384. broadcast "&b------------------------------------------------------------"
  385. wait 1 seconds
  386. send arg-1 title "&e&l1000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  387. wait 0.3 seconds
  388. send arg-1 title "&f&l1&e&l000 キャッシュを購入しました&f&l!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  389. wait 0.3 seconds
  390. send arg-1 title "&e&l1&f&l0&e&l00 キャッシュを購入しまし&f&lた&e&l!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  391. wait 0.3 seconds
  392. send arg-1 title "&e&l10&f&l0&e&l0 キャッシュを購入しま&f&lし&e&lた!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  393. wait 0.3 seconds
  394. send arg-1 title "&e&l100&f&l0 &e&lキャッシュを購入し&f&lま&e&lした!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  395. wait 0.3 seconds
  396. send arg-1 title "&e&l1000 &f&lキ&e&lャッシュを購入&f&lし&e&lました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  397. wait 0.3 seconds
  398. send arg-1 title "&e&l1000 キ&f&lャ&e&lッシュを購&f&l入&e&lしました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  399. wait 0.3 seconds
  400. send arg-1 title "&e&l1000 キャ&f&lッ&e&lシュを&f&l購&e&l入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  401. wait 0.3 seconds
  402. send arg-1 title "&e&l1000 キャッ&f&lシ&e&lュ&f&lを&e&l購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  403. wait 0.3 seconds
  404. send arg-1 title "&e&l1000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  405. wait 0.3 seconds
  406. send arg-1 title "&f&l1000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  407. wait 0.3 seconds
  408. send arg-1 title "&e&l1000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  409. wait 0.3 seconds
  410. send arg-1 title "&f&l1000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  411. wait 0.3 seconds
  412. send arg-1 title "&e&l1000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  413. wait 0.3 seconds
  414. send arg-1 title "&f&l1000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  415. wait 0.3 seconds
  416. send arg-1 title "&e&l1000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 3.5 seconds
  417. if arg-2 is "3800":
  418. execute console command "/playsound ui.toast.challenge_complete master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 0.5 1"
  419. execute console command "/playsound ui.toast.challenge_complete master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  420. execute console command "/playsound entity.enderdragon.death master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  421. add 3800 to {cash.%arg-1%}
  422. close arg-1's inventory
  423. broadcast "&m&b------------------------------------------------------------"
  424. broadcast "&7%arg-1% &aさんが &e3500 &c(+300ボーナス) &aキャッシュを購入してくれました!"
  425. broadcast "&m&b------------------------------------------------------------"
  426. wait 1 seconds
  427. send arg-1 title "&e&l3800 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  428. wait 0.3 seconds
  429. send arg-1 title "&f&l3&e&l800 キャッシュを購入しました&f&l!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  430. wait 0.3 seconds
  431. send arg-1 title "&e&l3&f&l8&e&l00 キャッシュを購入しまし&f&lた&e&l!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  432. wait 0.3 seconds
  433. send arg-1 title "&e&l38&f&l0&e&l0 キャッシュを購入しま&f&lし&e&lた!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  434. wait 0.3 seconds
  435. send arg-1 title "&e&l380&f&l0 &e&lキャッシュを購入し&f&lま&e&lした!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  436. wait 0.3 seconds
  437. send arg-1 title "&e&l3800 &f&lキ&e&lャッシュを購入&f&lし&e&lました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  438. wait 0.3 seconds
  439. send arg-1 title "&e&l3800 キ&f&lャ&e&lッシュを購&f&l入&e&lしました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  440. wait 0.3 seconds
  441. send arg-1 title "&e&l3800 キャ&f&lッ&e&lシュを&f&l購&e&l入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  442. wait 0.3 seconds
  443. send arg-1 title "&e&l3800 キャッ&f&lシ&e&lュ&f&lを&e&l購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  444. wait 0.3 seconds
  445. send arg-1 title "&e&l3800 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  446. wait 0.3 seconds
  447. send arg-1 title "&f&l3800 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  448. wait 0.3 seconds
  449. send arg-1 title "&e&l3800 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  450. wait 0.3 seconds
  451. send arg-1 title "&f&l3800 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  452. wait 0.3 seconds
  453. send arg-1 title "&e&l3800 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  454. wait 0.3 seconds
  455. send arg-1 title "&f&l3800 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  456. wait 0.3 seconds
  457. send arg-1 title "&e&l3800 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 3.5 seconds
  458. if arg-2 is "5000":
  459. execute console command "/playsound ui.toast.challenge_complete master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 0.5 1"
  460. execute console command "/playsound ui.toast.challenge_complete master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  461. execute console command "/playsound entity.enderdragon.death master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  462. add 5000 to {cash.%arg-1%}
  463. close arg-1's inventory
  464. broadcast "&m&b------------------------------------------------------------"
  465. broadcast "&7%arg-1% &aさんが &e4000 &c(+1000 ボーナス) &aキャッシュを購入してくれました!"
  466. broadcast "&m&b------------------------------------------------------------"
  467. wait 1 seconds
  468. send arg-1 title "&e&l5000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  469. wait 0.3 seconds
  470. send arg-1 title "&f&l5&e&l000 キャッシュを購入しました&f&l!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  471. wait 0.3 seconds
  472. send arg-1 title "&e&l5&f&l0&e&l00 キャッシュを購入しまし&f&lた&e&l!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  473. wait 0.3 seconds
  474. send arg-1 title "&e&l50&f&l0&e&l0 キャッシュを購入しま&f&lし&e&lた!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  475. wait 0.3 seconds
  476. send arg-1 title "&e&l500&f&l0 &e&lキャッシュを購入し&f&lま&e&lした!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  477. wait 0.3 seconds
  478. send arg-1 title "&e&l5000 &f&lキ&e&lャッシュを購入&f&lし&e&lました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  479. wait 0.3 seconds
  480. send arg-1 title "&e&l5000 キ&f&lャ&e&lッシュを購&f&l入&e&lしました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  481. wait 0.3 seconds
  482. send arg-1 title "&e&l5000 キャ&f&lッ&e&lシュを&f&l購&e&l入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  483. wait 0.3 seconds
  484. send arg-1 title "&e&l5000 キャッ&f&lシ&e&lュ&f&lを&e&l購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  485. wait 0.3 seconds
  486. send arg-1 title "&e&l5000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  487. wait 0.3 seconds
  488. send arg-1 title "&f&l5000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  489. wait 0.3 seconds
  490. send arg-1 title "&e&l5000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  491. wait 0.3 seconds
  492. send arg-1 title "&f&l5000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  493. wait 0.3 seconds
  494. send arg-1 title "&e&l5000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  495. wait 0.3 seconds
  496. send arg-1 title "&f&l5000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  497. wait 0.3 seconds
  498. send arg-1 title "&e&l5000 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 3.5 seconds
  499. if arg-2 is "13500":
  500. execute console command "/playsound ui.toast.challenge_complete master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 0.5 1"
  501. execute console command "/playsound ui.toast.challenge_complete master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  502. execute console command "/playsound entity.enderdragon.death master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 2 1 1"
  503. add 13500 to {cash.%arg-1%}
  504. close arg-1's inventory
  505. broadcast "&m&b------------------------------------------------------------"
  506. broadcast "&7%arg-1% &aさんが &e10000 &c(+3500 ボーナス) &aキャッシュを購入してくれました!"
  507. broadcast "&m&b------------------------------------------------------------"
  508. wait 1 seconds
  509. send arg-1 title "&e&l13500 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  510. wait 0.3 seconds
  511. send arg-1 title "&f&l1&e&l3500 キャッシュを購入しました&f&l!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  512. wait 0.3 seconds
  513. send arg-1 title "&e&l1&f&l3&e&l500 キャッシュを購入しまし&f&lた&e&l!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  514. wait 0.3 seconds
  515. send arg-1 title "&e&l13&f&l5&e&l00 キャッシュを購入しま&f&lし&e&lた!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  516. wait 0.3 seconds
  517. send arg-1 title "&e&l135&f&l00 &e&lキャッシュを購入し&f&lま&e&lした!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  518. wait 0.3 seconds
  519. send arg-1 title "&e&l13500 &f&lキ&e&lャッシュを購入&f&lし&e&lました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  520. wait 0.3 seconds
  521. send arg-1 title "&e&l135000 キ&f&lャ&e&lッシュを購&f&l入&e&lしました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  522. wait 0.3 seconds
  523. send arg-1 title "&e&l13500 キャ&f&lッ&e&lシュを&f&l購&e&l入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  524. wait 0.3 seconds
  525. send arg-1 title "&e&l13500 キャッ&f&lシ&e&lュ&f&lを&e&l購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  526. wait 0.3 seconds
  527. send arg-1 title "&e&l13500 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  528. wait 0.3 seconds
  529. send arg-1 title "&f&l13500 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  530. wait 0.3 seconds
  531. send arg-1 title "&e&l13500 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  532. wait 0.3 seconds
  533. send arg-1 title "&f&l13500 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  534. wait 0.3 seconds
  535. send arg-1 title "&e&l13500 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  536. wait 0.3 seconds
  537. send arg-1 title "&f&l13500 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 2 seconds
  538. wait 0.3 seconds
  539. send arg-1 title "&e&l13500 キャッシュを購入しました!" with subtitle "&f&lご購入ありがとうございます!" for 3.5 seconds
  541. on hunger bar change:
  542. cancel event
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