
Whistful Rabbit

May 24th, 2013
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  1. Years have gone by, the world shifting and changing over the time that has passed. Clans have come and gone, some living on as descendents of the original founders run them, others disappearing completely as if they were a mirage. Yet here I remain, the original founder of my Clan, sitting and waiting for the next era to arrive. I’ve met a lot of people that have touched my life, people that have shaped me for the better and ones that scarred me deeply.
  3. I lift my head, catching the scent on the air. With a sad smile, I pull the faded black mage robe closer to my neck, the faint smell of ashes still clinging to the fibers. Part of me knows that it is impossible for the cloak to still have that smell, but another wants it to so that I can continue to have a reminder of a life gone from this world. If any were to pass me up here, they would think it odd to see a Veira wearing a black mage cloak, a Job not usually seen of my kind. I wouldn’t blame them, perhaps even laugh if I could, waving their thoughts away. I wasn’t a Black Mage, but someone that carried the robe of one as a reminder.
  5. Bending down to pluck a flower next to my perch, I see the shadow of one of my older clan members. Straightening, I watch the curious Tonberry approach and sit next to me to watch the skyline. In silence we sat and watched the world, spinning the flower between my fingers to keep my mind busy. I would have been foolish to think my melancholy would be overlooked by my friend here, how there are days when I would be lost in my own mind and toying with the cloak during the cold and raining months. Sparing a smile to my friend, Tonny, she leans closer to me and lays her head on my lap. Petting her smooth head, she murmurs softly to me and plays with my boot.
  7. I lean closer to her, asking her to repeat. Her glowing yellow eyes look up to me, a small thin smile on her face. She repeats her murmuring, a language that would have gone unheard from those deemed ‘normal’. She told me that something was coming, a new adventure laid ahead with new friends to meet. Frowning a bit, I look back out to the skyline as I pondered. The future may hold a new adventure, but was I ready to put my heart back out there knowing I’ll outlive my friends once more. Could I invest in new people in my Clan I wonder, trust them with the secret of ‘Monsterbloods’.
  9. Tonny pulls on my boot again, making me look back down at her. She looks up at me, a sad smile on her face now. Patting my lap, she tells me to stop thinking sad things, that the look in my eyes seemed torn by something painful. She takes my hand and rubs her cheek against it, hoping that they will make new friends soon.
  11. The wind picks up again, the sun starting to break the skyline. Looking up at the sky, I can see the thin layer of mist hanging in the air. The smell of magick hinting the arrival of a new day, sending a shiver down my spine, fuelling my body with the spark for my work once more. Looking back down to her, a feel my heart getting lighter.
  13. Perhaps a new era is closer than I thought. I will be waiting for these new ‘friends’ Tonny senses.
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