
Anon: The Black Terror

May 30th, 2015
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  1. Be Anon
  2. >In prison for getting into a fight with The Elements of Harmony
  3. >Apparently getting into a fight against The Elements is punishable by two months in prison
  4. >Beating them added an extra two week
  5. >You are escorted by 12 guards armed with cattle prods in their mouths
  6. >The unicorn guards hold extra ones with their magic
  7. >The entrance looks exactly like a hotel lobby
  8. >There's even a waiting area where you see others sitting
  9. >You can tell that their prisoners from the orange jumpsuits that they're wearing
  10. >Most of them are ponies, But there are a few other animals there too
  11. >There are also a few other creatures that you can't identify
  12. >Do they really trust these prisoners enough to let them sit that close to eachother?
  13. >The guards guide you to a reception desk where a visibly shaking mare is sitting
  14. >She doesn't say a word, she just hands you a black jumpsuit and a key
  15. >Wait, a key?
  16. >One of the guards motions you over to what looks like a changing room
  17. >You go inside and change into your jumpsuit
  18. >Wait, this thing has pockets?
  19. >Why would they trust a prisoner with pockets?!
  20. >You put the key in your pocket and walk out
  21. >As the guards escort you to your cell one of the prisoners in the waiting area points at you and yells
  22. >"B-b-b-b-b... Black suit!"
  23. >All the prisons go crazy, some running for the front door others trying to jump out the nearest window
  24. >Guards try to keep the prisoners in the lobby
  25. >"No, please don't leave me in the same prison with this guy!"
  26. >"All I did was leave a restaurant without paying, I don't deserve this."
  27. >"I want my mama, I want my mama!"
  28. >The guards are grabbing as many inmates as possible to try to calm them down
  29. >Hugging them
  30. >Rubbing their heads
  31. >Giving them...churros?
  32. >You haven't eaten since you were arrested
  33. >You turn to one of your escorts
  34. "You wouldn't happen to have any of those churro's would you?"
  35. >"They're for emergencies only."
  36. >You could take the churro from him, but he's got that cattle prod with him
  37. >...
  38. >You can't take it anymore
  39. >You're going to die of hunger!
  40. >Without thinking you run over to where all the other guards are
  41. "Get back here Anonymous!"
  42. >They're still trying to comfort some of the inmates but you don't care
  43. >You quickly grab as many churros from the guards belts as you can
  44. >The other inmates freak out seeing you so close to them and start trying to escape again
  45. >While stuffing your face with churros your escorts quickly run towards you shocking you with their cattle prods
  46. >They're a lot weaker than you expected
  47. >They kind of hurt but you don't care
  48. >You got your churros and that's what matters
  50. Be The Warden
  51. "The new inmate did what?"
  52. >"He attacked some of the guards in the lobby and ate their Emergency Use Churros Ma'am, he scarfed them down like some wild animal."
  53. "Oh my, it seems that he's going to need some serious rehabilitation!"
  54. >"If you ask me I think that's going to be impossible for him."
  55. >You gasp
  56. "Cookies, how could you say such a thing?"
  57. >"With all due respect ma'am, do you know why he's here?"
  58. >She hands you a manilla envelope
  59. >You open it and read the information on the new inmate
  60. >Apparently his name is "Anonymous"
  61. >He is of an unknown species, from looking at his photo you guess he's some sort of primate >It is unknown how he got to Equestria and he claims that he doesn't know how he got here either
  62. >He's in prison for...
  63. >Oh my
  64. >He fought The Elements or Harmony?!
  65. >And he won?!?!
  66. >"Ma'am, I'm sure that you can understand why I think there's no hope for him now."
  67. >You don't know what to say
  68. >"Well, um..."
  69. >Cookies goes through the folder and pulls out what appears to be an x-ray of a ponies hoof
  70. >And it appears to be broken
  71. >"That's the hoof of the element of honesty, Applejack, it was one of the many x-rays used as evidence against him during his trial."
  72. >Oh dear
  73. >Someone who could break the leg of a pony like Applejack must be dangerous
  74. >And did she say "many x-rays"?
  75. >This looks tough
  76. >But you were never one to back down from a challenge
  77. >All inmates can be rehabilitated!
  78. >That is what your grandmother Believed!
  79. >That is what your mother Believed!
  80. >And That is what you believe!
  81. "I'm sorry Cookies, but I can't imagine any inmate being without hope."
  82. >Cookies sighs
  83. >”I guess I just can't convince you ma'am.”
  84. >And with that she leaves your office
  86. Be Anon
  87. >You have a full belly
  88. >But at what cost?
  89. >This black jumpsuit seems like enough of a reason for the other prisoners to stay away from you
  90. >And that shit you pulled in the lobby only seemed to further cement your status as the most dangerous inmate in this prison
  91. >You bury your hands in your face
  92. "What did I ever do to deserve this?"
  93. >Suddenly there's a knock at your door
  94. "Who is it?"
  95. >"Guard."
  96. "Come in."
  97. >"I don't need permission, but thanks anyways."
  98. >The guard enters your room and...
  99. >God she's cute
  100. >You try to forget that you ever thought that
  101. "Hello, my name's Cookies n' Cream, everyone just calls me cookies."
  102. "My name's Anonymous, everyone just calls me Anon."
  103. >She sits down next to you with the same posture as a human
  104. >You never thought about it but that's kind of weird
  105. >"The Warden sent me here."
  106. "Why's that?"
  107. >"She thinks that there's still hope for you."
  108. "And you don't?"
  109. >""
  110. >"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence."
  111. >You say this in the most sarcastic voice you can make
  112. "Well you did get into a fight with the Elements of Harmony."
  113. "Is that what those six horses were called?"
  114. >"Ponies, we're ponies!"
  115. >Wow she sounded offended
  116. "Oh ok, sorry."
  117. >"Why did you get into a fight with them if you don't mind me asking?"
  118. >You don't see the point in explaining it to her, if the judge didn't care why would she?
  119. >On the other hand you could do it to make The Warden happy, she must be nice if she has hope for you
  120. >"If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine too."
  121. "No, I'll tell you."
  123. Be Anon in a flashback
  124. >One minute your driving home, the next minute you wake up in a new land laying your back
  125. >Were you unconscious?
  126. >For how long?
  127. >And where are you anyways, some kind of forest?
  128. >You get up and look around hoping to find a trail, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be one
  129. >Now what?
  130. >"Alright girls, that burst of energy came from somewhere around here."
  131. >You just heard someone, maybe they could help you
  132. >You run over to the source of the voice and find and find...
  133. >Horses?
  134. >Six colorful horses
  135. >One blue horse, once yellow horse, one white horse, one orange horse, one pink horse, and one purple horse
  136. >You stare at each other for a few seconds
  137. >You could have sworn you heard someone talking
  138. >"Fluttershy, do you know what that thing is?"
  139. >The blue one asks the yellow one
  140. >The blue one...
  141. >Asks...
  142. >Oh my god they can talk
  143. "Oh my god you, can talk!"
  144. >They all seem surprised by your sudden outburst
  145. >The yellow one speaks this time
  146. "Um, yes we can talk."
  147. "B-b-b-b-but horses can't talk!"
  148. >"Hey, we are not horses!"
  149. >The blue one flies up to you
  150. >Wait a minute
  151. >She has wings?!
  152. >"We are ponies, you got that, ponies."
  153. >She pokes your chest a few times accusingly
  154. >You look at the other ponies
  155. >The yellow one also has wings
  156. >The pink and orange ones seem to be the most normal looking of the group
  157. >But the white and purple ones have horns on their heads
  158. >In fact, the purple one also has wings
  159. >You swat the blue ponies hoof away and start running
  160. >"Ow, that hurt!"
  161. >She's flying after you
  162. >How can those wings even support her body?
  163. >She tackles you to the ground
  164. >You respond by punching her in the face
  165. >The purple one shoots something out of her horn, it hits you but it doesn't seem to do anything to you
  166. >The orange one pulls a lasso out of nowhere and tries to tie you up
  167. >It grabs you by the waist, but you just grab it and yank the rope forward and her along with it
  168. >And that's how you got into a fistfight with a bunch of ponies
  169. >Or would it be more of a hooffight?
  171. Be Cookies
  172. >You're speechless
  173. >Magic doesn't effect him?
  174. >No wonder the Elements lost, you've never heard of them having to resort to physical violence to take someone down
  175. >"And that's my story."
  176. >There's a moment of awkward silence
  177. >"You know what, it actually felt kind of good to tell someone what happened, thanks."
  178. "No problem Anonymous."
  179. >"Please, just call me Anon."
  180. "Alright then Anon, I think I should report back to the Warden now."
  181. >"Ok, bye."
  182. >He waves at you and you wave back
  183. >You walk out and head for the Warden's office
  185. Be Anon
  186. >That was nice
  187. >You didn't expect anyone to speak to you while you were in here
  188. >Cookies and The Warden seem to be the only friends you have right now
  189. >It looks like Cookies forgot to close the door
  190. >You get up to close it and make eye contact with another inmate walking through the hallway
  191. >He tries to make a run for it but ends up hitting a wall and falling down
  192. >You think about helping him up but as soon as he sees you move he gets back up and just runs to the other end of the hallway
  193. >You close the door, get back in bed, and try to sleep
  194. >Maybe you'd get to talk to Cookies again when you woke up
  196. Be Cookies
  197. >In the Wardens office
  198. "I just got done speaking with Anon ma'am."
  199. >"So how was he?"
  200. "He's certainly a lot nicer than I thought he'd be."
  201. >The Warden beams at you
  202. >"Perfect, then we can move on to our next step."
  203. >She pulls out pen and paper
  204. >Upon closer inspection it seems like a the paper is a form authorizing Anon to work in the prison
  205. "Ma'am, do you want Anon to get a job?"
  206. >"Yes, I think it would be a perfect place to start."
  207. >"Having Anon around others seems like a bad idea."
  208. >"How bad could it possibly be?"
  209. "He's a blacksuit, you know how all the other inmates view anyone in a black jumpsuit. They're all scared of him."
  210. >The Warden thinks for a second
  211. >"Hmm...maybe everyone would be more comfortable around him if he had a chaperone?"
  212. "That might work."
  213. >"Great, when can you start?"
  214. >Well this is a surprise
  215. "You want me to to be his chaperone?"
  216. >"Who else? You're probably his best friend in this entire prison."
  217. >She's got a point
  218. >Who knows, maybe this could work out just fine
  219. >"So anyway, here's what I think Anon should do."
  221. Be Anon
  222. >You're awoken by the sound of your alarm clock
  223. >Every cell has one
  224. >It's time for dinner
  225. >You get up from your bed and walk to the door
  226. >You hear voices outside
  227. >Other prisoners
  228. >You shouldn't leave yet
  229. >Just as you turn around someone opens your door for you
  230. >It's Cookies
  231. >"Hello Anon, I've got a proposition for you."
  232. "A proposition?"
  233. >"Yes, let's discuss it over dinner."
  234. "Isn't that a bad idea?"
  235. >"What makes you say that?"
  236. "Well, what about all the other prisoners outside?"
  237. >"Don't worry, they won't be as scared of you if you have me around."
  238. >There's a rumbling in your stomach
  239. "Can't you just bring my lunch to my cell?"
  240. >"Anon, you either come with to the mess hall or you go to bed hungry."
  241. >Your mind's telling you "no"
  242. >But your stomach is telling you "yes"
  244. Later
  245. >You're in the mess hall
  246. >Cookies agreed to get lunch for both of you while you waited at the table
  247. >In fact, here she comes now
  248. >It looks like she got the same thing for both of you
  249. >Spaghetti and meatballs
  250. >It sure is nice of them to give you meat in a mostly vegetarian society
  251. >there's parmesan cheese on the table
  252. >Remembering that there isn't anyone here to judge your diet you decide to cover your spaghetti with a thick coating of cheese
  253. >You've missed this taste so much
  254. >"So you like cheese?"
  255. >Oh look Cookies is back
  256. >You nod while slurping some of your noodles
  257. >In fact you almost finish your spaghetti while Cookies has barely started on hers
  258. >She must be a slow eater
  259. >That's kind of cute
  260. >Wait what?
  261. >Anyways
  262. >You decide to ask her about this "proposition" she has for you
  263. >But then you see something on your tray you hadn't noticed before
  264. >Chocolate pudding
  265. >The question burning a hole in the back of your mind can wait
  266. >You grab your spoon and open the lid
  267. >Before you start enjoying your dessert you notice that cookies doesn't have any pudding
  268. >Did she only get pudding for you?
  269. >Why would she only get pudding for you?
  270. >You think it over and realize
  271. >This can only mean one thing
  272. >Her "proposition" is going to suck major balls
  273. >You're worried
  274. >But you can't let it show
  275. >That would just make her feel nervous
  276. >You decide to just enjoy your pudding
  277. >Enjoy every last bite
  278. >Savor the taste
  279. >Take as long as possible
  280. >You may not be able to avoid the inevitable
  281. >But you can at least delay it
  282. >Which you do, for 20 seconds
  283. >That's the longest it's ever taken you to finish chocolate pudding
  284. >She's almost done with her spaghetti
  285. >Now that you think about it eating your pudding slowly didn't actually help at all
  286. >"That sure was nice. So Anon, here's what the Warden had in mind for you."
  287. >[Screaming internally]
  288. "She thinks that it would help if you got a job."
  289. >Well that's not something you expected to hear
  290. >You expected something along the lines of forced manual labor
  291. "What kind of job?"
  292. >"Well she wanted you to work in the kitchen."
  293. >This seemed nice
  294. >You remember your mother teaching you to cook, it was always so much fun for you.
  295. "I could do that."
  296. >She beams at you
  297. >"Great, we can start tomorrow."
  298. >We?
  299. "Are you going to be working with me?"
  300. >"The Warden and I decided that you'd need a chaperone."
  301. "Why would I need a chaperone?"
  302. >"Well, we figured it would just make things easier for you."
  303. >You think you understand what she means...
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