
Exovaryn Haruke: Theoretics, Deals and Schemes (Vanus)

Sep 8th, 2015
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  1. A growl aroused from the festered furies of a confined Harukean, growing impatient and unwilling to see a conclusion to his fabricated saga whilst restricted to a wall.
  2. "I... REFUSE"
  3. Wrists writhed in their crystalline shackles, scratching themselves frantically against the serated edges, soon enough stabbing away at his palm with his overgrown nails. The sanguinous substance of his vessel began to pool, to overflow and ooze without hope of regeneration. He was closed off from his capability to bend mana at Lyperion Utovex's volition, thus he could not cease the bleeding via supernatural means.
  5. It was... His fullest intent..
  6. "- TO SEE AN END WITH MYSELF SO BLATANTLY RESTRICTED TO A WALL!" Shoulders jerked, and body violently throttled as though to pry himself free! However, there was no mana to be bent violently against the cell's walls and confinements. Guards could keep wary eyes, albeit there would be more magi lashed out for the bars. Simply, the semblence of a man frantically growing anxious to see his exit...
  8. It wouldn't last long...
  9. Grit teeth at the induced pain portrayed his uncomfortability: His pain... A necessary pain. Flesh trembled at his pull, and alas...
  10. -PLOP- From his right side, his right arm was reeled free of its quartz crystal restraint, further weighing him down for the ground thanks to the cannon balls that weighed down at his ankles.
  12. A bloodied hand would rise for the remained, callously jerking at it despite the cackle of bone and cartelige tested beyond their limitations. Blood began to spill over... But at the cost of a broken hand... He had done it!
  13. A loud boom of a duet of cannon balls cracking the stone floor on his descent sounded off his liberation.. Though, to very limited extent.
  14. It only cost him his hands...
  16. Now, he could at least roam his cell, considerably slowed by the gargantuan weights chained to his ankles. A groan complementing the roll of his remaining usable arm, and agitated optics scouring the bars for any guard that'd dare enter his cell. Now, he was the danger that others could fret, despite being limited of his magical prowess.
  18. "... That's.... Better..."
  19. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  22. To those whom dared to traverse beyond the common cells of the Frostvallen dungeons, they'd cross those midst maximum security standards. A duet of guards stand before the gates, peering beyond the bars of a mana inhibiting cell to gaze upon a once wall-bound prisoner. It seemed the wall restraints were bloodied and emptied of his person, escaped albeit still present in one's cell.
  24. Heavy cannonballs were chained to one's ankles to prohibit the danger of his flight beyond the bars, slowing his movement down considerable. Though, suched paled in comparison to the sanguinous messings streaked across the stone floors and walls. What appeared to have semblence to runic illustrations stretched across the walls in his own blood: Circles, rectangular drawings and various geometrical fabricants, enscribed with characters of an alien runic langauage, incoherent to the common Valmasian rune writer.
  26. " I hear more of them out there..." The sole prisoner commented. "More guards? Visitors? Perhaps, just like the others... Most likely like the others..." The voice went onward, continuing to scribe and theorize in his own blood, growing weary with the passing hours.
  28. Guards refused to open the gates thus far, under orders of their monarch, labeling this Harukean in particular: Dangerous.
  29. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  31. He watched her stroke his hand, though he didn't feel anything other than a curiosity. He was comfortable around her, or perhaps it was only the acute loneliness that came with being in solitary confinement. The man was desperate for talk, for the cadence of the human voice, and now it was being given to him.
  33. "I don't know how she'll react," he said, sounded worried. "I've never been disobedient before, or rebellious--coming here was that. Though, if she hurt me the way she did for simply wanting to leave, then I don't know what she'll do to me if I ever get back. It's a scary thought, not to say that I don't want to go home, however."
  35. He could recall the vivid crimson eyes of his queen, for he had seen every side of her; and he knew that there were multiple faces to her, and more than one of them cultivated a great evil. "I'm in here because I made that choice--I walked into Frostvale and put my hands up. I regret that now, maybe, if only because it caused so much trouble.
  37. "But Tilandre is a bad place now, and I don't like it there. I'm better off in this cell, I think."
  38. (Cain Tsuchi)
  40. Not much was happening today in the streets of Frostvale and this happy change of things was quite boring for him. Figuring he could possibly find something to kill time with, he'd take a trip down into the dungeon after flashing her Anguis badge. Might not be the best logic of, 'I'm bored, so lets see what the crazies are up to.' but that was pretty much what he was doing.
  42. Treking down the long staircase down into the stonewalled dungeon of Frostvale, he'd grab a torch off of the wall and leave his cloak on a desk. The reason for this would be simple, he didn't want to get the prison filth on his family's cloak while he was down here. Like usual, there was always shouting of inmates as they cried out in pain or just crying out to annoy the guards.
  44. Out of the side of his eye, the Drakanite would see a familiar hat and white hair combination, he wouldn't really say much to her as she seemed busy with another prisoner right now. All that was really spoken was a "Morning Marciel, enjoying yourself?~" He didn't bother stopping and continued on a bit further down the hall till he saw two guards posted in front of a cell. From the looks of things, this one was probably one of the more dangerous inmates they've captured recently.
  46. Figuring this would be a good of a person as any to have a chat with, he'd look into the cell and notice that it was covered in blood like runes and a man would be chained by two Iron balls, a collar, and was bound up pretty tightly.
  48. "Well, someone seems to have made this place quite homely. Maybe I should have you taken out to redo my house sometime if you behave?~"
  49. (Duratus B. Crustallos)
  51. "You're humoring, human..." commented the inmate, more engrossed in his endeavors, stroking at his chin with his bloodied hands. " Your ilk tire me further by the passing day." Ebonic optics scoured over the cell once more, double-taking it as though to ensure every detail was scribed to perfection.
  52. A hum portraying evident ponderance murmured from his gullet and soon after, a painfully slow approach for the bars, as though to confront those behind them.
  54. His left hand was broken to relinquish himself from quartz crystal bindings, and right hand lashed open to drench flesh in blood, mean't for further writing.
  55. " Can you do me a favor?" He asked... "Mind delivering me some ink? And medical equipment... The guards here were rather abusive in treatment." The grind of iron against stone groaned with every stride for the bars. Whether guards were backpedal from him, or raise their weapons in defense, he didn't fret as though more than brazen enough to risk his own life.
  57. " That, so simple work done upon my hands... I think I broke one..."
  58. He spoke of it, almost callously-- Bored even, with a visage to pair. The hazel outlining of his blank cornea skimmered further down the hall from his cell, hardly capturing an image of a casted shadow. He couldn't hope to see the others from this angle, but he could certainly hear them.
  60. "... Or, are you too worried to badger yourself with simple services as well... Rather asinine, if you ask me..."
  61. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  63. The green eyed boy grumbled, he probably had fallen asleep on the bench while watching the inmate. The man tried to start some talk with him and make Vasca do things for him that could pobably get him freed. There were more people a white haired girl, probably a Melym, and a blue haired boy.
  66. The Oscuri scratched his head and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Watching prisoners was tiresome, his green eyes wandered around the place as his vision fell once again on the blue haired man.
  69. The white haired inmate was still in his cell, but he was injured. Not like it was Vasca his problem, but the boy could sympathize with him, however his judgement stayed. The Oscuri stood up and walked to the cell, he walked back and took a barrel.
  72. Then he set the barrel down infront of the man his cell, still a bit wobbly from just waking up. His vision fell on the blue haired male "What has he been doing?" Vasca asked in a calm tone. Now the man couldn't hurt him, those anti-mana shackles withstood him from using any type of Magic.
  75. Having heard what the man asked for Vasca shook his head, he'd then look at what the blue haired man was doing, for now nothing was his problem. It was the blue haired man his job to look after Exovaryn, Vasca'd just sit there and watch what Exovaryn was doing, if the man was such a bad criminal then 1 person wouldn't be enough. Just like before, the man tried to convince him with fixing his lost hand.
  76. (Vasca)
  78. Getting a better look at the man behind the bars, it war pretty damn obvious he had somehow taken those magic restraints off. His eyes would glide along the rest of the mans body to be sure the others were still attatched and luckily, they were. The Drakanite would send a glare towards the restrained man and cross his arms.
  80. "I'd be more prone to assisting a man in a cell if he had his restraints on like a good boy. Seeing how you were even able to get those things off, I know getting anything to you would be a pain in the ass especially if you took the chance to break out."
  82. "For now, you're just going to have to deal with the pain. I mean, afterall, you DID do this to yourself...By the way, what exactly did you do to get yourself locked up in a high security cell anyways? Try to start a rebelion, kill the King, anything that could be a nice time killer?"
  84. Turning his head to the tiro beside him, Duratus would answer the boys question with sarcasim. "He was decorating his cell with the blood of oscuri children. Should give him a hug, he seems to be running a bit low.~"
  85. (Duratus B. Crustallos)
  87. The prisoner grew tired of Duratus, as he had with most others whom harrassed him from behind bars. He could wage his logic about as many times as he wanted, but it never seemed to catch their attention. None of them ever seemed willing to hear what had to come from his mouth, which made utterance of such naught more than wasted breath. Perhaps, waiting for a proper demise was all he had waiting for him, as of now...
  89. The thought was depressing, though to the ilk of Valmasia, likely percieved justified.
  90. "What I did to be thrown in this cell, was merely exist." He answered, turning eyes away from Duratus entirely to examine his markings. " Others of your kind attempted to execute me, merely out of fear of what I am. For such, I defended myself with equal numbers... As a result, dozens of Brightholdians fell to my wake. Though, it doesn't matter... Jerudiel, or his enemies.. You lot are xenophobic scum in my perception regardless. Speaking with you is a waste of my breath..."
  92. A hum was aroused from his gullet, coming to some sort of realization of sorts, speaking monologue on the matter upon digressing from one's query entirely.
  93. "Now, utilizing Brighthold's schematics to their runic constructs. I'm more than certain that the transference of mana from a prisoner to an exterior source could bring about means for mana and reika storage, albeit it'd be limited to the humanoid battery. If I want it self-generating, it may take some materials... " A short glance over in Duratus' direction with cut eyes birthed an awkward pause, silently inspecting his guards, and Vasca alike...
  95. "But considering what I'm dealing with, I'm certain that'll never happen" Eyes trail off from the numbers at the prison bars, back to his bloody illustrations.
  96. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  98. Not wanting to give the imprisoned man a sense of hope, he'd wordlessly walk off and go towards the stairwell. He wasn't going to climb all of the stairs, he was grabbing a small box that had very few medical supplies in it after he took out most stuff that could be used to inflict harm or kill a man. So mainly, there would be gaze, a needle with a type of thread commonly used for stitching and some bandage wrap.
  100. When everything seemed to be 'safe' enough, he'd grab a small tray and put them all out on it and walk past Marciel. "When you finish here, you want to spend some time with me Marciel? Have a feeling we could have some fun with one another and get you better with runes at the same time.~" Whimsical words would flow from his mouth, paired with a smile.
  102. Back to the cell of the man of who was now monologing with himself, he'd decide to drop the temperature a bit with a little Ice Magic. It wasn't intending to be anything too serious, but more or less just to help him cool off a little. "Here, these should be more than enough for your hand. Made sure there wasn't much else that could be done with these outside of patching yourself up. Put the needle and threat back on the tray and slide it back out when you finish."
  104. HIs words were short and to the point. Sure the man was a prisoner, but he was fairly injured from the looks of things. Granted it was his own doing that did it.
  106. "What's your name anyways?"
  107. (Duratus B. Crustallos)
  109. " Considering you have no qualms nor care as to what my identity is, the inquiry is pointless. There is no purpose aside from putting a name in your logs. I'm more than certain you lot will find an alternative that satisfies the vermin of your populace." He didn't take much thought in swiping the medkit from the prison bars, ensuring they were distanced enough from bars to work on patching himself up.
  111. " The day retribution is casted upon your numbers I'll shed no resistance in my laughter. " He retorted. " Now, if you have no further entertainment in harrassing me, leave me be." He fell to the stone floors, legs settled in pretzel formation to focus on his wounded hands. He had bled enough to make his diagrams, now all he needed to do was entirely interpret it himself and fathom applications that'd be of use to save himself from certain demise.
  113. Should anyone have heeded what he had to say outside these bars, as miniscule the possibilty proved, perhaps, he'd have a chance to live. If he wasn't killed off by the exterior forces, he'd inevitiably be cannibalized by the Vanus coursing through his vessel at this rate...
  115. " I have more pressing matters to badger my attention with... "
  116. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  118. Cleaning his nails he looked up at the white haired man. Vasca felt a bit bad for keeping the man locked up, even if the Oscuri didn't know what he had done. Zara told him before that humans are different and that it was wrong for an Oscuri to serve under a human lord, she even tried to convince him to join the Bullwark, which he had no qualms to.
  122. If he wasn't bound by an oath he'd have left long ago, to his home, Alteros. Vasca looked at what the man was doing, he understood nothing of what the inmate was saying so he just shrugged.
  127. Even if he wanted to heal himself, it could be dangerous if the man knew how to escape. The Oscuri stood up and walked towards the man his cell, he tilted his head. "Why are you locked up again?"he asked having forgotten the reason why the white haired man was put in such a situation.
  131. Even if he knew why the man was locked up, there wasn't anything he really could do to convince the king. Turning arond he took the sword of his back and placed it on the ground next to him, he then walked further and took place on the barrel again. Placing his left leg on his right thigh, leaning on his left fist, placing his other handless arm on his stomach.
  132. (Vasca)
  133. [09:02:56] Well, he tried chatting and being kind, so no use in wasting his time with this bastard any longer. Not even thinking twice, he'd grab the tray of medical supplies once the man had finished patching himself up and walk off to another cell after dropping off the medical supplies.
  135. Supplies all packed back up and tidied, Duratus would walk back down to the cell that he had seen Marciel at for a fair bit of time and talking with the prisoner in. From what he could pick up in passing, Marciel was giving off some odd feelings, but seemed to be talking about walks?
  137. "So, what brings you here? Hope you're a better talker than the other inmate down the hall. Guy was rather rude." Pulling a chair up, he'd seat himself in front of Cain's cell with a rather normal expression on his face. All he was trying to do was gather information at this point to kill time. Not like the King needed him for anything at the moment.
  138. (Duratus B. Crustallos)
  140. An answer spoken out for Vasva carried out for him, rather than appeasing Duratus with a reply via introduction. " I was captured under the claim of 'evil', for dispatching numbers of Brighthold... If I'm not mistakened, those are the enemies of this province. They attempted to execute me, prior to escaping their prison cells... Much like this one. I got impatient, and dropped dozens of their numbers, and a half-dozen of their magi on my own... Though, on my way to simply leaving the scene, I was intercepted by two, attacked and brought here to be 'cleansed'... Purged, is probably more appropriate." He had cleaned himself up, to general degree, handing Duratus back the case... Whilst hiding the pin on his person.
  142. " In short, I was imprisoned for my race... For my trained affinities... For my existence... Not for my actions, for they hardly differ from your own humanly sort. Mine however, are far more conservative, rather than blatant, grotesque and wasteful." With that said and done, repositioned himself, arms wrapped around his knees with fingers digressing for ankles, feeling them out for details... Massaging them... carressing them... Almost as though to simply embrace it entirely.
  143. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  145. Leaned forward a bit as he scratched his nose, there was an irritating itch coming from it, but it didn't seem to go away even if he scratched hard. The boy just stopped scratching, it didn't seem to go away but after a while the itch faded and just became a dull feeling on his nose. Vasca sneezed a bit of dust entered his nose. "S-s-so, you got jailed for being you?" the Oscuri asked whilst wiping the dirty slime under his nose away.
  149. He knew how it felt to be discriminated for your race or your faction, everywhere he went those Melyms kept calling him Oscuri scum. Yes, he understood why they did that, but they kept continuously calling him scum. Eventually it got on his nerves and he attacked on of the Melym girls, which wasn't a good idea. It resulted in him getting thrown of a high tower, without any magical resistance.
  154. That was one of his lucky days, he got saved by a cloaked woman and a rainbow haired girl, they were both pretty angry at him. If it wasn't for the holy magic and the puddle of mud under him, he wouldn't survive. Eventually the woman dragged him out of Frostvale and threatened him to never come back, it was quite a shock. Big enough to make him want to seek vengeance, which he eventually got when Brighthold got defeated by Danarium in the war.
  158. The boy looked at the white haired man "What are you?"he asked curious why the man said that he was hated for what he was, looking at his face. He didn't have the Oscuri Lines so that was out of the question, maybe he was a sub-human like most of the people in Valmasia. Except Yokai, those wretched creatures.
  159. (Vasca)
  161. The needle provided to him was whittled in for whatever opening he could find on the ankle bracings, attempting picklock it for simply leadway within his own cell. It was rather blatant, not much attempt went into concealing the endeavor-- However, it could've been percieved as bait for anyone brazen enough to open his cell. Thus far, no progress yet... Simple fidgiting...
  163. " You're the first to ask, without a weapon raised towards me. I suppose that could mean something." He answered, glancing off to the bloodied mess ruining the vast majority of his cell's walls and flooring...
  164. " I am a member of a race, nigh extinction... Almost as, if not damned to worse discrimination than the Malpercian brood in the eyes of your human ilk." He admitted.
  166. "We were blessed by our goddess... Some claim Atmosian... We call her 'Lyperias'. With her power, we recycle mana... From the dead and dying, our enemies and so on. To undoing death, to saving the dying... We excel at the Dark arts... Just as we could with the Light..." He explained further.
  167. " Harukean." He glanced away from the bloody runic insignias and diagrams smeared across the walls and floors, behind those bars that seperated himself from the rest of the guards abroad.
  169. "I am a Harukean, strong and proud. Hunted by Humanity under the claim of a monster... Had your people simply left me alone, I could've aided them.... But that's not how humans work. You lot draw your blades first and omit the context of scenarios aside from what one wants to accept. It disappoints me... And infuriates me that my kind would be genocided merely out of fear... That'd I be imprisoned, merely because of my capabilities... Of what my former sort has done... About what I -can- do... It only motivates me to hate the numbers more... It only perpetuates the eternal cycle of hatred that stirs Valmasia under the guise of their Gods and Goddesses, doing 'greatness' in their valor and so on..."
  171. "... I hate it... I hate it all... I sympathize with Malpercians oppressed and delimbed merely for their existence... I sympathize with Yokai, executed without reasoning... And understand their distrust and hatred of Humanity... Though, I don't understand why Oscuri, Malpercians, Yokai... Any of your lot... As to how they can simply accept this oppression as destiny... As life... Without a single rise to realization that such can be repressed... No... Thus far, you all seem to admire your damnation and enslavement. Your detrimental oppression and disgracing... "
  173. He sighed, staring off for a wall once more...
  174. "That's... What I am, child."
  175. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  177. The boy stared at the white haired man, he was trying to pick the lock of his shackles, Vasca giggled a bit at the attempt to free himself. There were 2 Nivis, who probably weren't enough to defeat the so proclaimed 'Monster'. It intruiged him, Zara also said something along those lines, they were both proud of their heritage. An Oscuri, or Harukean in this case, he loved being a Harukean. It was his race, he was born a Harukean and will die a Harukean, hopefully. There was nothing he could do about being who he was, if people hated him for that he was bound to strike back.
  180. It was like kicking a puppy and not expecting the mother to attack you, this justice wasn't really fair. Who was he to talk about that, just another low-rank Nivis who was watching a dangerous criminal. "You want to get some fresh air?"Vasca said as he sighed, he really felt it. The discrimination, it were always the humans that discriminated and on top of that was the man captured and forced to participate in a war.
  183. Maybe he wanted to fight or maybe he didn't want to fight, but that didn't matter. He was being captured for something those Brigholdians did, again. Brightholdians were just a nuisance, humans were too, but Brighthold consisted of Humans. Vasca was actually very happy when everybody in the war started to cheer that Jerudiel Melym had been killed.
  184. (Vasca)
  186. =================================================================================================================================
  187. Time skip (A few months later)
  188. =================================================================================================================================
  191. Orthus was finally tired of being in Tilandre; as he didn't get to find the people that he was looking for. Every single place he went he was assulted, insulted and discriminated - it was getting quite obnoxious and worrisome. Returning back to Frostvale; he wanted to continue his duty as if he was going to do Force Conscription he might aswell get to the highest ranking possible.
  193. Returning to Frostvale; he decided to take a quick-stop in the Frostvale prison where he spent most of his time anyway; as he remembered something about a Dark Lord or the likes being captured in the prison. Approaching the prison, as soon as he put his foot past the castle he felt a intoxicating amount of depravity - but being depraved himself, he was quite use to it but, it made the air feel hot and humid.
  195. Looking into the cell on his right first, to find the location of the depravity but, it felt less heavier and much lighter on that side, as he shook his head knowing that hte crazy amount of depravity was coming from the other side of the Prison... Striding over to the other side; and with each step he took the depravity pushed his body downwards as it felt like gravity itself, the very thing that Orthus manipulated was crushing him... As he saw Exovaryn, opening his mouth in a gasp he would think to himself, " How did he get himself captured ? This is annoying..." he would then approach the cell door as he would say, " Long time no see, Teacher... It's been like three years ? How did you get youself in this state..."
  196. (Orthus)
  198. The cell had grown in disrepair...
  199. Blood was splattered across the walls, scribed into diagrams and blueprints for notions popping into one's mind. Not so much ventures for liberation, but rather scientific means. Alien runic insignias stretched across the the walls and floors, where some evident pools of it from former injury stretched portions of the stone flooring. The wall to which one was originally confined to had its signs of struggle as well; quartz crystal arm-bindings were reddened with one's blood, on both sides.
  201. Eyes focused upon Exovaryn himself revealed him, relinquished of all bindings, a needle still shoved into one of his shackles... Aged: Months old. No one dared to venture into his cell, under the orders of Sebastion for risk of his hostility. The lack of mana feeding replaced with meals mean't for humanity had forced him into suffering. Extreme weight loss, counting into the hundreds worth in mass left him much more slim than prior.
  203. The Harukean sat upon the bench furthest back in his cell, arms lain upon his knees and head hunkered down to conceal his visage with his mated alabaster mane. Breathing was heavy, and form constantly fatigued... The degeneration process was progressing, vastly weakening the Harukean...
  204. His mind was going numb, expansive mentality cannibalized by the hungering symbiote.
  205. The levels of mana within his system began to deplete, further replaced by the Vanus in his system. He was dying....
  206. Unable to satisfy this gargantuan level of alternate energy without exterior forces.
  208. In this state, he'd eventually consume himself from the inside out...
  209. A long sigh eased past his lips, and eyes closed from their stare upon the floor. He could hear footsteps coming from down the hall...
  210. Perhaps another guard... What did it matter anyways?
  212. However, the voice wasn't another harrassing man nor woman attempting to prod entertainment from his dismay- No. This was, someone much younger, familiar in both tone and context. Albeit, he wouldn't rise his head to mise gander upon the child...
  213. Instead, he'd merely answer outright...
  215. " Humanity." He replied. " Humans, they are a cruel race."
  216. " Them, and all their sub variants." Clarification led to further pause in speech.
  217. " They all think they're special in some way. Attempting to force themselves upon the world they inhabit, posing themselves with grandiose entitlement in their attempts to play God." He babbled, succumbing to the urge to take breather...
  218. " I had the misfortune to stumble across such asinine members of humanity. Now, I rot under their soils in their attempt to display superiority."
  219. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  220. [09:03:21] Looking around within the cell, he could see many diagrams and blueprints engraved on the walls as he thought to himself, " What exactly have they been doing to Teacher for such a long period of time ?... It's my fault for not comng here much sooner, maybe, I'll be able to bring him something... I don't know." Orthus would then approach closer to the cell door, as his arms grabbed the bars as he would squeeze his face as close as possible to see both sides of the wall as blood was splattered.
  222. Images and flash backs fludding into his head, as he was thinking of how Exovaryn looked previously, more muscular and bigger than his current state as he would gasp in awe of the state he was in... He would think to himself once gain, " I dont think he wants to eat anything other than Human meat, nor do I think, I could save him from such a vile and wretched state with my presence alone... Possibly this is further worsening his conditions, what to do..." as idea hit him in the head, as he was in the uniform and Exovaryn was in the cell.
  224. Orthus would then listen to his complaints as he was talking about the sub-variants of Human kind and Humans themselves and the cruelty. Orthus shook his head until images of what has been happening to him in the three year period that he had been forced to stay with Danarium and Glacium as he could do nothing but look at the floor in despair and shock that he was actually correct... Orthus would attempt to part his pink, lucious lips as no sound came out... Until several minutes passed, as he would then proceed to say, " Indeed they are all cruel. Humans will do anything as long as they survive; whether it be killing their best friends or starving and toturing a man to death..." - this was obviously coming from Exovaryns' state and the thoughts that were flowing into Orthus' head; as he would continue speaking, " Yet, a light at the end of the tunnel my good friend... I'm going to try save you with my life on the line; you allowed me to walk freely that day I met you and gave me words of wisdom. - Maybe indeed it was your fate to meet me and befriend me; like our Goddess of Fate says it shall be, I'll never forget the talk we had." tilting his head, as he forced a grin upon his face although usually he would bare a monotone and apthetic facial expression. This time he truly meant the emotion, just didn't know how to pull the face.
  226. ... After awhile the face turned into a sulk as he was concentrated on the idea of how to free him...
  227. (Orthus)
  229. Exovaryn rose his head to face Orthus, the sound of Lyperias' mention had indeed stirred him from his morbid indolence. This youth, was a devout worshipper of Lyperias as far as he could tell. Perhaps his mind had grown clouded, thoughts wispy and mentality tested over the months without feed. One couldn't be sure, though thus far, it seemed he had finally received the eyes he needed. Someone knew of his condition, his position... Now, he could use an outside force to his aid.
  231. He watched Orthus, pondering well enough, eyes glancing over to the guards that watched him and the child accordingly. It was foolish to approach him directly, the guards would more than likely pry the child away, if not shove their weapons beyond the bars to dissaude him.
  233. " I am glad that you have opened your eyes, child. It leaves me with... Contradicting hope for your people. Perhaps, Lyperias has not forgotten me... She is forever with me. I simply need to withstand her trial. I've done so successfully thus far, and in time, will punish those whom renounce her name.
  235. There is no doubt in my mind that there are some worth saving." He commented, " Much like Savant, whom still breaths... Perhaps... The others of the past, do as well." He was seemingly digressing. To some, the lack of feeding may've gotten to him, going delirious. A poor old fool reminiscing of the past, albeit with oddly current figures.
  237. "Tertius... I recall the innocence we both proven as mere children. If only we had met prior to my rearrival to Valmasia. That is, if he hadn't perished as well.
  238. Sune... She's likely to have perished. She betrayed me, and I'm certain Lyperias would have avenged such transgression. Though, as for what I percieved to be the messiah, Lumina... I have been proven mislead... Lied to... I pray she was smited by the Goddess as well for such forgery..."
  240. "... Perhaps... Salvation is at-hand... Just beyond the horizon..." He lowered his head, shrouding his visage with hair once more...
  241. Going silent...
  242. " If you wish to save me child... Then go..." He ordered...
  243. Oddly enough, the tone in his voice through such context didn't seem too direct, almost if implying something.
  245. From seemingly digressing from all of his plots scribed messily across the walls and floors to speaking of 'past figures', and suddenly... Dismissal.
  246. Guards were commanded to take everything he said with skepticism and disbelief...
  247. Maybe age was getting to him....
  249. .... Or was there something more nefarious implied...
  250. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  252. The Melym Bard as a vision in red; Marciel dressed in the full red armour of the Nivis, though with the same military style cap she always wore. The girl cut a stunning figure, even in the standard issue gear, perhaps she altered it. Silently, the beautiful teenager stood gazing into Exovaryn's cell. The cell was also a vision in red. A different kind of red, and a different kind of vision, though. Blood and madness. Or was it blood and power?
  254. Marciel really wasn't sure as she stepped closer to Exovaryn's cell. "You don't look well." She paused, checking that she was standing just outside the prisoner's reach should he attempt to grab at her through the bars.
  256. Blue eyes cast over the blood and gore. "You know, I would have brought you some chalk if you'd only asked. What are you writing?"
  257. (Marciel Melym)
  259. The casted darkness of one's cell, blacked out of wall-bound torches rewarded one with only the distant rings of amber gleam. Black eyes followed those whom would dare to badger the single inhabitant of the blackened cell, breathing of a pungent mauve smog oozed from his morbid lips, reduced to naught but a mere silhuoette from one's exterior perception. Though, even with details nigh omitted, it was clear that those emptied eyes chased every sway of the femme whom acknowledged his person.
  261. "... You humans forced me to this, out of your sick entertainment. Do not taunt me, with your frivolous fallacies... " He retorted in slow fluency, tone graveling with bass in comparison to before. Vocal cords were beginning to deteriorate, issuing a rattling sound in his speech, though he was far from gone just yet.
  263. " What does it matter... Your lot will inevitiably execute me for actions that only saved more of your people. Merely for my race... You don't have reason to care for what I scribe... " With that said, there was further silence...
  264. A strong glare bent on forseeing oblivion instilled hopelessness of absolution with its unique brand of silent intensity.
  265. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  267. Marciel wasn't certain why she felt so nervous around this prisoner. Well, she knew why - the sight of an emaciated man in an blood soaked cell wasn't exactly the stuff of sweet gentle children's storytimes. But he was in an anti-magic cell and if that wasn't overkill enough, the prisoner was wearing an anti-magic collar.
  269. Still, the girl couldn't help but shivering as she practically felt his black eyes trace over her rather curvatious form. Lit from behind by a flickering torch, Marciel not only cast a deep shadow into the bloodied cell.. but she looked positively angelic. "I wasn't taunting you." Well, maybe she was a little.
  271. The girl, not seeing the harm, reached into a belt pouch and retrieved some chalk. She stepped forward, dangling the piece of chalk like a carrot before Exovaryn. "From where I'm standing, Frostvale won't even need to execute you since you refuse to eat anything.."
  273. Marciel made a small, almost disappointed sound, as she attempted to see more clearly what the Harukean had been writing. Lightning flickered at her fingertips, shedding a little light into the cell room.
  275. "What are you writing? Your memoirs?"
  276. (Marciel Melym)
  278. The light revealed alien characters scoured across the floors, spreading abroad the stone and up to the walls. Eventually shedding light upon the bone slivers betwixt the remaining pounds of flesh clung to his legs.
  279. Clothes were still damaged from that battle so long ago with countless Brightholdians, Glacium, Nivis... And finally Demeter....
  281. " ... These... Inscriptions..." He started, eyes digressing to his writings..
  282. " Are my theory to crafting a mana-based prison, and generator... Utilizing humans much like yourselves akin to a... Source... A battery... Without killing you lot, of course. It bodes well for punishment, and sustains everlastingly.
  284. It was originally crafted by a man in Brighthold. Something mean't to power other runic mechanisms. They intended to revolutionize their people for 'technological advancement'... Though, considering the asinine mentality of Humanity percieved thus far, and their inevitiable encounter with fate's retribution, they would never achieve such." He claimed.
  286. " If the people of this land could bring such create such craft... Perhaps, co-existence could ensue without Sacrifice... Though, it'd never spare my Malpercian counterparts." Eyes sifted over to her figure once more, hardly capable of thoughts of carnal nature due to the ravenous burden of an emptied gullet. He was in too much pain...
  287. He had far too much hatred of their ilk, to succumb to something akin to physical attraction of their members.
  289. "Though, it matters not... Your lot could never understand Xsperitan dialect nor inscirptions... They wouldn't even work to your volition due to your inferior anatomy. A pity... But a stern truth..."
  290. There was no rise to his feet, nor inclination to take the chalk from her hand...
  292. "... Keep your items to your inventory. I haven't need for them any longer... "
  293. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  295. Having a rather dull time once his shift ended, the young Ice drakanite would head down into the dungeon once more to speak with a few prisoners. Much to his surprise, he saw that Marciel was down in the dungeons again and trying to speak with the inmates. From the looks of things, she was talking to the one he talked with and helped last time.
  297. The man wasn't exactly the most socialible of prisoners, nor was he even the most welcoming to assistance when it was provided. Still, Marciel was trying to talk with the man for whatever reason and he'd decide to stop by and join in as well. Before doing that, he'd be sure to mask his steps to try and have a little fun down here.
  299. It wasn't the smartest move considering her history of shocking people, but he wanted to see what kind of reaction he could get out of her. Doing his best, he'd approach with rather silent footsteps even considering the fact he was in full nivis gear. Surprisingly though, he'd make it over towards the girl without much noise at all.
  301. When behind her, the man in the cell would be able to see him if he was looking towards her. With a giant grin on his face, the drakanite would whisper into the girls ear.
  303. "Gotcha!"
  305. Not only did he whisper that, he'd wrap his arms around her from behind and embrace her tightly.(Totes expecting pikachu shock)
  306. (Duratus B. Crustallos)
  308. Marciel's doe-like eyes had widened as the electricity arcing at her fingertips lit up the room. It wasn't just gore, or ordinary writings. It definitely something else. The teenager had shifted her weight forward, closer to the bars as she leant up on tiptoes to view the full extent of the emaciated man's work. And then her gaze fell upon his face, hardly able to miss the fact that even in the midst of starvation the man managed to leer at her.
  310. "A mana siphon." The young woman with the starlight-white hair tilted her head, the gift of chalk apparently being rejected. "What do you mean, inferior anatomy?" Marciel repeated, with a shake of her head. Perhaps there might have been other questions the Melym would've asked. Perhaps, if not for the intervention of one Duratus B. Crustallos. Marciel screamed. Surprise, and not a small amount of fear (there were dangerous criminals down here, after all!) filled her voice.. as well as an added bonus of the sonic boom of a startled sound magi. The girl stepped sideways, unbalancing her attacker and with the slight amount of space between them swung a lightning sparking clenched fist backwards, aiming for the Drakanite's groin!
  312. Marciel grabbed Duratus by his cloak, attempting to throw him against the bars. It was about this point that the combined light from the electrity sparking and dancing across her skin and that of the everlasting torches revealed Duratus' idenity to her.
  314. "Duratus. Get the hell out of here." Marciel commanded, apparently not giving two bits about the fact that one, he was higher in rank than her and so she had no real authority to boss him around, and two, that she'd just assaulted a superior officer.
  315. (Marciel Melym)
  317. Duratus had surprised Marciel, albeit it would not go without consequence. She retaliated, which seemed harmless at a gander... Except for one very crucial detail. The man in the cell they were fooling around, was dubbed a mass murderer... And the very man whom stood guard over his cell at a former moment and time, glared upon akin to the many others whom refused him of simply pleasures fathomed of no hassle to be granted unto the many others in their own cells.
  319. It was an sleuth of reasoning for one's abrupt flicker to attention...
  320. Though a blink from the Drakanite practically spawned the image of Exovaryn waiting just beyond the bars, visage batting a grandiose grin from cheek to cheek, displaying the flesh tearing teeth once hidden behind palid lips.
  322. Maws parted to reveal the void trickling from one's gullet, trying to desperately for a lick upon flesh, but teeth would only clash with metal, though it wouldn't stop the stroke of a tongue...
  323. A tongue swathed with the Harukean symbiote to deliver a chilling embrace, darkening flesh to a distinct lavender complemented only with momentarily blackened veins.
  325. A minor quantity of mana, though, should one had taken it upon himself to pry away from the bars, the second succeeding endeavor to gnash flesh from one's vessel would've been evaded. Guards were more than likely to sprint in, plunging their glaives through the bars to discourage further lunging, though the sparse siphoning would've occured already, something fairly easy to recover from, from Duratus' perception.... And a minor snack for the Harukean.
  327. No words were said...
  328. The endeavor would likely suffice...
  329. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  331. This wasn't the smartest thing he has ever done by far. I mean, who tries to scare someone inside of a prison with a hug from behind? Well, doing stupid stuff is all a part of being young and he was going to do well to remember to never do this again down here at least. Honestly though, he was curious as to how she would react normally to this situation.
  333. Marciel would let out a scream enhanced by sound magic and cause his ears to throb in pain to losen his embrace on her. When she was freed, the white haired girl would swing a fist full of lightning into his groin. This would hurt a lot more, but he did have a cock piece on to help soften the blow some. It wouldn't make it bearable, but it'd save him from some sever damage at least.
  335. A grunt would escape his mouth and he'd be slammed into the metal bars. All he could do at this point was sit there for a moment before Marciel noticed it war Duratus who had scared her senseless. She was rightfully furious with him and he'd answer her, assuming she lessened up to let him get away from the bars. "H-h-hey Marciel! Uhm...could you let go? Sorry about this, just wanted to see what you looked like scared...but now that I think about it...terrible place to try it..." The tone of voice he was using was nervous as it was embarassed and for good reason. The person behind the cell bars was a high security prisoner.
  337. Before he pulled away, the man behind the bars would snap his jaw at him before dragging his tongue across his cheek.His glare would stare daggers at the man, but he knew opening the cell wouldn't do any good. But wait...didn't he have two large Iron weights on his ankles last time?
  339. "What happened to your restraints..." The tone of his voice changed rather quickly after noticing this fine detail.
  340. (Duratus B. Crustallos)
  342. The prisoner in the cell was a monster. If the blood and the gore wasn't a hint, the unhinged snapping jaw with all the snaggle teeth and that terrible, terrible tongue. "Aiiagh!" Marciel once again screamed, releasing Duratus to the snapping, biting prisoner.
  344. Considering the fact that Exovaryn had attempted to take a bite out him, Duratus was awwwfuully calm. Marciel's chest heaved as she drew her... lute. Marciel curiously enough, didn't carry a sword or a truncheon or any other sort of actually dangerous looking weapon.
  346. But she needn't have worried. Guards came tramping up the corridor, bearing polearms in an attempt to force Exovaryn back. Marciel exhaled, electricty crackling at her fingertips.
  348. "Duratus, he was out of them when I got here.. do you mind not sneaking up on me?" The girl moved closer to the bars, ready to blast the creature within the cells should its tongue lash out at her. "What.. are you?"
  349. (Marciel Melym)
  351. He had a taste...
  352. Though it was hardly any bit to sustain himself, it was a smidgeon he hadn't had the liberty in indulging in months. The time spent in this cell with extensive starving had left him desperate, and with unprovoked conditions, he was prone to grow violent given opportunity.
  353. He backed from the cell bars in reverence to the arriving gaurds, though would watch as none dared to open his cell...
  355. Both parties seemed to understand the hypothetical scenario of opening those gates. Even without mana to bend, he was still more than capable of siphoning it from another's vessel... To siphon them into empty husks, if not simply gouge away at their flesh in an endeavor to eat them alive. Unhinged jaws clicked back in place, and he retreated to his lax position on his stone bench.
  357. The gleaming rings about his blank cornea followed the defensive Marciel, now questioning his race. Her 'weapon' of choice hardly seemed menacing, albeit as unorthidox as it was, proved further proof of his magical prowess. Only a magi could bring a miscelaneous item to their defense and utilize it beyond its initial intent, from what he's seen thus far.
  359. " In your carelessness... You freed me from my shackles. Despite your condecending demeanor, you need me well... Though, I won't forgive you for your former interactions, human.." He said unto Duratus, digressing hues following Marciel, looming his callous gander upon her.
  361. "I am a member of a race, hunted down by your people. Tortured and taunted, day in and day out for months... Years... Centuries..." He clarified. " I've been caught and brought here as a prize, some sort of trophy for their seemingly 'brazen' soldiers. They keep me locked away, starving me... Tormenting me, before they finally take it upon themselves to execute me for saving their fellow ilk." He started.
  363. " I am one of the few Harukeans that still roam these lands... And try your luck as shoving another limb into my cage... And I won't miss again." He threatened. He had been on the recieving end of much percieved abuse, this was merely retribution for such.
  364. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  366. What was he talking about? If he remembered right, he had taken everything from the man after he got patched up. Regardless, the man was now out of a majority of his shackles and only kept in check by a collar and the metal bars before him.
  368. The drakanite wasn't as scared as he was annoyed by the man in the cell. He tried to lend him a hand with his injury and he is getting no respect out of it. So much for showing some kindness to a monster. Making a mental note of this, he'd listen to what else he had to say about what he was. The mention of Harukeans a brow would raise. This would be something to look into when he has some spair time to himself.
  370. Looking back towards Marciel, he'd ignore the mans threat for now. Why exactly should he fear a caged beast anyways? If those bars and collar weren't there, it'd be a different story, but this was how things were for now. "Yeah, sorry about that Marciel. What were you even doing down here? Don't even think you really have permission to be down here."
  372. He wasn't trying to belittle the Melym, but he really wasn't sure if she was even allowed into this part of the dungeon, let alone the dungeon in general. "What are you even down here for?"
  373. (Duratus B. Crustallos)
  375. Marciel Melym's chest rose and fell rapidly, breath falling in tiny clouds from her lips. "You've been hunted centuries? Oh, well.. I take what I was thinking about you looking terrible back, then." A nervous laugh from the young woman, crystal blue eyes scanning over the arcane, alien runic symbols decorating the cell.
  377. "What was I doing down here" Crap. You needed permission to be down here. Marciel stared at Duratus, glanced to Exovaryn -- plainly hoping that the Harukean would do something crazy and unpredictable again to distract Duratus from the fact that she was deliberately not answering his question.
  379. Marciel crossed her arms, eyes staring into Duratus' own as she stood up tall - or as tall as one could when one stands at just over five feet in height.
  381. (Marciel Melym)
  383. Guards were stationed near the bars, watching carefully at the repelled Harukean ogling the lot from afar...
  384. It was insurance that he wouldn't try anything...
  385. Besides, he was restrained...
  386. Caged...
  387. Collared...
  389. There were no circumstances in which he -could- mise the slightest worry to magi outside the cage... As long as they stayed away from physical contact.
  390. It was only a lick, but it was clear that he could still consume mana in his position. It was not a feature of his anatomy controlled by mana, thus inept to the inhibiting properties of the anti-mana collar. Vanus, being his secondary energy source, allowed one to prove threatening even if the duet proved ignorant to its presence.
  392. Exovaryn didn't have reason nor capability to distract Duratus, as proven already through the antics thus far. If a lethal bite having missed its mark was absolutely disregarded, it hardly likely he could fret him with mere rhetoric. He kept to himself, merely watching the predicament carrying out. It was rather shortlived as far as he could tell... Though, he couldn't expect too much excitement out of a minor mishap. What he needed, was someone to truly underestimate his potential to finally satisfy his wrath, his hunger... And hopefuly... Liberation.
  393. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  395. Waiting for his answer, he could tell Marciel wasn't going to be able to provide him with one. Seemingly, the prisoner beside them calmed down for the time being and left them to their bickering outside of his cell.
  397. "Come on, best get you out of here before someone else notices outside of these few. Rather not have Sebastian berrating you for being down here." As much as he wished to stay and chat with the prisoners, this one was one of the few he knew wasn't to be messed with. If anything, harsher conditions were possibly needed to be placed upon him. Maybe Sebastian would give him the go ahead to place a few Ice Runes around the cell to help him cool off?
  399. Knowing Marciel was going to possibly fight him on this, the drakanite would try to sweep her up and into his arms and carry her out of the dungeon.(Feel free to rp stopping it)
  400. (Duratus B. Crustallos)
  402. Marciel gave a smile (complete with dimples!) to Duratus, as the boy attempted to sweep her up and off her feet. Her arms wrapped around him, face gently pressed against the bare skin of his neck where it was not covered by armour. Plainly, the fact that she was making quite overt public displays of affection towards the drakanite ice magi was not something she found inappropriate.
  404. "Duratus.. We're friends. You trust me, right?" Marciel's tone was sweeter than sugar as she reached up to gently tilt the Drakanite's face towards her own. "You like me, riiight?"
  406. "You know I'd never do anything to damage my relationship with King Sebastian." Those truthful words were spoken softly, looking up at Duratus through her brighter-than-starlight coloured hair with a rather sad expression suddenly decorating her pretty little face. "I want to speak to this prisoner, Duratus." Marciel finally said, gesturing with one lightning filled hand at the cell. "I want to study the strange writings he has scrawled across his cell."
  408. Marciel smiled. Her eyes practically gleamed in the torchlight.
  410. "Mmm... Let me go, Duratus. Do me this favour, and I'd be ever so grateful..." Her words were laced with power as she whispered into the young man's ear. The girl's mana had built into a crescendo, a towering peak of energy.. The subtle traces of depravity adding a hint of seduction as power was wont to do.
  412. And with that, the girl would wriggle -- though the word barely did justice to describe the practically salacious movements of the Bard's body -- free from Duratus' grip. "I just came to admire our captive friend's artwork, Duratus.. Sadly, studying such things is far easier without an attractive young man standing near me.. Distracting me with his good looks.."
  413. (Marciel Melym)
  415. [04:38:24] Marciel Melym: <To Exo> Now, tell me how this.. mana siphoning works. I'm curious.
  416. [04:53:45] The woman asked of him a question, which left him to wonder: Why?
  417. Though, it didn't take too long, simple recollection brought him to realize she was interested in the inscriptions written along the walls and flooring. He didn't budge from his seat however, preferring to simply glare from his spot. She wasn't poking her arms into the cell as she did before, nor was Duratus badgering him with reckless actions he'd expect to impress the femme, thus he hadn't reason to attempt lunging again, and the guards at bay were allowed to lower their weapons.
  419. It was true neutrality...
  420. One with an odd sense of solace to it, but consistent nonetheless.
  421. "They're inscriptions before you, are that of Fusion Artistry. They are the Xsperitan equivalence, and a superior brand in juxtaposition to your Valmasian 'Rune Magic'." He answered.
  422. "They are only ever usable with the presence of..." He tapped at his chin...
  423. "I think I'll call it 'Vanus' for now... Something your bodies simply do not produce, and thus could never activate the structures nor mechanisms to your control.... Though, I can... And with it, I can complete many feats that your many members can not... "
  425. He fell to some silence, chortling even...
  426. " If only some of you were worth saving, and I was relinquished of this collar and cell, I could brand you with insignias that would truly exercise your magical potential... Though, I doubt any of you would allow the embrace of my form, considering the treatment granted upon me thus far."
  427. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  428. [04:53:45] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: The*)
  429. [05:02:17] The girl knew how to play him fairly well and her actions would end in him putting her back down. As much as she wanted him to leave the place entirely, he didn't really feel compelled enough to leave the area.
  431. "Fine, I was curious about his rune work within the cell. But he isn't exactly fond of me and I know he wont share the details. If you need me, I'll be laying down on the bench and thinking over a few things for your lessons later." On that note, he'd watch her make her way back in front of the cell and he'd keep an ear out incase things went poorly.
  433. Just to be sure, the drakanite would speak up one last time before going into a relatively silent state as he mentally noted everything that had happened and prepared for later.
  435. "I suggest keeping away from those bars if you don't want to lose anything. Know he wasn't biting at me for fun, man looks famished and not for food."
  436. (Duratus B. Crustallos)
  438. [05:25:20] Sweet little Marciel Melym blew Duratus a kiss as he went and sat at the bench. "You're such a sweetheart, Duratus.. Always worrying about me." The girl practically purred, eyes lingering just a little too long on his form to be merely friendly. A finger twirled in her lovely, long hair as she regarded Duratus. Marciel smiled. Dimples and sunbeams.
  440. And then she stepped closer to the bars, opposite the imprisoned Haruke. Not too close -- safety first when dealing with an alleged mass murder who is apparently hungry for magi.. But close enough.
  442. Marciel was a sound magi, and a skilled one at that! She could use her music to entertain, or to injure.. Or for more practical things. If Exovaryn had been not inside the anti magic cell, she could've whispered to him easily from the other side of the room.
  444. The woman smiled, eyes still gleaming from her little game with Duratus. And she spoke. Her lips moved, but the words were impossible for those in the room to make out. (Though, if watching her was any indication, it might be obvious that the woman was barraging the prisoner with questions!) It was like Marciel was whispering, and if Exovaryn deigned to reply, his response would be inaudible so long as the Melym Bard kept up the spell.
  446. The magi was manipulating all sound in an area outside of the cell, preventing others apart from her from being able to understand the voices which entered this area. She gestured to the room (both inside the cell and outside), with lightning illuminated fingertips before pointing to the writing inside the cell.
  447. (Marciel Melym)
  448. [05:26:11] Marciel Melym whispers: For my own reasons, I'd prefer to have a private conversation with you, without interruption. I'm a sound magi. I've stopped anyone from being able to listen into our conversation.
  449. [05:26:11] Marciel Melym whispers: What's your name? I'm Marciel. Marciel Melym.
  450. [05:26:11] Marciel Melym whispers: Duratus said you were a mass murderer. Is that true?
  451. [05:27:02] Marciel Melym whispers: Don't you think it's a bit ironic, you designing new types of prison cells when you yourself are in prison?
  452. [05:27:02] Marciel Melym whispers: What's the difference between -that- and rune magic?
  453. [05:27:02] Marciel Melym: (there you go. I'll quit bombarding you with qs now)
  454. [05:27:53] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: ( ! ! !)
  455. [05:33:00] Marciel Melym: (the that she was talking about was the bloody symbols)
  456. [05:36:25] Why did anyone care?
  457. He was dubbed a monster, claimed to have been a reasonless and senseless killer. Many bodies had fallen in his wake...
  458. Was it not enough?
  459. Did they truly even want to hear his reasoning? Or was this another attempt to break his hope, to belittle and condescend him with blatant injustice and discrimination...
  461. It was for these many reasons that he didn't move, nor badger himself to speak... Not prior nor during his barrage of questions, seemingly interrogating him. Hadn't Sebastion done such already?
  462. Wasn't he sentence to 'cleansing' already?
  463. Wasn't his fate presumed doomed as it was?
  465. The questions felt worth pondering, especially when dealing with various members of an expansive race with such various outtakes to interactions with him and seemingly similar ilk.
  466. First, a request for a name, and introduction... Something he hadn't grown too used to over the years...
  467. Then an inquiry.. followed by a nother...followed by yet another...
  469. What obligation did he have to answering -any- of them?
  470. Why would he trust her?
  471. Why did she look... Vaguely familiar...
  472. It was the name: Melym! It drew scorn across his visage, disgust with his many encounters with their kind.
  474. It only further dissauded him from bothering... And if possible, he probably would succumb to the urge to lunge at her, as implied by the cringe of her introduction, almost as though preparing to leap from his seat.
  475. However, he knew fair and well he'd do no good from behind these prison cells. A sigh, and his composure hardly recooperated, leaving speech thereafter emitted with a constant growl in his undertone.
  476. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  477. [05:37:16] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: My kind has had a unique entanglement with your sort... Harukeans and Melyms hardly had the history of allied kindred. More off conflict damned and destined...
  478. [05:38:59] Marciel Melym whispers: Oh?
  479. [05:38:59] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: ... I kill, only to feed and defend myself. To each that'd raise their blade to execute me, I pay retribution with equivalent exchange. Due to the fact that my race is hunted to nigh extinction, I've been forced to consume hundreds of your kind... The more that attempt such transgressions, to simply see me roll over and die... The more that I'll be forced to excute.
  480. [05:38:59] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: My artistry is that of my own design, for my own purposes, and reasoning... Nothing that concerns you.
  481. [05:40:41] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: ... It is mana-bound, and requires a steady source to feed off of to sustain... It can not be produced in human anatomy, but it can sustain within it.. Too much, will obviously siphon our entire circuit, and kill you lot via internal bodily purging of magical magnitude.
  482. [05:40:41] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (replied)
  483. [05:42:24] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: your*(
  484. [05:47:31] Riddles and mysteries. Marciel Melym, unless she was putting on some great show of things, seemed genuinely interested - or at least morbidly interested in what Exovaryn had to say.
  486. Her lips moved excitedly, her tone chirpy and cheerful - as was her default. More questions, inaudible to those listening, if the tilt of her head was anything to go by. She'd noticed his reaction to her name, but she didn't anything as silly and little as the enormity of bad blood between her family and seemingly every other family and race in the entire world get her down. Why, if she started backing off when people reacted with disgust and hate at finding out her name.. she'd really not know anyone!
  488. More hand gestures, a half step carelessly closer towards the bars. The Bard, after all, considered herself to have sharp reflexes. Surely at the first sign of danger she could throw herself backwards and out of harms way? Besides, no-one in her entire charmed existence had ever truly wished her harm -- save that insane Ookami woman. By her own logic, she was much too pretty for anyone to wish her harm, even an insane mass murderer who ate people.
  489. (Marciel Melym)
  490. [05:50:04] Marciel Melym whispers: so you're a Harukean..
  491. [05:50:56] Marciel Melym whispers: ... huh. Figures they'd lock you up for that. I killed one man, for perfectly reasonable reasons, and they locked me up for months...
  492. [05:50:56] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: They locked me up for consuming of their enemies. They claimed it to be for the greater good.
  493. [05:51:47] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: So it seems spilling blood and wasting lives is far more merciful than recycling... They fallacies and false gods will never jusify their antics.
  494. [05:52:38] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (Their*)
  495. [05:52:38] Marciel Melym whispers: Perhaps not.
  496. [05:53:29] Marciel Melym whispers: Is that why you're designing a siphon? So you don't have to kill anyone any more?
  497. [05:54:20] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: It'd be a step towards Co-existence... Though, I'm more than certain your ilk would rather kill me than see such constructed. It's... Easier for your kind to commit to such and claim it a just and righteous action. That's just the works and antics of Kraus and Azreal alike...
  498. [05:55:12] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Azrealites... Krausites... Ryujinites.... Asena-worshippers... Urayans... Sirenians... They're all the same...
  499. [05:55:12] Marciel Melym: <*Blink*>
  500. [05:55:12] Marciel Melym whispers: How so?
  501. [05:56:54] Marciel Melym whispers: I.. imagine that some might find the idea of being imprisoned inside a device which robbed you of your natural Kraus given abilities rather.. objectionable..
  502. [05:56:54] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: MY ABILITIES WERE NOT GRANTED BY KRAUS!
  503. [05:57:45] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Lyperias, the Goddess of Fate... Has blessed me with my power and genesis.
  504. [05:57:45] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <*Clearly peeved*>
  505. [05:58:36] Marciel Melym: <*Slightly shaken!*>
  506. [05:58:36] Marciel Melym whispers: There's n-no need to yell at me.
  507. [05:59:28] Marciel Melym whispers: I have never spoken to a Harukean before and I figured that you would be wanting for company.
  508. [06:00:19] Marciel Melym: <*eyes narrow*>
  509. [06:00:19] Marciel Melym whispers: You should be thankful for my company. I don't deign to pay half the idiots in this town as much attention as I have paid you.
  510. [06:00:19] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Do not relate me to an alleged fallacy percieved by men and women that see no reason in allowing my race to exist, merely for differences they could never badger themself to comprehend.
  511. [06:01:10] Marciel Melym whispers: I did not intend to.
  512. [06:01:10] Marciel Melym whispers: I was.. speaking about your design.
  513. [06:01:10] Marciel Melym whispers: One could interpret it as a device merely designed to farm humans for their mana.
  514. [06:02:01] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: That it is, exactly.
  515. [06:02:01] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Rather than execute those whom attempt to execute myself, I can lock them away...
  516. [06:02:01] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: It keeps them alive, and myself fed...
  517. [06:02:52] Marciel Melym whispers: I suppose it's a mercy, after a sort.
  518. [06:02:52] Marciel Melym whispers: How does it work?
  519. [06:03:44] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: It's based off a construct built in Brighthold before it was destroyed. A triangular prism that ensnares those within, and slowly pries at their circuit whilst slowing their bodily systems down...
  520. [06:04:35] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Putting them into.... A sort of coma... Mana is constantly stored away in storage upon the construct's canopy. Such allows for alternate devices to be connected and powered...
  521. [06:05:26] Marciel Melym whispers: You.. can do similar things with rune magic, I have heard.
  522. [06:05:26] Marciel Melym whispers: Though, generally not for the purpose of consuming mana.
  523. [06:05:26] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Oh? No... These designs were based off something created by your runic magics...
  524. [06:06:17] Marciel Melym whispers: Really?
  525. [06:06:17] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: My artistry will excell that...
  526. [06:06:17] Marciel Melym whispers: If you get out of this cell.
  527. [06:06:17] Marciel Melym whispers: You're not going to do much building inside of there.
  528. [06:07:08] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <* Blank stare *> . . .
  529. [06:08:51] Marciel Melym whispers: What? I'm just saying...
  530. [06:09:42] Marciel Melym whispers: Or.. would it work, despite the anti-magic barrier surrounding you?
  531. [06:09:42] Marciel Melym whispers: No, it couldn't.
  532. [06:11:24] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: I'm more than confident that any fool willing to taunt me beyond these bars can still be siphoned and consumed. Despite my inability ot utilize mana.
  533. [06:13:07] Duratus B. Crustallos: (And back)
  534. [06:13:07] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (Back)
  535. [06:13:07] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (and wb)
  536. [06:13:07] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Though, you are right... I can't build in here.
  537. [06:13:58] Marciel Melym whispers: Was the prototype destroyed during the war, or..?
  538. [06:13:58] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Likely. The human that made it is out there, somewhere...
  539. [06:13:58] Marciel Melym whispers: Who made it?
  540. [06:13:58] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: One by the name of.... Zael.
  541. [06:14:49] Marciel Melym whispers: Hm. Never heard of him.
  542. [06:14:49] Marciel Melym whispers: How mysterious.
  543. [06:15:40] Marciel Melym whispers: Would.. the device work on a creature that was more than human?
  544. [06:16:32] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: If it bares a mana circuit, I'm sure it shall.
  545. [06:16:32] Marciel Melym whispers: The.. cosmic monstrocity which the Blue Moon Cult is always in tow with?
  546. [06:17:23] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: I haven't a clue what you babble about, human.
  547. [06:17:23] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (yo...)
  548. [06:17:23] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (Vasca)
  549. [06:17:23] Marciel Melym whispers: The.. the one bearing my family's sword.
  550. [06:17:23] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (ICly Exovaryn/Marciel are speaking behind an anti-sound barrier)
  551. [06:17:23] Duratus B. Crustallos: (Vasca, you need to speak with chance/Judith)
  552. [06:17:23] Marciel Melym whispers: the abomination
  553. [06:17:23] Duratus B. Crustallos: (You left before he could tell you what those runes did)
  554. [06:17:23] Vasca: ((Yeh i know4
  555. [06:18:14] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (so, for the sake of staying true to audability... We're mechanically whispering)
  556. [06:18:14] Marciel Melym whispers: The human shell housing the fell star Acrux
  557. [06:18:14] Vasca: ((I a meating atm
  558. [06:18:14] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: I don't know what that is.
  559. [06:18:14] Vasca: ((Eating*
  560. [06:18:14] Marciel Melym: <*shudders*>
  561. [06:18:14] Marciel Melym whispers: I saw it flatten countless men, as if they were ants.
  562. [06:18:14] Marciel Melym whispers: Powerful magi.
  563. [06:19:05] Marciel Melym whispers: Wait, you don't know what Acrux is?
  564. [06:19:05] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: A star made humanoid? The mana radiating from its vessel must be gargantuan... Indeed a pleasurable essence to consume...
  565. [06:19:56] Marciel Melym whispers: I've.. only read about it in books. Yes, the false star of the Falco family given human flesh.
  566. [06:19:56] Marciel Melym whispers: His name is John.
  567. [06:19:56] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: What use is his name, when I'm on death's row?
  568. [06:20:48] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Your fellow human kindred wouldn't let something they don't understand roam free and living remotely close to their lands.
  569. [06:20:48] Marciel Melym whispers: Perhaps we could work out a deal.
  570. [06:20:48] Marciel Melym: <*Smiles*>
  571. [06:21:39] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: <* Long stare of clear disbelief *>
  572. [06:21:39] Marciel Melym whispers: I'm in an awkward position though, as I have no way of trusting you should I arrange for you to miraculously escape from your cage.
  573. [06:22:30] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Why should I trust you... Simply because you have a sound barrier up? What makes you better than Jerudiel.
  574. [06:22:30] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: What makes -any- of you better than Jerudiel...
  575. [06:22:30] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Thus far, you've all proven the same.
  576. [06:22:30] Marciel Melym whispers: Well, there is a certain comfort in predictability at least.
  577. [06:23:21] Marciel Melym whispers: I'm not pretending to be a good person, dear Haruke.
  578. [06:23:21] Duratus B. Crustallos: (Just asking, but do you think you're about done?)
  579. [06:23:21] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (Yeah, you're free to attempt interupting at any given point and time)
  580. [06:23:21] Marciel Melym whispers: No.. obviously not. You're by no means good yourself.
  581. [06:24:12] Marciel Melym whispers: And moreover, I have as much - if not more - to lose than you.
  582. [06:24:12] Marciel Melym whispers: After all, I have my reputation.
  583. [06:24:12] Marciel Melym whispers: All you have is an anti-magic cell.
  584. [06:24:12] Duratus B. Crustallos: (Alright, keep talking and I'll type something up.)
  585. [06:24:12] Marciel Melym: (yeah free to interupt.. we're not done tho)
  586. [06:25:55] Marciel Melym whispers: So I suppose it's not a question of why you should trust me, but rather.. why you should work with me. What you have to gain.
  587. [06:26:46] Marciel Melym whispers: And I will be honest about what I expect to gain. I have people I wish painful and terrible retribution on.
  588. [06:27:37] Marciel Melym whispers: And I want to reclaim Dawnbringer.
  589. [06:29:20] Marciel Melym whispers: I have connections in many of the groups that would want to hunt you. I could easily mislead them, help you evade them.
  590. [06:30:11] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: I don't know of what 'Dawnbringer' is, nor do I have any care for your retribution upon your enemies... However, if it relinquishes me from my fate and this cell, consider my compliance gauranteed.
  591. [06:30:11] Marciel Melym whispers: Dawnbringer is a.. it's a sword. A powerful sword, of sentimental value to my family.
  592. [06:30:11] Marciel Melym whispers: Importantly to you, it is held by the creature known as 'John'
  593. [06:31:02] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: Then, I suppose I have justification in consuming this entity to aid you in your endeavors... I'll further ascend, thanks to the power of a star... And you can keep your sentimental steel member.
  594. [06:31:53] Marciel Melym whispers: Mm.. or we could use your device to trap the creature, and you could feed off of it for all eternity. Or however long it is you intend to live.
  595. [06:32:44] Marciel Melym whispers: Exciting propositons, I'm sure!
  596. [06:33:36] Marciel Melym: <*Casually tapping foot whilst speaking!*>
  597. [06:33:36] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: As I stated before, the prototype I've scribed diagrams of, are of Brighthold's design... I would never ponder upon such notions on such a miniscule scaling.
  598. [06:34:27] Marciel Melym: <*Blink*>
  599. [06:34:27] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke whispers: I intend to create something far more... Grand....
  600. [06:34:27] Having just about everything figured out now for the lesson plan, Duratus would sit up on the bench and noticed that Marciel was still blocking out sound within a specific area. As much as he didn't mind her chatting with the man from a distance, he knew other guards would be coming down here before too long. So, to try and save both of them a headache; the drakanite would get up from the bench and wander towards Marciel.
  602. Whatever she was talking about right now would have to be put off for the time being and could be picked up another time...hopefully. He wasn't in a hurry to get over towards her, but unlike last time, he wasn't sneaking. This time he was very much walking without a care to who knew he was coming. When beside Marciel, he'd ignore what she was saying since she didn't want him hearing what she was learning from the man.
  604. Placing a hand on her shoulder he'd lean in and whisper into her ear.
  605. (Duratus B. Crustallos)
  606. [06:34:27] Duratus B. Crustallos whispers something.
  607. [06:34:27] Marciel Melym: Oh, thanks.. Duratus..
  608. [06:34:27] Marciel Melym: <*leans up to kiss him on the cheek*>
  609. [06:35:18] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (vasca couldn't take that kiss)
  610. [06:35:18] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (he had to explode)
  611. [06:35:18] Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke: (rip)
  612. [06:35:18] Duratus B. Crustallos: Sorry about thi-...Ah...
  613. [06:35:18] Duratus B. Crustallos: (To much fo him)
  614. [06:36:09] Duratus B. Crustallos: <*Wasn't really expecting that and would get a slight blush on his cheeks*> W-well...
  615. [06:36:09] Marciel Melym: You'd really talk to him about promoting me?
  616. [06:36:09] Marciel Melym: Oh, Duratus..
  617. [06:36:09] Duratus B. Crustallos: Of course.
  618. [06:37:00] Marciel Melym: Well, I guess this is farewell for now, prisoner.
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