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Jun 26th, 2019
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  1. For anyone who wants to know, this is the text from a kind redditor who copied the text. Because it was deleted:
  3. "If you value one thing over another enough, that other thing becomes virtually invisible.
  5. If you think that one thing is worth much more than the other, you perceive the same damage to it, the same violation, as far WORSE.
  7. If you had a statue made of gold, and one made of wood, which would you prefer to be destroyed?
  9. Our world revolves so much around girls and women and their needs, that even that very fact has become invisible.
  11. It is a consensus, that, because of being incorporated and cloaked in the greater structure of what we perceive as "normal", doesn't manifest as an entity in our perception, just like we don't have a word specifically for people who have two ears (not a perfect analogy, I know).
  13. In a world, that is created and controlled by MEN, where hurting women is far worse, violence for ANY possible reason, like anger, revenge, retaliation and even self defense is far worse against women, insulting women is far worse, cheating on women is far worse, divorcing women is far worse, scamming women is far worse, killing women is far worse, raping women is far worse, womens' needs, wants and happiness are worth far more, womens' problems have been the sole center of public interest for decades, even in areas where they are doing FAR better than men, women are automatically presumed to be more innocent than men, are more easily forgiven than men, receive 30% lesser financial penalties and prison sentences than men for the same crime, are automatically believed to be the victim in cases of domestic violence, are the majority of voters, spend more money than men, in a world where there is a societal expectation that a man protects, takes care of, sacrifices his life for, and woos his woman, how can it be, that at the SAME time, that SAME society HATES (not "deems less capable or tough", but HATES) women, and men are disgusting, uncaring oppressors, even though THEY are supposedly the ones who created and control this society?
  15. And how can you link girls' and womens' higher capability of experiencing emotion, the fact that they occupy fewer positions of power, the fact that they commit less violent crime, not to the BOTTOMLESSLY preferential treatment they enjoy, and the largely positive, but also softening effects it has on their souls, but INSTEAD to their OPPRESSION?
  17. How can people think, that men as a group don't pay a SERIOUS price for their "power" (if you can call having the huge responsibility to generate, and possessing most money, more than half of which will be spent by women, "power")?
  19. FEW men actually get to their positions of power, after fighting like beasts their whole life. The same struggle also results in 90% of all suicides being committed by men, and 90% of homeless people being men, men being emotionally DEAD, and men becoming monsters.
  21. Are those few men, who MAKE it to the top HAPPY? Probably not. They'll probably die even more than the usual 10 years sooner than the average woman, because they are not only emotionally far more isolated from other people than them, but on top of that have suffered the enormous stress of getting to where they are.
  23. But who wants THAT shit, right? All you fucking see is that SOME men have power, and you think: "I FUCKING want that! I want a tag sticking to my shirt that says "POWER". FUCK the price, I want none of that shit, I just want the good stuff. And if I don't get it WITHOUT paying the price, it's fucking oppression, because MEN have it, and because I refuse to acknowledge the PRICE they paid in blood, sweat and tears, with parts of their souls, this means I should have it without paying a price too. They can't have paid with parts of their souls. They don't possess those parts in the first place, only women do. This is part of what defines me. I can't believe that men naturally have the exact same emotions, because then I'd be less special. An alternative would be to cut off the pinky fingers of new born boys, so HAVING pinky fingers could be considered feminine. REAL men don't have pinky fingers anyway. Men who want to keep their pinky fingers are just behaving effeminate, and trying to infringe on the female identity. Maybe I'll also dye my hair blue, become vegan, and buy a yoga matt, because I have been shaped by collision with reality SO FUCKING LITTLE, that I have to construct a personality and problems that define me out of thin air. "
  25. EVERYTHING about girls and women is SO, SO much more worth than boys and men in our society.
  27. And because of that, it seems like EVERYTHING is worse for women.
  29. Whose problems were worth more, whose suffering seen as more concerning, whose lifes as more precious during slavery, you think? Those of the oppressors, or those of the oppressed?
  31. Whose problems are worth more, whose suffering is seen as more concerning, whose lifes are seen as more precious NOW, I ask you? Those of women, or those of men?
  33. What we perceive as valuable is a REFLECTION of our arbitrary values, not of which, measured by a hypothetical obective ideal of value, IS valuable.
  35. If we think that hurting or killing a woman is worse, than doing the same to a man, ALL that this means, is that we value women MORE than men. Not that it actually IS worse, or that women ARE worth more. The same goes for every single problem in this world."
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