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  1. Der kommende Sturm – Der brennende Umweg nach Paris
  4. - Königreich Flandern-Wallonien, Brussel, February 14, 1937
  6. It has all come crashing down. The long occupation of Belgium that began on the 4th of August 1914 has finally reached its breaking point. The once indestructible Kaiserreich has been rocked by economic collapse. In the wake of Black Monday, rebellion in Kyiv, Minsk and the Baltics have shaken the Empire’s Sphere. On the horizon the Western Syndicalist powers look on hungry and in the east Savinkov’s Armies sharpen their knives. All while in the state of Belgium (Flandern-Wallonien to the Germans) the battle for the nation has begun. Somehow you have found yourself here, a combatant in the battle which will shift the course of the Low Countries forever.
  9. Allegiance
  11. De Voorkant / FL
  13. Walloon Majority Wings
  15. -Groupe Général
  16. The main wing of the Walloon resistance though there are many Vlaand and even Belgian Germans aligned with the Groupe. Founded initially by the survivors of the crushed student protest of 1928, the Groupe Général or simply the GG numbers in the thousands specializing in sabotage. While the group does receive nominal support from Union of Britain and French Communard sources, they remain intent upon seeing Belgium liberated from German Forces and remaining far from the Third International’s grasp. No more shall the lion be chained to such autocratic beasts.
  17. [15.Belge.Req / 5.Internationale.Req] [3.Comrades.]
  19. -Groupe Jaqcuemotte
  20. The smaller wing of the Walloon centered resistance. The Groupe Jaqcuemotte takes its name from its leader, Joseph Jaqcuemotte. Joseph was once a part of the Parti Ouvrier Belge, the united socialist front. However he has become disillusioned with peaceful solutions to the German occupation, along with the Belgian Totalists who he views as worse than the Germans. The Groupe Jaqcuemotte is devoted to the freedom of the Low Countries, with a peaceful transition into governance, be it as a united Belgium or as a divided but still allied Flanders and Wallonia.
  21. [10.Belge.Req / 15.Internationale.Req] [2.Comrades.] (Socialists only)
  23. -Kommunistische Partij van België
  24. The KPB is a minority within a minority, however they are a fierce force and unlike the rest of the Walloon wing of the resistance, the KPB function as a true army. Under the command of Anti-Theist Julien Lahaut, the KPB has received training in the French Commune and are operating under the full intention of fighting the Vlaand and Foreign wings of the FL when the Germans are driven off. The revolution has begun, London and Paris have been freed from Germano-Hebrew bindings. Liberation in Brussels shall open the road up to Berlin and Amsterdam.
  25. [10.Belge.Req / 20.Internationale.Req] [1.Comrades.] (Totalists Only)
  27. Vlaand Majority Wings
  29. -Kroon Legioen ‘Albert’
  30. The Lion of Yzer, good King Albert held the Yzer line for six years before being forced into the Atlantic. Not by the Germans but by his own men who could not bear to lose their monarch to the German advance. He remains in Halifax, waiting. The Kroon Legioen is the main lance of his army fighting to see him returned. Composed mainly of Vlaand soldiers, with a great many Walloon and old Entente veterans, the Legioen are the second largest force within the Voorkant outside of the GG. They will be content as long as Albert returns and Belgium is made free.
  31. [15.Belge.Req / 10.Entente.Req] [2.Comrades.]
  33. -Brigade Piron
  34. The Königreich made many mistakes in its arrogance. Allowing Jean-Baptiste Piron to rise to the rank of Generalleutnant was one of its biggest. For the past five years Piron has been planning his place in the inevitable rebellion, and now he commands a force composed entirely of dissident Reich forces and Vlaand soldiers. The ‘Brigade’ has few goals outside of seeing the Germans driven out, however it is safe to say that Piron and his army are uninterested in seeing Belgium divided or cut apart between the petty divide of linguistics or ideology.
  35. [15.Belge.Req / 10.Reich.Req] [2.Comrades.] (No Totalists)
  37. -Parti Rexiste
  38. Léon Degrelle’s ‘Rexists’ are the black banner of the Vlaand forces. Based on Corneliu Codreanu’s ‘Conducător’ leadership. Léon Degrelle is the ‘Lieder’ of both the Rex Legioen and names himself ‘Lieder’ of Belgium. It is no secret his forces hold a burning hatred for Germans and Syndicalists, even less of a secret the German defeat is only the start of the Rexist war in Belgium. The Rexists have received training in Romania and are well armed with Russian equipment. They will only stop when Degrelle stands as absolute leader of Belgium or when he is dead.
  39. [10.Belge.Req. / 20.Russian.Req] [1.Comrades.] (Rex Only)
  41. Foreign Wings
  43. -Bureau Oorschot
  44. The Netherlands have watched Europe collapse and begin burning around them. The government has survived the Weltzkrieg, economic collapse and several near coups. Surviving these internal struggles has hardened the monarchy and government to external ones. The Bureau Oorschot is a black operations group with no actual ties to the Dutch crown, under Johan W.V. Oorschot they technically do not exist. Composed of Dutch veterans and intelligence personnel, their current operations dictate a free and pliant state on the southern Dutch border.
  46. [40.Belge.Req.] [1.Comrades.] (Foreign Only)
  48. -Black Eire Regiment
  49. The Irish Republic has drifted into the sphere of Germany since its independence, much to the disdain of many uprising veterans. The Black Regiment is mostly composed of those fallen out with President Mícheál Ó Coileáin. Led by the heroes Tom Barry and Michael O'Riordan, the Volunteer regiment sees the plight of Belgium as kind to Ireland’s own historical subjugation. Forged in the fires of the Independence war, the regiment been sharpened with training beside the Légion étrangère in Republican Tunisia and are eager to bleed the Kaiser’s occupation.
  50. [20 Entente.Req] [4.Comrades.] (No Rex / No Totalists)
  52. -Legioen Kongolese
  53. Some in the Former Belgian colonies breathed a sigh of relief with the German triumph in Africa, many tribes thinking their former slave-masters vanquished. Unfortunately they had only seen the fringes of the Heart of Darkness. Sovereign Statthalter Hermann Göring has unleashed a wave of atrocity that somehow dwarfs the Builder King’s rule. The Legioen Kongolese is formed of Belgium expats and natives from the former colony that see the freedom of Belgium in Europe as the first step to freeing Africa from the horrors of the Mittelafrika administration.
  54. [15.Reich.Req / 10.Entente.Req] [2.Comrades.] (No Rex)
  56. Reichspakt Forces
  58. -VIII.Armee/I.Armee-Korps
  59. The Kaiserreich’s forces in Flandern-Wallonien were of common form, towards the French Commune’s border. Waiting for the inevitable confrontation. Under General Georg von Küchler who invaded Belgium as a mere Captain, the Eighth Army was caught blind-sided by revolution and are currently scattered. Understaffed and ill-equipped with the revolts in the east, the Eighth is now desperately fighting to hold off the onslaught of military assaults and are borderline helpless in the face of Partisans that seem to inhabit every shadow.
  60. [30.Reich.Req] [2.Waffenbruder.]
  62. -De.Feldgendarmerie
  63. The direct auxiliary forces of König Adalbert von Preußen, the Feldgendarmerie have watched the situation deteriorate to hilarious effect. Adalbert himself has only made the situation worse with most control now resting with the German-aligned Flemish Council. They are the ones holding the main defence lines now, from Duinkerke to Liege the battle rages for them, brother against brother. If they lose the battle they will be captured and tried as traitors, or be forced to flee from their homeland to Germany. All while Adalbert watches, intent unknowable.
  64. [20.Reich.Req] [3.Waffenbruder.]
  66. -Einberufenenkorps.II ‘Pinsk’
  67. It is no secret the Einberufenenkorps are little more than cannon fodder ‘recruited’ from the German puppets of Weiß-Ruthenie and the Königreich Ukraine. Brought to the ludendorfflinie out of their native territory and away from Germany as much to provide manpower on the French border as to keep them in a position where mutiny is a non-option. With the outbreak of rebellion the Pinsk Korps is on the frontline with German MP Rifles at their back and FL guns before them, the only thing the soldiers have is each other and a few ‘barrowed’ Rex-Supply shipments.
  68. [20.Reich.Req / 10.Russian.Req] [2.Waffenbruder.]
  70. Traits (Pick 3)
  72. Weltzkrieg Veteran
  73. The war to end all wars, you saw it first hand and spent the nine years of hell fighting. First hand you watched the nightmare of trenches, the collapse of the Russian empire and the German armies grinding March to Paris. Regardless of your allegiance in the conflict, you are more than well trained in the ‘classic’ warfare. Strict drilling, rationing, gas-defence, trench and in-depth warfare are your bread and butter. Though your nightmares are still filled with mud and fire you shan’t waver in the face of violence so many spoiled types have been allowed to forget.
  75. Russian Civil War Veteran
  76. The Weltzkrieg was not the end of war, but the beginning. You learned that in the forests and cities of Russia. The propagandists might spin lies, but you saw the ferocity of the war yourself. The tactics of the next Great War were established there, by Lenin, Trotskey, Mankhno, Markov, Savinkov and Wrangel. It will be fought with great speed. It will be fought with great war machines, aerial and armoured. You know of such things, better, you know how to kill them. How to build a plan, prepare, and then when the plan falls apart in the line of fire? Improvise and charge.
  78. Multilingual
  79. Even before the Weltzkrieg, it was vital for the colonial powers to have expert communicators among their ranks. The great war itself only incensced this, with all the languages of Europe, and all those tied to her fate being thrown about like a terribly confusing ball of string. You are familiar with all languages in the Low Countries, Flemish, Walloon, German and Dutch with at least speaking capacity, and can understand most other written things in European language given a moment.
  81. Saboteur
  82. The Syndicalists uprisings in Italy, France and Britain were not fought like wars but instead as great terrible events that took the standing governments by surprise. Surprise that allowed some to capitalize. Perhaps you learned the arts of bomb-making there, or perhaps you learned it during the Irish war, regardless you are a master of your craft. Any explosives, munitions or even simple chemicals can be crafted by you into terrible destructive charges. You know how to get in, place your cargo and get out before your gifts erupt.
  84. Grenadier
  85. A traditional staple of the armed forces of both Republic of France and the German Empire, the Grenadier remains indispensable in urban combat. You understand the use of Grenades is an artform, while you lack the sheer destructive capacity of a Saboteur, you know how to craft smoke, toxic gas, incendiary and shrapnel grenades. More importantly though, you know when and where to use them in a battle. A well placed grenade can clear a bunker, cover a retreat and deny much needed space for the opposition.
  87. Engineer
  88. Combat Engineers strode to shine at peak glory in the midst of the Weltzkrieg, turning what should have been an nine month scuffle into a nine year affair. Their importance has only grown since then. You are trained as much in creation as destruction, constructing and disemboweling fortification, tunnelling under enemy lines and blowing out enemy tunnels. If the company needs a bridge you will build them one, if the company needs a road cleared you will clear it. If you have the tools and the need of your fellows, there is little you can’t do with time.
  90. Marksman
  91. In 1919 Alexander von Kluck called the sniper a ‘detestable American import’ having lost two days advance into Normandy to a group of five Partisans in Duinkerke held up in a church tower. Sharpshooters have only grown in necessity since then, and you fill the role quite well. You can pick off an exposed head at 1000 yards in a second with ease if you’re on the hunt. Even when not filling the position of sharpshooter you have extremely good accuracy and a far more dangerous patience.
  93. Machine Gunner
  94. If it was military engineers that dug the Weltzkrieg into the mud it was machine guns that nailed it there. But in more recent years the once seemingly fixed position of machine guns had, with automation become anything but. Born in the mind of the Ukrainian Black Army, Machine gunners are now used on armour and in the air. You are the ideal machine gunner in many ways, knowing area denial, suppression and killing fire. Able to quickly reload, maintain and operate light, heavy and vehicular guns, there is little that makes you waver.
  96. Artillerist
  97. Big Guns were the final nail in the nightmare that was the Weltzkrieg. Shells rained down upon Paris and Frankfurt from behind German and French lines respective, the miles of mud and holes along the front made permanent from the constant shelling. You are familiar with the operation, transportation, loading and mathematical ranging of large artillery pieces. Able to shell what is needed, when it is needed, you are also able to operate with equal skill motor equipment, panzer heavy guns and panzer killing guns.
  99. Driver
  100. The rise of automobiles and panzers have changed the face of military structure the most since the Weltzkrieg. While the German Army has lagged behind, in the International panzer and mobile forces have risen to high positions, the effectiveness of lightening tactics proved effective in the Russian civil war. You are able to drive and repair most trucks, automobiles, panzers and stranger things you encounter on the road. Given the chance you could likely even pilot an airplane with a little instruction and fair skies.
  102. Cyclist
  103. The Qinq Emperor once mocked the tradition of military bicycling. The horrific defeat and route of the forty second banner at the Shandong peninsula proved the folly of underestimating the humble bicycle. Whether from the Chasseurs Ardennais or some other group you received training on bicycle and motorcycle combat and can make use of both cycles to flank and surround enemy positions. Needing little maintenance, and greatly speeding up movement on and around the frontline a bicycle can carry you far.
  105. Scavenger
  106. The battle for Belgium is not a clean struggle. The German Empire and the French Commune are watching from afar, unwilling to directly confront the situation, supplies have been made scarce by the success of rail-line and roadway sabotage. But you are not only able to survive but thrive in this environment. You know where to find not only food and water but munitions, cover and even luxury items on the battlefield. Such provisions are not only a boon to yourself but your fellows who no doubt appreciate the salvage.
  108. Medic
  109. Battlefield Medicine went from chopping off afflicted limbs at the start of the Weltzkrieg to full field operations with advancements that put civilian advances to shame. You received such training, either from a national body or a non-national one such as the Red Cross or the Red Crescent. With the proper equipment you can save those who a decade ago would have been euthanized. Medics are highly sought after and are one of the few who will be taken alive rather than shot. By the time the Belgian revolution is over they’ll see much service.
  111. Stern
  112. Gone are the days of knights and cavalry, but still the unusually sturdy are an asset. You yourself are, as the Germans say ‘Gebaut wie ein Panzer.’ You are dreadful to deal with in close proximity, as light caliber weaponry hitting you anywhere in non-vital areas isn’t going to stop you from beating the offending shooter to death with a sock full of shit. As well you aren’t going to starve in the event of food shortages, though you’re unable to ride a bicycle without potentially breaking it under your muscle and fat.
  114. Inspiring
  115. Leaders aren’t born, they are forged in fire. The past century has proven that statement true, over and over again. It was not Kaiser Wilhelm that won the war, but his generals and officers. The Lions of Yzer and Verdun and Paris allow the Entente to persist exiled in the colonies. You are of such make, able to rally, coordinate and lead your fellow soldiers through the bloodshed that has been set upon you. If you survive, you will go far. If you do not survive, yours will be the legacy that drives those that succeed you.
  117. Fearless
  118. Fear infests everyone regardless of their acknowledgment. This is nature, necessity. When fire burns and the smell of blood fills the air it is human nature to either fight or escape. But not your nature. Perhaps you were born unwholesome, perhaps you strangled your own terror in the trenches, perhaps your discipline has truly conquered your soul. It matters not how, but you are entirely without fear. In the coming battle you will witness horror and conflict that may light the powder keg of Europe once again. And you will be unmoved.
  121. Equipment Listings
  123. Belgian Requisition Equipment
  125. [Name][Cost] {Producer Company} {Munitions loaded + Extra munitions}
  126. {Description}
  128. [FN.Hagni][1.BR]{Fabrique-Nationale}{7 Rounds Chambered + 28 loose rounds}
  129. {The Hagni is a reliable revolver produced by the FN for ‘export’ purposes. Reliable, compact and quick to draw.}
  131. [FN.M1920][2.BR]{Fabrique-Nationale}{10 9X17mm Rounds Loaded + 30 between 3 magazines}
  132. {The most popular semi-automatic pistol produced by FN. Easily modified and kept for.}
  134. [FN.M1931‘Brussele’][4.BR]{Fabrique-Nationale}{12 8.2x50mm Rounds Loaded + 60 between 4 magazines}
  135. {The Leading rifle of Belgians, bolt action. Adopted by both Canadian and Brazilians for reliability.}
  137. [FN.M1932‘Liyon’][5.BR]{Fabrique-Nationale}{18 Rounds Loaded + 108 between 6 magazines}
  138. {The more aggressive less reliable cousin of the Brussele. Requires more maintenance but packs a nasty punch.}
  140. [FN.M1934‘Gent’][8.BR]{Fabrique-Nationale}{42 12.2x88mm Rounds Loaded + 168 between 4 barrels}
  141. {A machine gun personally commissioned by King Adalbert. Relatively light, with select and auto fire modes.}
  143. [Cok.Plackers][3.BR]{Cockerill}{Come in sets of 6, Shrapnel, incendiary, smoke variants available}
  144. {Locally produced grenades made by Cockerill. Not as powerful as German variants but are extremely reliable.}
  146. [FRdC.Modélé.1931.E][9.BR]{}{32 119mm armour piercing shells}
  147. {The Modélé.E tank killer is very light, while considered ‘useless’ Reich it is perfect to break German panzers.}
  149. [FRdC.Modélé.1932.C][10.BR]{}{44 62mm explosive shells}
  150. {The Modélé.C light howitzer is extremely flexible, able to be easily aimed with small crews.}
  152. ---
  154. FL.Insurgent Uniform [1.BR]
  155. {There is no official Front uniform, rather each group wears their own. Most possess basic bandoliers and coats and gas masks, though helmets and proper footing are rare. All FL members wear a Belgian tricolours somewhere.}
  157. Feldgendarmerie Uniform [1.BR]
  158. {Composed of drab grey coats, bandoliers and stahlhelms, the Feldgendarmerie are extremely visible in the population. King Adalbert was insistent to the point some assume his intention was to instigate rebellion.}
  160. ---
  162. [Name] {Producer} {Gas Efficiency} {Ammunition}
  163. {Description}
  165. [MiN.Djibraltar][.1BR]{Minerva.Auto}{N/A}{N/A}
  166. {A popular line of military bicycle used throughout Scandinavia and Asia. Versatile, light and folding for carry.}
  168. [MiN.Timpesse][3.BR]{Minerva.Auto}{High}{N/A}
  169. {A military Motorcycle popular in south America, has outrageous fuel economy though low carrying capacity.}
  171. [MiN.Gorea-moxhon][10.BR]{Minerva.Auto}{High}{2 Paired Gent-Guns/Shared100 round barrel, 6 barrels}
  172. {A Piron commission. The ‘sparrow’ armoured car was never available for civilian purchase.}
  174. [T.30][15.BR]{Imperia.Auto}{High}{40mm Cannon, 24 Explosives Shells/19mm MG 700 rounds chained}
  175. {The Compact tank forged in Yzer’s memory, the T30 sacrifices armour for mobility, speed and affordability.}
  177. [T.30.AP][20.BR]{Imperia.Auto}{High} {120mm Gun, 24 Anti-Armour Shells/19mm MG 400 rounds chained}
  178. {The brother of the T.30 standard. The AP’s bread and butter is killing larger and better armoured panzers.}
  180. Reich Requisition Equipment
  182. [Walther.M20][1.GR]{Walther}
  183. {The companion bayonet of the GEW.PvLV.20. While somewhat long, keeps an edge and is very durable.}
  185. [PWM6][1.GR]{Walther}{10 9×19mm Rounds Loaded + 20 rounds between 2 Magazines}
  186. {The Walther ‘improvement’ on the classic Luger, criticized for required extensive maintenance, slow reload.}
  188. [GEW.PvLV.20][4.GR]{Walther}{7 7.92×57 Rounds Loaded + 35 rounds between 5 Magazines}
  189. {The Semi-Automatic current rifle of the German Army, while advanced and fast they require much maintenance.}
  191. [Flammenwerfer32][7.GR]{DMVT}{1 3.2Gallon Tank of Flammöl}
  192. {The monstrous brainchild of Wilhelm Keitel, the FW32 is allegedly only to be used by Pioneers. Allegedly.}
  194. [Stielhandgranate24][2.GR]{DMVT}{Come in sets of 5, Available in Incendiary, Concussion and Shrapnel}
  195. {The most successful and common grenade in the world, Reliable enough to be used as a club and then thrown.}
  197. [Stahlhagel][8.GR]{DMVT}{Comes with 9 Individual rockets, single use}
  198. {An experimental rocket motor system discontinued after industrial accidents. Brief but extremely powerful.}
  200. ---
  202. R.1919 Ausrüstung [1.GR]
  203. {The tackle of soldiers that were fighting in France at the end of the Weltzkrieg. The situation is much direr than Berlin is letting on if they’re breaking out the old Pickelhaub and Verdun stained boots.}
  205. R.1930 Ausrüstung [4.GR]
  206. {The latest gear of the German army, running the latest in camouflaged gear, quality stahlhelme, gas masks and plated guarding on the chest, neck and groin. However such quality is being reserved for vital groups. With most soldiers wearing unplated versions that are no less functional.}
  208. ---
  210. [Büssing.Vts7][6.GR]{Büssing}{Decent}{N/A}
  211. {A late period Weltzkrieg motorcycle. Remains in service due to quality manufacturing and ease of repair.}
  213. [Büssing.Mp19][14.GR]{Büssing}{Decent}{Quad 7.92 mm Machine Guns, belt fed 200 belts, 6 belts}
  214. {The latest Büssing armoured car. Packs a hell of a punch but suffers from poor mobility and bad transmission.}
  216. [Sturmpanzer.MIV‘Ozellot’][20.GR]{Porsche}{Poor}{N/A}{ Cannon, 18 explosive shells}
  217. {The go-to scout tank of the German Army, fast and accurate but suffers poor fuel usage and munitions capacity.}
  219. Entente Requisition Equipment
  221. [Baïonnette ‘Le Maure’][1.ER]{Algeir.D’Arsenal}
  222. {The Favored Bayonet from Ottawa to Lisbon. Exported only to Entente nations, high quality and swordfish.}
  224. [O’Angola][1.ER]{Fábric.Militar.dBdP}{6 9x19mmE Rounds Loaded, 18 Rounds between 3 Magazines}
  225. {A popular pistol throughout the Entente nations. Compact, easy to reformat and easier hidden.}
  227. [Ross-Rifle.9][4.ER]{Canada.Arsenal.Ltd}{9 7.70×56mmE Rounds Chambered, 45 Loose Rounds}
  228. {Once a Laughing Stock, the 9th iteration of the Ross has proven its long accuracy in South Africa and Tunisia.}
  230. [FàR.Lions][6.ER]{Darne}{16 7.70×56mmE Rounds Loaded, 80 Rounds between 5 Magazines}
  231. {The true pursuit of Quality over Quantity, the Semi-Automatic is nigh-unbreakable and accurate to a fault.}
  233. [O’Cabinda][2.ER]{Fábric.Militar.dBdP}{Come in sets of 6, Shrapnel Only}
  234. {The Cheap ‘pineapple’ used throughout the Americas and Oceania. Fairly reliable with good bleeding.}
  236. [SMBL.2-Inch][8.ER]{Canada.Arsenal.Ltd}{2-Inch Mortar Rounds, 60 Rounds, Explosive and Smoke available}
  237. {The Constant Mortar of the Canadian forces and Entente. Great range but heavy.}
  239. ---
  241. Légion étrangère Gear [2.ER]
  242. {The uniform of the French Republics spearhead force. The old exiles and the new North Africains have established an odd if effective uniform. Gone are the Kepi, and the colour blue. Replaced with lightweight brown uniforms, ceremonial tricolour and operational shesh and cloth camouflaged helmets.}
  244. Canadian Army Gear [2.ER]
  245. {The new homeland of the British Royal Family have kept up with the developments in gear. Effectively camouflaged and built to last. The only major downside is the ungodly weight of it no one outside the commonwealth is trained to carry.}
  247. ---
  249. [Pétain.MFT][4.ER]{Vetra}{Good}{N/A}
  250. {The common motorcycle of Republic Forces, sturdy, resilient and comes with a sidecar fixed for a gunner.}
  252. [Edmund-Ironside Car][10.ER]{GM.Canada}{Average}{12.7x99mm heavy gun, Chain fed 900 rounds}
  253. {The child of Canadian exiles in Canada. Small, but armoured like a tank with reliable armament. Seats two.}
  255. [Black Prince.VIII][20.ER]{Victoria.Rail}{Bad}{6inch cannon, 30 E-shells/12.7x99mm mg, chain 900 rounds}
  256. {A 25 tonne abomination created by George Rankin. No one knows how the bloody Anzacs got it to Belgium.}
  258. [R-Puaux][18.ER]{Renault}{Good}{59mm cannon, 40 explosive shells/Dual 12.7x99mm MG, chain 1400 rounds}
  259. {The proposed reclamation tank, small but designed with protracted warfare and horrible conditions in mind.}
  261. Russian Requisition Equipment
  263. [Shashka.Ros][1.RR]{Tulsky.OZP}
  264. {The Sword of the Savinkov regime, an example of their ‘Russification.’ Cheap but very sharp.}
  266. [Nagan.M931][2.RR]{Tulsky.OZP}{8 7.62×39mmR Rounds Chambered, 24 Loose Rounds}
  267. {The unusual revolver side-arm of Russian forces, includes a suppression chamber and little kickback.}
  269. [Vintovka-Mosina.T-W][2.RR]{Tulsky.OZP}{6 7.62x54mmR Rounds Chambered, 54 Loose Rounds}
  270. {The type-Wrangel Mosin has survived the Republic, and serves the Russian State faithfully and reliably.}
  272. [PP.Degtyaryova.M1920][8.RR]{Petrograd.OZP}{54 7.62×54mmR Loaded +, 162 rounds between 3 pans}
  273. {The only machine gun allowed out of Russia. Uses of Mosin ammunition and extremely light weight.}
  275. [Belovs][2.RR]{Petrograd.OZP}{Comes in sets of 8, Fragmentation}
  276. {The Standard Grenade of the Russian Army and Russian paramilitary forces. Small but easy to throw.}
  278. [Slon.M5][11.RR]{Tulsky.OZP}{48mm Cannon Gun, Single Shot, 20 Armour Piercing Shells}
  279. {An absurd long barrel ‘tank killer’ rifle. The Slon is experimental, but if proven against Panzers…}
  281. ---
  283. ARNP Black Guard Gear [3.RR]
  284. {The paramilitary wing of the Russian National Party has gained notoriety on the international stage for its menacing appearance. However you will find no more a secure set of clothing, tried and tested plated laced throughout the coat, staunch SSM helmet and attachable face and neck guard make close quarter confrontation a nightmare. For the people on the other side that is…}
  286. ---
  288. [BNTN80][8.RR]{M&Uvagon}{Good}{N/A}
  289. {The brainchild of Sergei Markov. Can carry 8 men with 2 more in the front, excellent plating and fuel economy.}
  291. [MT13.Markov][15.RR]{M&Uvagon}{Average}{66mm cannon, 18 explosive Shells/22mm MG, 500 rounds}
  292. {While initially considered an absurdity by Europe, the Markov is cost-effective and hilariously easily maintained.}
  294. 3rd Internationale Requisition Equipment
  296. [Trench-Dog][1.IR]{ESA.Union}
  297. {A common Trench Knife that has gained popularity throughout the British militias, short but very nasty up front.}
  299. [Le’Hun.Briseur][2.IR]{Syndicat d’Bayonne}{8 Fragmentation Mines, Triggered or Planted}
  300. {A common made mine produced by most military syndicates in France. Designed explicitly to maim.}
  302. [Risorgimento.M4][3.IR]{Armiguerra}{15 9x19mm loaded, 60 rounds between 4 Magazines}
  303. {A surprise present from the SRoI. The Riso machine pistol is a surprisingly effective gun, if maintenance-heavy.}
  305. [No.1V Machine.Carbine][7.IR]{ESA.Union}{22 9×19mm loaded, 66 rounds between 3 Magazines}
  306. {An Experimental gun being tested in the Low-Countries. Capable of rapid fire and light but jams on a dime.}
  308. [Gros Rouge][8.IR]{Syndicat d’Bayonne}{40x40 Grenade, 20 Shrapnel Grenades}
  309. {An experimental grenade launcher being tested in Wallonia. Being tested on miss-fire concerns.}
  311. ---
  313. Communard Army Gear [1.IR]
  314. {The French Commune’s equipment is surprisingly effective despite the obvious hallmarks of mass production. Lightweight, effective holstering and functional set-up almost make up for the terrible helmet straps.}
  316. Union Commissar Gear [3.IR]
  317. {Mosleyest Britain’s ‘political commission group’ is at best a secret police force. Few want to consider the worst of them. However for those able to secure their equipment it is apparent where the Union’s resources are going. While lacking field coating, the assault armour and combined gas-mask face/neck guard almost make up in defensiveness for how hard it is to see out of the damn thing.}
  319. ---
  321. [Le Makhno][8.IR]{Syndicat.AMP.}{Great}{24mm MG, 600 Rounds}
  322. {Named after the great Anarchist, the Makhno truck comes with a mounted MG and is extremely sturdy.}
  324. [PU.Rossoni][14.IR]{Piaggio.Unione}{Good}{Dual 19mm MG, 400 Rounds}
  325. {An older Italian Union Armoured Car. The Rossoni sacrifices weapons and armour for speed. Seats 4.}
  327. [The Lord.Protector][18.IR]{RR.Union}{Very Poor}{65mm Cannon, 40 explosive shells/25mm MG, 800 rounds}
  328. {Produced by the Rolls Royce Union, though its Armour is the finest many consider its make near-reactionary.}
  331. Unitary Requisition Equipment
  332. [Requisition spent on unitary equipment comes from spent currency, IE; Russian Rations get Moscow SPAM]
  334. Scouting Equipment [2.R]
  335. {Binoculars, listening gear, whistles and flares, seemingly mundane but vital in dire straits and at night.}
  337. Maintenance Equipment [1.R]
  338. {All the gear needed to maintain and care for weapons and even to modify and scavenge gear.}
  340. Medical Equipment [2.R]
  341. {All the necessities a battlefield medic needs, either to save or ease the pain of those doomed to die.}
  343. Engineering Equipment [2.R]
  344. {Heavy tools and liquids needed to maintain vehicles and heavy equipment.}
  346. Extra Rations [1.R]
  347. {An almost excessive amount of preserved foods. You won’t go hungry if the supply lines are outright.}
  349. Additional Munitions [2.R][Vehicle weapons separate cost 4.R]
  350. {You somehow have double the amount of munitions on your weapons then you should. Be careful with weight.}
  353. “I have sworn upon the old constitution as King to serve as unifier of Flanders and Wallonia. I will make her people family once more. Damn the empire, damn its honours and damn my father I will see this done.”
  355. - Adalbert I von Hohenzollern
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