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Jan 25th, 2018
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  1. My Little Panty (tenative title)
  3. A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic/Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt fanfiction
  5. Chapter 1
  7. Ponyville. A town where love and friendship fly freely. Well, for most of its residents.
  8. Some time ago, I sent my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, down to this quiet little town to make new friends, and learn important lessons about life, friendship, and harmony. Over the passing months, she's gained valuable experience, and made friends with almost all the residents of Ponyville.
  9. However, she wasn't the first pony that I had sent to Ponyville, and for the first while, I grew concerned that she would meet these ponies. I really didn't want Twilight to accociate with them. As time passed, however, I grew certain that their paths wouldn't cross in any meaningful way.
  10. Of course, things don't always work out as expected, not even in Equestria...
  12. Twilight Sparkle trotted through the town square in a cheerful mood. She had finished her studies for the day ahead of schedule, and she had just sent Princess Celestia her latest Friendship Report the previous day, meaning that she wouldn't be expecting another for a whole week. She had the whole day to herself, and she planned on spending it with her friends. The weather seemed just perfect for a picnic.
  14. Of course, she had her friend Rainbow Dash to thank for that, she thought, and as the thought crossed her mind, the bold, blue pegasus swooped down beside the unicorn.
  16. "Hey Twilight," Rainbow Dash said, trotting along beside her friend. "Didn't expect to see you out and about. I thought you were studying or something?"
  18. "Oh, I finished all my studies early," Twilight explained. "I was thinking of having an impromptu picnic, the weather seemed perfect for it. I was just on my way to Mrs. Cake's to pick up some treats, and see if Pinkie could come."
  20. "Really? You're going to Mrs. Cake's?" Dash asked.
  22. "Yeah, why?" Twilight said. "Is something wrong?"
  24. "I dunno," Dash replied. "I was just passing overhead a few minutes ago and there was some big commotion going on, shouting and stuff."
  26. "Really?" Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. "Maybe I should check it out. Why don't you go fetch the others and let them know about the picnic."
  28. "Can do!" Dash said, taking flight. "I'll see you later, Twi!" With that, Rainbow Dash took off, leaving a streak of rainbow in her wake.
  30. Twilight arrived at Mrs. Cake's sweet shop a few minutes later, and, just like Rainbow Dash had said, there was quite a bit of shouting coming from inside. She could hear Mrs. Cake's voice, who seemed to be trying to calm things down, but Twilight wasn't sure who the other voice belonged to. She slowly entered, to see what was going on.
  32. "It's alright, dear, just calm down, your order shouldn't be too much longer." Mrs. Cake said to whoever it was she was with as Twilight opened the door. "In the meantime, why don't you try one of these cupcakes that Pinkie Pie made not too long ago? No charge!"
  34. Mrs. Cake, looking somewhat nervous, pushed a plate of cupcakes across the counter, each decorated with pink frosting and an abundace of sprinkles. It was here that Twilight got a glimpse of the unfamiliar pony. She was a brilliantly white pegaus, though she had a dark purple mane that fell flat all around her. The few pink streaks showing through near the bottom reminded her of her own hairstyle somewhat. A quick glance at her flank told her that the pony's Cutie Mark was a purple and dark blue striped stocking, though what it represented Twilight had no idea. The pony at the counter took a cupcake from the dish, and, after carefully examining it, she took a bite out of it, before promptly gagging on it.
  36. "Ugh, Celestia, it tastes like I'm chewing on somepony's flank!" The pony said, dropping the cupcake on the floor. "Tell that hyperactive pink spaz that she needs to learn to bake!"
  38. Mrs. Cake looked a bit more nervous now, and began looking around for some sort of distraction. A chime sounded out from the kitchen, and Mrs. Cake said "Oh! That's your order! Let me just go get that, one moment!" Mrs. Cake hurried out, leaving Twilight alone with the pony, who was currently smearing the dropped cupcake on the store floor. Part of Twilight felt that she should speak up and defend her friend, though this pony didn't really seem like the type to get into it with. The pony stopped smearing the cupcake after a moment, and looked back at Twilight. The purple unicorn nervously forced out a short "Hi," but the other pony said nothing, simply looking her up and down quickly before turning back to the counter.
  40. Mrs. Cake returned after a moment, and placed a few boxes on the counter. "There you are, dear," Mrs. Cake said. "That'll be twenty two bits."
  42. "Finally," the pony said, tossing several coins on the counter. Mrs. Cake placed the boxes into a cloth bag, which the white pony draped around her neck. She turned and left, leaving a few frosting hoofprints behind on her path to the door. She shot another glance at Twilight before exiting, flying off with the bag around her neck.
  44. Twilight watched the pony leave, before she turned to Mrs. Cake. The shopkeeper called upstairs. "Pinkie, you can come down now, she's left!"
  46. The pink pony trotted down the stairs, huffing and looking somewhat upset. "Ooooh, I hate it when she comes here!" Pinke said, looking at the trail of frosting. "She's always so rude, and mean, and nasty, and she has no taste when it comes to sweets, and- oh, hi Twilight!" The pony perked up almost immediately as she saw her friend.
  48. "Who was that pony that was just in here?" Twilight asked, looking between Mrs. Cake and Pinkie Pie.
  50. "Oh, that was Stocking Anarchy," Pinkie said, returning to her sour disposition. "She always comes in here and acts all rude and nasty to everyone, and she always insults my baking, and if I had my way, she wouldn't be allowed to come here and be mean and nasty at all-"
  52. "But, despite all that," Mrs. Cake said, getting a broom and cleaning up the sugary mess. "She happens to be one of my best customers. Banning her from the store would be an unwise move for business."
  54. "But Mrs. Cake, she always comes in and bullies you!" Pinkie said. "You can't put up with it, even if she gets you that much profit!"
  56. "Well, let's just forget about her for now," Twilight said. "Pinkie, I was putting together a picnic, and I was wondering if you wanted to come?"
  58. "Sure, that sounds like fun!" Pinkie said.
  60. "Great, I'll meet you later this afternoon," Twilight said, before turning to Mrs. Cake. "Mrs. Cake, can I get some cupcakes for later?"
  62. "Of course, dear," Mrs. Cake said. "I'll prepare them right away."
  64. "Thanks," Twilight said. Pinkie Pie raced upstairs to go get ready, and Twilight left the shop to go prepare herself. As she walked out, though, she began to think about that Stocking character. Why had she never seen her before, she thought. And why did she look at Twilight the way she did? Shaking the thoughts out of her head, she headed back for the library and prepared for the afternoon.
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