
Hunger of Saekanis

Jan 12th, 2017
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  1. And so he went into the wych. Ready and prepared to help himself get out of this rut of weakness. He was told that he should never venture into this black faith and ideals, but he would forsake that as he tore through the young lessers. The weak and fragil creatures, consuming thier sour flesh. "I consume Saekanis! Consume and feed! He went through the wych, allowing it to fuel him.
  3. And as he consumed, he felt the enregy moving through him. The depraved power of the fearful reverence of Saekanis. His hunger would not be sated. He continued to kill those Yokai and consume them, vomiting the terrible occultic flesh they had, before consuming even that once more in the name of Saekanis. He could not fail in his sacrament. He needed this strength more than anything else.
  5. He consumed thier flesh raw, as he piled the bodies together, gorging himself on the exorbitance of the hunt. They were inferiors, and deserved the fate that they were given. Weakness could not be suffered in the eyes of either Vin or Saekanis, and for this he would consume the pile of creatures.
  7. Gorging on them, ripping them apart with bloodied fangs crunching thier bones open and consuming the marrow, only the bones themselves would be left for decomposition, all other organs, all other flesh and what could be consumed, was picked clean. "I shall consume for you, Lord Saekanis!"
  8. (Fenrir)
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