
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 128

Mar 28th, 2014
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  1. [15:38] <@Kjell> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:39] <@Kjell> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:39] <@Kjell> -Session 128-
  4. [15:47] <@Kjell> After an encounter with the slavemaster of Sedeq, who was beaten to death by Kahree's maces, the group travelled south out of the city for several hours, wind and rain following them at Kjell's summons in order to cover their tracks, with the added benefit of extinguishing any fires their elemental distraction might have started.
  5. [15:48] <@Kjell> After the slaves reached the limit of what they could travel, Kahree used her rod of splendor to conjur a celebratory feast for them, allowing them to eat as they have likely never done in captivity. The taste of freedom is sweet.
  6. [15:48] * Kjell looks to Kahree, "While they're enjoying themselves, I can take a look at those items if you like."
  7. [15:49] * Kahree grins, unpacking the items and laying them out for Kjell.
  8. [15:51] * Kjell gets to work using detect magic, and his spellcraft knowledge to deduce the purpose of these items.
  9. [15:55] * Kjell holds up the staff, "This staff stores a number of conjuration spells. Pretty handy, but also pretty valuable if you've no use for it. Specifically..." he takes a closer look; "Stinking cloud, Summon Swarm, Unseen Servant, Cloudkill, Minor Creation, and Summon MOnster (VI)."
  10. [15:56] * Kjell continues, "The wand is at about half its maximum charge, and creates bolts of acid, the necklace fortifies one's constitution, this ring has a moderate protective enchantment and this..."
  11. [15:57] * Kjell looks at the last ring curiously, "This ring has a connection to the elemental plane of air. If you rub it, a genie will be called forth to serve you for an hour."
  12. [15:58] * Kahree nods, looking to the ring of protection. "Mind if I take that? ... I don't have much need for the others stuff." Kahree frowns. "And I'd rather not use that one," Kahree notes, looking to the genie-calling ring.
  13. [16:00] * Kjell gives it to her. "Perhaps Samaritha would appreciate the staff. There are a couple of spells on it I might be able to make use of as well." He observes the genie ring, "I don't really have the means to unmake such a thing, but I suppose if it were lost in the desert, no one could use it to control that particular Djinni anymore."
  14. [16:01] * Kahree 's frown furthers, and she shakes her head. "I'll just keep it then." She grabs the ring, placing it in her packs. "Until we find someone to destroy it, at least this way we -know- no one will use it."
  15. [16:04] * Kjell nods, "Fair enough. As for the amulet, my belt and your necklace already do the same thing. But I think perhaps we could pawn it off in exchange for supplies instead."
  16. [16:06] * Kahree nods. "Sounds fine to me."
  17. [16:07] * Kjell smiles, "We might need to, considering you can only create this magical feast once a week. It'll probably take us the better part of one to reach Liri."
  18. [16:07] * Kjell smirks, "Feels good to call it by name, doesn't it?"
  19. [16:09] * Kahree smiles. "Yeah... It'll feel better once all of these people are safe, and when Liri is more than a refuge camp."
  20. [16:10] * Kjell nods, "Did you have any luck learning to play that lyre?"
  21. [16:16] * Kahree shrugs. "A little. Not quite there yet, but... I just need more practice."
  22. [16:17] * Kjell smiles, "Fair enough. We'll make this work."
  23. [16:18] <@Kjell> After a while, the freed slaves have had their fill, and are enjoying conversing with each other in a mix of excitement and anticipation. Now that they were free, what would they do? Where would they go? Who could they become?
  24. [16:18] <@Kjell> Viraj steps up to Kahree, "I think we all owe you quite a bit more than we can fathom."
  25. [16:20] * Kahree shrugs. "It was about time anyway... took me a while to get back here."
  26. [16:21] <@Kjell> Viraj nods, "I was a bit jealous of you, when you escaped and I did not. Then again, I could hardly fault you for being quicker than someone as heavy and stocky as I am."
  27. [16:24] * Kahree smiles. "Well... at least it's done now." She raises an eyebrow. "Think most of them will stick around and try to build up our settlement?"
  28. [16:25] <@Kjell> Viraj nods, "I suspect most of them will, although I've yet to see an alternative, so I guess that depends. Kahree, what do you plan on building this settlement into?"
  29. [16:25] <Kahree> "A town for those freed," She nods. "We have allies, and we think we can support and defend it."
  30. [16:26] <@Kjell> Viraj raises an eyebrow, "You think?"
  31. [16:27] * Kahree nods, smirk forming on her face.
  32. [16:28] <@Kjell> Viraj nods, "What do you still have need of?"
  33. [16:33] <Kahree> "If... or when, we set up a government, we'd need someone to relay the wishes of the people." Kahree smiles. "Pretty clear that you'd be good at that."
  34. [16:33] <@Kjell> Viraj blinks, "Pardon?"
  35. [16:34] <Kahree> "Like a councilor or something." Kahree nods. "You've been with them so long, and protected them so long, you'd be the best for the job."
  36. [16:35] <@Kjell> Viraj nods, "I see. What about you? What were you planning on doing for this fledgling society of yours?"
  37. [16:36] * Kahree shrugs. "I dunno. Haven't really thought about it."
  38. [16:37] <@Kjell> Viraj looks contemplative. "Well, it is thanks to you that all of us now have our freedom. I suspect they would largely be willing to follow you."
  39. [16:38] * Kahree blinks. "Like..." She shakes her head. "What?"
  40. [16:39] * Kjell looks to Kahree, "Found the settlement was your idea, as was freeing its population to be. Why wouldn't you be the one in charge?"
  41. [16:40] * Kahree blinks again. "It's not like I'm the best leader, or the smartest... others would probably know how to lead better..."
  42. [16:43] <@Kjell> Viraj shakes his head, "I disagree. You came back for me, and for them as well. You risked your freedom, your very life for theirs."
  43. [16:45] * Kahree scratches her head. "I guess... if they actually want me to be."
  44. [16:46] <@Kjell> Viraj gives a gritty smile, "Perhaps we should find out." He stands up and grinds his palms together, creating a rather jarring noise that soon gets the attention of everyone else under the tent.
  45. [16:48] * Kjell winces a bit but is amused to see the effectiveness of the oread at getting attention
  46. [16:51] <@Kjell> Viraj calls out over the crowd in his gravelly voice, whilst gently picking up a glass. "I would like to propose a toast. On this night, we are slaves no longer. On this night, we have gained our freedom. And it is all thanks to the will and the courage of one. Someone who knew the pangs of our bondage, and even after her escape, chose to return to us. To risk her life and limb for the sake of those of us who had nothing."
  47. [16:53] <@Kjell> Viraj continues, whether or not his words embarrassed Kahree, "Tonight, we have the hope for a real future ahead of us and, on the lighter side, real food in our bellies, and of course, no whips at our backs. We owe all of this to Kahree." He points his glass at her. "To Kahree! The unshackled!"
  48. [16:54] <@Kjell> The assembled ex-slaves cheer, and raise their own hands or glasses. "Kahree! Kahree! Kahree!"
  49. [16:54] * Kahree blushes in response, smiling lightly the ex-slaves.
  50. [16:54] * Kjell chuckles and looks to Kahree, "He might have been onto something you know."
  51. [16:55] <@Kjell> Viraj looks to Kahree, "Have you anything to say?"
  52. [16:57] * Kahree shakes her head. "No... for now, just enjoy the food and company. You've all earned it."
  53. [16:58] * Kjell pats Kahree on the shoulder, "So modest." He chuckles.
  54. [16:58] * Kahree rolls her eyes at Kjell and huffs. "Oh hush."
  55. [16:59] <@Kjell> Viraj just nods, smiling.
  56. [16:59] <@Kjell> Kahree is approached by the undine woman. "Pardon me Kahree. We did not get a chance to speak earlier, but I wanted to thank you personally. I am Mikala."
  57. [17:01] * Kahree holds out her hand to Mikala. "No problem." She smiles. "Glad I could help."
  58. [17:02] <@Kjell> Mikala shakes the hand. "Now, I realize that we are recently freed, but at the same time I feel I must dampen my own mood by asking what this new settlement of yours has for us."
  59. [17:05] * Kahree nods. "Well... right now it's really only a tent-city, but," she pulls out the lyre, presenting it. "this'll allow us to hasten our building. In about a month's time, we should have plenty of actual houses for each of you."
  60. [17:08] <@Kjell> Mikala nods, "You must have become rather wealthy in your freedom to be able to afford to support so many."
  61. [17:10] * Kahree smiles. "The most helpful factor is a lot of friends." She looks to Kjell. "Wouldn't have been able to do it without them."
  62. [17:12] <@Kjell> Mikala smiles, "That must be nice I suspect. So, with potential homes aside, a few of us find ourselves wondering what we will do now. I suppose we could do whatever we liked, but I suspect there will be roles for those who choose to fill them in your... did your settlement have a name? I feels awkward to just keep calling it 'your settlement'."
  63. [17:15] * Kahree nods. "Liri; the city of the liberated."
  64. [17:16] <@Kjell> Mikala smiles, "I like it. So, what do you plan to build Liri upon? Sedeq being built on the backs of its slaves is a poor example, but you must have some plan for it."
  65. [17:17] * Kjell smirks at Kahree, "She likes to think ahead. We could use someone like that."
  66. [17:18] * Kahree nods. "Well... maybe you can help us with that?" Kahree chuckles. "Once you see the land, then we can figure that out."
  67. [17:20] <@Kjell> Mikala nods, "Most of my experience while shackled was on fishing vessels. The fact that I can survive underwater longer than most made me desireable for that. If it helps, I developed a fair bit of talent with a fishing trident and net in the process."
  68. [17:22] * Kjell nods, "Fishing will probably help keep Liri fed while the farms are developed."
  69. [17:23] <@Kjell> Mikala smiles, "Then I will be glad to help provide for my fellow liberees."
  70. [17:46] * Kjell nods to Mikala, "We're glad to have you then. We're as new to this as anyone else really."
  71. [17:51] <@Kjell> Viraj chimes back in, "I'm thinking perhaps we should all rest. We still have a long journey ahead."
  72. [17:54] * Kahree yawns and nods.
  73. [17:55] * Kjell agrees, and, since the rain had died down, figured now was as good a time as any. He raises a wall of force to prevent any heavy sand blowing from affecting the group's area before going to bed.
  74. [17:56] * Kahree sets up her bedroll and rests!
  75. [18:01] <@Kjell> The night passes uneventfully. The trek back to Liri is equally uneventful, if tedious for the large group. Many of them are at least somewhat used to the desert heat. Kjell makes use of his teleportation to bring food supplies back to the group with his Haversack to keep them harty for the trip
  76. [18:02] <@Kjell> After about a week of hiking through the desert, with periodic uses of teleportation for those having difficulty, the entire group managed to reach Liri. As they approach the burgeoning settlement, many of those already there come out to view the crowd.
  77. [18:04] <@Kjell> Among the first to greet the group are Samaritha, accompanied by the crippled sylph, who is supporting herself on a simple crutch. Mikala runs forward from the group to embrace the sylph. "I'm so glad you're alright Sirocco."
  78. [18:08] <@Kjell> Samaritha approaches Kahree and looks over the group, "Goodness. So many of them."
  79. [18:12] * Kahree nods and smirks. "Plenty to start a town."
  80. [18:13] <@Kjell> Samaritha nods, "How are they? I imagine a hike through the desert was not easy."
  81. [18:14] * Kjell shakes his head, "Easy, no. But they survived. Largely in thanks to a quick teleportation detour to Kyonin for food and water."
  82. [18:17] <@Kjell> Samaritha frowns a bit, "I'm not really a doctor, but they should probably be checked out. I'd been doing what I can for Sirocco. She's really quite clever, and it's a pity what happened to her."
  83. [18:18] <@Kjell> -End Session-
  84. [18:18] <@Kjell> Rewards: Story bonus; 15,000 Experience Each
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