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Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. Hey Eski? I. Mm. I have a bit of critique? I'm going to be a bit honest in that, right now, IC things in Murdercamp feel completely hopeless on an *OOC* level and that's... Not good? What info we have and what the characters are actually seeing is. Hm. It's not enough to keep hope and *on top of* the paranoia system it's a bit much and TBH the Kon thing felt a bit gratuitous when all we had to go on was, "Yes, you can save him" but no actual direction and zero warning that we were stumbling the complete wrong way because we were being too specific, especiall on *week goddamn three* out of *eight total weeks*. In other murdergames I've been in, we would have gotten a hint that we were maybe overthinking things on our vote, for example, or the mods would have been a little charitable and it felt like it was rubbing into the characters' faces how powerless they are. I'm sitting here like.
  3. Horror only is *fun* when there's that little spark of hope but from an OOC perspective I'm sure not seeing it right now. Social linking with Red? It feels like she *can't* do anything after three weeks of her being unable to in a row. There's no indication that the lake cats will go anywhere. The important information that might give hope is all locked in PCs with people not sharing for various reasons (and it's not IC for every character to ask the questions to get that info seperately). And basically the execution just. Wasn't *fun* at this point. I had to step away because *I* feel hopeless and powerless right now. And that's... Not how a player *should* be feeling, and I know Char has a lot of the same feelings right now. Like, it's not that execution itself or the permadeath, but it feels legit like you the mods are crushing us ICly instead of striking a good balance between hope and despair that keeps these games running--likely because you can see all the gears and pieces moving while *we can't*. And I get why we had the time limit but like. It was *really* not fair to give that to us with *zero* forewarning that we'd have *two hours less than normal* if we wanted to take a specific option. And especially when we only had *one more hour to figure it out at that point.* It was handled poorly, straight up.
  5. And TBH seeing the text Red got felt like salt in the wound because I'm going to be blunt: I had to sit there and ask Char *what it felt like we even currently had going for us ICly?* Because we get information but it feels like *we can't do anything with it*. I get it's only Week 3, but it feels legit like we've made no real headway towards any solution and that the only choice is to play the IC game without fuss.
  7. Straight up I enjoy a lot of the elements of this game, but there's what feels like a serious flaw of "too much bad stuff piling up too fast with too little to keep forward momentum in a good way that keeps the characters from just outright breaking in despair piling on too thick."
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