
#OpJuly4th Purpose

Jun 9th, 2013
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  1. #OpJuly4th Educational Operation to restore unity among the American Public
  2. By #AmeriSec
  4. Welcome to the beginning of America as it was intended.
  5. Our forefathers had a dream of a nation. One that was powerful as long as it sought its strength from among it's people. They laid the foundation and it's our job to fulfill their dream so we can live out ours.There was a dream of a free land called the United States of America... that Dream shall be realized
  6. Our mission is to restore the ideas of Freedom that this nation was founded upon.
  7. This operation is simple in that we only aim to educate the public and to collectively bring each other to the understanding that WE THE PEOPLE are the United States of America and that we will do everything in our power to restore it to a land of the people, for the people, and of course, by the people.
  8. We are all expected to be respectful and helpful, this is not a day of protest. This is a day of progress. This operation is an idea and is in no way officially organized. The ideas expressed are only suggestions.
  9. Our mission is to restore our nation to unity and return popular voice as the governing hand of our nation.
  10. We are Legion, our common bond is our pursuit of truth at all costs. Everyone must step up now to secure what freedom we have left, if we ever hope to have freedom in the future.
  11. On July 4th 2013, all Anons are called to stand in front of public gatherings and centers of commerce and hand out copies of the U.S. Constitution.
  12. We are getting these pocket sized constitutions at next to nothing. $250 per thousand and there will be many sponsors and donations but please, purchase as many as you can to distribute.​
  14. Use your talents to contribute in any and every way possible. Submit Art, use Social Media, and Post Flyers. Talk to anyone and everyone you can about it, Anonymous or not.
  15. Our suggestion is to meet on public property, in your city or any densely populated area.
  17. If you consider yourself anonymous dress as such and show your intellect and tact on this day. Rise far above the instinct to behave aggressively and show yourself as you are, healthy, aware, enlightened, and ambitious.
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