
Journey to the Center of Pinkie Pie

Aug 27th, 2017
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  1. A story for an art jam! The theme this week was "vaporwave".
  2. Story contains: Unwilling to willing prey, casual vore, soft vore, oral vore and digestion.
  5. Sunny Skies had been watching Pinkie Pie for a week now. Hiding out sight on a cloud, Sunny looked down on Ponyville’s number one party planner as she gorged herself on another pony. Eating another pony wasn’t the problem that Sunny was having with Pinkie it was the fact that the mare could swallow down an entire pony and after she was done devouring her meal, Pinkie’s meal would seemingly disappear into thin air, not even so much as a bulge would make it past her throat.
  7. The phenomenon fascinated Sunny and despite her watchful gaze of each and every pony that ended up in Pinkie’s gullet she was still no closer to finding an answer. Sunny thought to ask Pinkie Pie’s friends but they were little to no help either.
  9. “Well, it's Pinkie Pie. What else do you want me to say?” Rarity had said
  11. “Do I look like a scientist?” Applejack asked, before clearing her throat and spitting at the dirt.
  13. Fluttershy shrugged at the question, Princess Twilight offered her previous research notes on Pinkie and her oddities but those were short lived and incomplete. It was Rainbow DASH that gave the most practical advice, though she wasn’t too enthused with what that could lead to.
  15. “I dunno. Why don't you just grow a set of wings and ask her?”
  17. Sunny Skies sighed. Rainbow Dash was right, observation could only give so much information and Sunny just wanted to know. With her mind made up she wrote down everything she had learned so far and donated it to Twilight's previous research. Paper pad and pencil in hoof, Sunny Skies set out to find the center of Pinkie Pie; first and foremost was finding the mare in question and considering it was the afternoon the mare in question was usually enjoying her lunch at Sugarcube Corner.
  19. Sugarcube Corner was brimming with activity when Sunny arrived. Walking through the doors she was greeted with the smell of baked goods and the sight of gorgeous hoof crafted cakes and pies. Pinkie Pie was sitting with Rarity, the two spending Pinkie’s lunch break talking and laughing. With a determined glare Sunny approached. Rarity saw the mare first and with a gentle nod Pinkie turned to face Sunny also.
  21. “Pinkie Pie, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions,” Sunny said.
  23. “Wonder no more! Ask me anything and I might have an answer!” Pinkie exclaimed, pointing to an empty seat.
  25. “Er...Thank you,” Sunny said, sitting in the empty spot “So...I was wondering where the ponies you eat went to?”
  27. “Oh. It looks like you have another one Pinkie,” Rarity said, “I swear, it seems like mare and stallions alike want to add to that rump of yours,”
  29. “I know, right? I don’t even have plans to eat anypony intentionally cause that means they won’t be able to attend my parties anymore but on the other hoof I want to make them happy….sooo,” Pinkie Pie rambled, shaking her hooves up in down in imitation of a scale.
  31. “No! No no. I don’t want to be your next meal, I’m just curious. I saw you gobbling up Rose and Daisy one day and it looked like they just disappeared from existence past your throat and didn’t even touch your belly. So I was curious, why? How?” Sunny explained
  33. “You ate Rose and Daisy? Pinkie! You glutton, you,” Rarity chimed in, poking her friends love handles
  35. “Yep! I didn’t ask why but they were adamant about being a meal,” Pinkie said, running a hoof over her squishy belly.
  37. “ does it work? Is it magic? Magic curse? Are you hiding a magic amulet in the curls of your mane? Is it something you learned?” Sunny asked, her questions coming rapid fire.
  39. “I don’t know,” Pinkie answered
  41. “You don’t know, how your body works?” Sunny clarified
  43. “Yep! I have no idea,” Pinkie said, a small smile plastered to her face.
  45. “...Well...I guess what they say about ignorance is true,” Sunny mumbled, laying her face down on the table.
  47. “Well, if you are so curious why not take a look yourself?” Rarity suggested
  49. “Yeah! Pop your head in and take a look down there and tell me what you find?” Pinkie Pie added
  51. Sunny looked at Pinkie and Rarity and rolled the thought around in her head. The idea of sliding down Pinkie’s throat, accidentally even, could give her the answers she wanted but it could also lead to her becoming another layer of fat on the party pony. Curiosity burned inside mare, the need to know was greater than her concern for self. Sunny nodded at Pinkie and the mare’s face lit up with a smile.
  53. “Another one down the hatch!” Pinkie exclaimed , using her tail to pull mare on the chair close to her.
  55. Sunny was greeted with Pinkie Pie’s open maw. A warm, moist wave of spearmint scented breath rolled over her face while Sunny studied the mouth, the long pale tongue, the dark pink cheeks, the teeth and the lines of dool that vibrated with each breath the mare took. Pinkie closed her mouth and licked her lips, before opening wide and engulfing the mare’s head in one go. Pinkie’s cheeks bulged, her lips wrapped tightly around the Sunny’s neck and she began enjoying her tasty meal.
  57. Pinkie moaned in approval, her tongue swiping up and down Sunny’s face, each pass covered the her in more drool than the last as it gathered her flavor, pooling it at the bottom of the jaws and with a resounding gulp, sunny was jerked forward into the darkness of Pinkie’s throat, the tightness pinned her ears pack uncomfortably and squeezed around her.
  59. Rarity’s horn glowed, picking up Sunny Skies rear end with her magical grip she angled the mare so Pinkie wouldn’t have to while she swallowed her meal down. Pinkie made a noise that sounded like appreciation and tended to the bulge in her throat and helped it move down with another few heavy swallows, pulling in Sunny’s fore-hooves.
  61. Sunny could feel each ripple of the throat holding her, her heart was racing at the thought of discovery and from their it only increased when she saw a point of light ahead of her.
  63. “I see something! Pinkie! Swallow me faster! Choke me down!” Sunny exclaimed.
  65. The muffled call from Pinkie’s distended throat was answered and with the assistance of Rarity, Pinkie made short work of Sunny’s barrel, sucking and licking as much as she could before packing Sunny away into her throat and beyond. Sunny saw the point of light expand and with each echoing gulp that claimed her as food she witnessed the light become a spastic roll of waves that looked it had been shattered by a rock.
  67. The color of darkness gradient to a saturated pinkie that stung the eyes to look at too long, and the saturated blue of the ocean water below her was just as bad. Sunny squinted and held up her hoof to block the loud colors and was shocked to see her hoof had an afterimages following it, staring with blue and transitioning to red then green.
  69. Pinkie’s lips crested over Sunny’s rump and Rarity’s magic let go. Rarity watched her friends belly grow maybe an inch out wards with it’s newest addition of tummy pudge, the phenomenon that Sunny spoke of taking place before her very eyes. Pinkie closed her lips around Sunny’s hind hooves and slurped up her tail and with a finale wet glrk the meal was down and Pinkie looked satisfied.
  71. “All better?” Rarity said, rubbing Pinkie’s belly.
  73. “Yeah...totally…” Pinkie said, burping up a feather
  75. Sunny Daze suddenly started to fall towards the ocean and immediately took flight. It didn’t take her long to realize that she had passed the point where she might not be able to return, but at least she was in one piece in a world that, as she drifted lower, began to take on a more gritty, unpolished look, as if she were in a bad film reel.
  77. “huh...funny...I don’t feel like was digested,” Sunny said, inspecting her body once more
  79. Details of her new surroundings grew as she flew closer, the ocean itself seemed twisted from her perspective above, but as she drew closer to the surface of it, it leveled out into a horizon, and it the whole place was sectioned off into squares by a neon green grid. Sunny reached out a trembling hoof towards the flat surface of the gridded ocean and felt her hoof bump into it’s flat surface.
  81. The ocean was nothing more a series of glass screens that she could trot on, Sunny landed cautiously and looked back up, seeing the same pink hued sky that stretched up into darkness and, oddly enough, no sun or moon. The grid ocean spread out to her left, right and in front of her but behind her she spotted stone pillars surrounding an island sitting on the surface of this strange world.
  83. “ Well that looks important!” Sunny exclaimed and took flight once more.
  85. Sunny was giddy, this was incredible and when she found a way out of here she couldn’t wait to tell Princess Twilight all that she had discovered and learned. Sunny flew by the stone pillars only pausing momentarily to gaze at the outlines of palm trees sitting atop each pillar before touching down on the shore.
  87. The feeling under her hooves wasn’t sand, that’s for sure…shifting back and forth it almost felt like she was walking on packing peanuts. The shoreline was empty but when Sunny listened closely she could make out the sound of laughter coming from the trees. Using her ears Sunny trudged through the jungle and it wasn’t more than a short hike before she came upon a beautiful glade with waterfalls pouring into it from cans of name brand teas, the waterfalls shifted in color as they fell, eventually losing their prismatic abilities as they enter the the pool below.
  89. It was then, that Sunny spotted the source of the laughing and cheering. Rose, Daisy, Thunderlane and his little brother Rumble, Peachy Keen, Bright Eyes among others all laughing having fun next one of the open container sources of the waterfalls.
  91. “Hey! Everypony!” Sunny exclaimed
  93. “Sunny Skies, hey! Whats new!” Thunderlane answered.
  95. “Not much, just let Pinkie eat me is all,” Sunny said approaching before balking at the sight of one the ponies looking as if they had moved during a camera flash, his features blurred to the point where she couldn’t tell who they were anymore.
  97. “Yeah, I know the feeling. Which way did you slide in?” Thunderlane asked
  99. “Uhh...head...what’s up with this?” Sunny asked pointing at the blurry pony in their presence.
  101. “Oh! That is Party Pin, he’s was eaten by Pinkie a week ago or so and hes just on his way out,” Rose answered
  103. “What? Party Pin? I couldn’t even tell? What do you mean ‘on his way out’?” Sunny asked
  105. “Well yeah. Pinkie ate you, you’re flank fat for her now Sunny. As a reward for feeding her, you get hang in paradise but eventually…” Daisy trailed off
  107. “Oh...So I’m waste…and Pinkie is gonna…” Sunny said, sitting down as her head reeled from the connected dots.
  109. “Yeah, but hey! On the bright side, no hunger, no thirst, no fatigue and no need to breath!” Thunderlane said
  111. “Yeah, whatever you want to do just do it! You can even conjure up your favorite snacks and ,foods at a moment’s notice!” Daisy added
  113. “You got a while before your time is up, enjoy it with us!” Rumble said, his little wings buzzing with excitement.
  115. Sunny was dumbstruck but unsurprised...looking at the grainy, over saturated, surreal world around her it was both difficult to believe she was nothing more than belly fat on Pinkie right now and yet she felt like she had when she woke up this morning. Pinkie’s previous meals all seemed to have moved on with their fun, making the most of their time while they still had it.
  117. Concentrating on the air in front of her, imagining her favorite drink, Sunny saw the air shimmer for a moment before the silhouette of her desire formed, the outline filled with static and visual noise before with a snap the drink phased into existence before her and hung in air.
  119. Sunny took her drink from the air and joined in on the fun, making the most of her time in the center of Pinkie Pie.
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