

Feb 16th, 2015
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  1. Humans. Spread thin throughout Arciatini and Vinovum, they prefer the warmer, and more moist climates, though not too wet, as they sweat easily. Originally shaped in the image of Ilifos, and his son; Aimodoti, they have slowly adapted more suitably to their environment, though they still retain the warmth of touch. Very social creatures, they banded together in their early stages to survive the harsh environments and creatures that roamed the lands. Since then, they've established hold of various domains, occasionally clashing with the Dragons of Taoul and the Gatar of Orea. Standing anywhere from a horse's chest, to it's head when fully grown, Humans aren't very large by any means, and are known as one of the smaller, but still not as small as the Chalvos. They have one head, four limbs (two for standing) and five digits upon each limb.
  2. Interestingly enough, Humans have the capacity for fighting themselves more often than fighting any of the other species for dominance, and seem to thrive off violence. In their own words "It gives us something to focus on, to focus any negative emotions on." They have recently found the innovation of what the Elven beings call the Black smoke, which is an explosive powder that burns faster than anything. They've attempted to weaponize this, but it seems to injure them more often than not. They otherwise resemble any of the other civilized races in technology. Their cultures are varied between Imperialistic, and Anarchistic, but at their core they prioritize family over all else. Their warfare consists of both mass numbers, attempting to gain the upper hand with superior numbers, and when that fails, by superior endurance, psychological horror, and guerrilla tactics. Coming into Civilization a bit slower than the other races, it was assumed they would kill their species as a whole due to their warlike tendencies before they could reach a standstill, and progress in intelligence, but they proved otherwise. Very few races can engage in long, lifetime spanning wars, and they are indeed the only ones who find the fires of war worthy enough to stand within, and call it "Home."
  3. (Changes from D&D Humans: Loses Bonus feat, gains Toughness and +2 Con)
  6. The Chalvos were the third race to master the art of the industrial machine, burning trees and flesh alike in their pursuit of civilization. They stoked great furnaces the size of buildings in their deep trench mines, feeding it all sorts of things, but still it hungered, so they made weapons and armor to feed it even more. Their pursuit was short, violent, and full of immolation. The creatures that emerged from the inferno were not what they once were, but in their eyes, something greater. Dressed in typically dark clothing, and wearing heavy, but loose armor, the typical Chalavos (Dwarf in common) stands around 4' tall, The skin can be very dark, but it is always some shade of tan or brown. Hair color can be black, grey, or brown. Dwarves average 4 feet tall and weigh as much as adult humans.
  7. Dwarves are responsible for the total extinction of, what was believed to be, a race very closely related, though not as sturdily built, during their "Age of Fire". Due to this, they have tamed their forges in such a way that they need not any fuel as they used to, though they still hunger. Not as xenophobic as their appearance dictates, they have found many a strange metal and artifact deep within their mines and trenches, and have traded most of it away. However, they possess a fierce inner hunger for what others see as wealth, which drives them to dig even deeper.
  8. Their culture reflects their inner lust for Gold, and other precious minerals, given to them by their creator god. They serve this god, and outside of the religion, no one knows exactly what it teaches. To slight a Dwarf is to have a grudge harbored against you, your kin, and however many generations it takes to repay the slight. Though they do not possess a grasp of magic like the other races, their Smithies and Forges are legendary, able to churn out hundreds of weapons a day, and in wartime, thousands.
  11. The Elves; Eldenrani, as they are called in their language, are a secretive and vicious race. They were the first to master the industrial revolution, and are known as the masters of technology. They are more reserved in their fuels however, as opposed to the Dwarves, whom burn everything. To the other, shorter lived races, the Elves are alien, arrogant, and extremely hard to understand. They can live anywhere from 300 summers to 400, making them the longest lived species upon Ageon. Adding further to their alien nature is their appearance, their faces appear Human, but that is where the similarities end. Standing roughly a head and a half taller than any Human, they have thrice jointed legs, ending in slightly clawed feet, and seven toes. Their arms resemble Human's, though clawed and with seven fingers as well, and two more arms each of three fingers near the chest, though they can hardly lift more than a small child. They do bare some resemblance to the lesser men, but their faces are gaunt and thin, long and unearthly. They have two large horns that curl from their crown, growing up to two feet in length. They resemble large outcroppings of bone shards, pointed at the tip. Eldenrani do not give live birth, but actually lay eggs, as they see it as the most efficient process.
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