
FoE RPG G0 - #020 Last Stop: A Day in Town

Jun 22nd, 2013
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  1. [19:37]<SpriteOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #20 starts now
  2. [19:37]<SpriteOfFate> ===========================================
  3. [19:41]<SpriteOfFate> The table is clean just after the meal, the uncomfortable feeling hanging over the group. Buck chews on a piece of bread by a corner and Knick Knack flinches from Hawkeye's gaze, looking quite pathetic.
  4. [19:43]? Royal_Lace rubs her tired eyes, wanting nothing more than a nap she looks to Sotho, "I dont suppose we have any coffee do we?, I didnt manage to get much sleep last night hiding in that attic"
  5. [19:43]? Hawkeye gets up from the table and sighs. "Ah need t'go see if we can't find a radio to listen to that there broadcast y'all were talkin' about, Miss Lace," she says. "Maybe that'll give us a lead on what we can do next to help y'all. You included," she adds as she looks at Knick Knack. The bandit walks over to the counter, looking for the owner or at least an employee.
  6. [19:44]? Royal_Lace motions around the room, "I belive there is suppose to be one in this room, shouldnt be to hard to find"
  7. [19:44]? Wintergreen sets Firefly away to her own devices in the kitchen, so that she would not hear the adult ponies speaking, and returns to the dining room.
  8. [19:45]? Ignis ruffles around his bag, giving a nod. "I got some coffee still,'re gonna need to heat it." The dragon looks over at the bottle, was probably coffee, what else do slavers would give their guards to drink?
  9. [19:46]? Sotho nods. "I think we do." He looks for coffee for Royal_Lace
  10. [19:47]<SpriteOfFate> Sotho sees a very faint blue glow floating close to a cabinet
  11. [19:47]<SpriteOfFate> Ignis bottle indeed smells like coffee
  12. [19:47]? Royal_Lace smiles, nodding to sotho and Ignis in appreciation as she rubs her temple with a hoof, "Thank you... Pushed myself pretty far yestereday with the magic, and between a restless night hiding from slavers and a morning scouting there works at upgrading there defenses.... I truely need something to keep my eyes open"
  13. [19:48]? Sotho look curiously at the glow, looking closer to the cabinet
  14. [19:48]? Wintergreen is watching Knick Knack carefully, still not trusting the mare.
  15. [19:48]? Ignis hoofs over the bottle to Royal_Lace without saying anything else. "Well, knock yourself out then, Lace. you deserve it."
  16. [19:49]? Royal_Lace smiles as she take the bottle and sets herself to the task of inding a way to reheat the coffee
  17. [19:51]? Hawkeye wanders back. "Hey, Ah'm just gonna check that there frequency of yours, if y'all will give it to me," she says to Royal_Lace. "That way we can get movin' sooner."
  18. [19:52]? Ignis idly taps his hoof by the table...what to do, then? On a body that was not his own and on a town he wasn't familiar with....
  19. [19:54]? Royal_Lace looks over the small kitchen for supplies to reheat her much needed cup of coffee, looking over her sholder to Hawkeye, "Hummm? Oh, its Channel 163.1"
  20. [19:55]<SpriteOfFate> Sotho feels his mind wander into familiar thoughts of his friends. This isn't the first time it has happened.
  21. [19:55]? Royal_Lace smiles as she finds what she needs and strarts heating up the coffee so it was sutiable for drinking
  22. [19:55]? Sotho smiles a bit and nods. "Ties is that you?"
  23. [19:56]? Hawkeye tips her hat. "Alright. Ah'll just go check up on that while y'all get ready." She walks back up the stairs, her tail swishing behind her, off to find the radio and listen in.
  24. [19:56]<SpriteOfFate> The silverware in the table is generic.
  25. [19:57]<SpriteOfFate> Sotho feels a vague confirmation in his mind. The spirit is much fainter than it used to be, though
  26. [19:57]<Sotho> "Ties? Are you weak from the fight?" He asks the spirit
  27. [19:58]<SpriteOfFate> The faint glow floats u'and down, in a semblance of a nod.
  28. [19:58]? Ignis grunts a bit and looks over at the window, freedom, sweet freedom...yet, he knew in some ways, he was still locked, bound....though the body wanders without constraints, the mind is not without them...
  29. [19:59]<SpriteOfFate> Knick Knack's eyes meet Wintergreen's and she faces away, suddenly interested on the floring.
  30. [19:59]<Sotho> He sighs. "Do you think I can help you somehow? I care about your well being."
  31. [20:00]<SpriteOfFate> Radio noise flows to Hawkeye's ear, but she can't discern anything
  32. [20:00]? Hawkeye sits down on the bed and fiddles with the knobs, trying to find the right frequency
  33. [20:01]? Royal_Lace casts a quick cleaning spell on a cracked coffee mug and poors herself a large portion before moving back to the living room to sit next to Nick Nack, sipping the drink
  34. [20:01]? Wintergreen isn't interested in the floor, and keeps her eyes on Knick Knack.
  35. [20:03]<SpriteOfFate> Hawkeye doesn't hear anything but noise at this time.
  36. [20:03]? Ignis eventually shakes his head, it was rather pointless, if not silly, to delve into such thoughts...he just seats himself over close to Wintergreen and pokes the mare. "Perhaps we should go for a walk or something? I don't think they'll be done any sooner, and I'm a bit...curious about what this town has to offer." As he pronounces that words, he spares a quick glance to Royal_Lace.
  37. [20:04]<SpriteOfFate> Royal_Lace's coffee is old, but it still helps
  38. [20:04]? Wintergreen sighs, giving Ignis a slight smile and nods. "Sure, it'd be nice to get some fresh air."
  39. [20:04]<SpriteOfFate> Sotho hears a faint mumble from the spirit, but it's hard to discern the meaning of it.
  40. [20:04]? Hawkeye shrugs, and walks back down the stairs to rejoin the group. She sits back down next to Buck and sighs. "Didn't hear nothin'," she tells Royal_Lace. "So that puts us smack back on square one. Guess we could wander town a bit, those of us who ain't under suspicion of bein escaped slaves, anyway."
  41. [20:06]<SpriteOfFate> "They don't know of me yet." Buck says. "And with all the noise you made, I won't have their attention so soon."
  42. [20:06]? Royal_Lace eyes the cup of bitter old coffee but still smiles, not wanting to seem unapreciative. Looking up she smiles to Wintergreen and Ignis, "Oh, you two should visit the general store while your out, the proprieter, a Griffines named Pina, she is just a dear".
  43. [20:07]? Wintergreen nods at Lace and looks to Ignis. "Shall we, then?"
  44. [20:07]? Hawkeye nods. "Well, if y'all don'
  45. [20:07]? Ignis muffles a laugh as he hears Buck's statement, nodding towards Royal_Lace. "Yep, good idea." He smirks up to Wintergreen. "Would love to."
  46. [20:07]? Royal_Lace ponders Hawkeyes answer, "Maybe we should seek out a more powerful radio? the signal may not reach to well to town, also if we could find a transeever we could make a call to them"
  47. [20:08]? Hawkeye nods. "Well, if y'all don't mind accompanying me on a stroll around town, Buck," she says, "Ah'm right tired of bein' cooped up indoors."
  48. [20:08]? Wintergreen smiles, waiting for Ignis to follow as she heads out.
  49. [20:09]? Sotho frowns as he looks, he doesnt know if theres anything he could offer the spirit, he wishes he could find something to help it grow
  50. [20:09]? Ignis gladly follows the mare, speeding his trot a bit and brushing by Wintergreen's side.
  51. [20:09]? Royal_Lace takes another sip of her drink, "Yes, best to get to work". Rubbing Nick Nacks back she smiles at the mare, "Are you alright here Nack?"
  52. [20:09]<SpriteOfFate> "Sure. I've took a good look on this place" He trots to Hawkeye's side.
  53. [20:10]? Wintergreen tries to find the general store, or just wander around for a bit, looking for anything interesting in the town.
  54. [20:10]<SpriteOfFate> Knick Knack smiles nervously to Royal_Lace. "Y-yeah. Sure."
  55. [20:11]<Hawkeye> "Alright, then, let's get this show on the road," Hawkeye says, stopping by Royal_Lace. "Ah can bring her with us, actually, unless y'think she'd get spotted. Y'know, to keep her safe an' all."
  56. [20:11]? Ignis distractedly whistles a tune (which is totally itsy-bitsy-spider.) as he looks over the town and the townsfolk, giving them a good, nice glance...
  57. [20:12]? Royal_Lace smiles and stands, dusting off her dress. "That is up to her Miss Hawkeye, She is a grown and perfectly free mare who can choose what she would like to do"
  58. [20:13]? Hawkeye turns her attention to Knick Knack. "Well, whaddaya say, hun? Care to come along? If somepony gives you guff, Ah'm packin' heat, so Ah cn' keep 'em at bay if we need to." She gives the mare her most winning smile, which really still isn't all that comforting, all things considered.
  59. [20:17]<SpriteOfFate> "Ah, well..." Knick Knack looks back at Royal Lace for help.
  60. [20:19]? Royal_Lace smiles reasuringly to her, "Its up to you, but even though I have only met Miss Hawkeye recently she seems to be very trustworthy. I did think that it might be nice for you to see the town, you may even want to speak to Miss Pina yourself, she as such a fine store but I wonder if you could talk her into stocking some of your lovely artwork".
  61. [20:20]<SpriteOfFate> The towsnponies give him back a passing glance and keep their way, moving to and fro the few buildings that make the small town. A group chats in the hotelparking lot, something of an improvised laisure place for the locals
  62. [20:21]<SpriteOfFate> "Hm, if you say so..." She moves closer to the group leaving the hotel
  63. [20:22]? Ignis , ironically enough, keeps an eye out for anyone who'd particularly stand in the crowd as he (hopefully) makes his way to the store.
  64. [20:22]<SpriteOfFate> The town is made of two main buildings, a long road hotel, with many lower rooms improvised as shops. and a bar, surrounded by small houses.
  65. [20:23]<Hawkeye> "Y'all are an artist?" Hawkeye says as she pushes the door open for Buck and Knack. "Never was much of an artist m'self, unless y'count creative demolitions. What kind of arts do y'all do?" She isn't much of a conversationalist, but she doesn't want to intimidate the mare. Not right now anyway.
  66. [20:23]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Actually I think it may be a good idea to find you some scrap so you can make something to show off your talents Miss Nack, wouldnt that be nice?"
  67. [20:24]<SpriteOfFate> The stores by the hotel side are Everywere Emporium, The Gizmo and Railway Armory. Ignis see a cloud of smoke coming from a burning tree across the main road.
  68. [20:25]<SpriteOfFate> "Uh, yeah, kinda. I make my ponies and stuff. I could make some..." Knack ponders on the idea, distracting herself a bit from all the chaos that struck her life in the last few days]
  69. [20:26]? Ignis frowns as he sees the tuft of smoke...could it...? He nudges Wintergreen a bit and nods towards the smoke. "That's very unusual....if I didn't knew better, I'd say dragon, but I'm biased....and that's much wishful thinking more than anything else, in any case...something must be off, a fire this close to town..."
  70. [20:27]<Hawkeye> "So... sculpture?" Hawkeye says. "We could find somethin' for y'all to work with, then. C'mon, let's hit that 'Everywhere Emporium.' Chances are it's got some workable goods."
  71. [20:27]* NitoKa is now known as Sotho
  72. [20:27]? Wintergreen shrugs, giving Ignis a nudge. "Well, let's go check it out anyway."
  73. [20:28]? Ignis gives a concuring nod and goes to check out the fire, in any case.
  74. [20:28]? Royal_Lace smiles and nudges Nick Nack towards the door, "Run along and find something to work with, oh and make sure and show me when your done working on it! Maybe we can show it off to the mayor together"
  75. [20:29]? Wintergreen follows.
  76. [20:29]<SpriteOfFate> Ignis sees a brown maned unicorn mare moving from the burning tree to another, floating a flamer after her.
  77. [20:30]? Ignis whistles to the mare, as to catch her attention. "Hey, what's the big idea?" He asks,raising an eyebrow.
  78. [20:31]<SpriteOfFate> The door to Everywhere Emporium opens to a cheerful middle aged griffon, greeting you from the shop overcrowded with shelves and barrels full of stuff. "Oh, miss Lace, glad to see you back."
  79. [20:34]? Sotho digs a pearl out of his pack, the last one. "Please, eat this and regain your strength Ties." He smiles. "Thank you very much for you help, I am indepted to you."
  80. [20:36]? Royal_Lace blinks as she looks up at the Griffiness, she has been so obsorbed in conversation with Hawkeye and Miss Nack she must have followed them the short distance to the shop without realizing it.
  81. [20:36]? Royal_Lace smiles, nodding to Pina, "And a pleasure to see you again as well"
  82. [20:37]<Hawkeye> "Howdy," Hawkeye says, tipping her hat to the Griffon. "Name's Hawkeye. Lookin' for something for our acquaintence here to artsify." She indicates Knack, and looks around the room to see what's in stock.
  83. [20:37]<SpriteOfFate> The spirit covers the pearl on his glow, floating around Sotho's hoof
  84. [20:38]<Sotho> He smiles a bit. "Please, take it and grow strong, The wasteland needs you."
  85. [20:39]<SpriteOfFate> The spirit consumes the pearl, recovering some of his glow
  86. [20:40]? Sotho smiles at it. "Thank you."
  87. [20:40]<SpriteOfFate> Pina waves to the frazzled Knick Knack, to which she shyly waves back.
  88. [20:41]? Royal_Lace smiles as she sweeps her arm into the store, "Well try and find what you may need Miss Nack, you are the artist after all"
  89. [20:42]<SpriteOfFate> "Artist? We don't see those types round here too often, welcome dear" Pina smiles. "Tell me if there's anything you want."
  90. [20:42]? Sotho starts to look around the kitchen, searching for something to do
  91. [20:43]? Hawkeye finds the shop nice, but ultimately boring. She nudges Royal_Lace. "Ah'm gonna go check the weapon vendor next door, to see if they got any fun toys that go bang," she says, walking past Buck and toward the door again.
  92. [20:44]? Royal_Lace nods, "Could you see if they cary anything... less leathal for me? Im not exactly the most violent sort".
  93. [20:45]<Hawkeye> "Magic lasers or good old fashioned bullets?" Hawkeye asks. "Some of our shotguns might be able to use beanbag rounds, if y'all are inclined." The bandit mare makes a wry face. "Just don't be like Wintergreen and keep tryin' to talk to everypony who's got a mind t'shoot at us."
  94. [20:45]<SpriteOfFate> Buck turns to follow Hawkeye. "Let me go withmyou, I could use some tips on that."
  95. [20:46]<SpriteOfFate> The unicorn mare puts the flamer down and turns to Ignis and Wintergreen. "Huh? Oh, are you new in town?"
  96. [20:47]? Wintergreen nods. "Yes," she quirks her head. "Is it normal to burn things around here?"
  97. [20:47]? Royal_Lace nods and thanks Hawkeye as she steps into the store and approches Pina, pulling her to the side as Nick Nack inspects the shelves, "Miss Pina, a word?"
  98. [20:47]? Hawkeye smirks. "Tips on firearm use? Ah can see that... it's a useful skill to have in these dangerous times," she says, holding the door open for the unicorn buck. "We could even get y'all a trainin' pistol. Somethin' with cheap ammo, in case y'all miss a lot."
  99. [20:47]? Ignis nods, approaching the mare. "yes, we are...why are you torching trees down, if you don't mind us asking...?"
  100. [20:52]<SpriteOfFate> The mare blinks at Ignis and Wintergreen. "Oh, you really aren't from here, are you?" She looks back to the tree. "Those trees keep popping up. If we dont take care of them once in a while, the town will be just bushes and roots in a few years."
  101. [20:54]? Ignis raises an eyebrow. " don't have any idea why this happens?"
  102. [20:54]? Wintergreen blinks. "That does seem odd..."
  103. [20:54]? Hawkeye heads for the armory, Buck in tow.
  104. [20:55]<SpriteOfFate> She shakes her head. "Must be something with the forest down the road, but the folkst that cross it take the train, so..." She shrugs
  105. [20:56]? Ignis strokes his chin a bit. "You have any idea of somepony who could tell us more about that?"
  106. [21:54]<SpriteOfFate> Buck trots into the Railway Armory with Hawkeye, a large selection of weapons and armors exposed in secure cabinets. The buck on overalls behing the counter quickly does away with his bored slump and moves to an alert stance, observing the ponies. Behind him a polished railway rifle is mounted on a placard
  107. [21:56]<SpriteOfFate> The unicorn mare scratches her neck, thinking. "I guess Boils knows one thing or another. He is hard to miss. Follow the rotting stench until you find a donkey." She says to Ignis and Wintergreen
  108. [21:57]? Hawkeye pushes her hat back on her head and approaches the counter. "Howdy," she says to the stallion behind the counter. "Nice place..." Hawkeye looks around at the very fine equipment. "Huh. Ah could get to like it here... anyhoo, lookin' for a practice pistol for muh friend here. Whatcha got that uses cheap ammo?"
  109. [21:57]? Ignis nods. "A ghoul, eh? Thanks, we'll see if we can help on this or at least know a bit more."
  110. [21:58]? Wintergreen nods. "Alright, thank you I suppose." She nudges Ignis. "Let's go find him, it'd be interesting to learn more about these trees..."
  111. [21:59]? Ignis goes to find the donkey then. "Uhum, it should have some alternate use depending on what or who is behind all of that..."
  112. [21:59]? Royal_Lace waits for miss Pina's attention.
  113. [22:02]<SpriteOfFate> Pina turns to Royal_Lace. "Yes miss?"
  114. [22:03]<SpriteOfFate> The unicorn shoutsto Ignis and Wintergreen. "He works for the hotel. Ask there."
  115. [22:05]? Royal_Lace smiles as she addresses her new aquaintance, "I was just wondering if I could talk to you for a moment about my friend Miss Nack. As was mentioned before she is an artist and is new in town, unlike me and my friends though she may very well be staying for a while and I was hoping to tray and gague how willing you would be to hire her to make a nice signe for your shop, or maybe stock some of her peices"
  116. [22:05]? Royal_Lace "If you couldnt tell she is very shy and I doubt she would have the nerve to ask you herself"
  117. [22:06]? Wintergreen smiles, trotting back towards the hotel, looking for the front desk.
  118. [22:07]? Ignis goes with her.
  119. [22:10]<SpriteOfFate> The pony in the armory sets a series of pistols and revolvers on the table. "If you are looking for affordable, these .22 and 9mm should do it. They won't drop more than radhogs, but they are more than good enough for practice. This .32 one is a bit better on the cheaper side."
  120. [22:11]<SpriteOfFate> "Oh, poor dear. I'll see if I can help her." Pina walks to Knick Knack and shows her around.
  121. [22:12]? Hawkeye nuzzles Buck and nudges him to look at the pistols. "Pick one, sugarcube," she says. "Call it a going-away present for your big trip." Hawkeye turns back to the shopkeep. "Also, another friend's lookin' to find a nonlethal way to take down hostiles. You got bouncy rounds, beanbags, or flashbangs?"
  122. [22:14]? Royal_Lace smiles and gos to look over what Pina has in stock herself, now that she wasnt going to be going back to the scrap yard anytime soon she may need some other things.... besides travel food, all that hay... she would be eating it for months!!!
  123. [22:17]<SpriteOfFate> Buck smiles to Hawkeye and nuzzles back, stepping ahead to take a look over the pistols. His eyes move to the 9mm one, thinking.
  124. [22:18]<SpriteOfFate> The armory pony looks overat the cabinets. "We have those. Is she looking for a pistol or a shotgun?"
  125. [22:19]? Hawkeye scratches the back of her neck. "She didn't rightly say. Ah'm just noting options fer when she an' Sotho get over here with muh caps. I'd imagine a pistol, though, she bein' a unicorn an' all." She leans on the counter and looks at the ammo. "Guess we'll be needin' some more .308 fer me too..."
  126. [22:20]<SpriteOfFate> Silent Door is at the hotel lobby, moping the floor
  127. [22:24]<SpriteOfFate> The armory pony sets some boxes of .308 ammo on the counter. "Plain ones?"
  128. [22:25]? Royal_Lace collects a few select items and waits for NickNack and Pina at the front counter to check out so they could return to the hotel room. Waiting patiently she silently hopes that there talk whent well"
  129. [22:26]? Hawkeye thinks for a few moments. "Plain is jus' fine, but what else do y'have?" She looks over at her unicorn companion. "See one you like, Buck?"
  130. [22:26]<SpriteOfFate> Buck places his hoof over the 9mm pistol. "I like this one." He smiles back to Hawkeye
  131. [22:27]? Hawkeye nods. "If y'all don't mind setting aside that one then," she tells the shopkeeper. "We'll be right back to pick it up, and a couple boxes of ammo for it. Now as for them .308s..."
  132. [22:27]? Sotho is smiling a bit as he talks with Ties and firefly, babysittign the filly
  133. [22:30]? Wintergreen trots over to Silent Door, clearing her throat to try to call attention. "Excuse me, would you know where Boils is?"
  134. [22:32]<SpriteOfFate> Royal_Lace finds that the clothes and fabric among Pina's wares aren't just well preserved, they are freshly made.
  135. [22:33]<SpriteOfFate> Silent Door turns to the two. "Oh, he must be cleaning a room now. He wont take long, you can wait for him on the hallway."
  136. [22:34]? Wintergreen nods, leaning up against a wall as she waits.
  137. [22:34]? Ignis hmmms a bit. "Oh, okay."
  138. [22:34]? Royal_Lace makes note to ask Pina about that at some point, musing over what a pleant idea that somewhere some ponies were still taking the time to make nice clothing
  139. [22:37]<SpriteOfFate> Knick Knack just takes some small pieces of fur, looking a bit disappointed.
  140. [22:39]? Royal_Lace frowns at her look of disapointment, "Oh my, did you find everything you need Miss Nack?"
  141. [22:39]<Hawkeye> "Not a bad piece, for a mouth-held one," Hawkeye comments as she looks over the ammunition. "Gets a lot of rounds out quick, fairly cheap. Not too shabby on accuracy, neither. Can't say Ah know how to use one with your horn, but Ah cain't imagine it's too much harder than holdin' it in yer mouth."
  142. [22:40]<SpriteOfFate> Sotho sees Liberty popping up, floating, her hindlegs vanished into spiritual smoke.
  143. [22:40]<Sotho> He looks to her. "So I see the battle took it's toll on you as well..."
  144. [22:41]<SpriteOfFate> "Yeah... that thing is horrible." Liberty frowns
  145. [22:42]<SpriteOfFate> Buck shrugs. "Never knew how to do that stuff anyway. The mouth is fine."
  146. [22:42]<Sotho> He nods. "But I thank you greatly." He smiles at the spirit. "We managed to beat it back
  147. [22:44]? Hawkeye chuckles. "That's what she said..." The mare pushes the 9mm pistol, and ammunition for it and the .308 into a pile. "We'll be right back, mister," Hawkeye says. "Gotta go get our caps real quick. Then, Ah can give *you* a shootin' lesson." She nudges Buck good-naturedly, and heads for the door.
  148. [22:45]<SpriteOfFate> Buck watches her flank moving away.
  149. [22:46]<SpriteOfFate> "Yeah, that should keep it away for a while, I guess" Liberty says
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