

Sep 8th, 2016
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  1. oc get pod heapster-eje3m -n openshift-infra -o yaml
  2. apiVersion: v1
  3. kind: Pod
  4. metadata:
  5. annotations:
  6. |
  7. {"kind":"SerializedReference","apiVersion":"v1","reference":{"kind":"ReplicationController","namespace":"openshift-infra","name":"heapster","uid":"ae36f01b-75d6-11e6-a4db-06396fc1a69b","apiVersion":"v1","resourceVersion":"131696"}}
  8. restricted
  9. creationTimestamp: 2016-09-08T15:12:38Z
  10. generateName: heapster-
  11. labels:
  12. metrics-infra: heapster
  13. name: heapster
  14. name: heapster-eje3m
  15. namespace: openshift-infra
  16. resourceVersion: "161782"
  17. selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/openshift-infra/pods/heapster-eje3m
  18. uid: ae3c116b-75d6-11e6-a4db-06396fc1a69b
  19. spec:
  20. containers:
  21. - command:
  22. -
  23. - --wrapper.username_file=/hawkular-account/hawkular-metrics.username
  24. - --wrapper.password_file=/hawkular-account/hawkular-metrics.password
  25. - --wrapper.allowed_users_file=/secrets/heapster.allowed-users
  26. - --wrapper.endpoint_check=https://hawkular-metrics:443/hawkular/metrics/status
  27. - --source=kubernetes:https://kubernetes.default.svc:443?useServiceAccount=true&kubeletHttps=true&kubeletPort=10250
  28. - --sink=hawkular:https://hawkular-metrics:443?tenant=_system&labelToTenant=pod_namespace&labelNodeId=nodename&caCert=/hawkular-cert/hawkular-metrics-ca.certificate&user=%username%&pass=%password%&filter=label(container_name:^system.slice.*|^user.slice)
  29. - --tls_cert=/secrets/heapster.cert
  30. - --tls_key=/secrets/heapster.key
  31. - --tls_client_ca=/secrets/heapster.client-ca
  32. - --allowed_users=%allowed_users%
  33. - --metric_resolution=10s
  34. image:
  35. imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  36. name: heapster
  37. ports:
  38. - containerPort: 8082
  39. name: http-endpoint
  40. protocol: TCP
  41. readinessProbe:
  42. exec:
  43. command:
  44. - /opt/
  45. failureThreshold: 3
  46. periodSeconds: 10
  47. successThreshold: 1
  48. timeoutSeconds: 1
  49. resources: {}
  50. securityContext:
  51. capabilities:
  52. drop:
  53. - KILL
  54. - MKNOD
  55. - SETGID
  56. - SETUID
  57. - SYS_CHROOT
  58. privileged: false
  59. runAsUser: 1000010000
  60. seLinuxOptions:
  61. level: s0:c3,c2
  62. terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
  63. volumeMounts:
  64. - mountPath: /secrets
  65. name: heapster-secrets
  66. - mountPath: /hawkular-cert
  67. name: hawkular-metrics-certificate
  68. - mountPath: /hawkular-account
  69. name: hawkular-metrics-account
  70. - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
  71. name: heapster-token-i7t4j
  72. readOnly: true
  73. dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
  74. host:
  75. nodeName:
  76. restartPolicy: Always
  77. securityContext:
  78. fsGroup: 1000010000
  79. seLinuxOptions:
  80. level: s0:c3,c2
  81. serviceAccount: heapster
  82. serviceAccountName: heapster
  83. terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
  84. volumes:
  85. - name: heapster-secrets
  86. secret:
  87. secretName: heapster-secrets
  88. - name: hawkular-metrics-certificate
  89. secret:
  90. secretName: hawkular-metrics-certificate
  91. - name: hawkular-metrics-account
  92. secret:
  93. secretName: hawkular-metrics-account
  94. - name: heapster-token-i7t4j
  95. secret:
  96. secretName: heapster-token-i7t4j
  97. status:
  98. conditions:
  99. - lastProbeTime: null
  100. lastTransitionTime: 2016-09-08T15:12:38Z
  101. message: 'containers with unready status: [heapster]'
  102. reason: ContainersNotReady
  103. status: "False"
  104. type: Ready
  105. containerStatuses:
  106. - containerID: docker://9971c92ce2752a027b0631572625a8471c6207f7bab1b353d79c59945adc0f01
  107. image:
  108. imageID: docker://sha256:eac7eb4e46c4b8f23b032388c21896ac0f3aab0ad10300f373fdcfb254b04f7a
  109. lastState:
  110. terminated:
  111. containerID: docker://9971c92ce2752a027b0631572625a8471c6207f7bab1b353d79c59945adc0f01
  112. exitCode: 1
  113. finishedAt: 2016-09-08T21:29:22Z
  114. reason: Error
  115. startedAt: 2016-09-08T21:27:21Z
  116. name: heapster
  117. ready: false
  118. restartCount: 56
  119. state:
  120. waiting:
  121. message: Back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=heapster pod=heapster-eje3m_openshift-infra(ae3c116b-75d6-11e6-a4db-06396fc1a69b)
  122. reason: CrashLoopBackOff
  123. hostIP:
  124. phase: Running
  125. podIP:
  126. startTime: 2016-09-08T15:12:38Z
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