
The Game

Apr 26th, 2020
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  1. Er zijn mannen die niet productief kunnen zijn omdat hun hoofd de hele tijd bij vrouwen zit, ze twijfelen over hoe ze vrouwen moeten aanspreken en zijn slecht met het krijgen van one night stands. De meeste van hen zorgen ervoor dat ze na een one night stand een vriendin uit het meisje maken omdat ze geen idee hebben wanneer ze weer sex hebben. Deze mensen noem je AFC (Average Frustrated Chumps)
  3. Het lastigste voor zowel mannen als vrouwen is niet om gedrag te leren maar om het oude gedrag te "ontleren"
  5. Een goede pickup artist doet nooit wat andere doen. Nooit.
  8. "All your emotions are going to try to fuck you up," Mystery continued.
  9. "They are there to try to confuse you, so know right now that they cannot
  10. be trusted at all. You will feel shy sometimes, and self-conscious, and you
  11. must deal with it like you deal with a pebble in your shoe. It's uncomfort-
  12. able, but you ignore it. It's not part of the equation."
  15. De truc om een knappe meid te versieren is om haar ten eerste een toontje lager te laten zingen want knappe meisjes hebben al honderden jongens stomme complimentjes horen geven en daarom gebruik je een "neg" en dat is geen compliment maar iets wat vernederend kan overkomen waardoor een meisje in de war raakt zoals: "er zit lippenstift op je tand" of je biedt haar kauwgom aan waardoor ze misschien denkt dat haar adem stinkt
  18. "Smile when you enter a room. As soon as you
  19. walk in a club, the game is on. And by smiling, you look like you're together,
  20. you're fun, and you're somebody."
  23. "Say this when you see a group with a girl you like. 'Hey, it looks like the party's over here.' Then turn to the girl you want and add, 'If I wasn't gay, you'd be so mine.'"
  26. To the group, he offered other examples of openers: innocent but in- triguing questions like "Do you think magic spells work?" or "Oh my god, did you see those two girls fighting outside?" Sure, they weren't that spec- tacular or sophisticated, but all they are meant to do is get two strangers
  29. The point of Mystery Method, he explained, is to come in under the radar. Don't approach a woman with a sexual come-on. Learn about her first and let her earn the right to be hit on. "An amateur hits on a woman right away," he decreed as he rose to leave the hotel. "A pro waits eight to ten minutes."
  33. "Oh my God," I said to her. "Did you see those two girls fighting out- side?" "No," she said. "What happened?" She was interested. She was talking to me. It was working. "Um, two girls were fighting over this little guy who was half their size. It was pretty brutal. He was just standing there laughing as the police came and arrested the girls."
  36. you ask yourself whether you should or shouldn't, that means you should. And what you do is, you phase-shift. Imagine a giant gear thudding down in your head, and then go for it.
  39. met deze line kus je een meid je vraagt: Wil je dat ik je kus?
  40. zegt ze "ja" - komt bijna nooit voor, dan kus je haar
  41. zegt ze "misschien of begint ze te lachen" - komt vaak voor, dan zeg je "oke laten we het ontdekken"
  42. zeg ze "nee" - dan zeg je snel "nee het lijkt of je me wilt kussen ik zei niet dat het mocht"
  44. 100% foolproof
  47. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. 1. Smile when you walk into a room. See the group with the target and follow the three-second rule. Do not hesitate—approach instantly.
  50. 2. Recite a memorized opener, if not two or three in a row.
  51. 3. The opener should open the group, not just the target. When talking, ignore the target for the most part. If there are men in the group, focus your attention on the men.
  52. 4. Neg the target with one of the slew of negs we've come up with. Tell her, "Its so cute. Your nose wiggles when you laugh." Then get her friends to notice and laugh about it.
  53. 5. Convey personality to the entire group. Do this by using stories, magic, an- ecdotes, and humor. Pay particular attention to the men and the less attractive women. During this time, the target will notice that you are the center of attention
  54. 5.1 You may perform various memorized pieces like the photo routine,2 but only for the obstacles.
  55. 6. Neg the target again if appropriate. If she wants to look at the pictures, for example, say, "Oh my god, she's so grabby. How do you roll with her?"
  56. 7. Ask the group, "So, how does everyone know each other?" If the target is with one of the guys, find out how long they've been together. If its a serious relationship, eject politely by saying, "Pleasure meeting you."
  57. 8. If she is not spoken for, say to the group, "I've sort of been alienating your friend. Is it all right if I speak to her for a couple of minutes?" They always say, "Uh, sure. If its okay with her." If you've executed the preceding steps correctly, she will agree.
  58. 9. Isolate her from the group by telling her you want to show her something cool. Take her to sit with you nearby. As you lead her through the crowd, do a kino test by holding her hand. If she squeezes back, its on. Start looking for other IOIs.
  59. 10. Sit with her and perform a rune reading, an ESP test, or any other demon- stration that will fascinate and intrigue her.
  60. 11. Tell her, "Beauty is common but what's rare is a great energy and outlook on life. Tell me, what do you have inside that would make me want to know you as more than a mere face in the crowd?" If she begins to list qualities, this is a positive IOI.
  61. 12. Stop talking. Does she reinitiate the chat with a question that begins with the word "So?" If she does, you've now seen three IOIs and can . . .
  62. 12.1 The photo routine involves carrying an envelope of photos in a jacket pocket, as if they've just been developed. Each photo, however, is pre-selected to convey a different aspect of the PUA's personality, such as images of the PUA with beautiful women, with children, with pets, with celebrities, goofing off with friends, and doing something active like roller-blading or skydiving. The PUA should also have a short, witty story to accompany each photo.
  64. 13. Kiss close. Say, out of the blue, "Would you like to kiss me?" If the setting or circumstances aren't conducive to physical intimacy, then give yourself a time constraint by saying, "I have to go, but we should continue this." Then get her number and leave.
  67. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. Vraag aan een chick wat zit nou echt aantrekkelijk vind in een jonge want op het moment dat ze erover nadenkt dan voelt ze de emotie van het aangetrokken zijn en associeert het met jou
  71. In life, people tend to wait for good things to come to them. And by
  72. waiting, they miss out. Usually, what you wish for doesn't fall in your lap; it
  73. falls somewhere nearby, and you have to recognize it, stand up, and put in
  74. the time and work it takes to get to it. This isn't because the universe is
  75. cruel. It's because the universe is smart. It has its own cat-string theory and
  76. knows we don't appreciate things that fall into our laps.
  79. "How do you make someone want something?" he asked, after making
  80. his students practice giving each other James Dean underlooks. "You give it
  81. value. You show that others like it. You make it scarce. And you make them
  82. work for it. I want you to think about other ways during lunch."
  85. He had two rules for women, he said. The first: No good deed goes unpunished. (A phrase, ironically, that was coined by a woman, Clare Boothe Luce.) The second: Always have a better answer. One of the corollaries of Rick's second rule was to never give a woman a straight answer to a question. So if a woman asks what you do for a living, keep her guessing: Tell her you're a cigarette lighter repairman or a white slave trader or a professional hopscotch player.
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