Guest User

SQL Server Case Replace AutoHotkey Script

a guest
Jan 16th, 2019
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text 3.00 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #Persistent
  2. SetTitleMatchMode, 2
  3. SetTimer, CheckSQLServer, 1000
  4. ;menu, tray, icon, C:\z.ico
  6. CheckSQLServer:
  7. ifWinNotExist, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  8. ExitApp
  9. return
  11. #IfWinActive, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  12. ::alter::ALTER
  13. ::and::AND
  14. ::as::AS
  15. ::asc::ASC
  16. ::avg::AVG
  17. ::begin::BEGIN
  18. ::between::BETWEEN
  19. ::bigint::BIGINT
  20. ::binary::BINARY
  21. ::bit::BIT
  22. ::by::BY
  23. ::case::CASE
  24. ::cast::CAST
  25. ::char::CHAR
  26. ::charindex::CHARINDEX
  27. ::clustered::CLUSTERED
  28. ::constraint::CONSTRAINT
  29. ::convert::CONVERT
  30. ::count::COUNT
  31. ::create::CREATE
  32. ::cross::CROSS
  33. ::date::DATE
  34. ::dateadd::DATEADD
  35. ::datediff::DATEDIFF
  36. ::datetime::DATETIME
  37. ::datetime2::DATETIME2
  38. ::datetimeoffset::DATETIMEOFFSET
  39. ::datepart::DATEPART
  40. ::datename::DATENAME
  41. ::day::DAY
  42. ::decimal::DECIMAL
  43. ::declare::DECLARE
  44. ::delete::DELETE
  45. ::dense::DENSE
  46. ::dense_rank::DENSE_RANK
  47. ::desc::DESC
  48. ::distinct::DISTINCT
  49. ::drop::DROP
  50. ::else::ELSE
  51. ::end::END
  52. ::except::EXCEPT
  53. ::execute::EXECUTE
  54. ::exec::EXEC
  55. ::float::FLOAT
  56. ::from::FROM
  57. ::function::FUNCTION
  58. ::geography::GOGRAPHY
  59. ::geometry::GEOMETRY
  60. ::getdate::GETDATE
  61. ::go::GO
  62. ::group::GROUP
  63. ::group by::GROUP BY
  64. ::having::HAVING
  65. ::hierarchyid::HIERARCHYID
  66. ::hour::HOUR
  67. ::identity::IDENTITY
  68. ::if::IF
  69. ::image::IMAGE
  70. ::in::IN
  71. ::index::INDEX
  72. ::insert::INSERT
  73. ::int::INT
  74. ::into::INTO
  75. ::is::IS
  76. ::isnull::ISNULL
  77. ::isnumeric::ISNUMERIC
  78. ::ltrim::LTRIM
  79. ::join::JOIN
  80. ::key::KEY
  81. ::left::LEFT
  82. ::len::LEN
  83. ::like::LIKE
  84. ::max::MAX
  85. ::min::MIN
  86. ::minute::MINUTE
  87. ::money::MONEY
  88. ::month::MONTH
  89. ::nchar::NCHAR
  90. ::nocount::NOCOUNT
  91. ::nolock::(NOLOCK)
  92. ::nonclustered::NONCLUSTERED
  93. ::not::NOT
  94. ::ntext::NTEXT
  95. ::null::NULL
  96. ::nullif::NULLIF
  97. ::number::NUMBER
  98. ::numeric::NUMERIC
  99. ::nvarchar::NVARCHAR
  100. ::or::OR
  101. ::order::ORDER
  102. ::order by::ORDER BY
  103. ::on::ON
  104. ::output::OUTPUT
  105. ::over::OVER
  106. ::partition::PARTITION
  107. ::patindex::PATINDEX
  108. ::percent::PERCENT
  109. ::primary::PRIMARY
  110. ::print::PRINT
  111. ::proc::PROC
  112. ::rank::RANK
  113. ::readonly::READONLY
  114. ::real::REAL
  115. ::return::RETURN
  116. ::returns::RETURNS
  117. ::replace::REPLACE
  118. ::right::RIGHT
  119. ::round::ROUND
  120. ::row::ROW
  121. ::row_number::ROW_NUMBER
  122. ::rtrim::RTRIM
  123. ::second::SECOND
  124. ::select::SELECT
  125. ::set::SET
  126. ::smalldatetime::SMALLDATETIME
  127. ::smallint::SMALLINT
  128. ::smallmoney::SMALLMONEY
  129. ::substring::SUBSTRING
  130. ::sum::SUM
  131. ::sql_variant::SQL_VARIANT
  132. ::sysname::SYSNAME
  133. ::table::TABLE
  134. ::text::TEXT
  135. ::time::TIME
  136. ::timestamp::TIMESTAMP
  137. ::tinyint::TINYINT
  138. ::to::TO
  139. ::top::TOP
  140. ::then::THEN
  141. ::type::TYPE
  142. ::union::UNION
  143. ::unique::UNIQUE
  144. ::uniqueidentifier::UNIQUEIDENTIFIER
  145. ::upper::UPPER
  146. ::update::UPDATE
  147. ::use::USE
  148. ::values::VALUES
  149. ::week::WEEK
  150. ::weekday::WEEKDAY
  151. ::when::WHEN
  152. ::where::WHERE
  153. ::while::WHILE
  154. ::with::WITH
  155. ::varbinary::VARBINARY
  156. ::varchar::VARCHAR
  157. ::xml::XML
  158. ::year::YEAR
  159. :*:--KK::
  160. FormatTime, Date,, MMddyyyy
  161. SendInput --KK%Date%
  162. return
  163. return
  166. !g::
  167. sendinput ,'{end}'{down}{home}
  168. return
  170. !j::
  171. sendinput {down},{end}
  172. return
  175. !h::
  176. sendinput select {space} {end} {space} as c union {down}{home}
  177. return
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