
/tbg/ - Frequently Asked Questions

Jan 25th, 2014
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  1. Q: What is Tibia?
  2. A: Tibia is a F2P MMORPG with 2D pixel graphics based on Ultima VI. It came out January 1997, so it's extremely old and in many ways dated. Gameplay is based on levelling and training skills (melee and distance weapons, shielding, magic, and fishing), completing quests and exploring the world.
  3. Example screenshots:
  5. Q: Why should I play it?
  6. A: Tibia is pretty different from most other MMOs. After leaving the tutorial island you are dropped in the middle of a massive world with no introduction for what to do or where to go. The game stops holding your hand after the tutorial island and there is no main questline or major plot to follow. There is no level cap or skill cap. The world, along with dungeons and houses are persistent with no instances; this gives the game a very sandbox-ish feel to it. The economy is reminiscent of EVE Online, mostly controlled by the players. Not only is it stupidly easy to die if you aren't careful, the death penalty can be brutal and set a player back hours or even days with no protection; casual players beware.
  7. And it's free, so why not?
  9. Q: What's the payment model? Is Tibia P2W? Does it use micro-transactions?
  10. A: It's a "freemium" model, meaning you can pay a subscription for premium time (7,45€/30 days) or play for free with no micro-transaction bullshit. You will get a taste of the overall experience, but there is content you won't have access to. You are limited to the main continent and minor islands, there are spells and skills you can't use, quests you can't complete, and items you can't buy - but can still use. Because of this, PVP fights are basically P2W since it is harder to level as a free player and premium players have access to things you don't.
  12. Q: What are the exact differences between Free and Premium?
  13. A: Lots of things. The most important being access to all areas, 50% more experience for 120 minutes each day, ability to train skills while offline, vocational promotions, a lot of spells, ability to place offers on the global market, and a bunch of other trivial shit such as outfits and mounts.
  14. Read more here:
  16. Q: Should I play with the flash client or the standalone client?
  17. A: The flash client is recommended since it's much more user friendly, boasts many more features, and is customizable. If your computer cannot handle the flash client for whichever reason then you can consider the standalone client. Many older/returning players decide to stick to the older standalone client.
  18. · If you use Linux and have issues with the flash client, don't even think about using the Linux client; it is unstable and lacks many features from even the Windows client. You will want to install and play the Windows client through Wine.
  19. · If you use a Mac, you're stuck with the flash client or Parallels or something. Figure it out. I don't know shit about Mac. If you do, then let me know in the thread and I will update.
  21. Q: What are the four vocations/classes? How are they different?
  22. A: The four vocations are the Knight, the Paladin, the Sorcerer, and the Druid. You do not choose your vocation at character creation. Every player starts on the tutorial island, Rookgaard. Here you have no vocation and must first reach level 8 before you can select your vocation and leave for the main continent.
  23. · Knights are your typical tank class. At higher levels they are not only almost immortal, they can deal heavy damage with their various skills. Cheapest class to level. Highly sought-after by sorcerers and druids.
  24. · Paladins are the archer class. They deal heavy damage from a distance and can hold their own in close-combat with a shield and spears. At higher levels they can cast holy spells for maximum undead wreckage.
  25. · Sorcerers are your typical mage. They deal the most damage and die the easiest. Extremely expensive to level. They are the only class that can make sudden death runes.
  26. · Druids are the healing class. Almost as powerful as a sorcerer. Offensive spells deal slightly less damage and some cost more mana, meaning they are even more expensive to level. They are the only vocation that can heal other players with spells. Highly sought-after by knights.
  28. Q: Which vocation should I choose?
  29. A: Knight and paladin are the best vocations to play as when first learning the game and as free accounts. Mages lose access to their most important spells as a free account. It's doable, but a pain in the ass. Just ask Upocu.
  30. If you are premium, it boils down to how you want to play the game. See above for vocation differences.
  32. Q: How exactly does PVP work in Tibia?
  33. A: PVP depends on the type of server you play. There are Optional PVP, Open PVP, and Hardcore PVP servers.
  34. · Hardcore PVP is the all-out PVP style server where anyone can kill or be killed freely. These servers tend to be unpopulated due to players purposely killing low-levels and new players off of the server.
  35. · Open PVP: Your standard PVP style server where players can attack whoever they want, but get punished by the "Skull System", which is too complicated to explain here. Instead, read this:
  37. · Optional PVP: PVP is available only to two consenting guilds and not to individual players. All you have to worry about are mobs and other players being trolls. Secura, our main server, is Optional PVP.
  39. Q: How exactly does death work in Tibia?
  40. A: Your backpack drops 100% of the time, each item you've equipped has a 10% chance to drop and you lose a significant portion of your experience and skills. Many players quit because they have lost days or weeks worth of work. Thankfully, you can purchase up to five different blessings from around the world, each reducing your loss in death up to the final blessing where you will lose no items and only a little bit of your experience and skills. They cost a lot, but they save you a lot of time and a massive headache.
  41. More details:
  43. Q: What is Rookgaard?
  44. A: Rookgaard is the tutorial island. When you log into your new character you are automatically walked through how the game's basic mechanics and controls work. You can leave Rookgaard and select your vocation at level 8. Do not wait until level 9, your HP/MP will be gimped.
  45. It is possible to stay on Rookgaard forever and maintain your non-vocation status. It is not uncommon and these players are known as Rookies, Rookstayers, and Rookgaardians. The playstyle is similar to that of a knight who can use no spells. Rookies live a sad and lonely life.
  47. Q: Are OTs welcome in the general?
  48. A: Yes and no. The thread was made for the official Tibia servers, primarily Secura, but any other official server discussion has been welcome. There is no reason not to allow OT servers, so long as they do not over-take the thread. By that point, an /otbg/ thread would be more appropriate.
  50. Q: What is an OT? What is Open Tibia?
  51. A: Open Tibia Servers or OTS are unofficial privately hosted servers built on open-source software designed to emulate the Tibia experience. Most OTS boast highly increased experience, skill, and loot rates. Many use the standard Tibia map, however some do use custom maps and images.
  53. Q: How does Tibia compare to Ultima Online?
  54. A: While similar in some respects, they are not the same game. Visually, Tibia is oblique and Ultima Online is isometric. Tibia is class and level based with supplemental skills. Ultima Online is entirely skill based with no levels or classes. Both games are known for unrestricted PVP combat and heavy death penalties; for Tibia you drop most of your carried items as well as lose a percentage of your overall experience and skills; for Ultima Online you drop all of your carried items and wander as a ghost until another player resurrects you. Keep in mind this information is not 100% applicable due to these games having both public and private servers with their own unique sets of rules.
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