
CYOA - Luna pt. 2 (Clop)

Jul 6th, 2013
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  1. >You were both so very tired
  2. >But neither of you cared in the slightest
  3. >It was early morning and you were standing there
  4. >In the room of the lunar goddess, next to the crib
  5. >And in that crib he lay
  6. >Your son
  7. >The two of you were watching him silently
  8. >Simply looking at him sleep
  9. >With happiness in your hearts and a smile on your lips
  10. >You had your arms around Luna, holding her gently
  11. >You still couldn't quite process what had happened
  12. >You had a son
  13. >A little satyr boy
  14. >As you looked at him, it all overwhelmed you
  15. >Tears start flowing freely from your eyes
  16. >But they are tears of happiness, not sadness
  17. >And as Luna sees, she hugs you
  18. >You sob into her beautiful fur
  19. >"He's beautiful."
  20. >You can't help but giggle through your sobbing
  21. >He was beautiful
  22. >Much more so than anything in this world
  23. >And he was yours
  24. >"What should we call him?"
  25. >You hadn't even thought about this
  26. >But now, all your attention went towards this one thing
  27. >His name
  28. >As you look at him, asking yourself the same question over and over
  29. >Only one name comes up in your mind
  30. "Caesar."
  31. >It was perfect
  32. >Yes, Caesar was the right name for him
  33. >Luna looks to you and smiles
  34. >"I like it. Is it a human name?"
  36. >You smile back at your beloved
  37. "Yes, from a very strong leader."
  38. >Luna looks back at your son
  39. >"Fitting. One day, he will have to rule Equestria. One day."
  40. >Once again you place an arm around her
  41. "And he will be a good leader. Kind and generous. A good man. As good as you and your sister."
  42. >Luna smiles at you and drags you towards the bed
  43. >"Let us rest while we can."
  44. >You chukle at that
  45. >Having a child would no doubt impair your sleeping
  47. >For once, you were happily wrong
  48. >Caesar slept peacefully in his crib
  49. >It was a welcome surprise
  50. >With everything the two of you had gone through, you needed the rest
  51. >As he cried at noon, you got out of bed
  52. >You tell Luna to stay in bed
  53. >After all, she was the one to give birth
  54. >She needed the rest more than you
  55. >Smiling now, even as he cried, you gently pick him up
  56. >You hold him close to you as you carry him
  57. >You quickly get him to relax and stop crying
  58. >He is simply staring at everything around him
  59. >You take a walk around the castle, talking to him the entire time
  60. "This is the dining hall. We eat here. Well, you won't for now, but one day you will be in here with us."
  61. >As you walk around the hall, you hear a gentle voice behind you
  62. >"What a beautiful little boy he is."
  63. >You turn to face Luna's sister
  64. >She has a heart-warming smile on her face
  65. >"How are you feeling, Anon? Is everything going well?"
  67. "He seems healthy. Curios, too, as though he's interested in everything."
  68. >You smile at the white alicorn
  69. "Luna's getting some rest, so I was showing him the castle. Can you think of anywhere he'd like to see?"
  70. >Celestia's eyes are locked on Caesar
  71. >All the while her face is one huge smile
  72. >It's a smile you haven't seen her give before
  73. >Almost the same as the one Luna has on her lips at all times
  74. >"I think there is one room he would like. Come with me."
  75. >You follow Celestia through the castle
  76. >"You should probably be ready for some strange things, by the way. Seeing as he is the child of such a powerful mare, he no doubt has strong power. It might get... out of control."
  77. >She giggles at the end
  78. >You're not sure how you're going to deal with raw magic
  79. >All you have is arms and legs
  80. >The two of you reach a room you haven't seen before
  81. >You go inside and you are in awe
  82. >There is an enormous telescope in the middle of the room
  83. >Books and scrolls litter the place
  84. >The ceiling has been made to look like the night sky, just as Luna's room
  85. >Although they seem to have zoomed in on different stars and planets in here
  86. >It's like standing in outer space
  87. >Caesar's eyes go wide as he looks around
  88. >He even takes his thumb out of his mouth
  89. >Both of you simply look around in wonder
  90. >"Oh, I forgot to ask: Twilight, my student, wish for time to study your son. Document everything there is to know. Are you ready for this, or do you need time?"
  91. >Celestia still smiles at you
  93. >Celestia's question catches you off guard
  94. >You hadn't really thought about that
  95. >To you, he was your son
  96. >Your beautiful, perfect little son
  97. >The fact that he was a new species wasn't important to you
  98. >But now that Celestia had asked it was a real concern
  99. >With everything that had happened, you couldn't focus on the question right now
  100. >Instead, you walk around the room with your son and look
  101. >In particular, you're looking for Earth
  102. >Although you are happy here
  103. >Content here
  104. >You still wish to know if your planet is out there somewhere
  105. >As you walk around with your son in silence, Celestia watches
  106. >You see many strange planets
  107. >Wonderful, colorful planets
  108. >There is no sign of Earth
  109. >It saddens your heart, but the universe is huge
  110. >So incomprehensibly huge
  111. >It could be out there somewhere
  112. >"I will tell Twilight that you are not ready yet."
  113. >Celestia sounds happy
  114. >While looking for Earth, you had forgotten all about her question
  115. >Still she smiles at you
  116. >A warm, motherly smile
  117. >And she smiles at Caesar
  118. >Looking at him with true happiness
  120. >With happiness in your heart you simply smile at Celestia
  121. >Caesar is eagerly flapping his little wings, still looking around
  122. >Celestia chuckles at that and opens the door
  123. "Maybe he's ready for a nap. All this excitement can't be good for him."
  124. >"He sure is an eager little one."
  125. >The two of you walk together back towards Luna's room
  126. >When Caesar starts whining slightly, you hum for him
  127. >Songs you remember from your own childhood
  128. >It calms him quickly, and he puts his head on your shoulder
  129. >Within long you hear soft breathing from him
  130. >His arms are hanging from his sides and his wings are neatly folded
  131. >When you reach the door, Celesta stops you
  132. >"Anon, if I may. You have no idea how happy it makes me that you are here. How happy it makes me to see my sister like this. You have given both of us something I never thought we could have. Thank you."
  133. >You actually see tears well up in the princess' eyes
  134. >She doesn't cry, but the tears are there
  135. >"Thank you."
  137. "It's no generous gesture, princess. I'm just as happy for me and my son to be accepted so wholeheartedly."
  138. >With those words, you see the very first tear fall from her eyes
  139. >Celestia moves in, wrapping her hooves gently around you and Caesar
  140. >"You will always be welcome here. And we will always love you and your son. No matter what."
  141. >Now it was your turn to let a tear drop
  142. >Hearing those words from the highest authority and the sister of your beloved warmed your heart
  143. >After a minute she ends the hug and keeps walking
  144. >You smile and wave at her
  145. >With that you go inside as quietly as you can
  146. >Luna is sleeping in her bed, her breathing gentle and soft
  147. >As carefully as you can, you place Caesar in the crib
  148. >He's got his thumb in his mouth and is gently snoring
  149. >You kiss his forehead and put his blanket over him
  150. >As you get in bed, Luna unfortunately wakes
  151. >You tried your best to avoid it, but she was a light sleeper
  152. >"Hello, my dear. Is all well?"
  153. >Although exhausted and having just woken up, she sounds as graceful as ever
  154. >Truly she was the perfect mare
  156. "Of course. This is this happiest I've been in my life."
  157. >You can almost feel Luna's smile on your body
  158. >With gentle movements you get close to her and engage in a kiss
  159. >She returns the kiss with exhausted passion
  160. >Her lips are as soft and loving as ever
  161. >Your beloved pours her heart into the kiss, truly showing you how she feels
  162. >After a moment, the two of you break the kiss
  163. >With closed eyes and her hoof around you, she whispers
  164. >"I love you."
  165. >You're still not used to those words
  166. >But you reply in the same way as always
  167. "And I love you. Always."
  169. 10 months later
  171. >You're in the dining hall with Caesar
  172. >Everyone has left except for the princesses
  173. >They are at the table, discussing royal matters
  174. >All of your attention is simply on Caesar
  175. >He has grown so big in such a short time
  176. >He's eagerly crawling around the floor, his wings flapping all the while
  177. >They are still far too small to carry him through the air
  178. >But some day he will fly like the birds
  179. >Suddenly you see him attempt to get up
  180. >And he does so successfully
  181. >He's never done that before
  182. >Your eyes go wide as he stands there
  183. >Getting used to being on two legs with no support
  184. >His face is one big smile as he stands there
  185. >He looks around for a little while
  186. >The little pony legs are wobbling slightly
  187. >But soon enough he gets them under control
  188. >Your mouth is hanging open and your mind is blank
  190. "L-L-Luna, look."
  191. >You almost whisper to yourself
  192. >Neither of the princesses hear you
  193. >You snap out of it and speak up
  194. "Luna! Look!"
  195. >The princesses immediately focus their attention on you and Caesar
  196. >"Oh, OH!"
  197. >Luna's voice is full of excitement and eagerness
  198. >They both rush over as fast as possible
  199. >And just in time as well
  200. >Just as they both reach you, Caesar does it
  201. >He steps forward
  202. >The three of you look in silence as he continues waddling across the floor
  203. >After a few steps all three of you cheer in unison
  204. >You jump onto Luna and wrap your arms around her
  205. >Her eyes are wet as she cheers
  206. >"Anon! He's walking!"
  207. >You simply hug her tighter and chuckle
  209. >Caesar keeps waddling aimlessly around
  210. >For a moment the three of you simply watch him and cheer
  211. >Overwhelmed by happiness and with the desire to hug your sun, you call for him
  212. "Caesar! Come to mom and dad!"
  213. >You squat down and open your arms
  214. >He notices the sound of your voice and turns to face the two of you
  215. >His face is one huge smile
  216. >Some noises escape his mouth
  217. >They make no sense, but he sounds happy
  218. "Come on!"
  219. >With excitement he slowly walks to the three of you
  220. >Even Celestia has a tear in her eye as she watches
  221. >There is utter silence as Caesar steps towards you
  222. >But that silence is quickly broken as he stumbles into your arms and hug you
  223. >You are the first to break into tears
  224. >Luna simply cheers and hugs the two of you
  225. "My son."
  226. >All you can do is whisper and kiss his head
  227. >He keeps making incomprehensible noises
  228. >But to you, they mean the world
  229. >After an extended hug and a kiss with Luna, you let him go walk around the floor
  230. >You watch him all the time, happiness in your entire body
  231. >Truly, no man could wish for more than this
  232. >"He is a fantastic kid. And he grows so fast."
  233. >Celestia speaks, almost to herself
  234. >She, too, is watching him walk around
  236. >All you do is smile at the ruler
  237. >For now, you are content with simply watching your son
  238. >Your beautiful son
  239. >Walking
  240. >No man is as happy as you are in this moment
  241. >Although your eyes are plastered to your son, movement in the corner of your eye cathces your attention
  242. >In the window across the room you spot something purple
  243. >Twilight Sparkle
  244. >She's staring intently at your son, taking notes
  245. >You sigh heavily
  246. >Even though you explicitly told her your son was not to be tested or observed like some animal
  247. "Guards!"
  248. >A guard immediately comes over
  249. >"Sir?"
  250. "Please remove Twilight Sparkle from the premises."
  251. >You nod towards the window
  252. >"Sir."
  253. >The guard rushes off immediately
  254. >Luna giggles at the exchange
  255. >Celestia, too, snickers
  256. >"I apologise for my student's behavior. She simply wishes to learn more of your son."
  258. "It's no problem, really. Just tell her I want to see the notes."
  259. >Celestia sighs
  260. >"I will inform her personally of your decision. She is just... eager. You know what she's like."
  261. >Celestia follows in the direction of the guard
  262. >As Caesar is waddling around, his wings are flapping with great excitement
  263. >He's even trying to jump and lift himself off the ground
  264. >It's adorable
  265. >"To think that one day he will fly."
  266. >Luna sounds distant
  267. >As if she is thinking out loud
  268. "Yeah, it'll be lonely down here on the ground."
  269. >She sticks out her tongue at you
  270. >"I'll carry you around as I always do. Stop complaining."
  271. >You gently nudge her shoulder and smile
  272. >Within minutes, Celestia returns with a notebook levitating next to her
  273. >She hands it to to you and smiles
  274. >"I assure you my student means no ill will."
  275. >You open the notebook and skim the pages
  276. >It simply is observations
  277. >Nothing more
  278. >Except one page catches your attention
  279. >"Once magical ability wakens, will have to test personally, if able."
  280. >What in the world?
  281. >You already feel anger rising within you
  282. >Just what was this unicorn up to?
  284. "That arrogant, grape-colored whoreicorn!"
  285. >Both Celestia and Luna's head spin toward you
  286. >In your anger you didn't realise you were speaking out loud
  287. >Celestia looks shocked, offended
  288. >Luna simply confused
  289. >"W-what's wrong?"
  290. >You sigh and shake your head
  291. "Sorry, it's just, take a look at this."
  292. >You hand Luna the notebook and she reads
  293. >Her face scrunches up in annoyance
  294. >"Well, she shall not be performing experiments on my son. But that doesn't make her... whatever you called her."
  295. >You feel scolding eyes on your frail, human body
  296. >Celestia speaks, and her voice terrifies you
  297. >"My student may not make the best decisions all the time. But you will not speak of her with such words again, do you understand me?"
  299. >Although Celestia, arguably the most powerful being in Equestria is speaking to you in anger, you care not
  300. >This is your son
  301. >Not some test subject or wild animal
  302. >She wouldn't understand
  303. "Would you want your child tested on?"
  304. >You speak calmly
  305. >You are not angry with Celestia
  306. >But she needs to understand how you feel
  307. >However calm you do speak, though, something happens
  308. >Something in Celestia changes
  309. >Her eyes, her composure
  310. >You have never seen her like this before
  311. >It is like watching a timeless evil being let loose in millenea
  312. >"If you ever speak of my child as such again, I will not hold myself responsible for the consequences."
  313. >Although her voice is quiet
  314. >Calm, even
  315. >You can almost taste her wrath
  316. >Feel her anger burning the air around her
  317. >With those words she turns to leave
  318. >Caesar starts sobbing, obviously scared of what just happened
  319. >Luna rushes over to pick him up
  320. >As you stand there in silence and watch the white goddess leave the room
  321. >Luna quickly gets Caesar to calm down with her gentle voice
  322. >Your eyes are still locked on the door Celestia went through
  323. >You are not sure what just happened
  324. >But what you saw was terrifying beyond belief
  326. >After collecting yourself, you walk over to Luna
  327. >Caesar is sitting on her back, hugging her neck
  328. >He always enjoyed her soft fur
  329. >He's running his hands through it, making happy noises
  330. >You had cleaned her fur for drool many times throughout the months
  331. >With a gentle hand you pat his head and scratch his back
  332. >At first he seems afraid of you
  333. >And it breaks your heart
  334. "Sorry. Daddy isn't mad any more."
  335. >You smile gently
  336. >It doesn't take him long to simply smile and enjoy your scratching
  337. >Luna sighs and looks to you
  338. >"I apologise for my sister's outburst. But it would be best if you leave the subject be. Tia is gentle and caring, but even she has her limits."
  339. >She sounds weary and old
  340. >Granted, she is millenea old
  341. >But she sounds tired
  342. >Like only someone of age can
  343. >"Let us just focus on us, for now. On our family."
  344. >She gives you a weak smile
  346. >Luna looks exhausted
  347. >Weak, even
  348. >Her smile saddens you
  349. "Is something wrong, dear?"
  350. >She drops the facade and sighs
  351. >"I am... tired. All of my energy is spent on little Caesar. Seeing Tia like this, it... pains me greatly. I wish for her to be happy. And I feel I may have cause her grief."
  352. >You see tears in her eyes
  353. >Tears caused by something you don't fully understand
  354. >But Luna looks back at your son, half alseep on her back
  355. >And that one look brings back the smile
  356. >Brings back her loving, caring self
  357. >"Let us go to our chambers. I would like to rest, if only for a while."
  358. >You nod and walk alongside her into the halls
  359. >The castle is very quiet
  360. >As if empty
  361. >But although grand and complex, not many ponies use it
  362. >It is nice, really
  363. >Peace and quiet is a nice change from the always bustling Ponyville
  364. >You walk with your beloved in silence
  365. >Little Caesar is mumbling to himself
  366. >Still gently stroking Luna's fur
  368. >You go into the quiet room with your family
  369. >By the time you reach the crib, Caesar has fallen asleep
  370. >He must be exhausted after all he has done today
  371. >It still warms your heart to know he has walked
  372. >As he dreams his little legs still move around
  373. >It is so very cute to watch him like this
  374. >Luna sighs in exhausted and goes to the bed
  375. >She slumps into the bed, lying on her stomach
  376. >You feel bad for her
  377. >All her time and energy devoted to Caesar
  378. >And now what happened today
  379. >You go over to her and gently sit on top of her
  380. >With your dextrous hands you gently massage her back
  381. >She moans quietly in delight
  382. >You sit there for a few minutes, just massaging your beloved
  383. >You feel her muscles beginning to relax
  384. "I promise I will talk to Celestia tomorrow. Make things right."
  385. >She merely whispers to you
  386. >"Thank you."
  387. >For now, you leave the subject be
  388. >She doesn't need to think about that right now
  389. >Instead you just continue your massage
  390. >She seems to really enjoy it
  391. >Maybe slightly more than you intended
  392. >"Say, Anon, do you think you're being smart?"
  393. >Her voice is cheeky
  394. >Poking at you with good intentions
  396. "Shouldn't you be focusing on just relaxing, my princess?"
  397. >You poke back at her with your own cheeky remark
  398. >"But my dear subject, are you implying that I am not relaxing?"
  399. >She got you
  400. >But you couldn't let her know that
  401. "My princess."
  402. >You coat your words in fake humility
  403. "I would never imply anything without your explicit consent. Thou art my ruler, my commander."
  404. >Luna giggles at that
  405. >"Humble subject, thou art relaxing thine princess greatly. Do join me in bed. I wish for no more massage."
  406. >You smile and lie down next to her
  407. "My princess doth me great honor."
  408. >Luna just rolls her eyes
  409. >"Really, now, this is getting slightly ridiculous."
  410. >You just do your best to bow while in bed
  411. >"As mine princess doth command, I shall stop."
  412. >She gently punches your shoulder and laughs
  414. >You smile at your beloved
  415. "Faggot."
  416. >All of your concentration is spent on not laughing
  417. >Luna still doesn't know the true meaning of the word
  418. >Whenever you say it, she simply smiles at you
  419. >"You're my faggot."
  420. >She smiles and gives you a peck on the lips before closing her eyes
  421. >As you watch your perfect mare, you drift off to sleep
  423. >Sleep didn't come easily to you
  424. >Caesar kept waking you every few hours, crying
  425. >Your eyes were bloodshot and your brain on meltdown at the morning table
  426. >At least coffee exists in Equestria
  427. >Caesar is enjoying playing with his food, much to the enjoyment of Celestia
  428. >Every now and then you smile at her
  429. >She does smile back, but you can feel the tension within her
  430. >Although you are tired, you need to right the wrongs you have made
  431. >Just another cup of coffee and you'll be ready
  432. >In silence you sit, slowly eating your food
  433. >Luna luckily got the rest she needed
  434. >She is chipper, playing with Caesar
  435. >Tossing his food around with her magic
  436. >He laughs and laughs, which brings a smile to your face
  437. >You finish your own food and simply watch Caesar and Luna having fun
  438. >The whole situation is still surreal to you
  439. >You're the father of a satyr
  440. >His mother an Equestrian pony princess
  441. >It's funny, really
  442. >Not exactly what you expected while growing up
  444. "I wanted to be an astronaut, but this is actually better."
  445. >Luna looks to you wonder
  446. >"What is an astronaut?"
  447. >Uh oh
  448. >You didn't think this through
  449. "It's, uhm. Humans have these vehicles that can fly into space, see? And the people on those vehicles are called astronauts. They explore other planets and such."
  450. >She looks amazed at that
  451. >You're glad you were able to steer the conversation away from the moon
  452. >"Your kind have actually been out there, in the great sky?"
  453. >She looks like a child being told a fantasy tale
  454. >You nod
  455. "Yes, my people have been exploring space for many years now. We haven't gotten far, but it's progressing. I wonder how far they've gotten now."
  456. >Luna looks excited
  457. >"Oh, how I would wish to go out there and see all there is!"
  458. >Even little Caesar looks impressed
  459. >He makes noises that sound like he's in awe
  460. >Everything he does simply is cute
  461. >"Tell me, what vehicles do your people use?"
  462. >This would be quite difficult to explain
  463. "Well, it's a rocket. Basically, it's has these giant motors that, uh."
  464. >Luna's face is confusion itself
  465. >You didn't really know how to explain this to a race without cars or motors
  466. >Not that you knew much about those things anyway
  467. >As you sit there, trying to explain, you suddenly feel a hoof on your shoulder
  468. >"Anon, could I talk to you for a second?"
  469. >Celestia stand behind you
  470. >She looks neither happy, nor angry
  471. >Simply calm and collected
  473. >You give her a solemn nod
  474. "Of course. I wanted to talk, too."
  475. >With a smile you excuse yourself from the table and follow Celestia
  476. >The two of you enter a small, empty room and she locks the door
  477. >With a heavy sigh, she turns to face you
  478. >"I want to apologise, Anon. My outburst was too much. You could not have known. All I wish is for you and Luna to be happy."
  479. >You smile at the white ruler, but she does not return it
  480. >"To everyone I am a ruler, a perfect embodiment of all that is good. But I am just a mare, Anon. Just like everyone else. Please, do not forget that I am not perfect. I am just as much as Twilight, sometimes even less."
  481. >There is sadness in her eyes as she speaks
  482. >True, honest to God sadness
  483. >But she does not cry
  484. >Whether she has trained herself not to or simply can't, you don't know
  485. >But she is sad
  487. >Gently, not wanting to upset the princess, you wrap your arms around her
  488. >She returns the gesture, hugging you tightly
  489. "I'm sorry as well, princess. I shouldn't have said the things I said. All I want is for my son to be safe and well."
  490. >You gently stroke her back, comforting her
  491. >It should feel strange to you, standing here
  492. >Hugging a winged unicorn
  493. >Who rules a land full of ponies
  494. >But it doesn't
  495. >You don't care what they look like
  496. >They are real and living
  497. >And you wouldn't trade them for anything
  498. "Being a father has changed me. I love my son, and I would give my life for his safety. But that does not excuse my foul words. I am sorry."
  499. >Celestia breaks the hug and looks to you with a smile
  500. >"I know, Anon. And you are a great father. But promise me that you will care for Luna. Promise me that you will make her happy. I could not bear to watch her lose you. Promise me."
  502. "I promise."
  503. >Once more you hug the ruler of the land
  504. >And there you stand
  505. >In complete and utter silence
  506. >Simply letting out all the frustration through the gentlest of hugs
  507. >You're glad the two of you could work it out
  508. >You wouldn't want bad blood between you and your beloved's sister
  509. >It would only complicate things so much
  510. >And you like Celestia
  511. >She is kind, benevolent
  512. >And a great aunt for Caesar
  513. >You smile as you stand there
  514. "ANON! COME QUICK!"
  515. >Luna's voice roars through the castle
  516. >You're never going to get used to that royal Canterlot voice
  517. >With worry in your body, you rush out of the room
  518. >She's sitting there, staring intently at Caesar
  519. >Oh, God, what could be wrong?
  520. >A million thoughts flash through your mind in an instant
  521. >He could be dead
  522. >He could be choking
  523. >He could-
  524. >"Loooona."
  525. >You stop dead in your tracks mere feet away from your son
  526. >Luna's face looks like a balloon ready to burst into cheerful energy
  527. >"Loooona."
  528. >Biting her lower lip and smiling, she looks at you
  529. >"He said my name!"
  530. >She jumps up and runs to you, throwing hooves around you
  531. >"HE SAID MY NAME!"
  533. >Tears flow freely from your eyes as you hug Luna tightly
  534. >Caesar keeps going all the time
  535. >"Looona! Looona!"
  536. >You exit the hug and kneel in front of your son
  537. >"Looona!"
  538. >He smiles every time he says it
  539. >You're still crying tears of joy as you ask
  540. "Can you say Anon? Aaaanon. Huh, can you do it, champ? Aaaanon."
  541. >His mouth moves similar to yours as you speak
  542. >"Aaa..."
  543. >You light up inside as he starts
  544. >"Aaa..."
  545. "Yeah, that's right! Aaanon!"
  546. >"Aaa... Faaagewt."
  547. >wat
  548. >Your hear Luna and Celestia daww'ing behind you
  549. >You simply stare in disbelief at your son
  550. >"Faaaagewt!"
  551. >No more than 10 months old and your son just called you a faggot
  552. >You can't help but laugh
  553. >Laugh till your sides hurt
  554. >You pick up Caesar and throw him into the air
  555. >He giggles all the way up and back down
  556. >You catch him and throw up him again
  557. >Luna and Celestia giggle at his adorable laughs
  558. >Oh yes, today is a good day
  560. Five years later
  562. >Caesar had grown into a fine young man
  563. >Satyrman
  564. >Whatever
  565. >And today was a big day for him
  566. >It was his first day of magic school
  567. >Granted, you weren't sure how he was supposed to use magic with no horn
  568. >But apparently he could do it
  569. >Celestia herself had offered him a spot in the school
  570. >But Caesar himself wasn't so keen on going
  571. >You were on your way to the school, when he suddenly stopped, staring at the ground
  572. "What's wrong, Caesar?"
  573. >He didn't reply
  574. >You walk over to him and kneel down, trying to look him in the eye
  575. "What's up, kiddo?"
  576. >He sighs heavily
  577. >"I don't want to go to school."
  578. >You smile at him and stroke his mane gently
  579. >"I'm different. I'm not a pony or a human. I'm a freak."
  580. >Growing up, he did have problems with his body
  581. >And so did some ponies, too, it seemed
  582. >It wasn't easy raising a satyr
  583. >Especially when no one knew what it really was
  584. >And even though he was the son of the princess, some ponies still teased him
  585. >Made fun of him
  586. >Your son
  587. >One time you almost snapped, ready to beat up a young filly in the street
  588. >Luckily, Luna was there to calm you down
  589. >But you could understand his worry and sadness
  591. >You smile at your son
  592. >With a gentle hand you lift his head and look into his eyes
  593. "You're right; you are different. You're a prince."
  594. >"But I don't want to be a prince. I want to be a pony."
  595. >It wasn't going to be easy
  596. >But nothing in life never is
  597. "You are so much more than a pony, Caesar. And even though you look different, you are still the same as them. You're the best kid out there, you hear me?"
  598. >He smiles at that
  599. "You'll do great in school, kiddo. And I will beat up anyone who says any different!"
  600. >Now he even giggles
  601. >"I love you dad."
  602. >He hugs you with his short arms
  603. >It's almost enough to make you cry
  604. >You wrap your arms around the kid and smile
  605. "I love you too. Now, go on then. Go do some cool magic stuff!"
  606. >He smiles and goes into the class room where ponies are waiting
  607. >You sigh and hope it all goes well enough
  609. Seven years later
  611. >It seemed there was always something worrying Caesar
  612. >But it was probably a natural thing that came with being a parent
  613. >Having finally overcome his diferent body and accepted his raw, magical power, now, now there were
  614. >Girls
  615. >Oh yes
  616. >Caesar had come home one day, looking especially dreamy
  617. >He was cheerful and happy
  618. >You knew something was up
  619. >And so did Luna
  620. >He was never this happy after school
  621. >So you walk over to him, patting him on the head
  622. >He was getting tall, too
  623. >His head almost reaching your chest
  624. "Hey there, kiddo. What are you so happy about?"
  625. >Immediately a blush appears on his face
  626. >"N-nothing!"
  627. >Without knowing
  628. >With just that one word, you knew
  629. >And you couldn't help but smile the most cheeky smile ever to grace your lips
  630. "Nothing, huh? Hm, that's strange. I could have sworn you looked almost in love."
  631. >His face turns a dark shade of red
  632. >"W-what?! Of course not!"
  633. >You just smile and shrug your shoulders
  634. >He thinks he's so smart, too
  635. >Like you aren't noticing at all
  636. >It reminds you of yourself, when you were younger
  638. "What's her name, kiddo?"
  639. >He tenses up instantly
  640. >"Wha- I, you!"
  641. >You just keep smiling at him
  642. >"There's - I'm -"
  643. >He sighs heavily, after which he mumbles
  644. "What's that?"
  645. >He lets out a groan of frustration
  646. >"Lavender Mirage."
  647. >You chuckle at that
  648. >"D-don't laugh at her name!"
  649. >You gently punch his shoulder
  650. "I'm not laughing at her name, son. I'm laughing because I'm happy."
  651. >"Yeah, yeah."
  652. >It's a strange feeling
  653. >Your son is becoming a man
  654. >You remember that one girl from school
  655. >That first love
  656. >It's always something special
  657. "So what's she like?"
  658. >Caesar looks at you in surprise
  659. >He thinks about it for a second, blushing
  660. >"Well, s-she's sweet and generous. And she doesn't tease other ponies. And, uhm, she-"
  661. >The rest of the sentence is incoherent mumbling
  662. "She what?"
  663. >Once more he sighs and his blush reignites
  664. >"She gave me a note saying she liked me!"
  665. >You have to do everything you can to not daww at him
  666. >He hates when you do that
  667. >He's 'not a kid any more', after all
  668. >But you see a smile creep onto his lips as he stands there
  670. "Well, why don't you tell her to come over to the castle, then?"
  671. >Caesar goes into full panic mode at those words
  672. >"Wha-What?! She can't come here! I - you - how would I ever do that?! W-what if she doesn't like me after that?!"
  673. >Oh the joys of being young
  674. >All your problems were this
  675. >You just smile and speak gently to your son
  676. "Just be yourself and have fun. She already likes you, remember? You just have to do what you always do. Except for blowing things up unintentionally with your magic."
  677. >He groans at that
  678. >"That only happened twice!"
  679. >You chuckle and hug him
  680. "I promise me and and mom won't embarass you. We'll barely be here, okay? Just invite her over. You'll do fine."
  681. >After a few seconds he hugs you back
  682. >"Okay, dad. Thanks."
  683. >You look him in the eye and give him a fist bump
  684. "All right, go get her, champ."
  685. >Caesar smiles at you, obviously more relaxed about the whole thing
  686. >He runs off, trying to fly along the way
  687. >He hasn't managed more than gliding so far
  688. >It seems flying is more difficult for him than it is for pegasi
  689. >But he'll learn it soon, you hope
  690. >Luna enters the room, having finished a conference with her sister
  691. >"Hi, mom!"
  692. >Caesar just runs off into the hall
  693. >Luna looks to you with confusion
  694. >"What is he so happy about all of a sudden?"
  696. >A sudden idea pops into your head
  697. >You run to the door and stick your head into the hall
  698. >Caesar is already a ways off, so you yell
  699. "Tell her to fly to the castle with you!"
  700. >He spins around and looks at you
  701. >"But she doesn't have wings, dad!"
  702. >Damn it
  703. "Whatever! It'll work!"
  704. >You hear your son groan in irritation
  705. >Maybe you weren't so cool and hip as you thought
  706. >You watch him for a little bit, trying to fly down the hall
  707. >He does manage a good, smooth glide
  708. >He's always so happy when he does that
  709. >You go back inside the room where Luna is waiting
  710. >She's giving you a cheeky smile
  711. >"Who is 'her', my dear?"
  713. >You simply smile at your wife
  714. "We will be having company."
  715. >Luna just rolls her eyes
  716. >"I could hardly figure that out."
  717. >You chuckle at her
  718. "We should try to spy on Caesar when he comes back. I promise it'll be fun."
  719. >Luna gives you a fake, over-exaggerated gasp
  720. >"Spying? On your own son?! Have you no shame?!"
  721. >She moves foward, slowly pushing you backwards
  722. >You hit the wall with a thump, trapped
  723. >She still has the cheeky smile on her lips
  724. >"You are a terrible man, Anon."
  725. >She moves her head closer until it is mere inches from yours
  726. >"What wouldn't Caesar say if he found out?"
  727. >Her voice is but a whisper, her breath hitting your face
  728. >"He is inviting someone over, and you want to spy on him. Tsk tsk, Anon."
  729. >You gulp, not out of nervousness
  730. >But because Luna hasn't been like this in a long time
  731. >It is quite... exciting
  732. >"Imagine if he caught us! What wouldn't you say to the poor boy?"
  733. >With that she puts her hoof on your chest, slowly trailing it along your body
  734. >"Anon, dear, you need to respect your son's privacy."
  735. >Her words are sugary sweet
  736. >Her eyes full of love
  737. >You gulp once more
  738. >This is not quite what you expected from her
  740. >Not caring about the potential disaster this could cause, you quickly lean in and kiss her
  741. >It is a greedy, longing kiss
  742. >Ever since Caesar came into the picture, you and Luna haven't had much time alone together
  743. >Luna is visciously attacking your tounge with her own
  744. >Already breathless, she pushes herself up against you
  745. >As you grab a hold of her, you can feel her wings unfolded on her back
  746. >She continously moans into your mouth, sending you into overdrive
  747. >All thoughts about Caesar have completely disappeared from your mind
  748. >There is only your wife
  749. >Your beautiful goddess in front of you
  750. >After a few minutes of greedy kissing, Luna leans back, looking into your eyes
  751. >"My dear, he could return at any moment. Why do you push yourself onto me like this?"
  752. >Her face is one, big, shit-eating grin
  753. >She flutters her eyes at you ironically and strokes your chest with her hoof
  755. "Dear, I don't care if he finds us. Right now, all I need is you."
  756. >With that, you re-enter the kiss and start pushing her back
  757. >Luna quickly moves backwards until she hits the foot of the bed
  758. >Without breaking the kiss, the two of you stumble onto the soft mattress and continue
  759. >The kissing, the touches
  760. >It is not filled with love
  761. >It is primal lust driving the two of you
  762. >You break the kiss and bite your wife's neck
  763. >She moans out in pleasure
  764. >Oh, how you have missed hearing her like this
  765. >Succumbing to your every move
  766. >As your hands carress her body, your mouth at her neck, she finally speaks
  767. >"Stop wasting time! Just take me!"
  768. >You look up at her
  769. >Already she is panting as if in heat
  770. >You smile and bow your head
  771. "As m'lady wishes."
  772. >You quickly get off of her and strip out of your clothes
  773. >All the while Luna shuffles around the bed, preparing herself for you
  774. >She has turned around, both of you facing the door
  775. >You are already rock hard from before, and you place yourself behind her
  776. >You gently slide your cock up and down her slit, eliciting moans from your princess
  777. >"J-just do it!"
  778. >She's eager
  779. >She doesn't want to wait
  780. >And neither do you
  782. >You place yourself at her anus, pressing slightly
  783. >"Frisky today, aren't we?"
  784. >Luna has brought out her cheeky voice yet again
  785. >But you quickly silence that with a powerful thrust
  786. >All that escapes her throat now are moans as you slowly hilt her
  787. >You can't remember the last time you and her did this
  788. >And that makes it all the more satisfying
  789. >Already you feel extacy in all of your body
  790. >Your princess' anus is unbearably tight
  791. >As you fully hilt her, the two of you almost collapse
  792. >But you keep your legs steady and slowly pull back
  793. >"Yessssssssssss."
  794. >Luna keeps going until only your head remains inside
  795. >And with that you begin thrusting
  796. >The goddess' moans fills the entire room as you slam yourself into her
  797. >Her butt cheeks getting continually redder as you thrust into her with more and more force
  798. >It doesn't take you long to reach climax with the tightness around your dick and her sweet voice in your ears
  799. >Her panting and moaning bringing out your inner beast
  800. >And just as both of you come together in unison, the door opens
  801. >As you're shooting your seed far into her anus, you stare in disbelief
  802. >Eyes locked with Luna's sister as you spray your semen inside of your wife
  803. >Celestia just stands there, in shock
  804. >Watching
  806. >With a burning red face, Celestia immediately steps back out of the room and closes the door
  807. >You and Luna stay frozen, staring at the door
  808. >For minutes you just stare at the door
  809. >Until Luna finally speaks
  810. >"I just came while looking my sister in the eye."
  811. >Her voice sounds distant
  812. >Horrified
  813. "Yeah."
  814. >You're not sure what to say
  815. >"Let us never speak of this again."
  816. >You just nod
  817. >Realising Luna can't see you, you reply
  818. "Yeah."
  819. >Finally you pull out of her and sit down on the bed
  820. >The two of you pant but speak not
  821. >Luna lying on the bed, you sitting on the side
  822. "I'll go talk to her."
  823. >Luna just nods slowly
  824. >"Probably a good idea."
  825. >You quickly put on your clothes and go to the door
  826. >When you open it, you look to the right down the hall
  827. >Nothing
  828. >Turning your head left, you wish you hadn't
  829. >Celestia is there, making out with a guard down the hall
  830. >He looks surprised and flustered
  831. >You overhear some of what Celestia is saying
  832. >"Oh, it was so hot!"
  833. >More snogging
  834. >"And they looked right at me when they came!"
  835. >Oh, God, why?
  836. >"Hey, dad!"
  837. >You look right again and see Caesar coming
  838. >You immediately step out as to block what is happening from his vision
  839. "Hey, kiddo! Come on in!"
  840. >You give a quick nod to Luna, and she quickly makes herself presentable
  841. >Caesar gives you a hug but quickly breaks it before going inside
  842. >"Ew, dad, what's that smell?"
  844. "Your mother and I were working out. Royalty must remain fit, you know."
  845. >Holy shit how did you even come up with that?
  846. >You pat yourself on the back
  847. >Saved like a true champion
  848. >Caesar just shrugs
  849. "So, tell me. What did she say?"
  850. >Immediately the blush is back
  851. >But less so than before
  852. >"She'll come! She even-"
  853. >More mumbling
  854. >This kid has mumbling issues, you swear
  855. "She what?"
  856. >Once more a groan of frustration
  857. >"She gave me-"
  858. >Now Luna joins in
  859. >"Gave you what, dear?"
  860. >Caesar almost screams in frustration
  861. >"A kiss! On my cheek! There, I said it!"
  862. >He's crossed his arms and is staring intently at the floor
  863. >Grumbling something about parents and annoying
  864. >You look to Luna
  865. >You can tell she is doing her very best not to daww
  866. >Her face is distorted from holding it in
  867. >Instead, she simply goes into the closet
  868. >Once inside, you hear a muffled "AWWWWWWW!"
  869. >Caesar groans for the millionth time in his short life
  871. "See? I told you it would work out. So, what does she look like?"
  872. >Caesar gumbles for a bit
  873. >"She's a light purple. Light blue hair. It's long and curly."
  874. >He lightens up while describing her
  875. >"Her cutie mark is a scroll! She's really good with old spells and even writing magic!"
  876. >She did sound like quite the talented filly
  877. >If you recall correctly, Luna talked about writing magic
  878. >Only a few, select ponies were actually able to do it
  879. >And it took years to develop that skill
  880. >You nod at your son in impression
  881. "She sounds great. So is she coming over tomorrow, then?"
  882. >He smiles at the compliment
  883. >But he throws you a curveball, for once
  884. >"No, she's coming over tonight."
  885. >It catches you off guard, and you give him a surprised look
  886. >"I-if that's okay."
  887. >His gentler side comes out and he smiles
  888. >You just give him a fist bump
  889. "Of course it's okay. You did good, son."
  890. >"Thanks, dad."
  891. >He leans in and hugs you
  892. >As you're standing, you simply reach down and stroke his mane
  893. >His wings are fluttering gently
  894. >It felt good, seeing him like this
  895. >You sigh contently
  897. >A few hours later, Luna is giddy with excitement
  898. >"Our son is going to have a girl over!"
  899. >You simply smile at her, as you prepare the basket
  900. "I know. It's great. He's so happy, too."
  901. >You're putting the last of the food in the basket, preparing for the picnic
  902. >You decided against doing the whole royal meal
  903. >Servants and all that would probably feel strange for the filly
  904. >And it would most likely embarass poor Caesar
  905. >As the clock strikes six, you hear the door open
  906. >Both of you turn your heads
  907. >There Caesar stands, a blush on his cheeks
  908. >Next to him a filly shyly smiling at you
  909. >"Uh, hi dad, hi mom. T-this is Lavender Mirage."
  910. >Luna's almost ready to burst once again
  911. >You put a hand on her back to calm her down
  912. >The filly bows her head and speaks
  913. >"I-It's an honor, your majesty."
  914. >Luna simply giggles
  915. >"There's no need for that. Just call me Luna. Or Caesar's mom, if you wish."
  916. >Caesar sighs in relief at that
  917. "Nice to meet you, Lavender."
  918. >You smile at the filly
  919. "Well, then. Let's get going."
  920. >The four of you walk into the hall
  921. >Both Caesar and Lavender are looking around awkwardly
  922. >It's adorable
  923. >"So, tell me, Lavender, who are your parents?"
  924. >The poor filly almost looks scared
  925. >"Oh, uhm, m-my mom works at the school. She's t-the astronomer, Trixie."
  926. >You recall that name from long ago
  927. >Twilight told you stories about her
  928. >The world sure is small
  930. >You gasp as you realise who it is
  932. >Caesar's head snaps sideways and stares at you in horror
  933. >You even hear Luna sigh at that
  934. >You couldn't help it
  935. >There was no stopping yourself
  936. >But the filly looks to you in surprise
  937. >"H-how did you know? She only said that when I was little. When she did magic shows for me."
  938. "I, uh. One of my friends knew her back in the day. Twilight Sparkle. She told me all about her."
  939. >You see Caesar thank the heavens
  940. >The filly gasps
  941. >"You know Twilight Sparkle?!"
  942. >You realise you've taken over the conversation
  943. >This was not supposed to happen
  944. >Instead, you divert her attention back to Caesar
  945. "Well, Caesar knows her, too!"
  946. >Smoothest move in the world
  947. >Lavender immediately looks to your son
  948. >"Really?! You never told me that!"
  949. >He blushes and shrugs
  950. >"I didn't know it was such a big deal."
  951. >"Are you kidding? She's the Element of Magic!"
  952. >You wink at your son and let the kids at it
  953. >All the way to the gardens they discuss the six ponies' adventures
  954. >How they saved the world and all that
  955. >Caesar really seems to have opened up quite a bit
  956. >Luna keeps watching him with motherly pride and love
  957. >As you get outside, you instruct the guards not to disturb you
  958. >They simply nod and retreat inside
  959. >You set up the picnic table cloth and sit down in the grass
  960. >Caesar and Lavender are talking about school now
  961. >Some experiment they had to do
  962. >You simply sit back and relax as they speak
  964. >You look to your wife and smile
  965. >Although wanting to kiss her, you spare your son the embarassment
  966. >Instead you simply start stroking her mane gently
  967. >Luna purrs quietly and contently
  968. >There's no rush to get dinner out
  969. >Everyone are enjoying themselves already
  970. >As you're sitting there, stroking Luna's mane, you see Caesar glancing at you
  971. >He's looking at your hand
  972. >Quickly he turns back to face Lavender and continue their conversation
  973. >It isn't long before he quickly glances at you stroking Luna's mane again
  974. >You smile at him and nod
  975. >Luna doesn't notice anything
  976. >She's too busy enjoying the sun and your carressing
  977. >Caesar bites his lower lip and turns back to Lavender
  978. >For a moment you just sit there, not listenting in, but just enjoying their sweet, innocent voices
  979. >You take a quick glance at the two
  980. >Caesar has his hand on Lavender's hoof
  981. >Gently caressing it with a finger
  982. >Lavender is smiling and has a very slight blush on her cheeks
  983. >You do an internal fist pump
  984. >"Hey, dad?"
  985. >You turn your attention to Caesar
  986. "Yeah?"
  987. >"Is it, uhm, okay if I show Lavender around the gardens?"
  989. >You smile at your son
  990. "Sure, faggot."
  991. >Lavender shoots you a confused look
  992. >As always, you have to try your hardest to not laugh
  993. "It's a human thing. We say it to people we like. Family, friends, you know."
  994. >She gives you an understanding look before getting up with Caesar
  995. >"We won't be too long."
  996. >You just wave at your son as you lay down on the cloth
  997. "Take your time, kiddo."
  998. >You close your eyes to shield your eyes
  999. >The kids' hoofsteps get quieter until they disappear completely
  1000. >Luna lays her head on your chests and exhales in delight
  1001. >"They're so cute."
  1002. "They sure are."
  1003. >With your hand you keep stroking her mane
  1004. >Life can be good, sometimes
  1005. >For minutes you lay there, enjoying the sun and Luna
  1006. >You wonder what the kids are doing
  1007. >But you feel disrespecful
  1008. >They should have their privacy
  1009. >All of a sudden a loud bang snaps you out of it
  1010. >You rush up and look around
  1011. >Above the hedge in the distance you see spectacular colors in the air
  1012. >It looks like... fireworks?
  1013. >What the hell?
  1014. >Both you and Luna are staring at the fireworks
  1015. >The most beautiful colors spread across the sky
  1016. >Luna looks to you in worry
  1017. >"Should we go look?"
  1019. "Yes, I'm worried. Can you teleport us over there?"
  1020. >Luna nods and you grab her hoof
  1021. >With a spark and a white light, the world disappears
  1022. >In the blink of an eye, it appears again
  1023. >You feel your stomach churning
  1024. >You still aren't used to this whole teleportation thing
  1025. >You shake your head and look around
  1026. >As you spot Caesar and Lavender, you immediately regret your decision
  1027. >There they are, the two youngsters, locked in a kiss
  1028. >Caesar is invoulentarily conjuring fireworks and shooting it into the air
  1029. "Get us out."
  1030. >You whisper to Luna
  1031. >She isn't listening
  1032. >She is staring at her son in utter happiness
  1033. >You shake her and whisper again
  1034. "Get! Us! Out!"
  1035. >Unfortunately, Caesar heard that
  1036. >The two kids gasp and stare at you in surprise
  1037. >"D-dad?! Mom?!"
  1038. >Caesar's face is a mix of shock and anger
  1039. >Lavender simply shock
  1040. >"W-what are you doing?!"
  1042. >You simply stare at your son
  1043. >You're proud of him
  1044. >But in this moment you've got other, more pressing mattes
  1045. >You realise you haven't answered him yet
  1046. >And so you say the first thing that comes to your mind
  1047. ""We heard a loud bang and wanted to make sure there we no Equestrian Republic Revolutionaries here."
  1048. >You hear Luna smack her hoof into her face
  1049. >"What?"
  1050. >Caesar gives you a deadpan stare
  1051. >Now you fucked up
  1052. "Yeah, it's, uhm, there's these ponies, who, uh-"
  1053. >Caesar isn't buying any of this
  1054. >Lavender is looking from you to him nervously
  1055. >After a few moments of silence, she speaks up
  1056. >"I-I should p-probably go."
  1057. >Slowly she starts backing away
  1058. >"No, wait!"
  1059. >Caesar tries to follow her, but in the end lets her run
  1060. >He sighs heavily and looks at the ground
  1061. >His arms hanging limp down his side
  1063. >You want to say something
  1064. >Comfort him
  1065. >Apologise
  1066. >But you're afraid of what he'll say
  1067. >Instead, as you hear him sob, Luna steps forward
  1068. >She sits down next to him
  1069. >Wraps a hoof around him and holds him close
  1070. >"I'm sorry, Caesar. Your father and I were worried something was wrong. We didn't mean to intrude like this."
  1071. >"Yeah, right."
  1072. >His voice almost breaks you
  1073. >His tiny, frail voice, and the anger it carries
  1074. >You stuff a fist in your mouth and bit down on it
  1075. >"We were worried about you. But we are sorry for what we did."
  1076. >Luna gently rubs his back with her hoof as he sobs
  1077. >"Lavender was just shocked. She still likes you."
  1078. >"No she doesn't. She's gonna hate me now."
  1079. >It's too much
  1080. >His broken voice conjures the tears in your eyes
  1081. >You mentally slap yourself as you watch
  1082. >"She liked you enough to kiss you, didn't she?"
  1083. >Caesar doesn't reply
  1084. >"Go find her. Tell her me and your father are sorry. And tell her how much you like her. Trust me, I'm a mare."
  1085. >Caesar looks up to Luna and smiles
  1086. >His eyes are wet
  1087. >"Thanks, mom."
  1088. >He looks back to you and gives you a weak smile
  1089. "I'm sorry."
  1090. >All you can manage is a whisper, but he accepts it
  1091. >And off he runs, to find Lavender and undo your wrong
  1092. >You let out a sigh and shake your head
  1093. "That didn't go as planned."
  1094. >Luna smiles and chuckles
  1095. >"You only did what you thought best."
  1097. >You sigh again and look at your wife
  1098. "I hope he can make it up to her."
  1099. >She smiles at you
  1100. >The two of you begin walking back to your picnic spot
  1101. >"I'm sure he will."
  1102. >As you reach the cloth, you collapse in the grass
  1103. >You feel exhausted
  1104. >All you do is lie down and stare into the sky
  1105. >Your mind is completely blank
  1106. >Minutes pass
  1107. >Still you just lay there, doing nothing
  1108. >Until you hear a familiar voice laughing
  1109. >You get up and look behind you
  1110. >There, coming towards you is Caesar and Lavender
  1111. >Finally being able to relax, you sigh in relief and collapse onto the grass
  1112. >This time actually relaxing in the shade
  1113. >As the two kids return, you hear Caesar's voice
  1114. >"Dad, you're an idiot."
  1115. >Both of them laugh
  1116. >Luna joins in as well
  1118. >With a smile you look at your son
  1119. "I'm retarded?"
  1120. >Luna chuckles
  1121. >"Pretty much, yes."
  1122. >All three of them are laughing at you
  1123. >But you can't help but laugh with them
  1124. >You sit up and get out dinner for all four of you
  1125. >"Well, my mom is much worse."
  1126. >Lavender chuckles
  1127. >She's finally calmed down completely
  1128. "Oh yeah?"
  1129. >"Yeah, when I turned 12, she did a magic show for my birthday. It was... not great."
  1130. >Caesar shivers at the mention of the show
  1131. >"Yeah, Stargazer wasn't quite the same for the rest of that week."
  1132. >His look is distant
  1133. >Like a war veteran having a flashback
  1134. >"Well, who wants pastries?"
  1135. >Luna brings back the joy to the scene
  1136. >She's prepared all the best pastries in Equestria
  1137. >Naturally from Sugarcube Corner
  1138. >The kids quickly get to eating and enjoying a happy conversation
  1139. >You don't understand two thirds of it due to their mouths being full
  1140. >You get up and nod for Luna to do the same
  1141. >"Wheh arh yhuo gfoingh?" Caesar asks
  1142. >His mouth is stuffed with cake
  1143. "Well, after that mishap, I thought you deserved some privacy."
  1144. >With a loud gulp, Caesar swallows his food
  1145. >"Thanks, dad. You're the best."
  1146. >You just nod and get a move on quickly
  1147. >Can't show your son the liquid pride you're about to spill
  1148. >Luna glances back at the two every now and then
  1149. >But for now, you let them have their privacy and youth together
  1150. >You're proud of your son
  1151. >He's the greatest son a man could ever ask for
  1152. >And he will always be yours
  1154. End of part 2.
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