
we need to talk

Mar 14th, 2018
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  1. People are going fucking insane, the spring of the collective American Psyche has broken loose, and no one is sure how to handle anything lately. People are going insane left and right, arming the Teachers is working wonderfully, as one almost committed a school shooting while attempting to teach gun safety, we've got teens stabbing other teens because of religious beliefs, Trump firing the shit out of nearly everyone who blinks in his direction, and you know what? This is just crazy, this is bullshit crazy. I've talked about this before, I've vlogged about it, I've tried turning your attention towards it, but the fact remains, that people aren't doing a damn thing about it.
  3. We've had more fucking chaos in the past few weeks than we know what to do with, and it's almost fucking impossible to nail down the source. Trump saying he's going to take your guns was the lit match, and the already tightly wound clock spring, gets tightened yet again, btu this time? This time was too much. The Stoneman Douglas shooting wasn't the last, we've got dead puppies in overhead bins on airplanes, and most importantly, shit is just fucking weird all over. Also, i'm going into the Army Reserves, so I'm going to get all of my fuck you Donald trumps out of the way while I still can, because you know, fuck you Donald trump you stupid mutated cheese poof dipped in a bag of wet discard foreskins.
  5. When is it going to stop? When is the fucking insanity going to stop? People are being dropped left and right because there's too much, there's too much tension in the air, and the only way we feel like we can vent it is through these little pockets of bat shit craziness? Really? Are we that far gone that our only recourse is to sit back and watch as a very angry Donald trump takes his tiny hands and tweets world war 3 because he feels like it?
  7. I don't know what to say any more, I feel like I've already said it, time and time again, and no matter what, no matter what, it just doesn't seem to sink in. Maybe we need to sit down, have a meeting, someone bring stale donuts, and we can micromanage the shit out of this situation?
  9. you ever think that sometimes the words of small creators are kind of a big deal? I mean, the universe sprung from a single pea sized ball of mass, so, you know, big things from little packages? I wish I could make that into a dick joke, but there's really no point in it anymore. Because we've a living discard scrotum in office, no matter what, there are going to be people that support a presidency that was ultimately just a meme that's been in a group chat for far too long. Hopefully, the next president isn't some batshit insane dictator wannabe with more racist ties that the Grand Dragon at a UK KFC shutdown, why? Because I don't know why. i'm just tired of seeing the same weird bullish play out time and time again, because our collective sanity, OUR collective sanity can only process so much before it begins to break down.
  11. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Of course there is, but at the same time, the first step of getting to that light involves removing Donald Trump from office...
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