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Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. November fourth was a time for celebration, a time for rejoicing, and a time for rioting as one young lad in Detroit decided to toss a brick through the window of a Best Buy. "It's all ours," he screamed, "we own this country now!"
  3. The mood was infectious. Similar events broke out in inner city business districts across the nation as news of the Detroit riot and the election results hit the airwaves. A Chicago correspondant nabbed a soundbite from a passing rioter crawling out of a Macy's window, "Fuck that FUBU shit, man! I'm dressing in Sean John from now on." The violence rippled across the time zones as Atlanta, New York, L.A., and metropolitan areas exploded into a free for all.
  5. Looking to the standing president for an answer, George Bush had vanished. He left a hastily scrawled letter of resignation in the Oval Office saying "I'm too old for this shit. Let Obama fix this mess. With warm regards, George W Bush"
  7. The nation awaited the solution their messiah would announce, and he didn't disappoint. "Send out the National Guard, and tell them 'shoot to kill'." An aide pleaded for Obama to reconsider, "but these are the people who helped you get elected! You're killing your own supporters!" Obama nodded, "that's right, they helped me get elected and I'm not going to let them fuck it up for me now." Biden burst into the room, flabbergasted at the new president's proclaimation, "but, you're turning against your own people....your own community."
  9. "Sit down Joe." Obama sighed, "and I'll tell you a little history about 'my community'. When the white man was in power, the black man needed the community to look out for his interests. But now that a black man is in power, the community is a relic of the past. Now that a black man is in power, it's every man for himself."
  11. Riots that would have continued for days were swiftly ended in one evening, and after the death count was tallied, the results made the Twin Tower tragedy look like a fender bender. When white people woke up the next morning, they knew something was amiss for somehow, the burden of their white guilt had been lifted a thousand-fold. They looked upon the bodies littering the streets and felt shock, repulsion, and a strange sense of relief. The asian population celebrated their new status as the second highest minority (after the hispanics).
  13. That history changing event would be on everyone's minds over the next four years. Fox News celebrated the four year anniversary by following GOP party leaders into the voting booths as they publically cast their votes for Obama. John McCain was quoted as saying "I can't tell you the problems this nation will face in the next four years, or the victories it will celebrate, but I can tell you one thing for certain, another four years of this man is not enough."
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