

Jan 11th, 2012
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  1. Session Ident: #JunesRoom
  2. 03[22:53] * Now talking in #JunesRoom
  3. 03[22:53] * June sets mode: +o Josephine
  4. 03[22:53] * June sets mode: +s
  5. 03[23:02] * Gabriel ( has joined #JunesRoom
  6. 06[23:03] * @Josephine knocked gently upon the door that lead to June's bedroom. She held no wooden brush within her hand. Her bare hand should be enough this go around. Beside there was something special about the hand it held a more domestic touch that the cold hard brush or the frighting paddle. "June-chan." She whispered as she knocked once more upon the wooden door. "May I please come in?"
  7. 06[23:06] * @June is sitting on the edge of her bed, dressed in a pair of pale blue cotton pajamas, kicking her bare feet idly as she waits for Josephine to arrive. This is so stupid, she thinks, pursing her lips. She didn't even do anything that bad; she was just a little huffy. Surely that doesn't deserve... Her train of thought is broken by the knocking at her door, and she sits up at attention. "Y-yeah, come in!" she calls out.
  8. 06[23:12] * @Josephine took a deep breath as she walked into the room, quickly she closed the door behind her and with that her eyes fell upon June. She smiled a little and and folded her hand under her breask. "Okay so whats going on. Trust me I was a tween once and I know these things mind you what you say could and will be used agaist you."
  9. 06[23:14] * @June frowns and averts her eyes, staring down at the floor. "Nothin's goin' on," she grumbles. "I'm fine."
  10. 06[23:15] * @Josephine blinked and walked over to Juna's bed she took a seat and drapped her arm over her shoulder. "Something a Nothing its at something big, come on you've been acting a brat all day something gottas to be eating at you kid."
  11. 06[23:17] * @June tenses up at first when Josephine's arm touches her shoulder, but she quickly relaxes again. She groans and turns her eyes the other way, wrinkling her nose. "...So maybe I had a bad day at school today," she huffs. "Big deal."
  12. 06[23:19] * @Josephine blinked and nodded her head okay now they where getting somewhere. "Okay so you had a bad day, we all have bad days, but does that give you the right to take it out on your family? And by taking out I mean getting short with everybody?"
  13. [23:20] <@June> "...No." June fidgets in her seat, rubbing her feet together anxiously.
  14. 06[23:26] * @Josephine nodded her head. "How do you think they feel about that? I'm sure there feelings where quite hurt. And lets not forget Oliver he was being so nice to you and all you did to repay his kindess was to offer him a quick snap. DO you think your two dads would be proud of you?" She said pressing her lector home. A punshiment spanking of ninety nine percent lector and one perfect spanking.
  15. [23:28] <@June> "I said thank you to Oliver!" June whines, looking back up at Josephine with an almost offended expression.
  16. 06[23:29] * @Josephine blinked and mental scolded herself for that brief lasp in memnory. "Oh yes pardon me, but do you think they would be proud of your behavior before that?"
  17. 06[23:31] * @June sighs and bows her head again, her heart sinking. "No... no, they wouldn't," she mutters.
  18. 06[23:32] * @Josephine nodded her head along. "So do you still think my spanking is unjust?" She asked gently patting her lap.
  19. 06[23:40] * @June lets out a little groan and fidgets uneasily, her face pinkening and her bottom tingling at the very thought of getting spanked. "...I wasn't -that- bad, was I?"
  20. 06[23:41] * @Josephine blinked. "You where pretty bad, very unlady like but no you where not to bad so this time I'm only going to use my hand on you and not the brush seem fair enough?"
  21. 06[23:43] * @June frowns and lets out a little frustrated moan. Still seems pretty unfair that she's getting -any- kind of spanking just for being snippy! But she knows she's not in a good position to protest. "Fine..."
  22. 06[23:49] * @Josephine rolls her eyes a little and quickly tugs down her PJ bottoms. Quickly she brings her hand down upon her pantie clad bottom in a good resounding crack!
  23. 06[23:58] * @June is quite easily pulled over the woman's lap, her face pinkening as she pulls down her pants to expose her short boxers. She shuts her eyes tightly, her buttocks tensing up at the first sharp slap! As much as it stings, she keeps from crying out.
  24. Session Time: Wed Jan 11 00:00:00 2012
  25. 06[00:07] * @Josephine soon fell into a steady rythem of swatting. Each swat seemed to send a wave of fire through the thin cotton shorts, each secound that passed by only deepen the deep burning feeling that was quickly spreading from corner to corner of the bottom.
  26. 06[00:11] * @June scrunches up her face as she steels herself against Josephine's punishing hand, though there's little she can do to shield herself from the sheer embarrassment of it all. Soon the sting become too much for her to bear, and she lets out a long whine and starts banging her feet against the mattress.
  27. 06[00:17] * @Josephine allows such displays as she keeps hammering away at the bottom, secound by painful secound the sound of her flapping hand meeting the round budding rosebuds of Junes bottom filled the air along with the thumping of feet upon the stuffed cotton mattress. Slowly as the spanking wound down so to did the force she used till all togather her hand nolonger fell like a rocket upon the round bottom. "There, there you are all forgiven." She said now moving her hand in a soothing circle upon her tense up back.
  28. 06[00:20] * @June squeezes her eyelids shut, grits her teeth tightly and keeps on kicking her feet, doing whatever she can to keep the tears from spilling. As the spanking eases up, she slowly relaxes her body, sniffling and gasping as her bottom throbs.
  29. 06[00:23] * @Josephine slowly moves her hand in a soothing motion over and over the tense back and down upon the bottom gently rubbing the sting and pain out of it. "Its over, your all forgiven. I'm proud of you so very proud of you." She said in a whispery tone of voice.
  30. 06[00:31] * @June rests her face in her hand and softly sniffles, her eyes starting to moisten. She sucks in a deep breath and holds it, scrunching up her face to keep the tears from flowing. Being spanked like this always makes her feel so little and helpless -- but not quite as much as the rubbing and the reassurance afterwards.
  31. 06[00:34] * @Josephine then picks her up eases her between her lap and pulls her tight to her and gives her body a nice long squeeze. "I love you June, and I care about you so much. I want to see you grow up into a proper young lady thats why I spanked you. Your forgiven now."
  32. 06[00:38] * @June groans and rests her cheek upon Josephine's shoulder, wrapping her arms around the woman's body and holding onto her tightly. A single tear escapes her glistening eye, despite her best efforts, and leaves a small stain on Josephine's shirt.
  33. 06[00:40] * @Josephine would allow June all the time she needed. This was the healing part of the spanking. This part needed not to be rush and so as the small salty droplet fell from the spirited lass's cheeks and stained the front of her blouse, she could only smile. Maybe this was her calling. Maybe this was her home at last.
  34. 06[00:43] * @June softly shuts her eyes and nestles into Josephine's shoulder, letting herself relax in the woman's warm and comforting embrace. She can feel the urge to cry receding already, and after a few minutes of quiet relaxation, the sting in her bottom begins to dull. She lets go of her and shuffles in her lap, signaling that she wants to be released.
  35. 06[00:47] * @Josephine releases June from her hold and smiles as she plants a kiss upon her face. "Now are you ready for that sweat treat?"
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