
Mane 6 Go On Vacation

Jul 28th, 2014
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  1. The mane 6 set off east toward Baltimare. There were a few stops along the way to change course if necessary but for now it didn't matter.
  2. Each one sat toward the back of the car they were on and simply looked out at the world. It had been so long that they decided to just go somewhere for fun that they were a little anxious. Each of them for different reasons.
  3. Applejack and Rarity worried about their businesses back in Ponyville but they knew they would survive without them for the time being, after all how long could this trip of self-exploration last before Pinkie found herself again?
  4. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash weren't as tied down as some of their friends and were easily able to make time for the trip of a lifetime with friend.
  5. Twilight had her royal duties as a princess but being a princess also meant she was easily able to locate others to take over those responsibilities for just a little bit.
  6. And of course Pinkie Pie, anxious was not quite the word for her, she had almost an expectation glinting just behind her eyes. She was going to change the world for the better, she just knew it, and along side her friends, she had all the support anyone could ask for.
  7. After a few naps and tasty train ride treats, they were in Baltimare. They got off the train and made way to a downtown hotel. It had some exotic name that none of them but Rarity and Twilight even heard of. After checking in and taking an elevator up, Applejack couldn't help but wonder how they were even affording all of this.
  8. "So train fares, food, hotels, just how much can you afford now that you're ah princess and all Twilight?"
  9. "Oh don't worry about that Applejack, I really only spend money on books and such so there's plenty left over for a trip like this every once in a while and isn't so good to get away from things for a while?"
  10. "Well I must say we do owe you one for being so generous to all of us and getting this on such short notice." Rarity chimed in.
  11. "Oh stop girls, its really nothing for you guys." Twilight said as they got off the elevator and approached a door leading to one of the suites.
  12. "Oh, my..." Was all Fluttershy could say as they entered the penthouse.
  13. "When we decided to take Pinkie on this trip of hers, I decided that we could really use some vacation time as well, that includes you Pinkie of course." Twilight said to her friends.
  14. "This should give you some room to bounce around and be your usual self. I can imagine how cramped that apartment above the cakes must get for you!"
  15. Pinkie could hardly contain her joy. Her big blue eyes darted across the room from the Celestia sized beds to the biggest couches she's ever seen to the mini bar in the kitchen...'wait a mini bar?' She thought to herself.
  16. They typically only get to drink during cider season in a small town like Ponyville. So now is as good time as ever to cut loose! Pinkie dove behind the bar and popped up with a bow tie on and started making mixed drinks.
  17. "Darling we aren't even unpacked yet." Giggled Rarity who set her own bags down and trotted over to join the pink pony.
  18. "I think she has the right idea." Applejack said with Rainbow Dash nodding in approval behind her.
  19. "Well we might as well start our vacation off right." Twilight said not exactly approving of her friends diving into the liquor but fortunately she was on vacation and wouldn't say otherwise to stop them.
  20. "So what will you have madam." Pinkie inquired to Rarity in a cheesy french accent with a mixing glass between her hooves.
  21. "Hahaha, well I'll have only the finest white liquor you have with something umm fruity darling." She responded trying to sound as if she was as much into drinking as her friends were.
  22. Between Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack they could very well win a few drinking bets at a local bar or two. Luckily for Twilight's wallet, her girls just wanted a night to catch up together in the hotel with the drinks already paid for.
  23. "Ah knew you had no taste Rarity." Applejack prodded at her friend's always clean and cultured attitude. "Ah real mare goes right for the whiskey every time!"
  24. "Well slow and steady wins the race on nights like this Applejack and I swear I'm not holding your mane out of the toilet if you decide to throw up!"
  25. "You both are crazy mares! Hey Pink make us something really good would ya?" Dash said as flew up next to Pinkie and elbowed her shoulder a little.
  26. "Hmm, oh! I know! I got it now Dashie!" Pinkie responded as she wrapped a headband around her forehead and got the most serious face she could possibly muster.
  27. Suddenly lemons, limes, and grapefruit were flying around and being chopped mid-air. 5 shot glasses clanked in front of 5 wide eyed mares as they saw Pinkie's party expertise put to use in front of their very eyes.
  28. "Umm this one is, uh, for me?" Fluttershy said sheepishly, drinking most certainly wasn't her forte.
  29. "Yep!" Was all she got as a response as their personal bar-tender continued her show for them.
  30. "A shot of tequila here, whiskey there, vodka for the boring ones."
  31. "Wait, who are you calling boring?" Rarity said, a tinge of hurt in her voice.
  32. "Umm I think there must be a mistake, I got the tequila Pinkie." Fluttershy simply asked.
  33. "There are no mistakes here silly! Only happy accidents, and that was no accident!" Pinkie grinned devilishly.
  34. "Well all down the hatch!" Rainbow Dash said as they all clanked glasses together and took their first round.
  35. After a few rounds of shots and mixed drinks in between, our mares were quite tipsy and began to get bolder with their pranks on one another. They eventually made their way toward the large patio overlooking downtown Baltimare.
  36. ---
  37. "So let me get this straight..." Applejack said after a hiccup and red tinge crossing her cheeks after a sip of her drink.
  38. "So you slept with Pinkie last night but didn't sleep with Pinkie last night..." Applejack prodded her blue friend just to get a stir out of her.
  39. "It wasn't like that! She umm just looked lonely and needed someone there for her and well, yeah, but that's it!"
  40. "You should see the look on yer face!" Almost falling out of her chair. "If ya got something to share then why don't ya just let us know, we're all friends right?"
  41. "I don't have anything I want to share...wuh!" Rainbow eeped as a little pink ball wrapped around her waste.
  42. "Dashiieee!" A completely tipsy Pinkie squealed.
  43. "Well looks like she is sure into you tonight." Twilight giggled along with Applejack.
  44. "What is it Pinkie?" Dash said softly stroking her friend's pink bouncy mane.
  45. "The room's all spinny, like wooooah."
  46. "Well, time for you to go to the bathroom." Dash almost said like a parent.
  47. "We'll be right back guys." She assured.
  48. "Umm...*hic* how many bathrooms are there Twili...*hic*" Fluttershy said wishing she didn't take Pinkie's tequila right off the bat.
  49. "Oh darling, well it looks like I'll be right back as well you two." Rarity said quite drunk herself but able to handle herself.
  50. "Well quite the night huh?" Twilight mentioned to Applejack as she gazed upon the city below them.
  51. "Yeah it is sugarcube." Applejack said inching closer to her princess. She knew she was just some earth pony and compared to an alicorn...well they didn't call it liquid courage for nothing huh?
  52. ---
  53. In one of the bathrooms you could hear Fluttershy puking her little guts out and crying "I won't ever drink again" while the other farther down the hall was much quieter.
  54. After opening the door for her friend and entering the bathroom Rainbow Dash felt a weight behind her that made her stumble into the sink and on her hindhooves. Pinkie grabbed her shoulders and closed the door with her own hind leg and just gazed into those deep magenta eyes.
  55. "If you throw up on me I swear you're going to get it!" Rainbow Dash said teasingly but not minding Pinkie's forwardness in the whole situation.
  56. All Pinkie could do was drop her head into the crook of Dash's neck and hold her tight. Wishing the spinning would stop so that maybe she could actually romance her favorite blue pegasus.
  57. "Ah promise not to Dashie..." Was all Pinkie got out before sliding down onto all fours and quickly over to the toilet where she prayed to her porcelain god.
  58. Dash walked over and held her curly mane out of her face and she upchucked an assortment of just wonderful smelling things from her stomach.
  59. Between one her stomach's fits, Pinkie managed to look up at her Dashie and met her magenta eyes with her blue ones and smiled at her.
  60. All Dash could do was smile back at her wondering just what was going on in that Pinkie brain of her's as her head quickly snapped back to the toilet, resuming her stomach's purge of what she still would say, was a good night of drinks.
  61. ---
  62. Back on the patio, a pair of green eyes were staring longingly into a pair of purple ones but before they could do anything about it, Rarity and Fluttershy came back for a brief moment.
  63. "I'm just going to have Fluttershy stay with me in my room tonight since she feels so ill and I could use some beauty sleep myself, tell Dash and Pinkie we said goodnight!" Rarity explained, only slightly suspicious of what she walked in on.
  64. "Uh, yeah of course! We sure will, no need to worry about that okay? Now just get some rest you two." Twilight said straightening herself up and sobering up rather quickly. Applejack simply slouched farther into the couch, feigning drunkenness and perhaps hiding a blush.
  65. As Rarity trotted off with a pale looking Fluttershy, Twilight looked down at Applejack who was not meeting her gaze like she was a minute ago.
  66. Twilight was never good with these sorts of things herself and didn't know if it was just the booze or if Applejack really... Well she had to find out somehow.
  67. Twilight lifted the orange mare's head up slightly to find her farm pony was in fact quite drunk at this point.
  68. "Well looks like all that whiskey finally caught up to you, huh?"
  69. "Yeaup." Was her response as two orange hooves wrapped around her and a blonde mane nuzzled into her chest.
  70. Stroking her blonde mane gently, Twilight decided to bring it up later to her friend. Not knowing if it was the right thing to do or not while both of them were fairly intoxicated.
  71. "Twi?"
  72. "Yes, sugarcube?" Twilight asked copying her friend's favorite endearing term.
  73. "Can ah sleep with you tonight? I need ta cuddle somepony."
  74. "Of course you can. Are you able to get up?"
  75. "Um, yeah just guide me there." Applejack said sitting up, legs a bit wobbly but hanging in there.
  76. Leading AJ back to her room, Twilight couldn't help but what the other two pairs of ponies were up to.
  77. ---
  78. In the room on the west side of the suite, Rarity tucked in a rather adorably drunken Fluttershy before her hoof was grabbed by a pair of yellow hooves.
  79. "I'm not going anywhere sweetheart, I'm just going out for some fresh air really quick. I'll be back before you can think of falling asleep okay?" Rarity said before gently kissing her pegasus on the forehead.
  80. Too drunk to open her eyes, Fluttershy simply smiled in her direction and nodded before letting go and getting comfy.
  81. "Be right back darling." Rarity said stepping into the hallway. She was slightly older than the rest of the group and her instincts kicked in to make sure everyone was okay before she let herself fall asleep.
  82. Looking out at the patio, she saw no one, so she assumed they made it to bed safely. Just before turning around she saw Rainbow Dash carrying Pinkie Pie into their room and felt reassured. After all she had someone she had to look after as well.
  83. Heading back into her room, she slipped into the covers and looked over at Fluttershy. She smiled and not wanting to bother her she turned over and got herself comfy.
  84. She felt the bed stir and a pair of yellow hooves had made their way around her waist. Turning over, Rarity saw the sight of Fluttershy breathing heavily into her side. Unable to resist how cute she looked behind her pink mane, she wrapped her hooves around her and quickly fell asleep.
  85. ---
  86. Rainbow Dash was sure that she heard Pinkie mumble "I love you Dashie" in her drunken stupor but dismissed it as she was pretty drunk herself. She laid Pinkie into the bed but before she could get in herself, Pinkie got up and pulled her into a deep kiss.
  87. Rainbow Dash blushed at the sudden attention she was getting but couldn't pull away from the pink mare. Something about her was just so right to her but she was too dizzy to think about it. Instead she relied entirely on instinct and returned the kiss fully.
  88. Pinkie Pie was in complete heaven. The only friend she had that put up with nonsense day in and day out and who she truly cared about perhaps more than a friend at times was locked in a sweet embrace with her. With her last bit of cognition she pulled Dash into bed with her and held her tight against her.
  89. Dash quickly took dominance as her drunken earth pony slacked her tight grip and curled up into her chest as she had just night before, and she was okay with that. Pinkie needed her, not the other way around, or was that right?
  90. Did she need Pinkie as well? Was she feeling something more than just friendship for one of her best friends? They did just kiss but that could be brushed off as a drunk night with Pinkie.
  91. Only time could tell and for now Dash just wanted to stay in the moment. As she got comfortable with her sleeping partner in her arms, she whispered into her ear "I love you Pinkie" and to her surprise "I love you too Dashie."
  92. ---
  93. Back in Twilight's suit, she laid in bed with a drunken earth pony quietly sobbing into her chest. 'Surely Applejack is the last pony you'd expect to be a sad drunk, right Twilight? Wrong.' She thought to herself. Her ruffled blonde mane hiding her wet eyes as she clung onto Twilight for dear life.
  94. "What's the matter sweetheart?" Twilight said gently stroking her mane.
  95. "Ah, ah don't know."
  96. "Well its okay, I know you've been working hard and it isn't everyday you get to have someone really there for you but I'll be there for you through it all and I'll never let go."
  97. Deep green eyes looked up at Twilight through a messy mane and the tears turned into sniffles. Twilight knew a lot about her friends but she didn't know everything and she was hoping she didn't hit a nerve.
  98. "You really mean that? That you'd stick up for lil ol' me?" She responded through sniffles.
  99. "Yes of course, now shhh, let's get some sleep okay? I'll be right here with you all night and I'm not leaving you tomorrow either. You just rest and we'll figure this all out later." Twilight said as she she kissed her blonde friends nose. Which made Applejack giggled and smile at her.
  100. "Alright, ah believe you more than anything in the world Twi."
  101. AJ found peace in her princess's arms, and Twilight found peace knowing she could handle herself in such a situation, even as unsure of what all of this was going to mean down the road for the two of them.
  102. ---
  103. Celestia's sun shown brightly over the city as morning crept up on a group of very hung over mares. The early risers were even still in bed as the late morning sun shown over the hustle and bustle of the city's natives.
  104. "Ah my head." A very groggy Rainbow Dash exclaimed to no one in particular, holding a hoof up to her head.
  105. "Pink can you let go real quick?"
  106. "Mmm yeah Dash." Pinkie responded not ready to face the world yet.
  107. As Dash made her way to the bathroom to freshen up, she smelled someone cooking breakfast and wondered who could have possibly gotten up after last night early enough to already have food started.
  108. "Oh, good morning Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy said enthusiastically.
  109. "How are you even up this early Shy?"
  110. "Well Rarity and Twilight got up really early to look around town for something to do and I thought I'd get up and start breakfast for everyone still here."
  111. "Oh, well I'll have to get Pink and AJ up after I freshen up real fast."
  112. "Okay!"
  113. ---
  114. Applejack was usually an early riser to work on the farm but she thought it wouldn't hurt to sleep in just for once. After all this vacation of sorts was for all of them. She had already been disturbed when Twilight got up to leave and then another pony was coming in to get her attention as well it seemed.
  115. "Hey AJ, you awake?"
  116. "Yeah, what do you want Dash?"
  117. "Just trying to let you know Fluttershy made breakfast if you want some. I have no idea what's going to happen today but food would probably help that hangover."
  118. "Yeah, you're right. Ah'll be up in a minute."
  119. "Alright then, you okay? Looks like you had a rougher night than the rest of us." Dash asked noticing her ruffled mane and what she swear were streaks of tears down her face.
  120. "Naw Ah'm alright just not feeling like a morning pony today."
  121. With that Dash left her friend to get ready for the day. AJ got up and looked in the mirror at a less than desirable pony staring back at her.
  122. "Ugh I really should've listened to Rarity and took it easy last night."
  123. "I'd say she was right."
  124. Applejack jumped at the sudden voice behind her but knew immediately who it belonged to. Twilight and Rarity returned from their morning stroll of the city and apparently had some sort of plan for the day.
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