
messeges v2

Oct 5th, 2017
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  1. Prefix: '&8[&6MobArena&8] &8> &7'
  2. Arena:
  3. InGame: Arena &a%s &7is already in game. You can not join now.
  4. NoArenas: There are no available arenas.
  5. NoCommand: You cant use this command while in game. Type &c/leave&7 for leave.
  6. NoKits: Kits are disabled on this arena.
  7. NoLeave: You cant leave right now. Please wait until first wave starts.
  8. NoMoney: You dont have enough money to join the arena &a%s&7!
  9. NoPets: This arena is not allowed to bring pets. Your pet gone home.
  10. NoSlots: Arena has maximum players.
  11. NoTPFrom: You cannot leave the arena region!
  12. NoTPTo: You cannot teleport to the arena region!
  13. NotEnabled: Arena &c%s &7is in maintenance.
  14. NotExists: Arena &c%s &7is not exists.
  15. Outside: You are in outside of the arena region. You automaticly left the game.
  16. Recovery: Arena is recovering. You cant join now.
  17. BlockPlaceSpawner: You cant placing blocks on the mob spawner!
  18. BlockBreakSpawner: You cant break the mob spawner!
  19. BlockBreakContainer: You cant break the arena container!
  20. Game:
  21. AnnounceEnd: Game on the arena &a%s &7is ended. Type &a/arena &7for play!
  22. AnnounceStart: Arena &a%s &7will start in &2%d &7seconds. Type &a/arena &7for join!
  23. Coins: You get &a%d &7coins.
  24. Death: You died.
  25. Finish: Congratulations! You are &aWINNER&7!
  26. Join: Joined on the arena &a%s&7. Good Luck and Have Fun!
  27. JoinPay: You have paid &a%d $ &7to join the arena &a%s&7.
  28. InGame: You are already in game!
  29. NotInGame: You are not in game! Use /arena to join an arena.
  30. Left: You has left the game.
  31. Lives: 'You died. Lives lost: &c%s&7. Be more careful!'
  32. ClearInv: Your inventory must be empty to join this arena!
  33. PlayersToStart: 'Minimum players to start: &c%d'
  34. Play: Pick up your weapons and fight!
  35. PlayerDied: '&c%p &7has been killed ;( Players left: &a%d'
  36. PlayerJoined: '&a%p &7has joined the arena.'
  37. Reward: 'You recieved reward: &a'
  38. Spectate: Now you are spectator on arena &a%s
  39. StartIn: The game will start in &a%d &7seconds!
  40. Timeleft: Time for the arena is ended. You automaticly left the game.
  41. Wave: 'Wave &a#%wave%&7. Level: &c%level%'
  42. Kit:
  43. Buy: You successfully bought the kit &a%s &7for &a%d $&7!
  44. Created: Successfully created a new kit with ID &a%s&7.
  45. Disabled: This kit is disabled on this arena.
  46. GetDefault: You doesnt select kit in lobby, you get default kit.
  47. Invalid: Invalid kit!
  48. Limit: You can not use this kit, because there is already a maximum allowed number of players with this kit.
  49. NoMoney: You cant afford for &c%s &7kit!
  50. NoPerm: You dont have permissions to use &c%s&7 kit!
  51. NoShop: You can not using this shop with your kit!
  52. Select: You select kit &a%s&7.
  53. Exists: The kit with ID &c%s &7is already exists!
  54. Shop:
  55. Buy: You successfully bought the item &a%s &7for &a%d&7!
  56. NoMoney: You cant afford for &c%s&7!
  57. NoAccess: You dont have access to &c%s&7 category!
  58. Setup:
  59. AlreadyCreated: '&c&lERROR! &7Arena &c%s&7 is already created!'
  60. ContainerAdded: Added container for the arena &a%s&7.
  61. Created: Created a new arena &a%s&7.
  62. HologramAdded: Hologram was successfully added!
  63. NoNearHolo: There are no mob arena holograms in radius of 5 blocks from you.
  64. NoRemoveInGame: Arena &a%s &7is in game. You cant remove it now.
  65. NotCreated: '&c&lERROR! &7Arena &c%s&7 is not created!'
  66. NPCCreated: NPC created.
  67. NPCInvalidType: 'Invalid NPC type. Available types: &aKitSelect&7, &aArenaSelect&7,
  68. &aArenaLeave&7, &aShop&7, &aStats'
  69. LeaveSet: Leave location for the arena &a%s&7 setted.
  70. LobbySet: Lobby for the arena &a%s&7 setted.
  71. PointSet: Region point &a№%d for the arena &a%s &7setted!
  72. Removed: Arena &a%s &7removed.
  73. SpawnSet: Spawn for the arena &a%s&7 setted.
  74. SpawnerAdded: Mob spawnpoint №&a%d &7for the arena &a%s&7 added.
  75. SpectateSet: Spectator location for the arena &a%s&7 setted.
  76. Toggle: Arena &a%s &7is now %state%.
  77. Other:
  78. NoPerm: '&cYou dont have permissions to do that.'
  79. NotChest: The block you are looking is NOT a chest!
  80. InvalidType: 'Incorrect type of stats. Available types: &akills&7, &acoins&7, &awins&7,
  81. &aloses&7.'
  82. WrongUsage: Wrong arguments. Type &c/ama help&7 for help.
  83. Reload: Plugin reloaded! &6&l Itaquito was here :p. (pls dont delete this)
  84. Scoreboard:
  85. Title: '&8[&aCreeperAttack&8]'
  86. List:
  87. - '&8›› &fArena: &cCreeperAttack '
  88. - ' &8›› &fCurrent wave: &c%wave% '
  89. - ' &8›› &fMobs Left: &c%mobs% '
  90. - ' &8›› &fTotal Players: &c%players% '
  91. - ' &8›› &fTimeleft: &c%time% '
  92. - ' &8&m------&8[&eYour Stats&8]&8&m------ '
  93. - ' &8›› &fScore: &e%score% '
  94. - ' &8›› &fCoins: &e%money%$'
  95. Signs:
  96. Header: '&8[&4MobArena&8]'
  97. Wait: '&nWAITING'
  98. Stats: '&8[&1Statistics&8]'
  99. Ingame: '&2&nIN-GAME&0 %w/%fw'
  100. ArenaJoin: '&2&n%s'
  101. ArenaIngame: '&4&n%s'
  102. Kit: '&nClick to select kit!'
  103. KitName: '&nKit:&r &2&n%s'
  104. KitCost: '&nCost:&r &4&n%s'
  105. Leave: '&4&nClick to leave...'
  106. Shop: '&nClick to open!'
  107. ShopHead: '&1&nShop'
  108. List: '&nClick to open...'
  109. ListHead: '&1&nArenas list'
  110. Players: '&l%1/%2'
  111. TopSigns:
  112. Header: '&8[&4Top&8]'
  113. HeaderArena: '&8[&4Top - %s&8]'
  114. Type: '&1&n%s'
  115. Player: '&l%p'
  116. Stats: '&4&n%s'
  117. ActionBar:
  118. Timer: '&4&l&nNew wave in:&e&l %d &6&lseconds!'
  119. KillMobs: '&a&nClear the wave to continue!'
  120. KillBoss: '&c&nKill the Boss to continue!'
  121. Titles:
  122. Join: '&a&lWelcome to Mob Arena!'
  123. StartIn: '&e&lThe game will start in'
  124. Play: '&a&lYou joined the arena!'
  125. Wave: '&6&lWave &e&l#%wave%'
  126. Lives: '&c&lYOU DIED!'
  127. Death: '&c&lYOU DIED!'
  128. Finish: '&a&lCongratulations! You finish the arena!'
  129. Timeleft: '&4&lTime is ended!'
  130. SubTitles:
  131. Join: '&2&lPlease, choose your kit'
  132. StartIn: '&a&l%s seconds!'
  133. Play: '&2&lPickup your weapon and fight!'
  134. Wave: '&4&lPrepare to fight!'
  135. Lives: '&7Lives lost: &c&l%s%'
  136. Death: '&7&lYou left the arena.'
  137. Finish: '&2&lCheck your inventory for rewards!'
  138. Timeleft: '&7&lYou left the arena.'
  139. GUI:
  140. KitSelector:
  141. Title: '&1&lKit Selector'
  142. Access: '&7Access: %s'
  143. AccessYes: '&aYes'
  144. AccessNo: '&cNo'
  145. Cost: '&7Cost: &a%s'
  146. CostNoMoney: '&7Cost: &c%s [Not enough money]'
  147. NotEnabled: '&c&nThis kit is currently disabled.'
  148. Select: '&2> &aClick to select this kit!'
  149. ArenaList:
  150. Access: '&7Access: %s'
  151. AccessYes: '&aYes'
  152. AccessNo: '&cNo'
  153. Cost: '&7Cost: &a%s'
  154. CostNoMoney: '&7Cost: &c%s [Not enough money]'
  155. Join: '&2> &aClick to join the arena!'
  156. NotEnabled: '&c&nThis arena is currently disabled.'
  157. Status: '&eArena is in game - %t (%p)'
  158. Title: '&1&lArena Select'
  159. Shop:
  160. Title: '&1&lArena Shop'
  161. Access: '&7Access: %s'
  162. AccessYes: '&aYes'
  163. AccessNo: '&cNo'
  164. Cost: '&7Cost: &a%s'
  165. CostNoMoney: '&7Cost: &c%s [Not enough money]'
  166. Buy: '&2> &aClick to buy this item!'
  167. OnlyKits: '&6This shop is allowed only for these kits:'
  168. Kit: '&c* &e%s'
  169. Other:
  170. Coins: '&eMy Coins [%s]'
  171. NextPage: '&aNext Page >'
  172. PrevPage: '&c< Previous Page'
  173. Exit: '&c&lEXIT'
  174. Back: '&6&lBACK'
  175. Stats: '&1&lStats'
  176. Help:
  177. Header: '&8&m-------&8&l[ &8[&6MobArena&8] &8&l]&8&m-----------'
  178. General:
  179. User: '&7&l* &a/ama help user &7- View user commands'
  180. Arena: '&7&l* &a/ama help arena &7- View arena commands'
  181. Kit: '&7&l* &a/ama help kit &7- View kit commands'
  182. Hologram: '&7&l* &a/ama help hologram &7- View hologram commands'
  183. NPC: '&7&l* &a/ama help npc &7- View NPC commands'
  184. Admin: '&7&l* &c/ama help admin &7- View admin commands'
  185. User:
  186. Join: '&7&l* &a/ama join &2<arena> &7- Join to the arena'
  187. Leave: '&7&l* &a/ama leave &7- Leave arena'
  188. Spectate: '&7&l* &a/ama spectate &2<arena> &7- Join to spectator on the arena'
  189. List: '&7&l* &a/ama list &7- View all arenas list'
  190. Stats: '&7&l* &a/ama stats &7- View your arena stats'
  191. Arena:
  192. Create: '&7&l* &a/ama create &2<Arena> &7- Create a new arena'
  193. Editor: '&7&l* &a/ama editor &7- Open arena GUI editor'
  194. Remove: '&7&l* &a/ama remove &2<Arena> &7- Remove an arena'
  195. Toggle: '&7&l* &a/ama toggle &2<Arena> &7- Set ON/OFF status of the arena'
  196. SetSpawn: '&7&l* &a/ama setlobby &2<Arena> &7- Set lobby location for the arena'
  197. SetLobby: '&7&l* &a/ama setspawn &2<Arena> &7- Set spawn location for the arena'
  198. SetLeave: '&7&l* &a/ama setspectate &2<Arena> &7- Set spectator location for the
  199. arena'
  200. SetSpectate: '&7&l* &a/ama setleave &2<Arena> &7- Set leave location for the arena'
  201. Kit:
  202. Kit: '&7&l* &a/ama kit &2<Kit> &7- Get arena kit'
  203. Hologram:
  204. Add: '&7&l* &a/ama hologram add &2[Arena] <stat type> &7- Add a hologram with
  205. stats at your location'
  206. Remove: '&7&l* &a/ama hologram remove &7- Remove the neareast hologram'
  207. NPC:
  208. Add: '&7&l* &a/ama npc add &2<type/kit> &7- Add a NPC at your location'
  209. Admin:
  210. Info: '&7&l* &a/ama info &7- View information about plugin'
  211. Reload: '&7&l* &a/ama reload &7- Reload the plugin'
  212. TopStats:
  213. Header: '&8&m--------&8&l[ &aTopStats for &2%s% &8&l]&8&m--------'
  214. ArenaHeader: '&8&m--------&8&l[ &aTopStats for &2%s% &7in &2%a% &8&l]&8&m--------'
  215. Display: '&a%pos%. &2%name% &7- &a%score% &7%type%'
  216. StatType:
  217. MOBKILLS: Mob Kills
  218. GAMESWON: Games Won
  219. GAMESLOSED: Games Losed
  220. GAMESPLAYED: Games Played
  221. DEATHS: Deaths
  222. COINSSPENT: Coins Spent
  223. BLOCKSBREAKED: Blocks Breaked
  224. BLOCKSPLACED: Blocks Placed
  225. TNTEXPLODED: TNT Exploded
  226. ARROWSLAUNCHED: Arrow Launched
  227. POTIONSDRUNK: Potions Drunked
  228. EQUIPMENTBREAKED: Equipment Breaked
  229. FOODEATEN: Food Eaten
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