
That time Kelsey won a fucking Grammy

Jan 29th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Kelsey was sitting next to Brad on the end of the aisle, Bryan and CJ just past them, in their assigned seats. The celebrity host was up there doing their introductiong thing, and Kelsey was trying not to gawk to hard about the peopel around her , because celebrities many celebrities and music idols. It all kind of felt surreal.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Brad sat quietly in his seat next to Kelsey with Bryan to his left and CJ next to him. He watched as James Corden did his host thing up on the stage, moving his hand over to Kelsey's knee to give it a little squeeze because he was honestly kind of nervous for her. // Bryan sat super relaxed with his arm slung around CJ's shoulders, trying to contain his excitement and nerves for the impending proposal.-
  3. Covet: She looked over at Brad's hand and gave it a squeeze with her own, then looked over at Bryan and CJ. She leaned back in her seat and pulled out her phone making sure it was on silent. It was taking every little bit of her not to bounce at all the things that were going to be happening tonight. Hoping that she'd win, just for Bryan's sake. She knew there was a couple of genre's and their categories they were going to present before they did the best new Artist category, so it was hard to relax and keep calm, where it still a little bit out. She leaned over to Brad and whispered to him, " You enjoying yourself?"
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing Kelsey's question, Brad leaned back into her and dropped his voice down to match her whisper. "Of course I am. And do you see who's sitting in front of us? I feel like I should lean forward and introduce myself to Bruno Mars, but at the same time probably not."-
  5. Covet: Kelsey smiled, then looked forward her eyes growing a bit then she reached over to smack Bradley lightly shaking her head, "No.. you definitely shouldn't. Don't you know who that is? It's not just Bruno Mars, that's Wyatt...Thad's brother... Of all the people to have to sit around, he's the last on my list."
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Oh. Oops." He spoke nonchalantly because honestly he was still impressed and still wanted to work with him because he was such a big name in music. "Okay, well there's still other really famous people around that I should introduce myself to. I'm surprised we didnt run into Anna on the red carpet."-
  7. Covet: [Bradley.. no.. that's like...almost as bad as Timberlake praising Woody Allen, or supporting Weinstien. ]
  8. Covet: "Yeah, lots...and people that they work with which are easily just as important of a connection to make." She told him, clapping her hands along with the crowd as the show progressed. "She was probably in before or after us, and is around here somehere." Kelsey started to look around curiously.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -He nodded his head a bit as he looked around the audience at the different celebrities, his mind starting to wander. "When are the VMAs?" He asked her absently, swinging his gaze back to her.-
  10. Covet: Kelsey leaned in to hear him then turned to whisper back, "Not until August. Now that will be the real party to go to." She said with a grin, then looked down to Check on Bryan, make sure he wasn't freaking out down there.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, because then we'll be nominated together." Brad said with a devious grin, his eyes jumping back to the stage as Kendrick Lamar won another fucking award tonight. // Bryan was definitely fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat, half from his leg being uncomfortable to sit for so long, and half from nerves.-
  12. Covet: "Oh, I see. By then you're probably going to have a few nominations under your belt." She told him laughing, clapping again. She watched her cousin and hoped he was going to be able to keep it together just a little longer. She knew that her category would be coming up soon.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, I'm sure I will. My goal is to have all of my videos nominated in one category so regardless of which one of you wins, I still won." He said with a cheeky smile, starting to crack up.-
  14. Covet: She rolled her eyes at him as he spoke, "Look at you with the big humble dreams over there." She said teasing him, then gave him a nudge, "Can you tell Bryan to relax over there, he's going to make me jittery too."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah well, I need to set my sights high." He said with a quick laugh before turning to look at Bryan who was VISIBLY a wreck. He leaned into Bryan, whispering to him. "You're killing Kelsey's nerves, cut it out." // Bryan glared at Brad because this was like a huge night for him also, so fuck you. "Yeah, I'll be sure to just stop being nervous altogether. I'll get right on that."-
  16. Covet: Kelsey smiled and whispered a "thank you" to him. Her attention was turned as the current musical performance up on stage was wrapping up, and the next category was being announced. It was hers. Her eyes stayed focused on the screen that was putting everyone's names and faces up on a screen as they were anounced. She reached for Brad's hand and gave it a tight squeeze.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Brad smirked because he could sense Bryan's ridiculous sarcasm, returning to lean in to Kelsey and take her hand to squeeze back. He saw her name up on the screen and smiled widely, patting her leg. "This is it."-
  18. Covet: After a longer than necessary pause the announcer for the award finally called out Kelsey's name. She just sat there for a second until she realized they'd said her name and brought her hands up to her face, calling out "Really?" Before looking back at Brad and Bryan. She stood up and waved the group she'd brought with her, to come with, making her way up to the stage.
  19. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -Brad immediately stood to his feet and leaned over to pull Kelsey in for a hug because that's what you do when someone wins an award. It's a thing. Taking her by the hand, he helped her out into the aisle so she could begin her walk down the stairs to the stage. He was going to make sure she didn't fall. // Bryan started to clap wildly for Kelsey when they called her name, seeing her wave them on and slowly getting to his feet too. He offered a hand down to CJ who was mortified that she had to follow because stage and tv and craziness, but obliged because there were cameras on them and stuff. He turned with CJ's hand in his, walking her behind Brad and Kelsey.-
  20. CovetCovet : Walking down the steps carefully so she didn't pull a J-Law, she was a beaming pile of happiness at the announcement. Making her way up to the stage, she took the award that was handed to her and hugged people accordingly until she was given a mic to speak. "Wow, this looks so much different than it does on TV, or even from my seat." She started off, "I am completely humbled by this award, I was happy just for the nomination, but to actually win, I'm completely stunned and greatful to everyone that helped make this happen. There's a long list, but I'm told I only have so much time, and tonight's an important night so I'll give you all the short list. Starting off with My Mom and my immediate family, Connor, Bradley." She said turning to look at him, "Then everyone else who has been there for me, Family and Friends alike. My squad for helping on my first video, Steph, Hayley, Cadence, you guys rock, My friends Katie, Ozzie, Bliss, Eli, Adam, and of course my cousin Bryan, and last but not least, CJ.." She said then turned around and stepped back looking at Bryan to make sure he was ready, "Will you please, marry Bryan?" She asked with a grin, announcing it to the whole theatre of peoples.
  21. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -Brad stepped up onto the stage with her, making back out of her way to let her have her moment of spotlight as she thanked everyone for her award. When she mentioned his name, he dipped his head a bit, obviously keeping silent, but just smiling at her. // Bryan listened as Kelsey ran through her thank yous, waiting until the very end when Kelsey addressed CJ. He wasn't physically able to get down on one knee, so he pulled the ring box out of his jacket pocket and flipped it open, holding it out to her and speaking to her even thought he mic couldn't pick him up. She could. "I love you. You saved my life in more ways than one and I want to spend the rest of it with you. Say yes." // CJ looked around with tears in her eyes because WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. She started to nod her head, jumping at Bryan and wrapping her arms tightly around him for a cute hug. There was definitely audible gasps in the crowd.-
  22. CovetCovet : Kelsey clapped her hands then went to hand the mic back, "Sorry for hijacking the show for a second, it was for love though!" She said handing it off as they were ushered off backstage. There was a variety of people back there, both chit chatting and drinking and waiting for different things, perforamnces, announcing and the like.
  23. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -Brad stepped over and put his hand on the small of Kelsey's back to walk with her backstage, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "Very nicely done. Classy and to the point. I'm really proud of you. And here you thought you wouldn't win." // Bryan walked off stage with CJ, hand in hand, the two sticking close behind Kelsey and Brad, but CJ was a complete mess of tears.-
  24. Covet: "It was a safe assumption to make." Kelsey said, "Guess, what.. I did that without ever writing a speech, so nyah!" She told Brad sticking her tongue out at him playfully, then turned around to check on Bryan and CJ once they were out of the way of people. Someone was handing out drinks and she took one for herself and one for CJ, since she was all in tears.
  25. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Obviously not too safe." He told her, leaning in to give her an adorable kiss on the cheek as a photographer walked by to take a picture of her with her award because they do that when you get off stage. "You still should have written one to be safe." // Bryan reached out for a drink as he passed, keeping his arm around CJ's waist in her puddle of tears staring down at the ring now sitting on her finger.-
  26. CovetCovet : Kelsey smiled for the pictures and leaned into Brad's kiss, then looked at him, "And since when were you the preacher of safety? " She asked with a smirk, knowing this guy... She made her way over to CJ and gave her a hug, then followed suit with Bryan, "Congrats you guys, I'm so happy for you."
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Since I don't want you to embarrass yourself on tv." He said with a smirk, walking over to Bryan and CJ to join her in congratulations. "Yeah, that was a pretty great little show. I don't know if there will be any topping that." // Bryan leaned into Kelsey's hug. "Thanks. I couldnt have done this without you. You're really the best cousin. But don't tell any of the others, they think I like them." // CJ hugged Kelsey through her tears, tossing back her drink because that's the solution here. "Thank you. I just can't believe any of this right now. Im a little overwhelmed."-
  28. Covet: "Please, I can handle myself.I have a good composure." She said with a wink at Brad. She laughed at Bryan's comment, "Happy to help you plot, it was too sweet for me not to." Turning to CJ, she rubbed her arm. " Well if you go to bed still in shock, I'm sure there will be plenty of reminders for you tomorrow, if that makes you feel better."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "That you do." Brad returned Kelsey's wink. "I think we're supposed to make our way back to our seats for the rest of the show." He gestured toward the staircase in the corner that led back out to the rest of the audience. // Bryan turned to look where Brad was pointing. "Oh yeah. Dont they fill our seats until we can get back or something?" He said before starting off in that direction. // CJ started to laugh, looking down at her ring as she followed Bryan.-
  30. Covet: Kelsey nodded her head and made her way that direction with Bradley and the rest of her group, waving at people who caught her attention and what not, accepting congratulations, while making it back to her seat to enjoy the rest of the show and night, then off to the after party, because fuck school tomorrow.
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