
Rust Commands (NOOB LIST)

Jul 12th, 2015
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  2. Build Commands
  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. Commands:
  7. - /buildhelp -> To show you the full commands list
  8. - /build foundation -> To build a foundation where you are looking at (has an AI and will try to align to other structures, see the howto)
  9. - /spawn foundation -> To build a foundation where you are looking at (has NO AI)
  10. - /build "structure" "Optional:HeightAdjustment" "Optional:Grade" "Optional:Health" -> To build the structure with AI
  11. - /buildup "structure" "Optional:HeightAdjustment" -> To build the structure on top of another one. default heightadjustment is 3 (1 level), you may set is negative to build down
  12. - /buildrotate => to do a rotation of the structure (rust rotations)
  13. - /buildrotate XX => to do your own rotation of a structure
  15. - /deploy deployable -> To deploy a deployable item (ex /deploy "Lantern")
  17. - /buildheal Optional:all => heal all the building or only the selected part.
  19. - /buildgrade GradeLevel Optional:all => set grade level of all the building or only the selected part
  21. - /buildhelp animals=> get the list of animals
  22. - /animal name=> spawn an animal
  24. - /buildhelp resources => get the list of resources
  25. - /plant ID => Plant a resource (barrel, trees, ores)
  27. - /build /plant /animal /deploy /buildheal /buildgrade -> To Deactivate the building mode.
  29. Zone Manager Commands
  30. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  32. Commands: (0)
  33. - /zone_add => Add a zone
  34. - /zone_edit XXXX => Edit a zone
  35. - /zone option1 value1 option2 value2 option3 value3 etc => set the zone as you want it.
  36. - /zone_list => Gets the list of all current zones
  37. - /zone_remove XXXX=> deletes a specific zone
  38. - /zone_reset => resets all zones
  40. Options:
  41. autolights true/false => autolights on or off depending on the time of the day (settable in the configs)
  42. eject true/false => all players will be kicked out of the zone when trying to enter it (1)
  43. enter_message "XXXXX"/false => set a message that will be sent to players when they enter the zone
  44. leave_message "XXXXXX"/false=> set a message that will be sent to players when they leave the zone
  45. pvpgod true/false => all players have PVP god mode in the zone
  46. pvegod true/false => all players have PVE god mode in the zone
  47. sleepgod true/false => all sleepers have god mode in the zone
  48. undestr true/false => all buildings can't be destroyed in the zone
  49. name XXX => set a name for the zone
  50. radius XXX => set the radius of the zone (default is 20)
  51. nochat true/false => prevent players from chatting in this zone
  52. nobuild true/false => no buildings can be built in the zone (2)
  53. noboxloot true/false => prevent players from looting boxes
  54. nodecay true/false => remove decay from all buildings and deployables in the area
  55. nodeploy true/false => items will not be allowed to be deployed (3)
  56. nocorpse true/false => remove players corpse if they die in this zone
  57. nogather true/false => prevent people from gathering in this zone
  58. notp true/false => no teleportation commands can be used to get in or out of the zone (m-Teleportation)
  59. nokits true/false => no kits can be requested inside the zone (Kits plugin)
  60. noplayerloot true/false => prevent players from looting other players or sleepers
  61. nopve true/false => animals will be invulnerable
  62. nosuicide true/false => can't write "kill" in the console, to commit suicide
  63. nowounded true/false => when a player is supposed to die, he dies, doesn't go by the wounded state
  64. killsleepers true/false => all sleepers will be killed when they go to sleep here
  65. radiation XX/false => add radiation to the zone
  67. (0): Commands are accessible for level 2 and for oxide permission: "zone"
  68. (1): Wont be ejected level 2 and players in the whitelist (only editable via outer plugins, so yeah this plugin can now be used easily by outer plugins)
  69. (2): can build level 2 and oxide permission: "canbuild"
  70. (3): can deploy level 2 and oxide permission: "candeploy"
  72. Example for an Admin House:
  73. /zone_add
  74. /zone nobuild true nodeploy true name "Admin House" undestr true
  76. Rusty Sheriff Raid Alert
  77. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  79. User commands
  80. --------------
  81. /rs set <perimeter name> to automatically create a perimeter based on the foundations you're standing on.
  82. /rs view to get a list of your current alert perimeters and draw them on-screen.
  83. /rs delete <index> to delete a perimeter.
  84. /rs clear to clear all your perimeters.
  85. /rs test to test your perimeter and send a test alert externally
  87. /rs start <perimeter name> to start entering a perimeter manually
  88. /rs add to add a waypoint to your perimeter
  89. /rs undo to undo the last waypoint on your perimeter
  90. /rs cancel to cancel your manual perimeter entry
  91. /rs stop to finalise your perimeter
  93. /rs validate to obtain a validation code for the PC/Android app.
  94. /rs validatenew to obtain a new validation code for the PC/Android app.
  96. /rs ignoredetect to ignore any players within your perimeters so they will no longer trigger an alert.
  97. /rs ignore <steamid> "playername" to ignore a player manually; if they are offline for example.
  98. /rs ignore <steamid> / <playername> to ignore an online player.
  99. /rs ignores to view the players on your ignore list.
  100. /rs clearignores to clear your ignore list.
  101. /rs unignore <number> to remove a player from your ignore list.
  103. /rs mute to ignore your alerts in-game (they will still be sent externally)
  104. /rs unmute to see your alerts in-game
  106. //Dont Fuck With THESE!!!!!!
  107. Admin only commands
  108. -------------------
  109. /rs admin - display the admin menu
  110. /rs cupboard - toggle whether perimeters can be created without building privileges
  111. /rs secure - toggle whether the Raid Alert system can be used by non-authorised users
  112. /rs enable - enable automatic checking of players
  113. /rs disable - disable automatic checking of players
  114. /rs status - displays the values of the options below
  115. /rs chatmute - toggle whether player's alerts show in their chat window
  116. /rs sleepers - toggle trigger alert only if the player is sleeping in their perimeter
  117. /rs maxperim <number> - set the maximum number of perimeters a player can set
  118. /rs maxsize <number> - set the maximum area a perimeter can span to <number> x <number> metres
  119. /rs maxpoints <number> - set the maxmimum number of points a player's perimeter can contain
  120. /rs anon - toggle whether to display/send player's names and SteamIDs when an alert is triggered
  121. /rs time <number> - set the time over which each player and perimeter is checked
  122. /rs sync - enable/disable synchronisation with the Raid Alert server
  123. /rs save - save all Raid Alert data and configuration settings (handy before a server restart)
  124. /rs auths - display a full list of authorised players
  125. /rs adduser <steamid> /+ <playername> <auth level> add a player to the authorised user with auth level 0, 1 or 2
  126. - 0 = Basic user that's fully restricted by the options you set for perimeter size, number of perimeters etc.
  127. - 1 = Privileged user that's unrestricted but cannot change admin options.
  128. - 2 = Raid Alert admin. No restrictions and can modify admin options.
  129. /rs deluser <index> - remove a player from the authorised user list
  130. //End Dont Fuck With Zone!!!!!!
  132. Chat Mute
  133. ~~~~~~~~~
  135. Commands:
  136. /mute <name/steamID> <time[m/h] (optional)>
  137. /unmute <name|steamID> or /unmute all to clear mutelist
  138. /globalmute to mute the whole chat and only allow admins and whitelisted players to chat
  139. Console commands
  140. player.mute <name/steamID> <time[m/h] (optional)>
  141. player.unmute <name/steamID> or player.unmute all to clear mutelist
  143. Chat Handler
  144. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  146. Commands:
  147. /admin
  148. /history or /h
  150. Ignore Api
  151. ~~~~~~~~~~
  153. Chat commands:
  154. /ignore <add/remove> <name/steamID> to add or remove someone
  155. /ignore list to show your ignore list
  157. Weather
  158. ~~~~~~~
  160. Commands:
  161. /weather {weather_type} {on/off} {Optional: Duration in seconds}
  162. Weather Types are: rain, clouds, fog, wind, mild, average, heavy and max. (Max turns everything on)
  163. /weather off (Disables all weather)
  164. /weather auto (Allows the weather to go back to automatic, so rust will control weather)
  166. R-Anti Cheat
  167. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  169. Console Commands:
  170. ac.fps => will show you how much time it took for the plugin to check all the players
  171. ac.check NAME/STEAMID => manually check a player for fly/speed hack, this is mainly for testing purpoise as players are already checked 100% of time
  173. Chat Commands:
  174. - /ac => to reset your current logs
  175. - /ac player NAME/STEAMID => check if the target player has hack detections, and if so gives you a visual on the detections
  176. - /ac radius XXXX => check if any hacks were made around you, and if so gives you a visual on all detections in your current radius
  177. - /ac_list => list of all hack detections by steamid
  178. - /ac_remove NAME/STEAMID => remove detections
  179. - /ac_reset => reset all detections
  181. Admin Ticket
  182. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  184. Commands:
  185. /ticket - shows all availiable commands depending if the player has the admin permission
  186. /ticket message - Saves a message in the Report list.
  188. Admin Commands:
  189. /ticket list - shows the list of saved reports
  190. /ticket clear - clears the list of reports
  191. /ticket view [id] - shows the report with the specified id
  192. /ticket remove [id] - removes the report with the specified id
  193. /ticket tp [id] - teleports you to the position the ticket has been made
  195. Enhanced Ban System
  196. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  198. Chat Commands:
  199. /ban <name/steamID/IP> <reason> <time[m|h|d] optional>
  200. If no time is given the ban is permanently.
  201. Examples:
  202. /ban Domestos noob - will ban Domestos permanently
  203. /ban Domestos noob 20m - will ban Domestos for 20 minutes
  204. /ban Domestos noob 3h - will ban Domestos for 3 hours
  205. /ban Domestos noob 10d - will ban Domestos for 10 days
  207. /unban <name/steamID/IP> - obviously
  208. /kick <name/steamID/IP> <reason> - does what it says
  209. /bancheck <name/steamID/IP> - shows you if and for how long someone is banned
  210. Console Commands:
  211. Syntax is exactly the same like the chat commands!
  212. player.ban <name/steamID/IP> <reason> <time[m|h|d] optional>
  213. player.unban <name/steamID/IP>
  214. player.kick <name/steamID/IP>
  215. player.bancheck <name/steamID/IP>
  217. Sign Artist
  218. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  220. Commands
  221. /sil <URL> -- load picture from url
  223. Remover Tool
  224. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  226. Commands:
  227. - /remove adminoptional:TIME => Activate Remove Admin Tool (hit with anything a building and the part will disappear)
  228. - /remove all optional:TIME => will remove an entire building with all it's deployables
  229. - /remove optional:TIME => this will work if you choose
  231. Admin Chat
  232. ~~~~~~~~~~
  234. Admin/Mod Commands:
  235. /a [message] - writes a message in the admin chatroom
  237. Easy Heal
  238. ~~~~~~~~~
  240. Commands:
  241. /heal - Heals yourself
  242. /heal [PLAYER] - Heal [PLAYER]
  243. /healall - heals all players
  245. Rank Me
  246. ~~~~~~~
  249. /rank - Shows the player rank information.
  250. /top <top list> - Shows the top kills list, or any other list like deaths, kdr, suicides and suicides ratio.
  251. /resetme - Resets the user rank.
  252. /savedb - Saves the database. (Admins Only)
  253. /wipedb - Deletes the database and starts a new one. (Admins Only)
  255. * Here are the different Top List names you can use:
  256. - kills
  257. - deaths
  258. - kdr
  259. - suicides
  260. - suicides ratio
  261. - animals
  262. - longest shot
  263. - sleepers
  266. rankme.savedb - Saves the database.
  267. rankme.wipedb - Deletes the database and starts a new one.
  269. Infinite Ammo
  270. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  272. Command:
  273. /toggleammo
  275. Airdrop Controller
  276. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  278. Console Commands:
  279. - airdrop.massdrop NUMBER => call mass airdrops
  280. - airdrop.topos X Y Z => send an airdrop to that location (carefull with the Y, if you set it too low the airdrop will be close to the ground :p, or might even drop under the map)
  281. - airdrop.toplayer PLAYER => send an airdrop to that player
  283. Kits Plugin
  284. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  286. Players Commands:
  287. - /kit => see the full list of available kits for you
  288. - /kit KITNAME => choose a kit
  290. Admin Commands:
  291. - /kit reset => reset the kit data from players
  292. - /kit add "KITNAME" "KITDESCRIPTION" options (see under)
  293. - /kit remove "KITNAME" => remove a kit from the database
  295. How to create kits:
  296. 1) Empty your inventory
  297. 2) Add in your inventory the kit that you want players to have (blueprints, weapons in the belt, armors in the clothing, etc)
  298. 3) use /kit add "kitname" "kitdescription" options (see under)
  300. Options:
  301. -maxXXX => max numbers of time a kit is allowed to be used
  302. -cooldownXXXX => cooldown in SECONDS of the kit
  303. -authlevelX => level needed to redeem the kit
  304. -CUSTOMPERMISSION => only players with the custom permission oxide permission will be able to redeem those (doesn't work on autokits). See under.
  305. exemple of usage:
  306. /kit add "blueprints" "Couple blueprints to help you start" -max1
  307. /kit add "daily" "Daily resources for being so devoted" -cooldown86400
  308. /kit add "moderator" "Moderator Kit" -authlevel1
  309. /kit add "admin" "Admin Kit" -authlevel2
  310. /kit add "starter" "Help to get started, usable twice at 1hour interval" -max2 -cooldown3600
  312. Copy Paste Mod
  313. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  315. Commands:
  316. - /copy NAME => copy the building, the building part that you will choose will serve as structure 0 for when you paste it (so be careful of which part you look at while you use this command)
  317. - /paste NAME optional:HeightAdjustment => paste a building
  318. - /placeback NAME => placeback a building where it was when it was saved
  320. Friends API
  321. ~~~~~~~~~~~
  323. Usage for players
  324. /friend <add/remove> <name/steamID> to add or remove someone
  325. /friend list to list your friends
  327. Invent Viewer
  328. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  330. Command:
  331. /viewinv <name>
  333. Prod
  334. ~~~~
  336. Command:
  337. - /prod => will show you all the owners of stuff that you see in front of you
  339. Building Owners
  340. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  342. Command:
  343. - /changeowner PLAYER => will change the owner of the building where you are.
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