Guest User


a guest
Oct 25th, 2014
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  1. on death:
  2. if attacker is player:
  3. if victim if player:
  4. if attacker has permission "kill.gracz":
  5. if victim has permission "kill.gracz":
  6. execute console command "eco give %attacker% 100"
  7. send "&c[&6&lKILL&r&c] &aZabiles gracza &c%victim% &ai otrzymujesz 100$" to the attacker
  8. if victim has permission "":
  9. execute console command "eco give %attacker% 150"
  10. send "&c[&6&lKILL&r&c] &aZabiles VIP'a &c%victm% &ai otrzymujesz 150%" to the attacker
  11. if attacker has permission "":
  12. if victim has permission "kill.gracz":
  13. execute console command "eco give %attacker% 200"
  14. send "&c[&6&lKILL&r&c] &aZabiles gracza &c%victim% &ai otrzymujesz 200%" to the attacker
  15. if victim has permission "":
  16. execute console command "eco give %attacker% 125"
  17. send "&c[&6&lKILL&r&c] &aZabiles VIP'a &c%victim% &ai otrzymujesz 125$" to the attacker
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