
03.18 Captured and meeting Xoco

Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. [00:01:55] LOOC - Anaritis: (my b
  2. [00:01:55] LOOC - Anaritis: (i just came back im havin lots of questions answered atm
  3. [00:01:55] LOOC - Anaritis: (lol
  4. [00:01:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (wots goin on here)
  5. [00:01:55] LOOC - Easel: (np, okay to summon spirit beforehand for rp doe?
  6. [00:01:55] LOOC - Anaritis: (uh just training n stuffs
  7. [00:01:55] LOOC - Anaritis: (hbu?
  8. [00:01:55] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (got kicked out of Cruxati temple... lookin for ppl to rp with)
  9. [00:02:46] As Easel and Anaritis took their positions, he planted his staff in the ground, and raised his hands to the sky. Inky blackness cascaded from his palms down towards his feet, covering everything in between with solid, thick ebony. Even his eyes were now covered in black, and his hair was a shade darker.
  11. He then chanted a call to the spirit world. One he was deeply familiar with.
  13. "Assimilate into existence, and serve my bloodline again. Brother Griffith, come to my aid!"
  15. After the chant is finished, the air around Easel and Anaritis flows into a center point between the two, and the form of a warrior shimmers.
  16. (Easel)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [00:02:46] LOOC - Anaritis: (damn bro
  20. [00:02:46] LOOC - Anaritis: (dw you can drop an obvservation post or somethin
  21. [00:02:46] Anaritis says, "idc"
  22. [00:02:46] LOOC - Anaritis: (omit
  23. [00:02:46] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ty :) )
  24. [00:10:27] Lotlhuitl wandered south. The woman, tall as she was and long of limb, kept a sort of sashaying, swaying gait. Her expression was serious, bordering on gloomy, as she looked up to the stars.
  26. She couldn't find Cruxati's Chieftess. Likely, the woman had retired to bed. It had been a busy day.
  28. Her fuzzy ears pricked up. What was that, chanting, from the south? The woman broke past the treeline, and scanned the area. She.. didn't have to look far, or for long, before her green eyes settled on Easel and Anaritis.
  30. Lotlhuitl was prone to staring, and this certainly was no exception. Her gaze, green and feline, predatory and appraising, looked each of the figures up and down.
  32. One of them, a shamanic-looking young man, had summoned a spirit. And the other? Hm.
  34. Lotlhuitl crossed her arms, curiosity blossoming at her face as she finally spoke. "Two duellists meeting on a starlit night. How poetic."
  36. (Lotlhuitl)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [00:13:52] The young Amazonian fighter was ready for another go. She indeed was going to master the art of physical combat and begin practice with other magic. Firmly, held with both hands on the bottom the mace. Feet were planted flat onto the ground, knees bent ready to move at any given moment. A couple of chants had come from Easel as she watched an essence of matte black take shape around his frame. The assumption was made that this was the occultism that Easel had spoken about. This seemed rather impressive.
  41. Soon to be conjured, there would come into formation the spirit warrior she soon was to be in an altercation with. Depending how she faired against her first opponent would determine if she moved onto the summoner next. Griffith was the name of her opponent. Though she cared little for that, seeing how she would attempt to dispatch her enemies quickly.
  43. "Alright then. I suppose I am ready for this." The presence of another? Hm, it didn't stop her from what was about to unfold. She advanced forward swinging at the summoned spirit.
  44. (Anaritis)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [00:13:52] LOOC - Anaritis: (my b
  48. [00:13:52] LOOC - Anaritis: (i closed discord
  49. [00:13:52] LOOC - Easel: (np, haha
  50. [00:13:52] LOOC - Anaritis: (i felt it was becoming a distraction
  51. [00:13:52] LOOC - Anaritis: )i was legit beginning to engage in full fletched convo
  52. [00:13:52] LOOC - Easel: (hahaha
  53. [00:14:43] LOOC - Anaritis: (and you know
  54. [00:14:43] LOOC - Anaritis: (we never invited each other to an rpb lmao
  55. [00:14:43] LOOC - Easel: (looool
  56. [00:14:43] LOOC - Anaritis: (we are 100% on track rn
  57. [00:14:43] LOOC - Easel: (well, im ready af
  58. [00:15:34] LOOC - Anaritis: (so im just gonna fight ur spirit then u right?
  59. [00:15:34] LOOC - Anaritis: (shit cd
  60. [00:15:34] LOOC - Easel: (ye
  61. [00:15:34] LOOC - Easel: (oh that shits ass, lvl 923 PLEASE
  62. [00:16:25] LOOC - Anaritis: (this is too simple
  63. [00:16:25] LOOC - Anaritis: (after this im verbing you
  64. [00:16:25] LOOC - Easel: (hahaha, alright
  65. [00:18:08] Easel seems slightly disappointed.
  67. "Yeah, guess I cant do it quite like momma, a shame."
  68. (Easel)
  69. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. [00:21:32] There was quite the tussle between herself and the stronger spirit. She couldn't help but feel as if she left herself far too open for this battle. Her guard was broken through and then a mixture of attacks had come from the spirit. Having been hit in the torso a multitude of times and her legs targeted as a means of slowing down. That was a wuss move, but it was a neat thing to know for life and death situations!
  73. After the spirit had been felled, words emit from the maw of Easel. Pertaining to his skill with summonings weren't as good as his mother's. Huh. Well no matter for that now because it was time for her to go up against the summoner himself. There seemed to be a lot of fight left in her. Once again the war mace was held up and pointed toward the direction of her sparring partner.
  75. Intermittent glances were given to the newcomer that arrived though would save the introductions for after her session with Easel. That's if she chose to stay around for that long. "Now it's time to see what you've got. I'm ready for ya. Let me know when you're ready and we will begin. ."
  76. (Anaritis)
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [00:22:24] LOOC - Anaritis: (whats the rpp req now?
  80. [00:22:24] LOOC - Anaritis: (idk if tis changed over the course of 3 months
  81. [00:22:24] LOOC - Easel: (no idea tbh
  82. [00:22:24] LOOC - Anaritis: (lotl?
  83. [00:24:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hm?)
  84. [00:24:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (rpp req for?)
  85. [00:24:06] LOOC - Anaritis: (getting a check
  86. [00:24:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh, I have no idea.)
  87. [00:24:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I assumed it was still 15 posts.)
  88. [00:24:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I just kinda.. keep goin until it tells me I qualify
  89. [00:24:06] LOOC - Anaritis: thats what i thought but im not certain if it changed or not)
  90. [00:24:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and then I rp some more ahaha..)
  91. [00:24:57] LOOC - Anaritis: (lol yeah relatable
  92. [00:24:57] LOOC - Anaritis: (its nice to keep track so you know when you getting a double check or something.
  93. [00:24:57] LOOC - Anaritis: (or it carries over for the next qualification i think
  94. [00:25:48] Through the matte black covering of Easel, a toothy smile can be seen.
  96. "Of course, of course. Let us begin."
  98. A second chant is yelled.
  100. "Sons and daughters of the underlight, your will is mine!"
  102. A familiar spell is casted, the same as the previous one, but some of the black smoke circling around Easel is fed into the center that the wind is coming into, creating fiendish visages.
  104. (Easel)
  105. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [00:25:48] LOOC - Easel: (ready
  108. [00:25:48] LOOC - Anaritis: (ye
  109. [00:25:48] LOOC - Easel: (how to redo cd tho
  110. [00:25:48] LOOC - Anaritis: (i got it
  111. [00:25:48] LOOC - Anaritis: (COUNTDOWN: 10)
  112. [00:25:48] LOOC - Anaritis: (COUNTDOWN: 9)
  113. [00:25:48] LOOC - Anaritis: (COUNTDOWN: 8)
  114. [00:25:48] LOOC - Anaritis: (COUNTDOWN: 7)
  115. [00:25:48] LOOC - Anaritis: (COUNTDOWN: 6)
  116. [00:25:48] LOOC - Anaritis: (COUNTDOWN: 5)
  117. [00:26:40] LOOC - Anaritis: (COUNTDOWN: 4)
  118. [00:26:40] LOOC - Anaritis: (COUNTDOWN: 3)
  119. [00:26:40] LOOC - Anaritis: (COUNTDOWN: 2)
  120. [00:26:40] LOOC - Anaritis: (COUNTDOWN: 1)
  121. [00:26:40] LOOC - Anaritis: (COUNTDOWN: Go!)
  122. [00:27:31] {combat} Anaritis has been defeated by Easel! They're unable to continue fighting.
  123. [00:27:31] LOOC - Anaritis: (i didn't do too bad imo
  124. [00:27:31] LOOC - Easel: (not gunna lie i was lowkey panicking tho
  125. [00:27:31] LOOC - Easel: (heart might be beating mad hard or it might no longer be there
  126. [00:28:22] LOOC - Anaritis: (lol
  127. [00:28:22] LOOC - Anaritis: (anyway brb, Easel you can totes post or something if oyu wanna
  128. [00:28:22] LOOC - Anaritis: (after Easel anywa
  129. [00:28:22] LOOC - Anaritis: ((anyway*
  130. [00:29:13] LOOC - Anaritis: (allow me to rephrase
  131. [00:29:13] LOOC - Anaritis: (because i sounded like a crackhead there
  132. [00:29:13] LOOC - Anaritis: (Lotl, you're free to post after Easel because i must do something real quick.
  133. [00:29:13] LOOC - Anaritis: (brb
  134. [00:29:13] LOOC - Anaritis: (there we go
  135. [00:34:20] The battle against Anaritis would be incredibly hard fought. Her speed was incredible, and her strikes very precise. In only moments, he had felt various vital points of his body be struck, and himself paralyzed occasionally. Her strikes felt... familiar. They made him think of the wandering demons strikes. Their ferocity was enough to make him croak if he made the wrong moves.
  137. The fiends he had summoned occupied her, while he was able to utilize his darkness to his advantage while staying on the move. Oddly enough, with every bit of damage he did to her, he felt slightly... too good. Overexcited even, at the feeling of ones energy becoming his own.
  139. Easel retracted the darkness back into his palms, his matte black covering also retreated back into himself.
  141. "That was... rather scary. Your strikes reminded me of the demon I once fought. Of course, not even close to as strong as them, but the ferocity and accuracy behind them was nearly identical. I learned something about myself as well. Certain spells are rather... tempting."
  143. Easel would then look towards the ground, anxious looking.
  145. His attention would then be brought to an audience.
  147. "Oh, I didn't notice you there. Hello."
  148. (Easel)
  149. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151. [00:34:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Hello! "
  152. [00:35:12] Easel says, "I apologize if we were making a racket."
  153. [00:35:12] LOOC - Anaritis: (back
  154. [00:35:12] Easel asks, "Did you need something?"
  155. [00:35:12] LOOC - Easel: (word
  156. [00:36:03] Anaritis says, "*attention is turned to Lotl* Oh. Hello."
  157. [00:36:03] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sorry, my internet is dumb)
  158. [00:36:03] LOOC - Anaritis: (you're alright man
  159. [00:36:03] LOOC - Easel: (np
  160. [00:36:54] LOOC - Easel: (oh mb ana if you wanted to rp something go ahead i thought youd be gone a bit longer
  161. [00:36:54] LOOC - Anaritis: (nah i try 2 be fast af
  162. [00:36:54] LOOC - Anaritis: (i hate keeping people on a w8
  163. [00:36:54] LOOC - Easel: (for sure
  164. [00:36:54] LOOC - Anaritis: (i'll let lotl drop a post
  165. [00:37:45] LOOC - Anaritis: (i wanna get rpp and as much of it as i can
  166. [00:37:45] LOOC - Anaritis: (i think it rewards you every hour
  167. [00:37:45] LOOC - Easel: (do your posts still count towards checks even if you are on a wait for the first to be done
  168. [00:37:45] LOOC - Anaritis: )meaning it goes through and checks players to see if they are qualified or not
  169. [00:38:36] LOOC - Anaritis: (and i believe its about 10 posts with a certain character amount in each post
  170. [00:38:36] LOOC - Easel: (life, if you already qualify for one pending check, can you qualify for the one after before the first one rewards you?
  171. [00:38:36] LOOC - Anaritis: (im not sure what it may be tho
  172. [00:38:36] LOOC - Anaritis: (yeah
  173. [00:38:36] LOOC - Anaritis: (that called a double check
  174. [00:38:36] LOOC - Easel: (sweet, so im not doing this for nothing haha
  175. [00:38:36] LOOC - Easel: (besides sweet ass rp
  176. [00:38:36] LOOC - Easel: (word
  177. [00:38:36] LOOC - Anaritis: (you just have to like have double the amount of what the minimal requriement is
  178. [00:39:28] LOOC - Anaritis: (so if its 10 posts
  179. [00:39:28] LOOC - Anaritis: (have 20
  180. [00:39:28] LOOC - Anaritis: (and you wont worry about the next check
  181. [00:39:28] LOOC - Anaritis: (you can keep going
  182. [00:39:28] LOOC - Easel: (word
  183. [00:39:28] LOOC - Anaritis: (at least im certain thats how it works
  184. [00:39:28] LOOC - Anaritis: (thats what i've been told in the past
  185. [00:39:28] LOOC - Anaritis: (thats why im tryin to check and see what the requirements are now
  186. [00:40:19] LOOC - Anaritis: (because i can tell they might have changed from 3 monnths ago when i was last on
  187. [00:40:19] LOOC - Easel: (ask in the discord tho
  188. [00:40:19] LOOC - Anaritis: (i forgot about that
  189. [00:41:10] LOOC - Anaritis: (lmao i forgot i closed it
  190. [00:41:10] LOOC - Anaritis: (god im a burnout
  191. [00:41:10] LOOC - Easel: (oh shit lmaoooo
  192. [00:41:10] Lotlhuitl sauntered on over to the two. The woman jangled slightly. She was wearing.. quite a lot of jewellery. More jewellery than clothing, at this point. Her bare skin was criss-crossed with cuts and grazes, and the odd bruise.
  194. It was clear that she had faced battle. Recently. One could make the assumption that the jewellery too, was a recent acquisition.. but then, perhaps she always got around like this.
  196. The Nagual tilted her head, a hand swiftly raising to straighten the bronze circlet which sat atop her head.. and which had momentarily threatened to fall off.
  198. "Do I need something?"
  200. Lotlhuitl seriously seemed to consider the question, green eyes once more returning to looking both Anaritis and Easel up and down.
  202. "Depends. What have you got?"
  205. (Lotlhuitl)
  206. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  208. [00:41:10] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (siiigh)
  209. [00:42:01] LOOC - Easel: (go ahead ana
  210. [00:45:26]
  211. {LOAD GAME}
  213. [00:45:26] LOOC - Easel: (he back
  214. [00:45:26] LOOC - Anaritis: (lol
  215. [00:46:17] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (soz, been having internet issues)
  216. [00:46:17] LOOC - Easel: (word
  217. [00:46:17] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:P not that it matters, but I am a she.)
  218. [00:47:08] Lotlhuitl sauntered on over to the two. The woman jangled slightly. She was wearing.. quite a lot of jewellery. More jewellery than clothing, at this point. Her bare skin was criss-crossed with cuts and grazes, and the odd bruise.
  220. It was clear that she had faced battle. Recently. One could make the assumption that the jewellery too, was a recent acquisition.. but then, perhaps she always got around like this.
  222. The Nagual tilted her head, a hand swiftly raising to straighten the bronze circlet which sat atop her head.. and which had momentarily threatened to fall off.
  224. "Do I need something?"
  226. Lotlhuitl seriously seemed to consider the question, green eyes once more returning to looking both Anaritis and Easel up and down.
  228. "Depends. What have you got?"
  229. (Lotlhuitl)
  230. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. [00:47:08] LOOC - Easel: (shes back
  233. [00:53:07] The slight jingle light someone had change in their pocket caught her attention, though it was a little more than just change. The newcomer that she noticed before since the spar had decided to make herself known. From her point of view she could see her beginning to make her approach as Easel was speaking about the spar they just had not even moments ago.
  235. The fight was difficult. She felt outnumbered and simply outmaneuvered. She listened to his words and allowed him to speak. However she couldn't help but laugh at hearing the words 'rather scary' flow from his maw. Her attacks couldn't have been that frightening. Right? She was indeed rather on the muscular side and wielding around a mace. Yeah; she could get his point.
  237. "I'm not even that good of a fighter. Not sure what you mean, heh. Give me sometime, and I might be as strong as them.. She stood up, aching somewhat feeling rather beaten once more though no fatal wounds or anything serious to be concerned about. Easel asked a question and answers quickly came. This woman seemed serious about something.
  239. "Wha' I've got? I've got aching bones and a warm welcome to you. What's your name?" Sitting down now rather comfortably in the grass, she looked up toward this serious woman, eyes shifting between her and the sky above. It was a pretty sight.
  240. (Anaritis)
  241. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  243. [00:53:58] Lotlhuitl says, "Lotlhuitl, of the Cruxati."
  244. [00:53:58] LOOC - Anaritis: (forgot to add the *approaches the both of you and sits down part*
  245. [00:53:58] Lotlhuitl says, "You can keep your aching bones, but I suppose I will accept your welcome."
  246. [00:55:40] LOOC - Anaritis: (i've qualified for checks 3 times today and got checked twice
  247. [00:55:40] LOOC - Anaritis: (what is this
  248. [00:55:40] LOOC - Anaritis: (im about to get checked again in 40 mintues
  249. [00:55:40] LOOC - Anaritis: (im catching up yo
  250. [00:56:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sometimes there is a glitch)
  251. [00:56:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (if you log out whilst qualified)
  252. [00:56:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (it will tell you when you log in the wrong time for the next check)
  253. [00:56:32] LOOC - Anaritis: (why you gotta tell me things like that. Now i'm sad
  254. [00:56:32] As Lotlhuitl came closer, he realized she was one of his kind. She seemed to just recently had been in a battle. Though, she was rather odd.
  256. "Yes yes, welcome. I uhm... don't have anything to offer to answer you."
  257. (Easel)
  258. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  260. [00:57:23] LOOC - Easel: (what kind of glitch?
  261. [00:57:23] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (it just tells you the wrong time)
  262. [00:57:23] LOOC - Easel: (i see
  263. [00:57:23] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (you don't lose any Rpp)
  264. [00:57:23] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so like, it might tell me i'll be checked in 15 mins)
  265. [00:57:23] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (but if I do /rpp again, it'll tell me 2hrs)
  266. [00:57:23] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and the second post is the right one)
  267. [00:58:14] LOOC - Anaritis: (last time i got checked though was quite sometime earlier this afternoon
  268. [00:58:14] LOOC - Anaritis: (perhaps this time is telling me the right time
  269. [00:58:14] {combat} Noa Huitzilopochtli has been defeated by Atro Gwyn! They're unable to continue fighting.
  270. [00:58:14] LOOC - Anaritis: (i hope so
  271. [00:58:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah, maybe?)
  272. [00:58:14] LOOC - Anaritis: (someone go rekt
  273. [00:58:14] LOOC - Anaritis: (*got
  274. [00:59:05] LOOC - Anaritis: (Noa Huitzilopochtli has been defeated by Atro Gwyn! They're unable to continue fighting.
  275. [00:59:05] Lotlhuitl asks, "Ah.. why were you offering, then?"
  276. [00:59:56] Lotlhuitl looked at Easel with a certain degree of curiousity, her tail swishing slowly from side to side.
  277. (Lotlhuitl)
  278. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  280. [01:01:39] Easel pulls his robes tighter to conceal his own tail, and pulls his hood over his head to cover his ears when Lotlhuitl got as close as she is.
  282. "I, uhm... It wasn't an actual offer. It was more like an invitation to uh... speak.
  284. He sheepishly looks away towards Anaritis and smiles, with a slight, "Save me" face.
  285. (Easel)
  286. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  288. [01:02:30] Lotlhuitl blinked, slowly.
  289. (Lotlhuitl)
  290. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  292. [01:02:30] Lotlhuitl says, "Why would you think I need an invitation to speak? "
  293. [01:02:30] Anaritis says, "He was just assuring that you knew you could speak as freely as you wish to your own people."
  294. [01:02:30] Lotlhuitl says, "I am Lotlhuitl, of the Cruxati, and no-one has managed to silence me yet. "
  295. [01:03:21] Lotlhuitl says, "<* was obviously bemused by this idea. *> "
  296. [01:03:21] Anaritis says, "Beautiful, there is no need for you to be silenced. "
  297. [01:04:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "Hah. How true that is! I like you. What is your name, welcoming one?"
  298. [01:05:04] LOOC - Anaritis: )i'll wait for him to make his post
  299. [01:05:04] LOOC - Anaritis: (then i respond to you via rp box
  300. [01:05:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (Oh sorry)
  301. [01:05:04] LOOC - Anaritis: (its good
  302. [01:05:04] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I didn't see)
  303. [01:06:46] "I'm not one of your people by the way, Ana just slipped her words. Anyway, I'll be off if there's nothing I can help you with."
  305. Easel would make his way downwards to his tent, to try and hide from one of his own people, feeling something like inferiority or fear. Anaritis knows he is a Nergal, but he doesn't necessarily want others to know. This is his fault for not telling her this.
  306. (Easel)
  307. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  309. [01:06:46] Asano Ujiyori exclaims, "Hello!"
  310. [01:07:37] Lotlhuitl blinks.
  311. (Lotlhuitl)
  312. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  314. [01:08:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, okay. Farewell, outsider. "
  315. [01:08:28] Lotlhuitl says, "Who goes there? <to Asano>"
  316. [01:09:20] Anaritis says, "Huh. He. .left. I'm confused."
  317. [01:11:02] Anaritis turns to the sound ofa voice.
  318. (Anaritis)
  319. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  321. [01:11:53] Anaritis says, "Hm? Who might you be? "
  322. [01:16:09] Asano Ujiyori exclaims, "Greetings! I'm Asano!"
  323. [01:16:09] Asano Ujiyori exclaims, "A traveling merchant!"
  324. [01:22:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sorry)
  325. [01:22:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'm kinda... sleepy
  326. [01:23:50] Anaritis says, "So Lotlhuitl. I must be going. Something seems wrong with my friend. "
  327. [01:24:41] Anaritis says, "I should probably find him and see if he is alright. "
  328. [01:24:41] Anaritis says, "It was a pleasure meeting you, I wish the circumstances were different so we could speak on better terms. "
  329. [01:26:24] Anaritis says, "Farewell. "
  330. [01:52:51]
  331. {LOAD GAME}
  333. [01:53:42] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (;c)
  334. [02:00:32]
  335. {LOAD GAME}
  337. [02:00:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aaaa)
  338. [02:00:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (holy cow you're scary)
  339. [02:00:32] Qi Lan says, "Holy fuck."
  340. [02:00:32] Qi Lan says, "What is that thing."
  341. [02:01:23] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Told you)
  342. [02:01:23] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Im scurry till I block or use melee)
  343. [02:02:14] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Told the spriter its fine for now since I dont use melee atm)
  344. [02:03:05] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Am happy wiht how it all turned out though
  345. [02:03:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (did you want to RP?)
  346. [02:03:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sorry, I just assumed)
  347. [02:04:48] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (We can for a bit)
  348. [02:05:39] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (You want to start or should i?)
  349. [02:05:39] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hm.)
  350. [02:05:39] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'll start!!)
  351. [02:06:30] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (k)
  352. [02:11:37] She was on the hunt.
  354. Admittedly, her attire was not exactly the most fitting for stealth. She'd realised this about midway through, when the sunlight had caught on the bronze circlet jauntily sitting atop her head.
  356. But still. She was pretty sure that whatever she was tracking hadn't caught sight of her. And she was downwind! So there was that.
  358. The Nagual with the looong blue-black hair crept through the forest. She was being incredibly careful not to disturb the jewellery she wore, but even so, she couldn't help audibly jangling as she went.
  360. She cleared a bend, crouching slightly as she walked. Her dagger was out. And then she got what she wanted. What she'd been hunting was in sight.
  362. Oh hell no.
  364. The Nagual might have sworn, her eyes flashing as she found herself looking up at Oxo'moco. But she did not. To do as such would have been undignified.
  366. She wasn't sure if the tree thing had seen her yet. Perhaps she could just.. go.. elsewhere.
  367. (Lotlhuitl)
  368. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  370. [02:17:36] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (?)
  371. [02:18:27] {Item} You picked up Circlet.Dropped by Admin. .
  372. [02:20:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:P)
  373. [02:23:34] Venturing between the spots they particularly liked that were still untouched by fleshies; Oxo'moco didn't care for being cautious. They never needed to be when wandering these parts.
  375. In their mind, nothing would come after them, that would pose any threat, if it had even the smallest form of intelligence.
  377. Few small branches were broken as they'd travel along their own roots. While they may have looked like roots, they also functioned as a strange base for their large bodies movement.
  379. Feeling some presence, yet unclear of where it may be, she'd stop in place.
  381. Slowly, her mask would shift about and the golden orbs glowing in the sockets were drifting over the landscape. If there was some creature around here, perhaps it'd be easiest to find their location using a bit of a scare?
  383. Permiating occultic energy, the floral mass of the demon would seep out as their roots burried into the ground below.
  385. "Watching, watching, where and what though?"
  386. (Oxo'moco)
  387. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  389. [02:23:34] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (I get distracted, sorry about that)
  390. [02:24:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (nw)
  391. [02:26:08] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Kind of wish I could swap out my yokai summons and vines for Cruel Thesis or them mandrakes)
  392. [02:32:57] While Lotlhuitl would have been adamant that she was no coward, her internal monologue went something like 'nope, nope, nope,' as she noticed Oxo'moco become aware of her presence. The Nagual almost bolted, but for the idea that if she was going to die.. well, she'd prefer to see what killed her.
  394. And so she remained crouching... and that was when she realised that while the strange bush demon (not a wraith, as Noa had informed her) had been alerted to her presence, it knew not of her exact location.
  396. So if she just remained still.. perhaps she could slowly creep away--
  398. A horrible chill overcame the Nagual, an involuntary gasp forced from her lungs as dread energies rose up from the ground beneath her. She couldn't breath. Some invisible force was choking her. Her heart was racing she was --
  400. She was panicking.
  402. Fear, and nothing more was assaulting her mind.
  404. But that realisation came too late, as she realised that in her panic she had definitely given away her position.. a crackle of electricity playing over her skin.
  406. I am not a coward, Lotlhuitl told herself. Or are you? a rather unpleasant voice asked, as the shame at being made to experience fear rose within her.
  408. The Nagual's eyes flashed as she stood straight, levelling her chin as she regarded Oxo'moco. Though she felt unnerved, her expression was entirely, decidedly neutral.
  410. "Creature - or demon, what are you doing here?"
  412. (Lotlhuitl)
  413. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  415. [02:38:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah.. them mandrakes are super cute..)
  416. [02:40:38] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I.. I mean.. idk why that's why you want them)
  417. [02:40:38] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (but thats why *I'd* want them)
  418. [02:43:12] Catching sight of the peeping tom, the demon's eyes would lock onto their position. Slowly shifting, Oxo'moco's body would face them.
  420. "Question be odd, is it not you who is in my home?"
  422. Lacking any emotion in their tone, they sounded a bit flat compared to what may have been expected. Or was this exactly what one might expect from a creature like them.
  424. Above ground, nothing seemed to be moving, yet underground, Oxo'moco's roots were digging around and burrowing into the tree where the fleshie was standing.
  426. Wanting to keep up the erie atmosphere, small, almost grass like plants would seem to sprout up and brush against the persons feet and legs.
  428. "Spoke with Adsila being if must know."
  429. (Oxo'moco)
  430. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  432. [02:43:12] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Gonna turn off youtube)
  433. [02:43:12] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hahaha)
  434. [02:50:01] Lotlhuitl's emerald green eyes narrowed.
  436. Fuck it. If she was going to be eaten by this creature, she wasn't about to spend the last precious moments of her life snivelling.
  438. "This is Gehennan territory, and I am Gehennan." Lotlhuitl stated. The Nagual plainly seemed to think that she was the owner of the land which Oxo'moco stood on. And despite her (probably sensible) fear she held for the creature/demon, she had a (probably insane) need to protect that which she saw as HERS. "So, no."
  440. Lotlhuitl raised her hands up, as if she was picking at or looking closely at her fingernails.. but really, she was trying to get into a position where she could more readily defend herself should the creature attack.
  442. "Who?" she asked, tail flicking back and forth like a serpent. "I don't know who that is."
  443. (Lotlhuitl)
  444. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  446. [03:04:32] Bravdao once more?
  448. Oddly enough, this time it wasn't coming from one of those male things, but from what seemed to possibly be a female?
  450. They still had a hard time telling the difference. Typically they had judged on what to call them based on their attitude. This wasn't a reliable way of determining such things as she'd hope.
  452. "Oxo'moco live her longer than fleshies. Saw many pretty places destroyed for hideous cave things."
  454. Crossing their 'arms' the being tapped against a more solid piece of their body. Idly, they'd mimic a few pecking patterns some birds did when looking for some food.
  456. "Adsila said know many fleshies. Recall name, Karma? Fleshie speaking clunky and annoying to do."
  458. Unlike with Adsila, pheromones and spores couldn't be used to talk freely. Most demons knew how to use telepathy, but Oxo'moco never bothered mastering such a thing seeing how they prefered isolation and lazing in the warm sun in pretty places.
  460. Due to the parasitic nature of fleshies though, things are having to change and evolution is needed to survive.
  462. So, as they have been doing lately, Oxo'moco would probe random kinds of information from whomever they were speaking with in any way they felt could be useful.
  464. Drawing out a little mana, the roots which had burried into the ground and dug their way towards Lothlhuitl were now below them, waiting to strike if needed.
  465. (Oxo'moco)
  466. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  468. [03:05:23] * You have been awarded 3 Roleplay Points! *
  469. [03:05:23] Your combat experience has grown! (1 BL Gained)
  470. [03:14:46] "That.. is not our doing. That would be the Valmasians and the Jianghese." Lotlhuitl, despite herself, sounded more than a little defensive at the idea of the natural world being destroyed by her kind. "Gehennans live in harmony with nature." Lotlhuitl spoke the words like they were an indisputable fact.
  472. "You.. spoke with Karma?"
  474. Lotlhuitl didn't understand. She took half a step forward, and promptly tripped over a tree root. Apparently not every Nagual always had the reflexes of a cat, as this one went down with a yelp and a scream. She made an effort to tumble, rolling over her shoulder.. and instead, landed flat on her back.
  476. "Oof."
  478. The circlet spun in midair, before falling and hitting her in the face, adding insult to injury.
  479. (Lotlhuitl)
  480. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  482. [03:21:36] "All fleshies did continue to. Others more so than some."
  484. Offering no slack on their stance taken on humans coming into these lands and making a giant mess of them, Oxo got treated to a familiar scene of a human falling into the ground. This time, it was slightly less muddy and brighter out.
  486. Before moving their body any closer, vines would seem to wrap around one of Lothlhuitl's legs and try to lift them up by it. While it may not be comfortable or welcomed, it wasn't thorned at least.
  488. "'Females clumsy'"
  490. Making mental note of this, she'd continue.
  492. "Tried Karma, but busy. Adsila took elsewhere instead."
  493. (Oxo'moco)
  494. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  496. [03:34:24] "I am not clumbs-" Lotlhuitl began to protest, picking herself up. Then, suddenly, the air was knocked out of her lungs as one of Oxo'moco's vines shot out and wrapped around one of her legs.. dragging her from her feet.
  498. The Nagual had screamed, clawing at the ground as she tried to prevent herself from being picked up. But no use! She was dangling in mid air.
  500. "No! Let go of me..!" Lotlhutil yelled through gritted teeth. The Nagual did NOT like being touched, and she certainly did NOT like being picked up by her left leg. The woman made angry sounds as she bucked and kicked out at Oxo'moco.. but the plant-creature should have been easily able to hold onto her, with the vine wrapped around her leg. Coins dropped out of Lotlhuitl's pockets as the woman hung there.
  502. Baring her teeth at the creature, Lotlhuitl tried to suppress her fear. She was going to be eaten. The creature was going to devour her. That was pretty muchcertain, or so she felt.
  504. Lotlhuitl swallowed, ceasing her struggling for a moment. She hung limp, held upside down by Oxo'moco. Her long, silken blue-black hair was, once more, filled with leaves. Her eyes widened, as she seemed to try a new tact and began speaking with an incredibly defensive, almost apologetic tone.
  506. "Really. Gehennans really don't. We.. we care so much about the world, we just went to war to stop the Valmasians from polluting it!"
  507. (Lotlhuitl)
  508. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  510. [03:46:20] Expression being almost non-existant still, the demon ignored the coins falling from the humans clothing.
  512. While they may have been swung at, nothing connected and she'd continue to hold them upside down. Instead of swinging back, all they'd do in turn was shake them a bit by the leg.
  514. Almost like a child playing with a toy, she was doing what she pleased to see what would happen as a result of doing one thing or another.
  516. "Actions are wanted, not these words. Jiangfu destroyed lands from what told. Yet to find those. Rule in place here because said so to keep trees."
  518. Give a small hint as to exactly how old this demon was, they'd gloss over that fact. Time was irrelevent to them. All they cared about were their pretty spots and trinkets.
  520. "Quick change..."
  522. Thinking out loud for a moment, she'd lean back as the vine would continue to hold them up. Flicking a finger, a small swat could be felt going across Lothlhuitl's behind from a branch nearby.
  523. (Oxo'moco)
  524. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  526. [03:46:20] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Going to speed my post up. Kind of getting writters block half way on these D:)
  527. [03:48:54] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Getting use to being up this late for work, so my mind is a little slow on this is all)
  528. [03:48:54] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Nah)
  529. [03:48:54] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Im still good)
  530. [03:48:54] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (okiedokes)
  531. [03:49:45] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Just when I look at the clock, my mind is kind of like, "Shouldn't we be sleeping?")
  532. [03:49:45] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hah..)
  533. [03:49:45] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (well, you let me know. I'm happy to pause a scene, if you need it.)
  534. [03:49:45] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (We're still fine)
  535. [03:50:36] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (My body isn't tired, my brain is just kind of thinking like that)
  536. [03:56:35] Lotlhuitl was sick of this.
  538. "If you're going to kill me, creature. Just do it." Lotlhuitl hissed.
  540. When Oxo'moco started to shake her, she initially had gone with the flow.. more of her treasures falling from pockets and pouches. Soon, there was a small pile of shiny metals and gems scattered about the forest floor.
  542. "Stop this." Lotlhuitl had growled, wrapping her tail around her waist as she, using the momentum from being shaken, bent at the waist (against gravity) and latched onto the vine which had tangled around her leg with her sharp, claw-like fingernails. Grabbing hold tightly, the girl pushed her booted foot against the vine. "Let. Go. Of. Me." She grunted, moving to draw a dagger hidden in her boot.
  544. -thwack-
  546. "Agh!" Lotlhuitl had screamed, high pitched and furious as the creature essentially caned her across her backside. Yeah, no.
  548. She refused to be treated like this. Refused to be humiliated. "No-one DARES touch me!" the Nagual screamed.
  550. With a scream, she attempted to slice through the vines holding her. Electricity suddenly arcing and sparking over her willowy form.
  551. (Lotlhuitl)
  552. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  554. [04:04:16] "Much stuff you have. Weird..."
  556. Entertained by the sight, her fun would stop after giving the Nagual a swat. Hearing their words, they sounded a bit familiar.
  558. Did they say this before?
  560. Noticing they were trying to active break free from the vine, when it was asked, it'd immediately be released after their weed cutter was being grabbed at.
  562. "Touchy, touchy, touchy. No touch. Because you angry one, or because not pretty?"
  564. Clearly having two different thought processes going on, the pair were on different moods and intentions.
  566. However, the aggressive vibe in the air wasn't unnoticed. Raising some from the ground, her roots would reveal a bit more of themselves.
  567. (Oxo'moco)
  568. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  570. [04:11:56] Lotlhuitl fell to the ground with a scream and a thud, this time landing on her back once more. "Ughh." She had groaned, wind knocked from her lungs. Rolling onto her side, her eyes fluttered open, mouth open as she gasped, trying to regain her breath..
  572. She certainly had less stuff, after that. Fuck it. The Nagual had, with great annoyance, reached out for her circlet and placed it back on her head.. scooping up a bunch of her other treasures and placing them back in her pocket, along with, probably, quite a bit of dirt and grass.
  574. The Nagual looked amazingly unimpressed at the creature suggesting that the reason that nobody touched her because she was angry, or because she wasn't attractive. In truth, either of those reasons wouldn't have bothered her. But no, the real reason was vastly more important.
  576. "Because I don't want them to. My body is mine alone."
  578. Getting to her feet once more, the Nagual felt... distinctly more aware of her surroundings. Of the threat of tree roots grabbing her once again.
  580. Lotlhuitl brandished her dagger at Oxo'moco, in the vain hope it would keep her back.
  581. (Lotlhuitl)
  582. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  584. [04:17:55] Whatever it may seem to be, this human seemed easily aggrivated on top of being clumsy.
  586. "Lands were mine and my peoples much before yours. These lands part of my body"
  588. Getting their point across using terms the Nagual had used, maybe it'd prove more effective than random probing.
  590. Letting their roots wiggle about above the ground, there was a lack of concern to their guest's dagger being drawn out.
  592. Orbs flickering slowly, as if blinking, Oxo felt like they might be able to do something more productive here than chatting.
  594. "Wish to test?"
  595. (Oxo'moco)
  596. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  598. [04:26:27] Lotlhuitl blinked.
  600. The land was part of this creature's body? That was weird. The Nagual's ear flicked as she seemed visibly disconcerted with this new information.
  602. The Nagual's tail was still wrapped tightly around her otherwise bare waist, and it gripped more tightly still as Oxo'moco wriggled her vines towards her. The action was plainly taken as threatening, with Lotlhuitl getting her hackles up, stepping backwards into a fighting stance -- and this time she didn't trip over. Test? What?
  604. "Stay away from me!" She commanded, her voice having a lightly panicked edge to it.
  606. She didn't want the creature to touch her.
  608. All of her was tense. All her muscles screaming out as she held herself in place. And then, Lotlhuitl thought something brushed against her leg. Maybe it was one of Oxo'moco's vines. Maybe it was nothing. In any case, the youthful female suddenly threw her daggerat Oxo'moco's 'face', whilst summoning a miasma of blood to rot the vines which she thought were about to grab her.
  609. (Lotlhuitl)
  610. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  612. [04:29:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (is this better?_)
  613. [04:29:52] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (We can make do with this)
  614. [04:29:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hah ok)
  615. [04:30:43] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Warnign you, this stuff will get in your way if you're melee)
  616. [04:30:43] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'm not)
  617. [04:31:34] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (soz..0
  618. [04:32:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (idk what happened
  619. [04:32:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (can we cd again?)
  620. [04:32:25] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Sure)
  621. [04:32:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 5)
  622. [04:32:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 4)
  623. [04:32:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 3)
  624. [04:32:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 2)
  625. [04:32:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 1)
  626. [04:32:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: Go!)
  627. [04:32:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sigh
  628. [04:33:16] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Not locked onto me?)
  629. [04:33:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: Sorry, um..)
  630. [04:33:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I've grabbed a controller because I suck at using my keyboar
  631. [04:33:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and somehow, half the keys aren't working..
  632. [04:34:08] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (lol)
  633. [04:34:08] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (awkward..)
  634. [04:34:08] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (You using Xpadder to emulate a keyboard?)
  635. [04:34:08] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (input mapper)
  636. [04:34:08] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (it's not registering my shoulder buttons)
  637. [04:34:08] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (You have the profile loaded?
  638. [04:34:08] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah)
  639. [04:34:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (cries..
  640. [04:34:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (its a DS4
  641. [04:34:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and it registers the fucking touch pad just fine
  642. [04:34:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (as a mouse)
  643. [04:34:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (but
  644. [04:34:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (nooo can't register the shoulder buttons or the share or option buttons)
  645. [04:35:50] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (it was working before
  646. [04:35:50] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and the light has gone off..
  647. [04:35:50] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (weird..
  648. [04:35:50] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Seems like there is no lag atm weirdly)
  649. [04:35:50] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeh)
  650. [04:36:41] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (You mapping the tp or is just hotbar?)
  651. [04:36:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hm?)
  652. [04:37:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (no.. the TP isn't mappable, it's just a tp)
  653. [04:37:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (like.. it's.. just like that.. registering as a TP)
  654. [04:37:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (without me doing anything
  655. [04:37:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hnng..)
  656. [04:37:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (it registers all the usual face buttons, and the analogs
  657. [04:37:32] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (It is if you know how to do it, but I dont care enough to figure that out on xpadder)
  658. [04:37:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and like L3 and R3
  659. [04:37:32] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Lack a tp on this char anyways)
  660. [04:38:24] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Just not working for the LB/L1 and RB/R1?
  661. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah, L1 and L2 don't work
  662. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and R1 and R2
  663. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (wait
  664. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (wtf.. they
  665. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (omgf ahahah
  666. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I worked it out...
  667. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'm an idiot..)
  668. [04:39:15] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (I for lazy reasons have LT set for X and RT set to Run)
  669. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'd
  670. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'd remapped
  671. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (remapped spires)
  672. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (to letter keys)
  673. [04:39:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (fuck me)
  674. [04:40:06] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (lol smooth)
  675. [04:40:06] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (f12 I think brings that up?)
  676. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah lmao)
  677. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (okay
  678. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 10)
  679. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 9)
  680. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 8)
  681. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 7)
  682. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 6)
  683. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 5)
  684. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 4)
  685. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 3)
  686. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 2)
  687. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: 1)
  688. [04:40:06] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (COUNTDOWN: Go!)
  689. [04:41:48] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Oxo'moco! They're unable to continue fighting.
  690. [04:41:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (haha. Ok.)
  691. [04:41:48] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (nice.)
  692. [04:41:48] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Stat wall be helping me)
  693. [04:43:31] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Oxo'moco! They're unable to continue fighting.
  694. [04:43:31] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (o noo)
  695. [04:43:31] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (I have my charge skills on my right stick oddly)
  696. [04:49:29] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (;p)
  697. [04:52:54] Rarely, if at all before the humans came to these lands, Oxo'moco fought.
  699. Yet seeing how much these creatures went out of their way to fight with one another and anything that got in their sight, there was a need for her to grow accustomed to fighting.
  701. While it seemed true that the small fleshies weren't exactly strong, there were many of them and it was hard to grasp which were stronger between a pair. To best prepare for any kind of potential health risk in the future, it was decided that picking random fights with about anyone could prove smartest.
  703. To their own surprise, it seemed for all the anger the Nagual hosted, they weren't too strong compared to the larger demon.
  705. Dealing a hefty blow to Lothulitl's side with a blast of water, their fall would be halted by a snare of vines tangling around their body.
  707. Hoisting them up in a caccoon of flora, she'd speak up.
  709. "Angry one needs thinking more. Oxo could make pet and show pretty places, but Oxo could also mulch or keep for nutrients."
  711. While they didn't really want to bring along a fleshie to wherever they went, the memory of another Kaor having a slave/thrall popped into their mind.
  713. Maybe they kept a fleshie around for fights?
  715. "Fleshie, what is you called?"
  716. (Oxo'moco)
  717. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  719. [05:08:16]
  720. {LOAD GAME}
  722. [05:09:07] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (you passed out?)
  723. [05:09:07] * You have been awarded 3 Roleplay Points! *
  724. [05:09:07] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Turns out you were)
  725. [05:09:58] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sorry!)
  726. [05:25:20] NopeNopeNopeNopeNope.
  728. Lotlhuitl hadn't been able to scream when the vines had snared around her, she had been once more winded. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt. She would have been writhing in pain, but the vines held her too tightly. She couldn't breathe. It hurt.
  730. "Hhh--"
  732. Lips parted, mouth open, eyes almost rolling back in her skull, the Nagual stopped struggling against the vines which held her. Well. This was it. She was going to be crushed to death. Her ribs would break soon. It had been an okay life. Her only real regret was not getting the chance to see Dmex ascend to the spirit realm. No. Getting to be all powerful and sit in the spirit realm.
  734. No. Her REAL regret was following Oxo'moco's strange root tracks deeper into the jungle.
  736. And then the pressure around her ribs eased, and suddenly, she could breathe. Oh. It looked like she was being a bit overdramatic, there. Lucky she hadn't said anything!
  738. "Haaaahhh.. ahh.." Lotlhuitl panted, twitching in Oxo'moco's grasp.
  740. The creature spoke.
  742. The Nagual with the blue-black hair looked up at Oxo'moco's 'face', that strange mask, from beneath long, dark eyelashes. She was still breathing heavily, pain at each breath. But no lasting damage. Somehow, she knew that. Just bruises.
  744. "Lotlhuitl... of Tribe Cruxati."
  746. The woman had gone totally limp, her gaze directed somewhere off in the middle distance. Another loss.
  748. First against Xitlalli. Someone who persisted in touching her, despite her making it clear that such actions were not wanted. Lotlhuitl didn't know how she felt about that.
  750. Then at the hands of that horrific Qilin. That one in particular was galling. He had just been toying with her. Called her 'Kitten.'
  752. And now... this.
  754. Limp, the woman had lost much of her anger when she stated, pleadingly, "I'm no-one's pet."
  755. (Lotlhuitl)
  756. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  758. [05:33:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (brb)
  759. [05:39:50] "That's wrong. If not want be pet, grow. Grow till others not able to make you pet. Fleshies like what's not theirs. Show them why that wrong!"
  761. Almost as if lecturing the girl, Oxo gave her a light squeeze within those vine bindings to show who had control currently.
  763. Reaching out after lowering them down, her hand would run along Lotlhuitl's cheek. While she may have fought with these fleshies a few times now, they had never really bothered learning the texture, taste, or smaller details of them.
  765. Oxo was more fixated on much more colorful and eye catching sights in their past and current life. Flowers, rocks, pretty locations, items, feathers. If they were pretty and colorful, she made note of everything they held.
  767. Almost as if mocking them, their hand trailed into the Nagual's hair.
  769. "Which you like, pretty, colorful things, or broken, destroyed, defiled, and stolen things?"
  770. (Oxo'moco)
  771. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  773. [06:01:10] Lotlhuitl was practically hyperventilating as the creature held onto her. Her breathing was fast and shallow, and her heartrate was racing. It was almost all she could hear. Like a rapid drumbeat - a drumroll before an execution. Her gaze, wide and green and terrified, focused up on Oxo's 'face' as she spoke to her. Told her that she was a pet. Told her to grow. Grow? A glimmer of hope raised within her at that. The creature wasn't going to kill her. And then a stab of guilt followed. She had been made to kneel. This creature viewed her as little more than a plaything. She shouldn't crave life so much more than her own agency. And yet, she did.
  775. Shame.
  777. "Hhk-" The girl exhaled as Oxo'moco squeezed her, the air being pushed out of her lungs by the lightest squeeze by the Kaor.
  779. NoNoNoNoNo--
  781. Lotlhuitl was gasping for air, set down on her hands and knees, her hairdraped over her face. And then the creature touched her. Shuddering, her gaze snapped up to look at Oxo'moco, the fury at the contact evident for a second before the Nagual found herself closing her eyes. A shiver ran down her spine. Her hair was silken, though tangled, and it was a strange feeling have another living being running its hand through her hair.. untangling it.
  783. Lotlhuitl had set her jaw, gritting her teeth. She would not break. She was no coward. Her will was strong, and soon her body would be strong too. She just had to live.
  785. She could feel her power within her. Imagined it as a ball of force, of energy. A glimmer of corruption, of depravity, of chaos, pulsed within her.
  787. "Pretty, colourful things."
  788. (Lotlhuitl)
  789. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  791. [06:12:16] Feeling some form of resent or at the very least, hatred towards herself, they were pleased with the compliance in the end.
  793. Stroking the hair some more, the vines loosened up, yet to keep up a display of control, the hand would feel their tail and ears before stopping.
  795. "Much like animal of jungle. Sneaks on prey, then pounces. Fitting?"
  797. Uncaring for the tension in Lotlhuitl's body, they both knew what would happen if they lashed out sgsin. So, leaning down, her face rested right before Lotlhuit's.
  799. "Then be my pet to find more pretty and colorfuls! Fights too, need those to grow."
  801. Slowly words were getting easier to form into sentences, but they still much prefered using other methods to speak.
  802. (Oxo'moco)
  803. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  805. [06:24:12] Lotlhuitl exhaled, staring into the middle distance with a frightful intensity as Oxo'moco continued to stroke her hair, her tail, and her ears. It was humiliating. Not only did the creature force her to kneel, it continued to dishonour her.
  807. It was a horrible feeling, having someone touch you without your permission. Lotlhuitl felt weak. As weak as when she had been much younger and strange people kept patting her on the head.
  809. The Nagual felt cold. She was shivering as Oxo'moco stroked her ears. Each touch made her twitch, her dislike obvious, but she was powerless to stop it.
  811. One day, she would be strong enough that no-one would ever do this to her. Strong enough to get revenge on anyone who had ever taken anything from her. Whether that be her time, her stuff, her friends, or her own agency, she swore that she would repay the wrongs dealt to her a thousandfold.
  813. Lotlhuitl had pulled herself to her knees, pulling back and away from Oxo'moco. But the damn bush was everywhere. The Nagual STARED back at the tree creature. What even was this. It wanted her to help her find 'pretty and colourfuls'? And fights. What even....
  815. "I.."
  817. Lotlhuitl swallowed, looking off to the distance. She thought she was looking towards the Dreadwoods, but... she had gotten disoriented at some point during the fight.
  819. "Fine. I'll do it." Lotlhuitl said, defeated. Her hatred for Oxo'moco was second only to the massive amount of self loathing she felt at this moment. "I'll be your pet."
  820. (Lotlhuitl)
  821. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  823. [06:25:55] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Probably gonna get some sleep, so gonna white text the rest of this.)
  824. [06:26:46] Oxo'moco says, "Hate all want, you grow, you fight, more colorful and pretty things we gets."
  825. [06:27:37] Oxo'moco says, "Even get rid of that 'Pollution' stuff spoken on before."
  826. [06:27:37] Lotlhuitl says, "... I.. I see."
  827. [06:27:37] Lotlhuitl says, "What do you want me to do."
  828. [06:28:28] Oxo'moco says, "Good, for now, show me your wrist an ankles."
  829. [06:29:20] Lotlhuitl stared, green eyes narrowed, before sloooowly holding her wrists out. The woman didn't really wear armour, or a long shirt or anything, so.. her wrists and ankles were already visible.
  830. (Lotlhuitl)
  831. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  833. [06:34:27] What was asked for was presented. Well, more presented than before. It wasn't so much a literal thing they wanted done, but a small show of who was in control for now.
  835. Reaching out for their wrist and ankles, vines would wrap around them. Unlike with the ones before, these vines would cut themselves off of Oxo'moco's main body and form wrist and anklets on their person.
  837. "Sting for bit, but grow use and pretty in time."
  839. While explaining, the vines latch onto Lotlhuit's skin and burrow under their skin to lay their roots.
  841. "When fine, may head back to fleshie place for bit. Needs to finish growing pretties in favorite spot. If you grow, might show eventually."
  842. (Oxo'moco)
  843. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  845. [06:44:41] "W-wh- no!" Lotlhuitl had attempted to tug herself free as Oxo'moco wrapped her vines around her ankles and wrists. It was an instinctive action, her eyes gaining a distinctly wild, panicked look about them.
  847. But the plant Kaor was much, much stronger than Lotlhuitl. The young woman might as well have been a rabbit, struggling against a snare. The vine's grip held.
  849. "W-what are you--"
  851. Sting was a bit of an understatement.
  853. It burned.
  855. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" The Nagual screamed, arching her back before falling to her knees once more. She could feel the roots burrowing into her skin. Linking with her blood vessels.. Heck. In one vivid moment she was able to achieve what she had never been able to achieve when meditating with Noa. She could see her mana circuits, and how Oxo'moco's vines were weaving themselves into this circuitry.
  857. No.
  859. What had Oxo'moco done to her?
  861. Lotlhuitl sobbed now, on her hands and knees. Not just from the pain, and the humiliation, and the fear, but out of pure, impotent rage. Though, really. It would be impossible to tell all that.
  863. The poor girl just looked defeated.
  864. (Lotlhuitl)
  865. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  867. [06:48:57] LOOC - Oxo'moco: (Damn, almost perfect fit)
  868. [07:09:26] * You have been awarded 3 Roleplay Points! *
  869. [07:09:26] Your combat experience has grown! (1 BL Gained)
  870. [07:32:28] LOOC - Xoconan: (:thonk:)
  871. [07:32:28] Lotlhuitl is totally sitting up on the tower, legs dangling over the edge, looking down the iron sights of a rifle she 'found' in Valmasia.
  872. (Lotlhuitl)
  873. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  875. [07:33:20] Xoconan asks, "How in the hell did you get all the way up there?"
  876. [07:33:20] Xoconan shouts up!
  877. (Xoconan)
  878. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  880. [07:33:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Huh? "
  881. [07:33:20] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "What, can't hear you!"
  882. [07:33:20] Lotlhuitl exclaims, "Speak up!"
  883. [07:33:20] Xoconan exclaims, "I SAID, HOW'D YOU GET UP THERE!"
  884. [07:33:20] Lotlhuitl says, "OH! "
  885. [07:34:11] Xoconan says, "Oh- Nagual."
  886. [07:34:11] Lotlhuitl closes her eyes, flinching for a moment, before stepping off the edge of the tower... and in a flash! she is right next to Xoconan.
  887. (Lotlhuitl)
  888. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  890. [07:35:02] Lotlhuitl whispers: Hi..
  891. [07:35:02] Xoconan whispers: "Heya."
  892. [07:35:02] Xoconan whispers: "That's... A neat ability."
  893. [07:35:02] Lotlhuitl says, "Thanks! "
  894. [07:35:53] Lotlhuitl says, "It just came naturally, I guess."
  895. [07:35:53] Lotlhuitl says, "#blessed."
  896. [07:35:53] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (omit)
  897. [07:36:44] Lotlhuitl says, "... huh.. it must really -suck- to not be a Nagual.."
  898. [07:36:44] Lotlhuitl says, "How do you.. survive.."
  899. [07:36:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Not having a tail.."
  900. [07:36:44] Xoconan says, "Hey- not having a tail means no one could try and grab it."
  901. [07:36:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Though, I guess I shouldn't say that - aha. Yeah.."
  902. [07:36:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Yeah.. that's very true."
  903. [07:36:44] Xoconan suddenly grips Lotlhuitl's tail with gravity magic!
  904. (Xoconan)
  905. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  907. [07:36:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (more like)
  908. [07:37:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (between two palms)
  909. [07:37:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (like a clap)
  910. [07:37:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (this is not a precise art)
  911. [07:37:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (not like.. pulling it?)
  912. [07:37:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (nah)
  913. [07:37:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (imagine taking your hands)
  914. [07:37:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (and clapping them around something)
  915. [07:37:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (it's gravity, can only do so much with it!)
  916. [07:37:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (before it turns into telekinesis)
  917. [07:44:25] Truth be told, Lotlhuitl hadn't really been feeling quite herself. That was the whole reason she'd been up in the tower to start with.
  919. Lotlhuitl flinched as she felt something briefly grip her tail. "Ow!" She yelped, surprised. It felt like someone had decided to smack her tail between two heavy books.
  921. "Hey!" She said, body stiffening. The young woman wrapped her tail tightly around her bare waist, her hands drawing closer to her chest.
  923. Lotlhuitl of the Cruxati was prone to staring. And this time was no exception. Her green eyes focused on Xoconan's own, her brows suddenly setting into a rather unimpressed look. The woman had a rather.. piercing stare. Appraising. Feline and predatory.
  925. But there was something else there.
  927. Though, what that was would have to wait, as the Nagual, on impulse, attempt to slap Xoconan across the face one moment, and then the next, retreat.. aiming to leap up ontop of the tower once more.
  928. (Lotlhuitl)
  929. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  931. [07:45:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I can /flee if you want)
  932. [07:45:16] LOOC - Xoconan: (sure, I'm game)
  933. [07:45:16] LOOC - Xoconan: (fuck low roll)
  934. [07:45:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aha.)
  935. [07:45:16] LOOC - Xoconan: (oh)
  936. [07:45:16] LOOC - Xoconan: (you're nagual I expected like)
  937. [07:45:16] LOOC - Xoconan: (ten thousand agility)
  938. [07:45:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm a crap Nagual....)
  939. [07:46:08] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (-weeps-_
  940. [07:46:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (you'll be fiiine)
  941. [07:46:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (not everyone has to fit racial archetypes)
  942. [07:46:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (look at tarquin)
  943. [07:46:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (the agility neries)
  944. [07:46:08] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (every1 bully she)
  945. [07:46:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (I didn't bully you for your lack of agility)
  946. [07:46:08] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i mean no, tbh, I bully everyone else :P)
  947. [07:46:08] LOOC - Xoconan: (I bullied for your possession of a tail!)
  948. [07:47:50] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (the only nagual thing I bought is the aura, which is pretty baller)
  949. [07:47:50] LOOC - Xoconan: (nagual melee is really busted)
  950. [07:47:50] LOOC - Xoconan: (Because of wild nature)
  951. [07:47:50] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (10% extra damage.. click tele)
  952. [07:48:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeah, I'm not melee :P)
  953. [07:49:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (your playby is broken, idk if you know)
  954. [07:49:32] LOOC - Xoconan: (what playby)
  955. [07:49:32] LOOC - Xoconan: (I never uploaded one)
  956. [07:49:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh, okay.)
  957. [07:49:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (there's a broken html tag)
  958. [07:49:32] LOOC - Xoconan: (Not to say I don't have one but)
  959. [07:50:24] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'm waiting for Cyn to stop being LAZY)
  960. [07:50:24] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (haha)
  961. [07:50:24] LOOC - Xoconan: (
  962. [07:51:15] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oooh)
  963. [07:51:15] A small, youthful smile came to Xoconans face, one he was glad to have. It was nice that, in all the doom and gloom of the war and family issues, he could still unwind in such ways.
  965. His own sanguine hues met her predatory glare, and for a moment, hardened. He didn't have quite the seem feline glint she did, but something else. He had the eyes of a veteran, someone who'd seen things, well... Things someone his age had no right knowing about. They softened almost immediately into a general amused demeanor, even as she slapped him- hand coming to clutch his cheek.
  967. And as she ran up the side of the tower?
  969. He easily kept pace, simply floating up the side of the tower on a wave of inverted gravity. "Hey, come on! It didn't hurt *that* bad." He said, landing to the top with a soft touchdown.
  970. (Xoconan)
  971. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  973. [07:51:15] LOOC - Xoconan: (
  974. [07:51:15] LOOC - Xoconan: (This one might be a bit better suited to his current outfit)
  975. [07:52:06] LOOC - Xoconan: (Same char different artstyle)
  976. [07:57:13] The willowy Nagual with the blue-black hair looked at Xoconan, her green eyes flashing. A stray spark of electricity passing across her gaze. "Don't. Touch. Me." She spat, her anger highly disproportional to the action the teenager had taken.
  978. Lotlhuitl could feel the blood pounding in her veins. Adreneline was surging within her, and indeed, it showed. The young woman's limbs were filled with tension. Her hands were clasped tightly together. If she didn't, they might shake. Her tail was wrapped around herself tightly.
  980. She needed to control herself. She knew this. She was a woman grown, and this was just a boy. Just some stupid boy. Legs dangling off the edge of the tower, Lotlhuitl decided to busy herself with picking leaves from the vines that sprouted at her wrists. She did so with a particular fury and intensity, one had to notice something was amiss.
  981. (Lotlhuitl)
  982. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  984. [07:58:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I have another PB of Lotl too aha)
  985. [07:58:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (not scanned it yet thoo)
  986. [07:58:56] LOOC - Xoconan: (lemme se- oh)
  987. [07:58:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i've got a picture i took on my phone)
  988. [07:58:56] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (its a bit distorted and its before I added the shadows)
  989. [08:01:29] "Hey, in my defense..." His hands came up, devoid of a furry tail between them. "I didn't." He said, though his tone had lost some of its amusement. Something had seriously pissed her off, and he had a distinct feeling that well...
  991. It was more than him.
  993. He couldn't really be called a boy, not anymore. Not when he was able to stand to eye height with many men, or taller than them even. Not when his body was corded with tight muscle, riddled with battle scars. Especially not with the mythril that was built into his very body, implanted in his arms, his legs, the ribs snaking out from behind his back to wrap around his bare torso.
  995. "What's up?" He asked, sitting down beside her, tone slightly concerned. He'd seen the girl around before, but nothing more. Still- he felt responsible for at least some part of this.
  996. (Xoconan)
  997. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  999. [08:01:29] LOOC - Xoconan: (I get DM'd fresh playbys of this char by hipster near daily)
  1000. [08:01:29] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh, it's even earlier than I thought aha
  1001. [08:01:29] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aha. Hipster is a good sort)
  1002. [08:01:29] LOOC - Xoconan: (I like it)
  1003. [08:04:03] LOOC - Xoconan: (Man it always feels weird RPing a battlescarred teen)
  1004. [08:04:03] LOOC - Xoconan: (But that's what happens when you get temp and perm nerfed at young ages)
  1005. [08:13:26] Ah. Crap.
  1007. Now the boy wanted to talk about emotions.
  1009. Lotlhuitl glanced at Xoconan. That glance turned into a lingering stare. The Nagual was prone to staring. Either she didn't know that prolonged eye contact made people feel uncomfortable, or she didn't care. Her appraising gaze tracked up his body, noting the scars, the mythril. She'd.. seen it before, but.. somehow, well. This was the first time she'd really taken him in.
  1011. He.. wasn't as much a boy as she had thought at first glance. Her green eyes tracked upwards, looking Xoconan dead in the eyes.
  1013. "Nothing," she lied. She lied flat to his face. And it wasn't even a very good lie! Angry at the knowledge that the younger male probably would realise that something was wrong, Lotlhuitl turned back to picking leaves from the vines at her wrists. Somehow, one always seemed to keep growing back.
  1015. Blood leaked from the broken stems, but somehow, the Nagual didn't seem to care. Indeed, by the angry, red scratch marks around the vines, it looked like she'd been doing her best to try and pull them OUT of her flesh. It looked incredibly sore, and, perhaps proving that it was, Lotlhuitl let out a soft hiss as her left wrist started to bleed.
  1017. "Look. I'm.. not good at talking. Or. People. Just leave it, okay. I'm not okay, but I've got this. Everything is going to be fine."
  1019. She didn't look at him as she spoke, the end of her tail twitching. She was obviously incredibly agitated.
  1020. (Lotlhuitl)
  1021. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1023. [08:21:58] He heaved a long sigh, and thoroughly... Didn't move at all. "Hey- I've been told more convincing lies by my Mom that nothing's wrong." His tone was soft, his arm almost instinctually moving to go around her, his usual response to something like this. At least, until he stopped. He didn't know her, and she'd made her opinion on being touched clear- arm halting halfway there as he remembered.
  1025. "Things don't get better on their own you know." He gently held out a hand to try and grip her forearm, to look at the wrist and the strange vines. "Though... I guess you don't even know me to start telling me whatever the hell's wrong with you, huh?"
  1027. Another softer sigh left his lips. "Call me Xoconan. Or Xoco, some people call me that too."
  1028. (Xoconan)
  1029. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1031. [08:26:14] LOOC - Xoconan: (just as a quick scene setter, kaschei, they're both sitting at the top of this big fuckoff tower)
  1032. [08:30:30]
  1033. {LOAD GAME}
  1035. [08:30:30] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (UGH)
  1036. [08:31:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (my internet sucks)
  1037. [08:31:21] LOOC - Xoconan: (Did you manage to save the post? :(
  1038. [08:31:21] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeh its fine)
  1039. [08:31:21] LOOC - Xoconan: (okay cool. I hate my internet too)
  1040. [08:31:21] LOOC - Xoconan: (It's literally the lowest rated provider in my area)
  1041. [08:31:21] LOOC - Xoconan: (But for some reason family won't upgrade)
  1042. [08:37:20] Lotlhuitl kicked her legs against the side of the tower. Somehow, looking down still always made her dizzy. But.. she wasn't a coward. She wasn't afraid of anything. She held her place, posture straight - no, perfect! - as she kicked those legs of hers against the side of the tower.
  1044. There were leaves at her ankles, too. It took a lot of willpower to not draw her leg up onto her knee and start pulling those off, too. She might have, had Xoconan not spoken. Called her out. Her gaze flicked briefly to look at him. She wasn't happy or pleased or grateful or any positive emotion AT ALL towards the young man who was only trying to help her. She knew he was only trying to help her. But she was fine. She was fine. She was fine.
  1046. The woman's jaw had squared and she held her chin up high as she turned her face from his, looking out towards the horizon. The jungle. She shuddered.
  1048. Lotlhuitl visibly trembled as Xoconan's fingers brushed against her skin. Told her things don't get better on their own. "I.. I know that." She answered, pulling her hand away - though, after a distinct moment and perhaps not as violently as she might have otherwise!
  1050. She looked at him again.
  1052. "Lotlhuitl."
  1054. Her ears had been pinned firmly back against her head, but after introducing herself, they eased into a more neutral position. Defeated, she let out a sigh.
  1056. "I don't like being touched. It's.. I... My body is my own. I'm not--"
  1057. (Lotlhuitl)
  1058. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1060. [08:37:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I live in Australia)
  1061. [08:37:20] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (there's not really much choice)
  1062. [08:38:11] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and the choices we have are all pretty crap)
  1063. [08:39:02] LOOC - Xoconan: (I've heard horror stories of aussie internet)
  1064. [08:39:02] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh yeh.. my wifi connection is bad too)
  1065. [08:39:53] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (so I've.. fixed stuff a bit by running an ethernet cable down the middle of my house)
  1066. [08:39:53] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (but
  1067. [08:39:53] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i've already almost DIED)
  1068. [08:39:53] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (tripped over the fucker :'( )
  1069. [08:40:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (oh god)
  1070. [08:40:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (I nearly broke my comp once doing that)
  1071. [08:40:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (It was using a cord, sitting on my desk)
  1072. [08:40:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (i'm gonna tape it down tomorrow.. or.. get a longer one and run it around the top of doors and the ceiling)
  1073. [08:41:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (I tripped on the cord, faceplanted, and it tore my computer from the desk into a wall)
  1074. [08:41:36] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (o shit)
  1075. [08:41:36] LOOC - Xoconan: (if there'd been more room it would've completely smashed my tower to the floor)
  1076. [08:50:08] The delay from her pulling the hand away wasn't quite enough to prevent him from getting a look at the vine, brow raising slightly as he realized that it was *bleeding*. Was this her own blood? It left a dozen questions in his head, though the teen decided to voice none of them.
  1078. His lips couldn't help but curl up as she seemed to resign herself. "Of course it's your body. Just like this is my body." He held up his hand, showing the back of it and giving her a more indepth look at the mythril bonded to the skin, that actually dug into the flesh and his mana circuitry.
  1080. The fingers flexed, and a light metallic clicking went off, like the gears in a watch, just enough to be always present when he moved. The hand came up to press through his shaggy hair, fingers splayed.
  1082. "Just because it's yours though- doesn't mean it's bad to have it touched. I mean, yeah, you won't always want someone touching you, but... It's not always bad. What's the harm in a playful tug on your tail, or someone hugging you after you've had a horrible day, right?"
  1084. "... But maybe I shouldn't judge."
  1085. (Xoconan)
  1086. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1088. [09:02:56] Lotlhuitl turned her delicate face towards Xoconan, looking at him from beneath long, dark eyelashes. Her ears subtly twitched, perking up ever so slightly at his words.. and possibly, at the hand he presented.
  1090. Cautiously, the woman had reached out, brushing her fingertips against the metal, lightly tapping against it as Xoconan pressed his hand through his hair. If there was any acknowledgement on her part that she was being forward or weird any way, she certainly didn't show it. Whatever problem she had with being touched apparently she had no qualms about invading others personal space and touching them without permission. Lotlhuitl tilted her head, gaze trailing up, slowly, so that she was silently regarding him. Once more making eye contact.
  1092. "You shouldn't," she agreed. "I.. I.." Lotlhuitl seemed a little tongue tied. "I'm not some deviant. I don't.. I don't want that. If I wanted that, I would ask. And I don't."
  1094. There was defensive, and then there was nuclear deterrent level defensive.. and then there was the attitude Lotlhuitl seemed to take in regards to people being physically affectionate towards her.
  1096. "You don't understand. It's not just one playful tug on my tail, it's never just one.. It's.." Lotlhuitl went silent, her gaze stony.
  1098. She resumed pulling leaves from her wrists. Her wrists resumed bleeding.
  1100. Finally, she spoke.
  1102. "How would you feel if you were too weak to stop people doing what they wanted with you?"
  1104. Her voice was heavily inflected with a dull, burning anger.
  1106. She flicked the leaves away.
  1107. (Lotlhuitl)
  1108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1110. [09:07:12] LOOC - Balthie: ((U-uh, I was just trying to TP to Gehenna, don't mind me.))
  1111. [09:16:35] "Wanting a hug, an arm around your shoulder, someone to playfully punch your shoulder doesn't make you a deviant." He said simply, extending his hand out more fully for her to look at, not at all bothered by the invasion into his personal space...
  1113. Having a lust sin for a mom kinda deleted that concept entirely.
  1115. "Hey, I stopped at one, didn't I?" He asked, voice still neutral. A frown crossed his face at the next question, face going overcast.
  1117. So that was it...
  1119. "..." He opened his mouth for a moment, and closed it, clearly having something to say but... Looking uncomfortable for how to say it. "I dunno what happened to you, and I don't wanna make it seem like I'm comparing myself to you." He finally began, tone cautious.
  1121. "I was like that once. I came here, because Oyaotl is, well..." He trailed off, not needing to go on. "She was someone different, when I first met her. I was too. Younger, dumber, and so much weaker. You know Noa? He was with me too..."
  1123. He sighed, eyes closing. "She made us fight, for the right to become her adopted son. To the first blood, until someone couldn't fight anymore. Two best friends. We're... I'm over that now. It worked out for the best, I have a home and a family here that isn't like anything I've ever had before.
  1125. But I know exactly what it's like, to be weak enough that others do whatever they want with you."
  1126. (Xoconan)
  1127. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1129. [09:29:23] LOOC - Xoconan: (:thonk:)
  1130. [09:29:23] LOOC - Xoconan: (i'm confused, I just realized)
  1131. [09:29:23] LOOC - Xoconan: (It entirely skipped my last check)
  1132. [09:29:23] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh
  1133. [09:29:23] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (there is a glitch)
  1134. [09:29:23] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (could it be that?
  1135. [09:29:23] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (if you log in when you are eligable for a check)
  1136. [09:30:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (and do /rpp
  1137. [09:30:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (it tells you the wrong time)
  1138. [09:30:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (like, left..)
  1139. [09:30:14] LOOC - Xoconan: (nah, like, I had 3 hours, didn't qualify)
  1140. [09:30:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (the next time it tells you the right time.)
  1141. [09:30:14] LOOC - Xoconan: (did some RP in the arena, qualified)
  1142. [09:30:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh...)
  1143. [09:30:14] LOOC - Xoconan: (then went to RP with you)
  1144. [09:30:14] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (THAT is weird..)
  1145. [09:30:14] LOOC - Xoconan: (and it just occured to me like an hour and a half ago)
  1146. [09:30:14] LOOC - Xoconan: (I should've hit my check)
  1147. [09:30:14] LOOC - Xoconan: (instead it's telling me I'll hit it in two hours)
  1148. [09:31:05] Oh. She'd just called him a deviant. Whoops. "I.. I didn't mean it like that." Lotlhuitl had weakly protested, definitely not looking at Xoconan now. "I.. I just.. I don't."
  1150. The young woman had taken her hand into her lap, looking down at it. "You did stop at one. Because I hit you."
  1152. Her shoulders had rounded slightly at his silence. The Nagual with the blue-black hair had bit her bottom lip, once more swinging her legs out to whack against the side of the tower. Thock. Thock. Went the heels of her sandals. Thock. Thock.
  1154. It was when he sighed that she stopped and turned her face once more to look at him. Some emotion that she couldn't quite identify played out across her face. Relief? Pity? Sympathy? Still, though.. whatever it was, Lotlhuitl visibly relaxed -- just a little bit. She was still wound up tighter than a Brittanian time piece -- or possibly even Xoconan's clockwork armour.But still, it was something.
  1156. "Oh," was all she could say, initially. "Oh." It was a lame response, and perhaps in acknowledgement of that, she bit her bottom lip once more.
  1158. "There's.. this plant creature. A demon. It did this to me. I didn't want it to, but.. I could have tried to run. That would have been the smarter choice, but.. it touched me. Taunted me."
  1160. Lotlhuitl shook her head. "Heh," she breathed, blinking away what someone might have thought were tears, if she wasn't determined to be known as a stone cold bitch.
  1162. "All things considered, I got off lucky. Probably got what I deserved. Been picking fights with a lot of people, making bets that I didn't have the chips to cover. Just.. my luck had to run out sometime, I guess."
  1163. (Lotlhuitl)
  1164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1166. [09:31:56] Lotlhuitl says, "And there were others, before it. I've always had to struggle, when.. some people just seem to have it so easy."
  1167. [09:32:48] Xoconan says, "There's a trick, you know, when you're struggling looking at the people who have it easy."
  1168. [09:32:48] Lotlhuitl asks, "...yeah?"
  1169. [09:33:39] Lotlhuitl says, "I guess. I was doing fine, I just.. I don't like being touched. That's all. I.. I know you didn't mean to insult me, or.. hurt me. "
  1170. [09:33:39] Xoconan whispers: "Imagine how much sweeter it'll be when you climb, claw, bite, and kick your way to their place."
  1171. [09:33:39] Lotlhuitl blinked, slowly.
  1172. (Lotlhuitl)
  1173. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1175. [09:34:30] Lotlhuitl whispers: Xoconan, believe me. I'm going to reign terror down on anyone who has wronged me.
  1176. [09:34:30] Xoconan says, "Never give up. If you can stand, you can run."
  1177. [09:34:30] Xoconan says, "If you have arms, you can swing."
  1178. [09:34:30] Xoconan says, "If you can't stand? Crawl."
  1179. [09:34:30] Lotlhuitl whispers: There will be nowhere they can hide. They will have no friends, no safe passage.
  1180. [09:35:21] Lotlhuitl whispers: I will do to them a thousand times worse than the humilation that has been dealt to me.
  1181. [09:35:21] Lotlhuitl whispers: And afterwards? I'll never think about them again.
  1182. [09:35:21] Xoconan whispers: "See? What would life be like without something to drive you."
  1183. [09:35:21] Xoconan whispers: "But I didn't finish. If you can't crawl, there's one last thing you do."
  1184. [09:36:12] Lotlhuitl picked a leaf from her wrist, holding it up to her eyes, before letting it fall.
  1185. (Lotlhuitl)
  1186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1188. [09:36:12] Lotlhuitl asks, "Mm?"
  1189. [09:36:12] Xoconan whispers: "Find someone to carry you."
  1190. [09:36:12] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1191. [09:36:12] Xoconan whispers: "What's the point of life without someone alongside you, eh?"
  1192. [09:36:12] Xoconan whispers: "Pretty lonely at the top otherwise."
  1193. [09:36:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I mean, I'm not that heavy, but..."
  1194. [09:36:12] Lotlhuitl says, "Well, there's the stuff."
  1195. [09:37:04] Lotlhuitl says, "The pretty women. The jewels."
  1196. [09:37:04] Lotlhuitl says, "The nice food."
  1197. [09:37:04] Lotlhuitl says, "Men, I guess."
  1198. [09:37:04] Xoconan says, "I was wondering if you'd say that, but that's not what I meant."
  1199. [09:37:04] Lotlhuitl laughed, kicking her feet once more. Amused.
  1200. (Lotlhuitl)
  1201. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1203. [09:37:04] Lotlhuitl asks, "What do you mean, Xoconan?"
  1204. [09:37:55] Xoconan says, "Slaves and all that are all well and good, helll I've got a slave of my own."
  1205. [09:37:55] Xoconan says, "But- what's life without an equal? Someone who you can- well hell."
  1206. [09:37:55] Xoconan says, "Someone you could do this with."
  1207. [09:38:46] Lotlhuitl asks, "What?"
  1208. [09:38:46] Lotlhuitl tilted her head.
  1209. (Lotlhuitl)
  1210. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1212. [09:38:46] Lotlhuitl says, "Talk>"
  1213. [09:38:46] Lotlhuitl asks, "?"
  1214. [09:38:46] Xoconan says, "Bit more than talk. You can talk to a slave."
  1215. [09:39:37] Xoconan asks, "But, lemme ask, would you ever take say, Latvia's opinion seriously?"
  1216. [09:39:37] Lotlhuitl says, ".... aha.. uh."
  1217. [09:39:37] Lotlhuitl asks, "Who?"
  1218. [09:39:37] Lotlhuitl deliberately blank face.
  1219. (Lotlhuitl)
  1220. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1222. [09:39:37] Xoconan says, "Oh, my slave. Blond girl, big ponytail."
  1223. [09:39:37] Lotlhuitl says, "A-ah.. ah.. r-right."
  1224. [09:39:37] Lotlhuitl says, "I thought I knew your name."
  1225. [09:39:37] Xoconan says, "..."
  1226. [09:39:37] Xoconan siiiighs.
  1227. (Xoconan)
  1228. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1230. [09:40:28] Xoconan asks, "What'd ya do?"
  1231. [09:40:28] Lotlhuitl says, "N-nothing.. the creature, it tricked me."
  1232. [09:40:28] Lotlhuitl looked intensely guilty.
  1233. (Lotlhuitl)
  1234. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1236. [09:40:28] Xoconan whispers: "Just tell me the truth, please."
  1237. [09:40:28] Xoconan whispers: "If it's not your fault, I won't hurt you for it."
  1238. [09:41:20] Lotlhuitl asks, "Hurt me?"
  1239. [09:41:20] Lotlhuitl says, "<* pulled away, eyes flashing. *> "
  1240. [09:41:20] Lotlhuitl says, "I thought she was attacking me."
  1241. [09:41:20] Lotlhuitl says, "It's a mistake -anyone- could have made.."
  1242. [09:41:20] Lotlhuitl says, "T-that plant thing trickde me."
  1243. [09:42:11] Xoconan says, "I promised her I'd protect her, if she promised to be my slave forever."
  1244. [09:42:11] Xoconan asks, "What plant thing?"
  1245. [09:42:11] Xoconan asks, "A demon?"
  1246. [09:42:11] Lotlhuitl says, "... yeah."
  1247. [09:42:11] Lotlhuitl says, "The one that did this <gesture to the vines> to me."
  1248. [09:42:11] Xoconan says, "Ah... I think I know what you're talking about."
  1249. [09:43:02] Xoconan says, "I'll pay it a visit."
  1250. [09:43:02] Xoconan 's voice has gone brutally cold.
  1251. (Xoconan)
  1252. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1254. [09:43:02] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1255. [09:43:53] Xoconan says, "Anyway- let's uh... Don't worry. Nothing on your end to be afraid of."
  1256. [09:43:53] Xoconan raises hands disarmingly.
  1257. (Xoconan)
  1258. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1260. [09:43:53] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm not afraid of anything."
  1261. [09:43:53] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm no coward."
  1262. [09:43:53] Xoconan says, "You're afraid of being touched- there's one."
  1263. [09:43:53] Lotlhuitl had resumed her nuclear deterant levels of defensiveness, it seemed.
  1264. (Lotlhuitl)
  1265. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1267. [09:44:44] Lotlhuitl says, "That-"
  1268. [09:44:44] Lotlhuitl says, "That doesn't count."
  1269. [09:44:44] Lotlhuitl says, "And that's not fear. That's anger."
  1270. [09:44:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Pft. Afraid of being touched."
  1271. [09:44:44] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm not afraid of being touched."
  1272. [09:44:44] Xoconan simply plops his hand on top of Lotl's head.
  1273. (Xoconan)
  1274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1276. [09:45:36] Lotlhuitl twitched for maybe half a second before batting his hand away.
  1277. (Lotlhuitl)
  1278. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1280. [09:45:36] Lotlhuitl says, "No."
  1281. [09:45:36] Xoconan says, "Anyway, let's go back to what I was saying, before things got weird."
  1282. [09:45:36] Lotlhuitl asks, "... what were you saying?"
  1283. [09:45:36] Lotlhuitl says, "You wanted to carry me somewhere."
  1284. [09:46:27] Lotlhuitl says, "Or someone."
  1285. [09:46:27] Lotlhuitl says, "Or.. wanted me to carry you."
  1286. [09:46:27] Xoconan says, "Ahaha, not quite. I think you're taking me too literally."
  1287. [09:46:27] Lotlhuitl says, "To be honest, I wasn't quite sure what the point you were trying to make."
  1288. [09:46:27] Lotlhuitl says, "...? "
  1289. [09:46:27] Xoconan says, "I didn't mean it that... Literally."
  1290. [09:46:27] Lotlhuitl tilted her head.
  1291. (Lotlhuitl)
  1292. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1294. [09:46:27] Lotlhuitl asks, "..?"
  1295. [09:46:27] Xoconan says, "I was trying to tell you that if you're not strong enough on your own, for whatever's in front of you..."
  1296. [09:46:27] Lotlhuitl asks, "Hmm?"
  1297. [09:47:18] Xoconan says, "You don't always need to face it *alone*."
  1298. [09:47:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh.."
  1299. [09:47:18] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. suppose."
  1300. [09:47:18] Lotlhuitl says, "I'll keep that in mind."
  1301. [09:47:18] Xoconan asks, "That's what I meant by having an equal, so it's not super lonely at the top, y'know?"
  1302. [09:47:18] Xoconan says, "That's why I mentioned Latvia."
  1303. [09:48:09] Xoconan asks, "If I was one of your slaves, would you even listen to me?"
  1304. [09:48:09] Lotlhuitl says, "It depends, if you had a solid tactical mind, I would consider it."
  1305. [09:49:00] Lotlhuitl says, "But.. no."
  1306. [09:49:00] Lotlhuitl says, "Unlikely."
  1307. [09:49:00] Xoconan says, "It's good to have someone you can listen to, not just hear."
  1308. [09:49:00] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I guess I don't disagree with you, Xoconan."
  1309. [09:49:52] Xoconan says, "Call me Xoco, bit too ah... Long-winded."
  1310. [09:49:52] Lotlhuitl says, "<* gave a slow blink, her long, dark eyelashes rising and falling like the curtains at the opera. *> "
  1311. [09:49:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Umm.. okay, Xoco."
  1312. [09:50:43] Xoconan says, "See? That's better. Less formal, anyway."
  1313. [09:50:43] Lotlhuitl says, "I guess I don't disagree with you, Xoco. <small smile> But I.. I also don't understand why you're telling me all this."
  1314. [09:50:43] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm.. dishonoured. I lost in combat to this creature, and it claimed me. "
  1315. [09:51:34] Xoconan says, "If every Gehennan that ever lost a battle was dishonoured forever..."
  1316. [09:51:34] Xoconan says, "Not a single person on this land would have any left."
  1317. [09:51:34] Xoconan asks, "Know why I've got this?"
  1318. [09:51:34] Xoconan taps his mythril ribs.
  1319. (Xoconan)
  1320. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1322. [09:51:34] Lotlhuitl blinked slowly, before shaking her head.
  1323. (Lotlhuitl)
  1324. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1326. [09:52:25] Xoconan says, "Was twelve, challenged a demon to a fight. It flayed me to an inch of my life with Mournegale."
  1327. [09:52:25] Xoconan says, "I couldn't even move myself because it ruined the muscles so bad- so this got put in."
  1328. [09:54:08] He turned around, lifting up the back of his cloak to reveal... A full Mythril spine, built directly in overtop his original. Truegold wiring clearly etches out from it into his flesh, disappearing inside the glowing mana circuits.
  1330. "Every single time I move, every time I hear that little clicking... I remember getting flayed."
  1331. (Xoconan)
  1332. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1334. [10:06:56] "I - I wasn't - I didn't -" Lotlhuitl fumbled with her words as she, unable to look away, found herself staring once more at Xoconan. This time, his back. Without really thinking, the woman had reached forward, fingertips brushing against where metal met flesh.
  1336. "I'm sorry, Xoco. I.. I guess, I was just.."
  1338. She'd noticed it all, of course. But she hadn't really thought about why he had so much clockwork and metal over his body. Perhaps she'd brushed it off as an aesthetic thing. Or, more likely, she had been too focused inwardly to really acknowledge that anyone else had ever suffered.
  1340. She unwrapped her tail from around her bare waist. It was obvious that the woman had been in multiple fights, recently. None of which had caused terrible wounds, or anything like that. Just scratches, and light cuts, bruises. Most of which had already scabbed over. And then the vines. There was a dark pattern stretching out from the visible plants, a root system which seemed to have sunk into the young woman's mana circuits.
  1342. Her eyes wide, she pressed her hand against Xoconan's back. She could hear.. feel the ticking of the mechanism.
  1344. "I don't really know what to say, Xoco. I'm not really good at talking to people. Yelling, maybe. I'm no good at being nice, and.. I don't know."
  1346. She withdrew, now her turn to run a hand through her hair. Her expression had turned gloomy as she looked to him.
  1347. (Lotlhuitl)
  1348. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1350. [10:13:45] {combat} Admin-Chan has been defeated by Prima! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1351. [10:25:42] After a long moment of silence, a moment she broke, he gave a long rolling chuckle. Strange, despite the situation, despite her gloom. His cloak fell back down, obscuring his back. "See?"
  1353. He turned to face her. "My point to that was... Just because you lost, just because something's marked you, that doesn't mean you're dishonored. You lost, so get back up. You're not dead, right?" Again, his hand came to rest on her shoulder, gently.
  1355. "That's why I'm telling you this help. No one really told me that stuff when I was still growing, both as a kid and as a warrior, a magi. You've only got half my problem, you're already grown up." The teens face split into a toothy grin.
  1357. "Don't really care how nice you are, or good at talking to people you are. Lotta people aren't- it's not stopping me, is it?"
  1358. (Xoconan)
  1359. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1361. [10:25:42] You learnt the spell Bolt V2.
  1362. [10:36:48] For perhaps the first time, Lotlhuitl gave Xoconan a genuine smile. She really wasn't sure that she understood where he was going with any of what he was saying any more, but.. still. Somehow, she was glad he was saying it. That he was here. She reached out again and, awkwardly, moved to pat him on the shoulder.
  1364. An attempt at affection. She could people. Right?
  1366. "Well, I appreciate it."
  1368. Her awkwardness returning, Lotlhuitl's tail twitched as she reached into her belt pouch.. rummaged around for a minute, withdrew a shiny golden chain which must have been the wrong item as she put it back. Until, finally, "Aha!" Lotlhuitl exclaimed, and produced what appeared to be some sort of spirit token, or some sort of small charm. It appeared to be made from woven coloured cord, painted bones, and small glass beads. The bones were carved into star shapes, with runes inlaid into them.
  1370. "Here." She said, attempting to press the bracelet into both hands.
  1372. The woman moved closer to Xoconan as she did so, all but pressing the side of her body against his side, the two of them still sitting on top of the tower.
  1374. "It'll give you good luck. Maybe even a boon. The Spirit Dmex, she.. I made them, based on her constellation."
  1375. (Lotlhuitl)
  1376. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1378. [10:47:53] He smiled at her attempt. It was progress, awkward as it was! A step was a step, as long as she never stopped taking them. He didn't try to deflect her hand, letting it remain for as long, or shortly, as she wanted.
  1380. And then he watched, bemused, as the Nagual searched for something, patiently waiting. A brow went up at her exclamation, whatever this was seemed to be clearly important to her. Enough that he stayed quiet as the bracelet was produced.
  1382. It was... Odd. Notably, Xoconan was relatively unadorned in fetishes, charms, and tokens. His cloak was secure by a chain of gold, while two amulets hung from his neck, one carved in the shape of a cyclops, glowing lightly, other bright orange.
  1384. He closed his hands around it, and her own hand for a moment. "... I really don't know what to say..." It wasn't often he received gifts, much less gifts that weren't weapons. The staff on his back, the rifle he'd held before it.
  1386. No one had given him something so... Simple, something that felt all the more genuine for it. "You know Dmex?" He asked, as his left hand came away, going to his neck, to the bright orange amulet. "She's... Unique, isn't she?" He asked as it was slowly tugged free from its entwined state with the other.
  1387. (Xoconan)
  1388. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1390. [10:48:44] Lotlhuitl says, "She's my.. patron."
  1391. [10:48:44] Lotlhuitl says, "Mentor."
  1392. [10:49:36] Xoconan says, "Ah... She's interesting- I don't talk to her as much as I'd like. I always feel like I learn something from her."
  1393. [10:49:36] Lotlhuitl says, "You're welcome, by the way. I normally, well. Charge people.. but. "
  1394. [10:49:36] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, she's.. amazing."
  1395. [10:49:36] Xoconan says, "Oh, right... Here."
  1396. [10:49:36] Xoconan hands over the amulet he'd tugged free.
  1397. (Xoconan)
  1398. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1400. [10:49:36] Lotlhuitl says, "N-no.."
  1401. [10:49:36] Lotlhuitl says, "O-oh."
  1402. [10:50:27] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I don't actually have an item!)
  1403. [10:50:27] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (was just.. makin something up)
  1404. [10:50:27] LOOC - Xoconan: (smh, not using items to describe every item on your person)
  1405. [10:50:27] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aa..)
  1406. [10:50:27] LOOC - Xoconan: (Nah, I didn't expect you to have an item!)
  1407. [10:50:27] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh, aha. Ok)
  1408. [10:50:27] LOOC - Xoconan: (But his amulets are both physical items)
  1409. [10:51:18] {Item} You picked up Sol.Dropped by Xoconan. .
  1410. [10:51:18] LOOC - Xoconan: (The cyclops one is an arcanium amulet)
  1411. [10:51:18] Xoconan asks, "Here, gift for a gift, right?"
  1412. [10:51:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Wow. It's pretty."
  1413. [10:51:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Thank you, Xoco."
  1414. [10:51:18] Xoconan says, "Supposed to look like the sun."
  1415. [10:51:18] Lotlhuitl says, "Hm.. I see it. "
  1416. [10:52:09] Lotlhuitl says, "... Xoconan? "
  1417. [10:52:09] Xoconan asks, "Yeah?"
  1418. [10:52:09] Lotlhuitl says, "Was.. the reason you were saying all that stuff, earlier, about carrying and about not doing things on your own."
  1419. [10:53:00] Xoconan is slipping the bracelet onto his wrist.
  1420. (Xoconan)
  1421. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1423. [10:53:00] Lotlhuitl asks, "Were you about to ask me if I needed help, or..?"
  1424. [10:53:00] Lotlhuitl was still fiddling with the amulet.
  1425. (Lotlhuitl)
  1426. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1428. [10:53:00] Xoconan says, "Hmmm..."
  1429. [10:53:00] Xoconan whispers: "Do you?"
  1430. [10:53:00] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1431. [10:53:00] Lotlhuitl whispers: I don't know if I need help.
  1432. [10:53:52] Lotlhuitl whispers: But I can't accept it.
  1433. [10:53:52] Lotlhuitl says, "... I'd feel bad, if something happened to you, because of my foolishness."
  1434. [10:53:52] Xoconan chuckles lightly.
  1435. (Xoconan)
  1436. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1438. [10:53:52] Lotlhuitl says, "... besides. The creature- h-hey.."
  1439. [10:53:52] Xoconan says, "Trust me, I've been hurt for... A lot dumber reasosn than trying to help someone."
  1440. [10:53:52] LOOC - Xoconan: (reasons*)
  1441. [10:53:52] Lotlhuitl says, "Oh."
  1442. [10:54:43] Lotlhuitl says, "... it's.. difficult. As.. on the one hand, I feel I should be.. angry at the creature. And indeed I am. But.. it could have eaten me. "
  1443. [10:55:34] Lotlhuitl says, "I feel sorry for it, I suppose."
  1444. [10:55:34] Lotlhuitl says, "Which.. is maybe strange."
  1445. [10:55:34] Lotlhuitl says, "It told me that it is as old as Argatha itself."
  1446. [10:55:34] Xoconan says, "Well... I'm not gonna kill it, if you're wondering about that."
  1447. [10:56:25] Xoconan says, "Helping you or not, my slave got hurt because of it too."
  1448. [10:56:25] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. I really didn't know. I said sorry to her. Felt.. pretty silly afterwards. I.. don't know how I.."
  1449. [10:57:16] Lotlhuitl coughed.
  1450. (Lotlhuitl)
  1451. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1453. [10:58:08] Xoconan says, "Hey, don't worry about it."
  1454. [10:58:08] Xoconan asks, "Was it bad? Or just like, bruises, stuff like that?"
  1455. [10:58:08] Lotlhuitl says, "I just knocked her over with some water. I.. wasn't expecting her to go down so easily."
  1456. [10:58:08] Xoconan says, "Aha..."
  1457. [10:58:59] Lotlhuitl says, "That's when I realised and.. the creature attacked us. And I grabbed Latvia and ran."
  1458. [10:58:59] Xoconan whispers: "She'll be fine. She's uh..."
  1459. [10:58:59] Xoconan suddenly stops.
  1460. (Xoconan)
  1461. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1463. [10:58:59] Xoconan says, "Anyway, I'll pay the creature a visit."
  1464. [10:59:50] Lotlhuitl laughed, nervously.
  1465. (Lotlhuitl)
  1466. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1468. [11:00:41] Lotlhuitl says, "I mean, I could try and stop you."
  1469. [11:00:41] Xoconan raises a brow.
  1470. (Xoconan)
  1471. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1473. [11:00:41] Xoconan asks, "You know I usually ask for stuff if I win in a duel like that, right?"
  1474. [11:01:32] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1475. [11:01:32] Lotlhuitl asks, "What happened to being my equal, hm?"
  1476. [11:02:24] Xoconan says, "You're not a slave, so you're my equal..."
  1477. [11:02:24] Xoconan exclaims, "But, it was more of a warning!"
  1478. [11:02:24] Lotlhuitl says, "I.. didn't mean I would stop you, anyway, Xoconan."
  1479. [11:02:24] Xoconan says, "Last time I got into a duel where the terms weren't quite clear, my opponent got furious with me."
  1480. [11:04:06] Lotlhuitl says, "... Xoconan, I.."
  1481. [11:04:06] Lotlhuitl says, "I'm not your equal."
  1482. [11:04:06] Xoconan says, "Sure you are."
  1483. [11:04:06] Xoconan asks, "Why wouldn't you be?"
  1484. [11:04:06] Lotlhuitl says, "The creature took my freedom from me, Xoconan. "
  1485. [11:04:57] Xoconan asks, "... It made you his slave?"
  1486. [11:04:57] Lotlhuitl says, "Yes, it did."
  1487. [11:05:48] Xoconan whispers: "Ah..."
  1488. [11:05:48] Xoconan sighs.
  1489. (Xoconan)
  1490. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1492. [11:05:48] Xoconan says, "I dunno how the hell to even respond to that one..."
  1493. [11:05:48] Lotlhuitl stiffened, shifting away from him.
  1494. (Lotlhuitl)
  1495. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1497. [11:05:48] Lotlhuitl says, "I see."
  1498. [11:06:40] Xoconan says, "Ac-"
  1499. [11:06:40] Xoconan says, "I feel as though I've gained great power."
  1500. [11:06:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (You killed a Greater Demon! (+1800 EXP))
  1501. [11:06:40] LOOC - Xoconan: (??)
  1502. [11:06:40] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (haha what)
  1503. [11:06:40] Xoconan says, "Nah, c'mere, I've got one idea."
  1504. [11:08:22] Lotlhuitl blinked, looking up at Xoconan through dark eyelashes, still.. slightly leaning away.
  1505. (Lotlhuitl)
  1506. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1508. [11:08:22] Xoconan whispers: "Would you rather be under me instead of a Demon?"
  1509. [11:09:13] Lotlhuitl says, "I mean, yes.. "
  1510. [11:10:04] Xoconan says, "Then it's settled."
  1511. [11:10:04] Lotlhuitl says, "But I'm not exactly thrilled with--"
  1512. [11:11:47] He suddenly grinned widely, as if glad to have a chance to dismiss the gloom. "Simple, it really is! If he claimed you under Gehennan law, then I can do the same..."
  1514. He rolled his shoulders, appearing absolutely confident in his abilities to do precisely that. "And from there? You'll earn your freedom, and your ability to be my equal."
  1515. (Xoconan)
  1516. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1518. [11:33:58] It didn't seem so simple to Lotlhuitl.
  1520. The woman's expression was distinctly tormented for a moment. For a moment, it was like she couldn't breathe. She could feel the creature's vines encircling her. Crushing her. Squeezing the air out of her lungs. She could feel its hands caressing her face.
  1522. Panic. That's all it was: she was just panicking. She was safe.
  1524. The Nagual tilted her face away from Xoconan, taking a slow, deep breath. She held it for a second. Exhaled. And then rinsed and repeated.
  1526. She was strong. She wasn't afraid of anything. She was no coward. She could feel her mana surging within her. It was like some ball of energy right at her core. Like.. a seed, or an egg. This energy of hers, she knew it was merely a beginning.
  1528. At some point she had closed her eyes. Her hands had gone up to her temples, rubbing them. She forced herself to straighten. Her eyes opened with a flutter of dark eyelashes. Sheforced herself to look once more to Xoconan. He was trying to help. The creature had humiliated her. Hurt her. Who knew what it would try and make her do next? And what if it got tired of her? What then?
  1530. Her lips parted slightly, as if the Nagual with the blue-black hair had been about to say something. But just couldn't. She was silent, looking out to the jungle.
  1532. "I swore I would kill whoever enslaved me, Xoconan. I swore an oath."
  1534. She turned the amulet he had given her over in her hands. Looking down at it for a moment, before she slipped it on over her neck.
  1535. (Lotlhuitl)
  1536. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1538. [11:37:23] Xoconan says, "So I won't kill it."
  1539. [11:38:14] Xoconan says, "And uh, hm."
  1540. [11:39:05] He rubbed the back of his neck, as he got the message suddenly. "Ah... You're more worried about killing me, for enslaving you too?" He asked, the situation suddenly seeming clear.
  1542. "Did you swear an oath to hate them too?"
  1543. (Xoconan)
  1544. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1546. [11:39:56] Lotlhuitl says, "... I did not."
  1547. [11:39:56] Xoconan asks, "How 'bout a time limit?"
  1548. [11:40:48] Lotlhuitl tilted her head, looking up at Xoconan from beneath dark lashes.
  1549. (Lotlhuitl)
  1550. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1552. [11:40:48] Lotlhuitl asks, "What do you mean?"
  1553. [11:40:48] Xoconan asks, "Exactly what I asked. You swear an oath to kill them in some amount of time? Five years? Ten?"
  1554. [11:41:39] Lotlhuitl says, "No. I did not put a time limit on it."
  1555. [11:41:39] Xoconan asks, "What stops you from waiting until I'm on my deathbed and putting me out of it then?"
  1556. [11:41:39] Xoconan seems unusually casual about the topic.
  1557. (Xoconan)
  1558. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1560. [11:41:39] Lotlhuitl wrinkled her nose.
  1561. (Lotlhuitl)
  1562. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1564. [11:42:30] Lotlhuitl asks, "Do you not wish to die in battle?"
  1565. [11:42:30] Xoconan asks, "... Have you seen men die in battle?"
  1566. [11:43:21] Xoconan says, "Clutching at their chests, screaming in pain, bleeding everywhere... There's no honor in dying to an anonymous arrow."
  1567. [11:44:12] Lotlhuitl says, "..."
  1568. [11:44:12] Lotlhuitl says, "I fought at Avalon. "
  1569. [11:44:12] Xoconan says, "If I had to choose my death, I'd choose a sacrifice."
  1570. [11:45:04] Lotlhuitl says, "Very well."
  1571. [11:45:04] Lotlhuitl says, "I will perform this duty for you."
  1572. [11:45:04] Xoconan asks, "Just... Not right now, huh?"
  1573. [11:45:04] Xoconan says, "Not quite ready to die when I've got the world to see yet."
  1574. [11:45:55] Lotlhuitl was apparently bemused by this comment, as she leant in, tapping a finger against the artery in Xoco's neck.
  1575. (Lotlhuitl)
  1576. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1578. [11:45:55] Lotlhuitl says, "Blam."
  1579. [11:46:46] Xoconan says, "Make sure you get 'em both."
  1580. [11:46:46] Xoconan taps the artery on the other side of his neck.
  1581. (Xoconan)
  1582. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1584. [11:46:46] Lotlhuitl continued to be bemused.
  1585. (Lotlhuitl)
  1586. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1588. [11:46:46] Lotlhuitl says, "Ah.. yes. "
  1589. [11:48:28] Lotlhuitl kept close to Xoco as she traced that finger across his neck, a smile springing to her lips. She tapped the other side.
  1590. (Lotlhuitl)
  1591. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1593. [11:49:20] Lotlhuitl says, "Blam blam."
  1594. [11:49:20] Xoconan says, "There ya go. Atl goes for the heart too, dunno what you do."
  1595. [11:50:11] Lotlhuitl says, "The still beating heart is a bit passe. "
  1596. [11:50:11] Lotlhuitl chuckled.
  1597. (Lotlhuitl)
  1598. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1600. [11:51:02] Xoconan asks, "So it's settled. I'll claim you and, one day, you'll earn yourself the ability to be my equal, huh?"
  1601. [11:51:53] Xoconan says, "Come on, I wanna see something real quick."
  1602. [11:51:53] Lotlhuitl says, "And one day I will spill your blood, sacrificing your mana to the Great Spirit."
  1603. [11:52:44] Lotlhuitl asks, "... yes?"
  1604. [11:52:44] Xoconan slowly floats down the tower to the ground below.
  1605. (Xoconan)
  1606. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1608. [11:52:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (my check arrived)
  1609. [11:52:44] LOOC - Xoconan: (2x RPP is so nice)
  1610. [11:52:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (haha awesome)
  1611. [11:52:44] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yes, it is.)
  1612. [11:53:36] Xoconan exclaims, "I wanna see waht you're capable of!"
  1613. [11:54:27] Xoconan says, "So we'll do just a quick spar. Don't hold back, I'm more durable than you probably think."
  1614. [11:54:27] Lotlhuitl nodded.
  1615. (Lotlhuitl)
  1616. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1618. [11:54:27] Xoconan says, "Like... Really."
  1619. [11:54:27] LOOC - Xoconan: (tfw your average restrained spar at this point ends in getting savagely injected with poison)
  1620. [11:54:27] LOOC - Xoconan: (and then telekinetically slammed while you're held still by vines)
  1621. [11:56:09] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1622. [11:56:09] LOOC - Xoconan: (oof)
  1623. [11:56:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (did.. you use confuse on me or )
  1624. [11:56:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I got stuck on the wall I think)
  1625. [11:56:09] LOOC - Xoconan: (overheat applies a very mild confusion effect)
  1626. [11:56:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oohh)
  1627. [11:56:09] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (aha. Cool.
  1628. [11:57:00] {combat} Lotlhuitl has been defeated by Xoconan! They're unable to continue fighting.
  1629. [11:57:00] LOOC - Xoconan: (you need some CC badly)
  1630. [11:57:52] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (yeh..)
  1631. [11:57:52] LOOC - Xoconan: (Uh...)
  1632. [11:57:52] LOOC - Xoconan: (Blood Miasma)
  1633. [11:57:52] LOOC - Xoconan: (You really need that)
  1634. [11:58:43] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I actually have enough rpp for it..)
  1635. [11:58:43] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (hm.)
  1636. [11:58:43] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (*buys*)
  1637. [11:59:34] LOOC - Xoconan: (what's your MD look like?)
  1638. [11:59:34] LOOC - Xoconan: (your sparkbombs seemed to be doing so little damage)
  1639. [11:59:34] LOOC - Xoconan: (Is it not upgraded?)
  1640. [11:59:34] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (147. I'm rplv 147..)
  1641. [11:59:34] LOOC - Xoconan: (Ah- didn't know)
  1642. [11:59:34] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I kinda have 3 crafting tiers)
  1643. [11:59:34] LOOC - Xoconan: (You could've been doing the Namarre)
  1644. [11:59:34] LOOC - Xoconan: (and just not investing points until shit absolutely hit the fan)
  1645. [12:00:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (haha, except I've been verbing people like
  1646. [12:00:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (twice a day)
  1647. [12:00:25] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (if I hit everything, it's amazing)
  1648. [12:00:25] LOOC - Xoconan: (yeah you need a slow somewhere)
  1649. [12:00:25] LOOC - Xoconan: (Like, really badly)
  1650. [12:00:25] LOOC - Xoconan: (Uh...)
  1651. [12:00:25] LOOC - Xoconan: (Wind is the obvious first choice imo)
  1652. [12:01:16] LOOC - Xoconan: (two spells and you're done)
  1653. [12:01:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I bought blood miasma, rot.. kinda slows doesn't it)
  1654. [12:01:16] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (idek)
  1655. [12:01:16] LOOC - Xoconan: (The spores it summons do)
  1656. [12:02:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I was debating just getting compression..)
  1657. [12:02:59] LOOC - Xoconan: (problem is, it's very easily dodgeable)
  1658. [12:02:59] LOOC - Xoconan: (if you're running unslowed, it'll miss)
  1659. [12:02:59] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (oh.. hm..)
  1660. [12:02:59] LOOC - Xoconan: (It's why I use overheat with it)
  1661. [12:02:59] LOOC - Xoconan: (Because overheat slows and confuses, and is GCDE)
  1662. [12:03:50] LOOC - Xoconan: (So I can instantly slow/confuse you into my stun)
  1663. [12:03:50] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I'm pretty sleeeppy)
  1664. [12:03:50] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (3am :P)
  1665. [12:03:50] LOOC - Xoconan: (Ahh)
  1666. [12:04:41] LOOC - Xoconan: (I'll do my post, you can dot one last time if you want)
  1667. [12:04:41] LOOC - Xoconan: (then you can go!)
  1668. [12:04:41] LOOC - Xoconan: (we can RP later)
  1669. [12:04:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (okiedokes)
  1670. [12:04:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (sure!)
  1671. [12:04:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I had a bunch of fun aha)
  1672. [12:04:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (I was gonna go to bed at 10pm :P)
  1673. [12:04:41] LOOC - Xoconan: (I know, I really didn't expect this)
  1674. [12:04:41] LOOC - Xoconan: (i was planning on sleeping more today too)
  1675. [12:04:41] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (ahaha. and then u had to do the tail touch)
  1676. [12:05:32] LOOC - Xoconan: (He'll do it again too with a real hand when he owns her)
  1677. [12:05:32] LOOC - Xoconan: (:p)
  1678. [12:05:32] LOOC - Xoconan: (fluffy tails are meant to be grabbed)
  1679. [12:05:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: ( r u d e )
  1680. [12:05:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (:P)
  1681. [12:05:32] LOOC - Lotlhuitl: (angery)
  1682. [12:08:06] The glimmering arcanium staff came from his back, twirled lightly, power visibly radiating from it in a silvery blue glow. A masterpiece of a weapon, one given to him by the Cruxati, one without a name yet.
  1684. And while he told her to go all out? He held back. The normal feelings those that fought him felt never showed up. The oppressive atmosphere of gravity weighing your every step, cold winds cutting to the bone, heat roiling to bake the skin?
  1686. Never happened.
  1688. Though the crackling violet energies absolutely made their appearance. Her attacks seemed to hurt him, when they landed, but not too badly. Blood savagely cracked across his chest, water throwing him backwards, opening up wounds... And yet.
  1690. He didn't even seem phased.
  1692. A jolt of lightning, more of a shocking force than anything, would drop Lotlhuitl to the ground, like a tazer applied to the back of the neck. By the time it was over, he'd be standing over her, already leaning down to help pick the Nagual up.
  1694. "Alright... Gonna need to grow you a bit. You've got punch, but not really any way to land it. Need to figure something out."
  1695. (Xoconan)
  1696. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1698. [12:32:51] (Farmstead) Alert: Harima Ouji has joined the guild.
  1699. [12:34:33] At the direction to go all out, Lotlhuitl had nodded. She appeared.. determined. The young woman was nothing, if not tenacious, it seemed. She had her suspicions that Xoconan was stronger than her. He was a battle hardened warrior, and she was. Well. On the way to becoming a battle hardened magi. But she wasn't there yet.
  1701. She pushed all those thoughts to the side and.. focused.
  1703. Lotlhuitl's eyes had flashed as she attacked Xoconan. Her heart, beating like a drum, was loud in her ears. Th-thunk. Th-thunk. And so it was to a beat that she attacked, attempting to dance past Xoconan's attacks - though, to limited success. She was no trained dancer, nothing to be compared to the likes of Zahhual or Xitlalli, but she showed a certain level of skill indicating an innate ability.
  1705. The Nagual did her best, but her suspicions were correct.
  1707. Xoconan was stronger than her.
  1709. "Gak--" Lotlhuitl had exhaled, eyes widening as she felt a foreign source of electricity surge through her body. It was a different charge to her own lightning. Purple. Strange. And it saw her drop with little fanfare or.. really, effort on Xoconan's part.
  1711. Lotlhuitl normally would have picked herself up. But.. for some reason she found herself placing her hand In his. She got to her feet, and for an awkward moment held onto his hand for perhaps a good minute longer than was necessary to merely steady herself.
  1713. Blinking, she let go. "Right." She stated, rubbing behind one of her fluffy ears.
  1715. "There's.. something else. If.. you're really going to help me, Xoconan, you.. should know you're probably taking on more than just one fight."
  1717. (Lotlhuitl)
  1718. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1720. [12:35:24] Xoconan says, "Alright, so let's hear it."
  1721. [12:35:24] Lotlhuitl says, "There's a woman. Toka. Wants to duel me for my slave, Kalisha. Except.. she already stole her from me. Prevented the woman from fighting for Gehenna, when she wanted to."
  1722. [12:36:16] Lotlhuitl says, "I mean, I'm happy to face her. But, truthfully, if you were to claim me."
  1723. [12:36:16] Lotlhuitl says, "Kalisha would become your property."
  1724. [12:36:16] Xoconan says, "... Ah."
  1725. [12:36:16] Lotlhuitl says, "And Toka's insult to me, becomes an insult to you."
  1726. [12:36:16] Xoconan says, "So I'll talk to Toka too about it."
  1727. [12:36:16] Xoconan says, "I've already proven to her multiple times in the past that I'm stronger than her..."
  1728. [12:36:16] Xoconan says, "So, we'll see what happens."
  1729. [12:37:07] Lotlhuitl says, "<* nodded. *> "
  1730. [12:37:07] Lotlhuitl says, "That.. really took a lot out of me. I'm afraid I must rest, Xoco."
  1731. [12:37:58] Xoconan says, "We'll talk later."
  1732. [12:37:58] Xoconan says, "Sleep well."
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