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Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. (01:06:01) <@Franek> ?showallcommands
  2. (01:06:02) - DualShock (Franek) - Command: showallcommands (Level: -, Global_Level: 9-10). Answer: COMMAND LIST
  3. (01:06:02) - PS4 (Franek) - Command: help (Level: -, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type: help <command> to show more information about command.
  4. (01:06:02) - deadpool (Franek) - Command: bots (Level: req, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type bots to see botlist.
  5. (01:06:02) - XBOX (Franek) - Command: request (Level: req, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type request #chan [botname] to request bot. To see chanlist try !bots
  6. (01:06:03) - Playstation (Franek) - Command: botlist (Level: req, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type botlist to see botlist.
  7. (01:06:03) - Nintendo (Franek) - Command: info (Level: req, Global_Level: 7-10). Answer: Type info #chan to see suspend reason of channel.
  8. (01:06:03) - Forbidden (Franek) - Command: report (Level: req, Global_Level: 7-10). Answer: Type report #chan to report channel.
  9. (01:06:04) - M4A1 (Franek) - Command: reg (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Register yourself to play in our casino games.
  10. (01:06:04) - DesertEagle (Franek) - Command: money (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Try money itself or money [nick]. It return amount of money in our casino games.
  11. (01:06:04) - Chainsaw (Franek) - Command: change (Level: req, Global_Level: 7-10). Answer: Type change #chan <new_botname> - botlist available at !bots
  12. (01:06:05) - Croupier (Franek) - Command: top (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Try top[1-20] - number is not necessary to add number.
  13. (01:06:05) - MyService (Franek) - Command: rank (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Returns your rank in our ranking.
  14. (01:06:05) - analking (Franek) - Command: givemoney (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Gives you money each 1 hour when you type it.
  15. (01:06:06) - pwnd-bots (Franek) - Command: give (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type give <nick/#auth> <amount> - gives someone your money.
  16. (01:06:06) - Skyrim (Franek) - Command: vp (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type vp <money> to play virtual poker. After it try !draw [234] to replace 2nd, 3rd and 4th card.
  17. (01:06:06) - Dasza (Franek) - Command: ag (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Starts an anagram game. You have 60 seconds to find a word.
  18. (01:06:07) - DualShock (Franek) - Command: bj (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type bj <money> to play blackjack. You can type then S, D, H to Stand, Double, Hit.
  19. (01:06:07) - PS4 (Franek) - Command: slots (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Plays slots game. You can win at leats 100'000$!
  20. (01:06:07) - XBOX (Franek) - Command: luckylotto (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type luckylotto <number> - if you hit the number you can win at least 10'000$
  21. (01:06:07) - deadpool (Franek) - Command: pickthree (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type pickthree <1-9> <1-9> <1-9> - if you hit 3 numbers you win at least 100'000$!
  22. (01:06:08) - Playstation (Franek) - Command: bingo (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type bingo <1-99> <1-99> <1-99> <1-99> <1-99> - if you hit at least 1 number you win money! Costs 2000.
  23. (01:06:08) - Forbidden (Franek) - Command: gamble (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: It is for free, gambling. You can get kick, ban, op, 30'000$, voice. Wanna try?
  24. (01:06:08) - Nintendo (Franek) - Command: bet (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type bet <id> <option> <money> - you can check bet list at our webpage.
  25. (01:06:09) - Chainsaw (Franek) - Command: dice (Level: casino, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type dice [money] - starts dice game, play versus your friends.
  26. (01:06:09) - M4A1 (Franek) - Command: whoami (Level: -, Global_Level: -). Answer: Whois yourself and returns you access on channels.
  27. (01:06:09) - DesertEagle (Franek) - Command: whois (Level: -, Global_Level: -). Answer: Whois someone and returns common access on channels.
  28. (01:06:10) - Croupier (Franek) - Command: check (Level: -, Global_Level: -). Answer: Whoising yourself.
  29. (01:06:10) - MyService (Franek) - Command: version (Level: -, Global_Level: -). Answer: Returns author and the version.
  30. (01:06:10) - analking (Franek) - Command: mytrigger (Level: -, Global_Level: -). Answer: Type: mytrigger <trigger> - personalize your trigger. You can use it later with commands.
  31. (01:06:11) - pwnd-bots (Franek) - Command: adduser (Level: 4-5, Global_Level: 8-10). Answer: Type: adduser <nick|#auth> <level[friend,voice,op,master,owner]> - add user on userlist.
  32. (01:06:11) - Dasza (Franek) - Command: userlist (Level: 1-5, Global_Level: 6-10). Answer: Type: userlist [#chan|-global] - returns userlist of channel.
  33. (01:06:11) - Skyrim (Franek) - Command: deluser (Level: 4-5, Global_Level: 8-10). Answer: Type: deluser <nick|#auth> - remove user from userlist.
  34. (01:06:12) - DualShock (Franek) - Command: ban (Level: 4-5, Global_Level: 7-10). Answer: Type: ban <nick|*!*@host> [reason] - adds ban on channel.
  35. (01:06:12) - XBOX (Franek) - Command: banlist (Level: 4-5, Global_Level: 7-10). Answer: Type: banlist - shows banlist from channel.
  36. (01:06:12) - deadpool (Franek) - Command: banclear (Level: 4-5, Global_Level: 7-10). Answer: Type: banclear - clears banlist on channel.
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