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Feb 1st, 2018
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  1. Ereshkigal Valentines Scene:
  3. In the corridor, Ereshkigal is muttering to herself.
  5. Ereshkigal: ……Finally he/she has left the cafeteria. I’m certain that I could get hold of him/her during lunchtime.
  6. Ereshkigal: Well, sometime after dinner would have been better though. That way there’ll be more people around.
  7. Ereshkigal: Now. Looks like the time has finally come.
  8. Ereshkigal: ……Hm. Really, it’s not such a big deal. I myself, am surprisingly calm.
  9. Ereshkigal: It was good that I devoted two days to mentally preparing for this. Furthermore, the outcome of the chocolates is also great.
  10. Ereshkigal: I made sure to have practice time for a month. Surely there shouldn’t be any complaints about the taste, aesthetic, and magical power!
  11. Ereshkigal: Yes, one piece a day, making the test pieces was really fun! If I could I would do it everyday!
  12. Ereshkigal: Well, only this one came out well though! Since one part is done, the rest should be successful too!
  13. Ereshkigal: ———anyway, this isn’t the time to be gloating by the corner.
  14. Ereshkigal: These footsteps, I’m certain it’s Guda……at all times I have to be cool, and splendid……
  15. Ereshkigal: Alright, let’s go Ereshkigal! I’ll brilliantly let you taste the composure of the Goddess!
  17. You are walking in the corridor with Fou.
  19. Fou: Fo. Fofo, Fou. Kyu-
  20. (Special Meaning: Halt. There is aggression coming from around the corner.)
  22. You: [Choice 1] Fou-kun is staring towards the corner……?
  23. [Choice 2] (Is someone there?)
  25. Fou: Fou! Foufou, Fo-!
  26. (Special Meaning: The premonition of a strong foe......! Defeat them!)
  28. Fou rushes over.
  30. ???: My, if it isn’t the beast of calamity. Hmm. Acting as a bodyguard I see.
  31. ???: Well that’s fine, you’re powerless as of now. Go along to the other side.
  32. ???: Now———first, to get my act together, and……
  34. Ereshkigal appears before you.
  36. Ereshkigal: G-g-good day Guda! It’s just as planned to meet you in such a place!
  37. Ereshkigal: J-just now you’ve left the cafeteria but, I wonder if you are still hungry?
  38. Ereshkigal: If that’s the case, I have prepared a fitting, nutritional meal for you, h-how would you like to give it a taste?
  39. Fou: ———kyu.
  40. (Special Meaning: Oh it’s just a small-fry. You can go home.)
  42. You: [Choice 1] Hello, Ereshkigal
  43. [Choice 2] Sorry, I just ate lunch……
  45. [Choice 1]
  46. Ereshkigal: Y-yes. Thank you for your politeness. Greetings are important. These things, are usually assessed.
  48. [Choice 2]
  49. Ereshkigal’s face is covered in shock.
  51. Fou: Fou. Foufou.
  52. Ereshkigal: Y-yes indeed, you just came out of the cafeteria after all! I know that, it’s common sense of the living!
  53. Ereshkigal panics.
  54. Ereshkigal: (Awawa———what happened to your mental focus myself! I’m supposed to be surprisingly calm!?)
  56. Fou: Fou. Kyukyuu, fou.
  57. (Special Meaning: But dessert has yet to be eaten)
  59. Ereshkigal brightens up.
  61. Ereshkigal: That’s right! I did it, the timing is perfect, me!
  62. Ereshkigal: In that case, here. It’s too pitiful to go without dessert after a meal,
  63. Ereshkigal: Since you probably didn’t get anything from the other goddesses, and since this is a modern event,
  64. Ereshkigal: I’ll give this to you. I’m not exactly fond of these kind of sweet things.
  67. Ereshkigal hands you her present.
  69. Fou: Fo……fou……
  70. (Special Meaning: Uwa……that determination is so obvious……)
  72. Ereshkigal: H-how is it.
  73. Ereshkigal: I only noticed that the e-event was yesterday, and used a familiar design, to reasonably, and splendidly finish it up though.
  75. You: [Choice 1] This is Ereshkigal’s precious object, after all
  76. [Choice 2] This is Ereshkigal’s best feat, after all
  78. [Choice 1]
  79. Ereshkigal blushes, and smiles.
  81. Ereshkigal: Yes, that’s right. This spear cage is my most precious thing.
  82. Ereshkigal: ……fufu. Humans see it as something that traps away souls, and enemies see it as a lance that pierces through their bodies.
  83. Ereshkigal: To see this as something precious, really, you are a strange human.
  85. [Choice 2]
  86. Ereshkigal: T-that’s right. It’s my freedom to make cages. As you can see, I am a gloomy Goddess of the Netherworld
  87. Ereshkigal: You are prone to forgetting that often, all the more, this has taken such a form as a warning.
  88. Ereshkigal: When you look at that chocolate do bear in mind. I am not someone to be treated lightly.
  90. Ereshkigal: ……ahem.
  91. Ereshkigal: W-well, it’s not as if you have to eat the chocolate immediately, it’s fine to eat it when your mood feels like it.
  92. Ereshkigal: And if it’s not enough, I have no qualms if you visit me for more. I made reserves in case of such a situation after all.
  93. Ereshkigal: “I’ve never tasted something like this before, it’s so perfect that I don’t want to eat anything else but Netherworld chocolates……”
  94. Ereshkigal: Something like that would become my responsibility. I have properly, thought through the aftercare as well.
  95. Fou: Fou, fo-u! Uselessfou! Dream, fou!
  96. Ereshkigal: S-so noisy about every single thing, this beast! It’s fine isn’t it, to dream!
  97. Ereshkigal: I myself am very aware! That overdoing it, isn’t in the slightest cute at all!
  98. Ereshkigal: But I couldn’t think of anything else, and even I find myself getting sick of my own gloominess!
  99. You: Nah
  100. Ereshkigal: h———W-what is it? Getting it returned now, is too cruel?
  101. You: Thank you, Ereshkigal
  103. Ereshkigal blushes in a bit of shock.
  105. Ereshkigal: I———is that so.
  106. If you’re happy with that, then all’s fine.
  107. Ereshkigal: All I’m doing is showing my composure and obligation as a Goddess. It’s not like, I’m excited for receiving anything in return.
  108. Fou: Fo-? Foufoufoufou-?
  109. You: I’d like to quickly get more soon
  110. Ereshkigal: Eh———Um, that is———
  111. Ereshkigal: (Wait a minute, I’m happy but I can’t let that happen! If anyone were to see that massive amount of test pieces, my dignity as a Goddess……!)
  112. Ereshkigal: (More like, my heart is still pounding from hearing him/her say thanks!)
  113. Ereshkigal: (I have a feeling that this much happiness is beyond my daily limit!)
  114. Ereshkigal: ———d-don’t be a fool. The energy you can get from that chocolate is about a human’s life worth.
  115. Ereshkigal: Surviving through distress on a snow mountain, s-surely you won’t be able to finish it all in one day.
  116. Ereshkigal: I’m grateful for your feelings but, any extra servings will have to wait till later. To be more precise, please wait till about after two weeks.
  117. Ereshkigal: In that case something……is sure to work out, I’m betting it on my future self.
  118. Fou: Fo-u……
  120. You: [Choice 1] If that’s the case, until then
  121. [Choice 2] Eh. I don’t mind having test pieces though?
  123. [Choice 2]
  124. Ereshkigal: So you’ve seen through everything! Can’t you read the atmosphere!?
  126. Ereshkigal: A-anyway with this I’ve done my duty———I mean, I’ve fulfilled my obligation as a contracted servant.
  127. Ereshkigal: W-well then see you again, Guda. My recommendation is the D-lunch set from the cafeteria!
  129. Ereshkigal runs off.
  131. Fou: Fou. Foufou.
  132. You: So……
  133. You: All this while her face was red, I wonder if its from a Sumerian fever……
  134. Fou: Fo———foooou!?
  135. (Special Meaning: There’s an unbelievable lack of discretion here———!?)
  137. Sweet Home of the Netherworld:
  138. The valentine’s chocolate from Ereshkigal.
  140. A miniature version of Ereshkigal’s “spear cage”.
  141. Trying to craft using the most familiar form to her in an all or nothing attempt, it conveys a sense of absolutely no failures.
  143. The form is very well crafted but, the taste has much room for improvement.
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