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a guest
Mar 23rd, 2016
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  1. >be 21
  2. >be living in middle of nowhere Virginia
  3. >bored, decide to visit gf Hiterally lives down the road, so i bike
  4. >savinggas.jpg
  5. >arrive, kiss & figure out something to do
  6. >decide to bike around, sure why not
  7. >she grabs her bike and we take off
  8. >aimlessly riding around, kind of fun actually
  9. Hove that October breeze in my face
  10. >sun is kissing the horizon, very pretty
  11. >we end up off road a bit, onto more of a faded trail
  12. >fuckyeahexploring
  13. >15min or so pass and enter farmland
  14. >see bunch of cropsfnotsure, maybe beans?), aswell as abandonded-looking house
  15. >she’s sweaty, wearing white-T
  16. >kindofhornynow
  17. >ditch bikes behind some trees and start making out
  18. >grope boobs, grab dick exchange
  19. >getting really hard
  20. >decide this needs to happen
  21. >but dont want bugs and shit on our asses
  22. >she suggests to check out that house for an empty room
  23. >was skeptical ofcourse
  24. >penis made the decision
  26. >started walking towards the house
  27. >halfway there, see a large dog
  28. >perhaps some kind of hunting dog, really nice
  29. >we pet it, very playful, has no collar so i assume he’s a stray
  30. >follows us closer to the house
  31. >i toss a stick, sorry dog, im trying to get mine wet
  32. >dog chases stick
  33. >approach the front of the house
  34. >broken glass peppers the sidewalk, from broken windows i assume
  35. >realize it had to be broken from the inside, didnt think too much of it though
  36. >door easily accessed, we tread slowly
  37. >get an uneasy feeling, didnt say anything
  38. >afraid she wouldnt be into it anymore if i puss out
  39. >house was really ancient, dust & cobweb everywhere
  40. >makeway into a guest room
  41. >start making out on old bed
  42. >The houses' ambiance is kind of turning me on
  43. >start carressing her thighs, getting her wet early
  44. >"Oh crap!" she says
  45. >fells me she has to go take her tampon out
  46. >wanders aimlessly into the hallway to locate a restroom
  47. >folwomenaregross.gif
  48. >few minutes pass, still no sign other
  49. >just chilling in the creepy old room
  50. >getting kind of dark now, no lighting in the house
  51. >almost impossible to see my hands infront of me H hear footsteps
  52. >abouttimewoman
  54. >impatient, i grab her towards me and proceed where we left off
  55. >no foreplay today, i can smell her period from here
  56. >pull her shorts down & just go balls deep
  57. >just keeps repeating in the same tone, "oh crap!"
  58. >you like that dont you Hinish after 15 minutes
  59. >kind of want to head out now, house lost its afrodisiac
  60. >she wanders off into the hallway again, probably brought a spair tampon
  61. >i yell Til meet you outside"
  62. >make my way outside, see the dog
  63. >hey there puppy
  64. >start petting it, killing time until she's ready
  65. >a few minutes pass
  66. >sun has almost set, hurry up woman
  67. >dog begins barking viciously
  68. >get kind of scared, dont know if it has rabies
  69. >gf approaches, dog goes fucking balistic
  70. >i tell her we need to gfto
  71. >she was unresponsive, just standing there with her shorts around her ankels
  72. >’did you hear me woman? this dog is going apeshit"
  73. >blood running down the side other leg
  74. >eww.jpg
  75. >i toss sticks across the fields to get him away from us
  76. >no luck, he’s dead set on her
  77. >i told her to go back and clean herself up
  78. >i try to get the dog away from the house so she can escape
  79. >i begin walking towards the bikes, i encourage dog to follow me with gestures
  80. >’come here boy, who's a good boy"
  81. >eventually dismisses my gf and follows me
  82. >make my way to my bike
  83. >notice gfs bike was missing
  84. >there’s no way, she's not that fast, i didn't even see her
  85. >dismiss it and pick up my bike
  86. >not a moment sooner, she comes up from the trail
  87. >”gf, how did you get to the bike so fast?"
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