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a guest
Aug 3rd, 2019
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  254. document.write( '<br>\n' );
  255. document.write( '<font size=\"3\" face=\"Narkisim\" color=\"white\">\n' );
  256. document.write( '| We started as a collection of people who started without reason |\n' );
  257. document.write( '<br>\n' );
  258. document.write( '<font size=\"5\" face=\"Narkisim\" color=\"red\">\n' );
  259. document.write( '---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' );
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  261. document.write( '<font size=\"3\" face=\"Narkisim\" color=\"white\">\n' );
  262. document.write( '| Expect Us! |\n' );
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  264. document.write( '<font size=\"5\" face=\"Narkisim\" color=\"red\">\n' );
  265. document.write( '-------------------\n' );
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  268. document.write( '<font size=\"5\" face=\"Narkisim\" color=\"red\"> THANKS TO <font color=\"white\"><font color=\"white\">ALL<font color=\"38df21\"> HACKTIVIS INDONESIAN\n' );
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  287. document.write( '</font><font size=\"7\" face=\"Keania One\" color=\"red\">You<font color=\"white\"> Got <font color=\"38df21\">Hacked\n' );
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