
The Powerpuff Girls and MegaMan 2: Chapter 2 CrashMan

Sep 22nd, 2016
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  1. Bubbles or rather, MegaBlue was flying to the city. With this new Armor she has, she could take on anyone herself. Soon, her com started to ring. She picked up her com and answered it. "Hello?" Bubbles spoke. "How far are you?" MegaMan asked. "Just close enough, why?" Bubbles proclaimed. "No reason, but we need to be fast. Wily and Mojo could have their ultimate machine finished soon. If we don't hurry, this machine they're building will be impossible to destroy" MegaMan explained. "Read you loud and clear" Bubbles said. "Now Bubbles, this time, this mission is gonna require some advice. Cause last time, acting alone with little advice nearly cost me, so remember to pick on when I call you" MegaMan explained. Bubbles "Understood" and turned off her codec.
  3. MegaBlue then headed to the facility called, Command Center. Bubbles then landed to the central. There she looked around the place, filled pipes and pillars. "Well, this don't seem so hard" Bubbles said, thinking this could be easy, but she spoke too soon, as the blue sphere robots that looked like the Suzys, but only they floated to Bubbles.
  5. However, she the moment they got near Bubbles, she wailed at them with each punch, exploding from her hard blows. She then climbed up the ladders, avoiding the little floating sphere robots. On her way, she encountered a Metall. She heard the ringing and answered it. "Good, you answered it. Now remember a Metall's face formed, attack" Megaman explained the plan of attack. "Don't MegaMan, I haven't forgotten how they function" Bubbled stated as she turned off the codec.
  7. When she turned to the robot, she waited for it to slowly form, but suddenly, it opened it's entire face by a quick instant, making MegaBlue jump, catching her off guard. The robot shot three shots at Bubbles, then charged at her, knocking her off the cliff top. But Bubbles was floated back up and waited for the new Metall bot to open it's face. As soon as it did, Bubbles fired her buster, before it had a chance to make a move, destroying. Bubbles then flew on top of the appearing Metalls. As they formed, shooting at Bubbles, she dodged every shot they made. Then she shot them down with her laser eyes.
  9. She then got up to the new section of a platforming rail, leading to a ladder. Of course, she needed to make it quick. So she flew up from the section to section, getting away from the appearing Suzy like robots. Bubbles then headed to towards a robot with four spheres. She shot her buster at the robot, but they bounce off. She then took notice at it's face. It's weak point. She shot it, but they ended up shooting the chunks at Bubbles.
  11. She got knocked in the head, but with little recovery, she rubbed her head. The machine reformed it's parts and came after Bubbles. But she punched it away. So she continued on her way. She then looked up and flew up to what may be her one way ticket to space. When Bubbles got to the ladder to the top, she notice she's at the top to what is the vacuum of space.
  13. Bubbles heard her codec ringing. So she answered it. "Bubbles, are you seeing what I'm seeing?" MegaMan asked. "Yeah. This isn't just the station. It's a space fortress" Bubbles responded to MegaMan. "Well keep going on your journey to CrashMan. You might get there soon" MegaMan said. "Sooner then you think, Mega" Bubbles said as she turned off her codec.
  15. MegaBlue took to the skies, because climbing on the ladder would only slow her down, so she got up to the very top. On her way, she notice a blue canister. She took a very big look at it. The canister said, 'Chemical E'. Bubbles took this tank and kept it safe to give to MegaMan and the Professor.
  17. Bubbles then made it on her way, but then she notice the smaller version of the Big Eyes. She bashed as many as she came across. So she got to the door. Bubbles' codec rang again. "This is the last ares. CrashMan is waiting for you" MegaMan warned. She nodded to him, so she turned off her com one more time and walked inside to see CrashMan.
  19. "Oh, it's you...! One of MegaMan's new sisters. Name's CrashMan and Welcome to the top of the world" CrashMan introduce himself. "OK, so.... are you going to give yourself up? Because AirMan wasn't being reasonable with MegaMan" Bubbles proclaimed. "I understand. After all-" As CrashMan was being calm for a moment, he then started to snaps. "HE KILLED HIM IN COLD BLOOD!!!" He shouted. Bubbles was taken back from what he said and how he reacted.
  21. "But hey...I can respect that. Destruction is what I'm all about" CrashMan continued. "MegaMan had his reasons. Sure he can be out of control at times, but it's better when he use that anger on you, ya scum bags!" Bubbles said. CrashMan started to chuckle, then he laugh darkly. "So we're scum, huh? OK, if it's OK for MegaMan to be foul tempered-" CrashMan then activated his launchers to get his stance ready. "THEN I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT FOUL TEMPER LOOKS LIKE!!" He finished with a dose of anger and charged at Bubbles.
  23. They started blocking and dodging each others punches. When CrashMan tried to swat Bubbles, she grabbed that swatting arm and punched him to a wall. CrashMan then got up and looked mad. So he jumped up and shot his Crash Bomber at to the ground. Bubbles ducked, making it miss. "Ha, missed me" Bubbles insulted. "Who said I was aiming for ya, Bubs?" CrashMan restated to Bubbles.
  25. Bubbles turned around back to the beeping Crash Bomber, then it went off, causing an explosion to knock her to the ground. "Ouff!" Bubbles got up just in time for CrashMan to charge her and get her pushed to the wall. CrashMan then used two of his arms to grab Bubbles' legs, since he didn't have hands. He lift her up and started slamming her down consistently then spin her around and threw her to the wall.
  27. Bubbles then got up and tried shooting at CrashMan with her Mega Buster shots. CrashMan blocked them as they seem to hurt him when face to face with them. Then Bubbles charged her buster and fired a charge shot at CrashMan. After taking a huge blast, CrashMan shrugged off the damage and shot more Crash Bombers at her. Bubbles then decided to use the Hyper Bomb to match wits with him.
  29. As when some of the bombs were colliding with each other, the Hyper Bombs were proven to be somewhat superior as one reached to CrashMan, exploding in his face. When the smoke cleared, he didn't count on MegaBlue doing a slide, making CrashMan slip up to the air, then in a quick second, Bubbles kicked him back to earth.
  31. CrashMan slowly got up and turned to Bubbles with a terrifying stare with no pupils, but rather the eyes are glowing white. Bubbles prepared for him. But nothing prepared her for when he started to shoot 3 Crash Bombers on the ground. With only one second, she was knocked from the explosions. Before she had a chance to get up, CrashMan mercilessly bashed her with his arms like a savage.
  33. He then picked up Bubbles and threw her to the other side. Bubbles got up and shot more of her buster shots at CrashMan, but he blocked them off and shot his bombs at Bubbles. Before they were able to hit her, Bubbles acted on instinct and turned to the Air Shooter and shot the wind up, pushing the Crash Bombers back at CrashMan, using his weapon against him. He got shot down from the explosion.
  35. When CrashMan was getting back up to deliver Bubbles some serious hurt, MegaBlue was almost impossibly next to CrashMan. She started to deliver lots of blows to CrashMan. She then shot her laser eyes at him, pinning him to a corner. Bubbles then got her charged up buster to finish him.
  37. CrashMan set his bomber to blow MegaBlue to smithereens, but it was too late. Bubbles shot her charge shot and lunched it to the armed up Crash Bomber in his arm cannon. With no reaction after the buster blast connected to his bomb cannon, he suddenly blew up to energy orbs. Bubbles then signed and sat down for a moment to catch her breath.
  39. Bubbles then flew back to earth to her house. Back home, MegaMan, Blossom, Buttercup and the Professor all got to Bubbles' side. "Oh thank goodness you're alright" The Professor said worried for Bubbles. "It was nothing. I've took'n worse" Bubbles said, trying to keep them from worrying.
  41. "When we fought the Rowdyruff Boys and Roll, but this is far worse" MegaMan said as he got Bubbles back on her fear. "Now let's get you recovering from those wounds" MegaMan continued. As they were attending those wounds, The Professor was making a list of enemies she fought on his computer. "Here are the list of enemies. Those floating sphere robots are Tellies, the new versions of the Metalls are Neo-Metalls, the weird block robot was a blocky, and the last row of the jumping Pogo robots are Fly Boys" The Professor explained the list of names.
  43. "Wow, weird choice of names" Buttercup said as she rolled her eyes. "Now let's scan your weapon" MegaMan said as he used his scanning eye for Bubbles' earned weapon. "Seems as though you got Crash Bomber" MegaMan stated.
  45. Bubbles then remembered something about the Chemical E tank she got. "Hold on, I found something else you might want to see" Bubbles said as she showed it to them. "Hmmm, this must be the E tank, Dr.Light showed me when I became his student" The Professor said. "At this rate, this would be rather the Chemical E tank" The Professor said as he looked at it some more. "But I'll need to study more about it. Thomas never did tell me how it worked. In the meantime, Buttercup, you can take on the next robot Master" The professor said as he walked to the 'secret lab' to analyze it.
  47. "Alright, time to rise and shine!" Buttercup said as she looked up to see the select screen to choose the next one. "I go with Quickman, but I rather go after Flashman" Buttercup exclaimed as she choose the picture of him. "Well, good luck" Megaman said. "Please, after going through the first adventure of fighting robot masters, I don't need luck" Buttercup said as she flew to the sky, out of her house. "Are we sure she can handle this without being concerned?" Blossom said to Megaman. "She always does what she do to make a point of view of herself to get the job done" Megaman replied to Blossom
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