
Disinformation as a weapon of mass destruction

Mar 14th, 2019
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  1. 10:39:52 AM@xsnlxBash, again, it's a scientific fact, sorry if you don't science well
  2. 10:40:18 AM@xsnlxBash, yes, it is
  3. 10:41:23 AM@xsnlxscience doesn't care if you have gaps in your personal knowledge or understanding, it's still science and it's still a fact
  4. 10:42:49 AM@xsnlxBash, sorry, it is a fact, sorry if this is confronting for you
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  9. 10:46:29 AM@xsnlx
  10. 10:48:26 AM← tzip has left
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  12. 10:53:43 AM@xsnlxyou can figure about half of that is water loss, and a few pounds are just from holding less food in your intestines/colon
  13. 11:00:04 AM+chumpchangeor chewing gum
  14. 11:01:49 AM+dragoonxsnlx: Bashstreet doesn't care about science.
  15. 11:02:35 AM+dragoonxsnlx: Think about the ideology you posts came from: A belief that there is truth in the world, that our mind is capable of deciphering that truth at least in part, and that's desirable for human well-being to acquire that knowledge.
  16. 11:02:48 AM+dragoonThat, of course, is a restatement of the Enlightenment School of Philosophy.
  17. 11:03:37 AM+dragoonCoupled with that (or arguably implied by it) you imagined yourself living in a community of fellow humans or fellow citizens who are approaching the world in a similar manner, and that we're all making a best effort to have a good life. But, this last part is very much not the case.
  18. 11:04:16 AM+dragoonMany of the people who live next to us, who visit our chat channels, who care for our children, who police are streets, while living geographically near us are simultaneously caught in a past long ago -- like science fiction.
  19. 11:04:54 AM+dragoonBashstreet, while being physically present, is not with us -- he is trapped in a different dimension and it's not possible to reach him. His efforts are to hurt our world. He doesn't know what he's doing, he's largely unaware of his own existence.
  20. 11:05:32 AM+dragoonOur current society has very little to offer us in regards to this problem -- it's even loathe to admit such a problem exists as that breaks the idea that we're all living in community together trying to have a good life.
  21. 11:05:50 AM+dragoonYes, Bashstreet would have our world destroyed to climate change, with no exaggeration.
  22. 11:06:06 AM+dragoonYou might think, Oh, well, when the effects of climate change invariably get worse he'll come around.
  23. 11:06:08 AM+dragoonHe won't.
  24. 11:06:29 AM+dragoonHe'll increase in his own worldview. He'll blame undesirable rival groups. They did it! Just look at the effects of their efforts!
  25. 11:07:09 AM+dragoonThe Jews are doing all this harm. Or maybe it's the fags. Did the blacks do it? Some combination will be blame, they'll implement 50k year old social strategies to genocide those groups, all the while climate change will get worse.
  26. 11:07:38 AM+dragoonMaybe there will be an internal revolution in this group, as it gets very, very bad. Maybe it won't be too late by then.
  27. 11:08:04 AM+dragoonNow, clearly, we need to reorganize our society to stop this kind of disinformation that people like Bashstreet communicates.
  28. 11:08:17 AM← euphony has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  29. 11:08:27 AM+dragoonWe should probably view disinformation production as equivalent to the manufacture of biological weapons that are then released against population centers.
  30. 11:08:38 AM+dragoonThat would apply to GRU, 'Fox News', etc.
  31. 11:08:54 AM+dragoonThat is, we should probably arrest or kill the heads of such organizations as soon as possible.
  32. 11:09:09 AM+dragoonTheir product is arguably worse than weaponized smallpox, we just don't typically think of it like that.
  33. 11:09:27 AM+dragoonPeople like Bashstreet have been infected with their smallpox and they just wander our streets spreading it to many other people, which is obviously terribly foolish.
  34. 11:09:49 AM+dragoonWe should probably quarantine people like Bashstreet, preventing them from communicating on the internet, preventing them from going to public places where they can speak, etc.
  35. 11:10:14 AM+dragoonOur society isn't ready to do this because we don't yet have a coalition that truly understands how dangerous disinformation is in a world with climate change and nuclear weapons.
  36. 11:10:25 AM+dragoonSo, we'll have to suffer much, much more before changing our philosophy.
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  39. 11:11:08 AM+dragoonOr, maybe we'll go extinct as we're unable to control the disinformation.
  40. 11:11:23 AM+dragoonOr, maybe free society will collapse entirely and only autocrats that entirely control their state will survive the filter.
  41. 11:15:59 AM← Plan has quit (Quit:)
  42. 11:19:18 AM+chumpchangedon't get lost
  43. 11:19:31 AM+dragoonI don't see any reason to vote for Beto instead of Bernie.
  44. 11:19:46 AM+dragoonAnd, we need ranked-choice (or better) in Democratic primaries.
  45. 11:19:47 AM@xsnlxLyc, stop by and say hi
  46. 11:19:55 AM+chumpchangeI do.. Beto's a better candidate
  47. 11:20:11 AM+dragoonWhy?
  48. 11:20:20 AM+chumpchangebecause he's more of a centrist
  49. 11:20:32 AM+dragoonBernie Sanders has the majority positions on all his topics.
  50. 11:20:40 AM+dragoonBernie is what the American center looks like.
  51. 11:20:54 AM+dragoonThat you believe it's to the right is propaganda generated by corporate media entities.
  52. 11:21:20 AM+dragoonAlso, the 'center' is meaningless, because the GOP has gone insane.
  53. 11:21:43 AM@xsnlxthe center is who elects presidents
  54. 11:22:15 AM+dragoonThey're literally supporting a guy -- 90% of approval of GOP voters -- who has talked about using the military, police, and biker gangs to hold power.
  55. 11:22:28 AM+dragoonWe can dismiss their views as invalid and not work to win their votes as they are enemies of the republic.
  56. 11:22:39 AM+dragoonThere's a sufficiently large left coalition to entirely ignore this group of people.
  57. 11:22:53 AM+chumpchangeyeah, burglary is kind of a misnomer.. he didnt' steal anything..
  58. 11:22:58 AM+chumpchangeand he owned up to his DWI
  59. 11:22:59 AM+dragoonThe 'center' is largely a propaganda tool created by the elites to defend the status quo, xsnlx.
  60. 11:23:13 AM+chumpchangeit's not like we haven't had presidents before who have gotten arrested for drunk driving
  61. 11:23:13 AM+dragoonchumpchange: You have given zero reasons, so far, why Beto is better.
  62. 11:23:18 AM@xsnlxmeanwhile Thief in Chief still thieving
  63. 11:23:21 AM+dragoonYou now appear to be changing topics.
  65. 11:23:42 AM@xsnlxBeto can skateboard
  66. 11:23:47 AM@xsnlxBeto can play bass
  67. 11:23:52 AM@xsnlxthere's two reasons
  68. 11:23:59 AM+dragoonxsnlx: I literally can't tell if you're being sarcastic.
  69. 11:24:23 AM@xsnlxBeto is 30? years younger
  70. 11:24:25 AM+chumpchangehe's younger. he's more energetic. he doesn't have the "socialism" albatross around his neck
  71. 11:24:35 AM+dragoonThe 'center' is not a useful term, largely, as politics is complicated, but if it were to have any meaning it should be 'the majority positions'.
  72. 11:24:42 AM+chumpchangemaybe their policies are very similar.
  73. 11:24:47 AM+dragoonchumpchange: Why is his youth a positive?
  74. 11:25:03 AM+chumpchangebecause he is less likely to croak in office
  75. 11:25:06 AM+dragoonchumpchange: What makes a good president is their moral center, their integrity, and their actual viewpoints.
  76. 11:25:15 AM@xsnlxpart of a presidential election is a beauty contest
  77. 11:25:29 AM+dragoonWhat does it mean to be 'energetic'?
  78. 11:25:30 AM+chumpchangeadditionally, I can recycle my Beto yard sign
  79. 11:25:32 AM+dragoonThis seems vague.
  80. 11:25:33 AM@xsnlxyoung, good looking is a plus
  81. 11:25:40 AM+dragoonxsnlx: Among dummies, yes.
  82. 11:25:48 AM@xsnlxvotes are votes
  83. 11:25:49 AM+dragoonI assumed we were having the non-dummy version of this conversation.
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  86. 11:25:52 AM+chumpchangeBeto was also in a punk rock band
  87. 11:26:00 AM+chumpchangeI identify more with Beto
  88. 11:26:04 AM@xsnlxdragoon, we saw who the dummies elected in 2016
  89. 11:26:07 AM+dragoonxsnlx: Bernie Sanders is currently ahead of Beto in the polls among Democratic voters.
  90. 11:26:25 AM@xsnlxdragoon, way early
  91. 11:26:25 AM+dragoonTherefore, Bernie is the 'votes are votes' candidate of the two.
  92. 11:26:33 AM+dragoonxsnlx: It's the evidence we currently have.
  93. 11:26:44 AM+dragoonYou're using history of 'youth', even though Bernie already proved that false in 2016.
  94. 11:26:45 AM@xsnlxsure, but hardly conclusive
  95. 11:26:48 AM+chumpchangewell, I just hope if Beto gets the nomination, you won't fuck up the next election in protest like that last one...
  96. 11:26:52 AM+dragoonBetter than the 'youth' comment.
  97. 11:27:08 AM+dragoonVotes know Bernie's age, and they really like him because his moral center and his actual views.
  98. 11:27:11 AM+chumpchangeIf Bernie gets the Nom, I'll vote for him too
  99. 11:27:23 AM+dragoonWell, obviously everybody should vote for the Democratic nominee.
  100. 11:27:43 AM+dragoonAbout 90% of the GOP is an enemy of the republic, and the other 10% is worse than the Democrats.
  101. 11:28:05 AM← THERetroGamerNY has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  102. 11:28:06 AM+dragoonxsnlx: Trump won for lots of reasons.
  103. 11:28:08 AM+chumpchangerepublicans are people too
  104. 11:28:23 AM+dragoonThe polls showed Bernie was the stronger candidate than Hillary, but the Democrats didn't care sufficiently.
  105. 11:28:27 AM+dragoonThey gambled and lost.
  106. 11:28:38 AM+dragoonchumpchange: Nobody has stated they're not people.
  107. 11:28:43 AM+dragoonDon't use fallacies.
  108. 11:28:55 AM+dragoonThey are literal enemies of the republic.
  109. 11:28:58 AM+dragoonThey work to destroy the republic.
  110. 11:29:02 AM+dragoonThat's an enemy of the republic.
  111. 11:29:25 AM@xsnlxdragoon, sure, but he won the dumbass vote, that's for sure
  112. 11:29:33 AM+dragoonxsnlx: Agreed.
  113. 11:29:41 AM+dragoonWe can entirely disregard Trump supporters.
  114. 11:30:01 AM@xsnlxdragoon, well, at our peril, we have to offer candy to the children
  115. 11:30:20 AM+dragoonxsnlx: So you're saying we should organized society such that we think of their interests?
  116. 11:30:29 AM+dragoonMaybe we should have economic policies that benefit their demographics.
  117. 11:30:33 AM+dragoonLet's call it 'democratic socialism'.
  118. 11:30:45 AM+dragoonWe don't need to talk to Trump supporters, largely, as they've lost their minds.
  119. 11:30:49 AM@xsnlxdragoon, wise policies, yes
  120. 11:30:53 AM+dragoonWe can study them in an anthropological sense to see what they desire.
  121. 11:31:00 AM+dragoonThey desire democratic socialism.
  122. 11:31:11 AM+dragoonSeveral of Bernie's marquee issues have majority support among GOP voters.
  123. 11:31:24 AM@xsnlxdumbasses are easily won over by 1. offering them candy, 2. winning over their friends
  124. 11:31:27 AM+dragoonTheir utterances about 'socialism' can be entirely disregarded because they're diseased in their minds.
  125. 11:31:33 AM+dragoonDue to the disinformation.
  126. 11:31:54 AM+dragoonWhen we have a patient with a well-known condition, we talk to them but we don't care about a lot of their utterances.
  127. 11:32:03 AM+dragoonIf we're assessing a neurological disease, the specific words they say don't matter.
  128. 11:32:22 AM@xsnlxright, I'm not interested in their political theories
  129. 11:32:31 AM+dragoonWe assess their pace of speech, vocabulary, emotion level, etc. as some evidence alongside our depersonalization study of the disease to figure out the course of treatment.
  130. 11:32:42 AM+dragoonA lot of diseased people have no idea how to solve their disease.
  131. 11:32:52 AM+dragoonA lot of diseased people often would make their disease much worse.
  132. 11:32:54 AM@xsnlxthis is "Here's a candy bar, now STFU"
  133. 11:33:04 AM+dragoonThere is a large group of Trump supporters who will literally do pogroms.
  134. 11:33:14 AM+dragoonNo changes to anything will get them to stop desiring that.
  135. 11:33:22 AM+dragoonThese people are just quarantined and written off.
  136. 11:33:37 AM+dragoon10-30% of Trump supporters, as diseased people, desire democratic socialism.
  137. 11:33:48 AM+dragoonIf we pursue democratic socialism, they won't turn to fake right-wing populists like Trump.
  138. 11:33:54 AM+dragoonThis is sufficient to win the 2020 election.
  139. 11:34:05 AM@xsnlxI'm willing to skim whatever we can along the way, but the main emphasis must be on winning over independents
  140. 11:34:11 AM+dragoonThe current economy smashes the poor and middle class, and some of those people are white.
  141. 11:34:30 AM+dragoonSome of those white poor and middle class get lost with their diseased minds and turn to white nationalism as the panacea for their problems.
  142. 11:34:56 AM+dragoonIf you reduce the source of their angst -- getting economically crushed -- they won't seek out the white nationalist party known as the GOP.
  143. 11:34:59 AM@xsnlxMedicare for all seems to be popular even on the right
  144. 11:35:05 AM+dragoonIndeed.
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