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Apr 26th, 2017
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  1. 23:37 < Der> gotta sand a couple and screw them all in tomorrow
  2. 23:37 < cyberlard> sup
  3. 23:38 < cyberlard> i got a reputation tonight. :/
  4. 23:39 < cyberlard> how are ya'll niggas?
  5. 23:39 < lolberpunk1> It's cyberlard! :D
  6. 23:39 < cyberlard> ho xd
  7. 23:40 < spoljo> ?
  8. 23:40 < cyberlard> im only cyberlard when im drunk fyi
  9. 23:40 < Israel_B> spoljo:
  10. 23:40 < cyberlard> otherwise im other shit
  11. 23:42 < cyberlard> sup izzy
  12. 23:44 < Der> hey cyberlard
  13. 23:44 < Der> cyberlard: wanna elaborate on yoru reputation situation?
  14. 23:45 -!- gary_host [~supercomp@unaffiliated/supercomputer] has joined #reddit-cyberpunk
  15. 23:46 < cyberlard> hah
  16. 23:46 < Der> ??
  17. 23:46 < cyberlard> i sang smoe songs ad made fnrens and people know me anyway
  18. 23:46 < gary_host> hello again
  19. 23:46 < gary_host> Der
  20. 23:46 < cyberlard> and I have a mustache now
  21. 23:46 < gary_host> cyberlard
  22. 23:46 < cyberlard> a big mustache
  23. 23:46 < Der> gary_host:
  24. 23:46 < gary_host> i'm gonna shave it all off today
  25. 23:46 < cyberlard> do eet
  26. 23:47 < Der> ...
  27. 23:48 < cyberlard> wut
  28. 23:48 < Der> well for gary_host im pretty sure im missing some backstory to convo
  29. 23:48 < Der> for you cyberlard it sounds like you just had fun is all- i thought you were going to say you did something rediculous
  30. 23:49 < cyberlard> like what
  31. 23:49 * Der shruges
  32. 23:49 < cyberlard> there are some lol things about it
  33. 23:49 < Der> usually when people tell me "i got a reputation just now" its usually something peculiar that occured
  34. 23:50 < Der> orly?
  35. 23:50 < Der> cyberlard: did you sing "i liike big butts"?
  36. 23:50 < cyberlard> no but i do
  37. 23:50 < Der> :P
  38. 23:51 < gary_host> Der, lardy like fat girls
  39. 23:51 < Der> awkward situations are humoring when done so intentionally- as it breaks the ice in ways that can sometimes seem comedic
  40. 23:51 < Der> gary_host: i recall this, yes.
  41. 23:51 < cyberlard> if a woman withaparticularly big butt wanted me to touch it tonight
  42. 23:52 < cyberlard> i would have had a problem
  43. 23:52 < gary_host> why?
  44. 23:52 < cyberlard> luckily they were all thin
  45. 23:52 < Der> lawl
  46. 23:52 < Der> cyberlard: it just occured to me that you're close to where the 2600 meeting is held in the area. ever been to it?
  47. 23:53 < cyberlard> no
  48. 23:53 < Der> ah
  49. 23:53 < cyberlard> i was in sacramento on saturday and sunday
  50. 23:53 * Der gasps
  51. 23:53 < cyberlard> and baltimore since monday
  52. 23:53 < Der> and you didnt hit me up?!
  53. 23:53 < cyberlard> i knoe huh
  54. 23:53 < cyberlard> i wanted to
  55. 23:53 < cyberlard> really i did
  56. 23:54 < Der> i dont know any good bars around there though :/ but oldtown is supposedly heck of a lot of fun
  57. 23:54 < cyberlard> but when i thought of it shit was up and when shit was not up i didnt think about it then i ordered spicy noodles then i shit myself on a plane
  58. 23:55 < Der> oooh yeah....
  59. 23:56 < Der> did you end up heading to walmart or something?
  60. 23:57 < cyberlard> something.
  61. 23:57 < Der> ah
  62. 23:57 < Der> one time i ditched my undies in a bathroom trashcan
  63. 23:58 < Der> apparently its more common than people think
  64. 23:58 < Der> for some weird reason
  65. 23:58 < Israel_B> because a surprising number of humans can not manage their own bowels or do stupid shit that leads to being unable to manage their bowels
  66. 23:59 < Der> Israel_B: is there a third situation? possibly more vague?
  67. Day changed to 26 Apr 2017
  68. 00:01 < Der> anywho, i remember and feel for ya on what happend cyberlard
  69. 23:57 < cyberlard> something.
  70. 23:57 < Der> ah
  71. 23:57 < Der> one time i ditched my undies in a bathroom trashcan
  72. 23:58 < Der> apparently its more common than people think
  73. 23:58 < Der> for some weird reason
  74. 23:58 < Israel_B> because a surprising number of humans can not manage their own bowels or do stupid shit that leads to being unable to manage their bowels
  75. 23:59 < Der> Israel_B: is there a third situation? possibly more vague?
  76. Day changed to 26 Apr 2017
  77. 00:01 < Der> anywho, i remember and feel for ya on what happend cyberlard
  78. 00:01 < Israel_B> its uncomon for adult humans to lack bowel control, so the third situtation is sudden issues or onset of chronic illness
  79. 00:03 < Der> Israel_B: sudden issues as far as elements that lead up to a situation without a more desirable ending?
  80. 00:04 < Israel_B> illness for example
  81. 00:05 < Israel_B> food poisoning
  82. 00:05 -!- Sinclair6 [~sinclair6@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/sinclair6] has quit []
  83. 00:07 < Der> so basically situations out of one's further control except to remedy and treat
  84. 00:07 -!- augur [~augur@ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
  85. 00:07 -!- augur [~augur@ has joined #reddit-cyberpunk
  86. 00:08 -!- augur [~augur@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
  87. 00:10 < Israel_B> yep
  88. 00:10 < Israel_B> other than illness, its basically stupidity
  89. 00:10 -!- FordR [~AndChat39 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  90. 00:11 -!- FordRoid [~AndChat39@] has joined #reddit-cyberpunk
  91. 00:11 -!- b3yond [~b3yond] has joined #reddit-cyberpunk
  92. 00:11 -!- lolberpunk1 [44e43a70@] has quit []
  93. 00:11 -!- FordR [~AndChat39] has joined #reddit-cyberpunk
  94. 00:13 < Rond> #reddit-shartinmart
  95. 00:32 -!- zombies8_ [~zombies8m] has joined #reddit-cyberpunk
  96. 00:32 -!- zombies8mypi [~zombies8m] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
  97. 00:33 -!- b3yond [~b3yond@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
  98. 00:38 < cyberlard> jah
  99. 00:38 < cyberlard> Israel I hVe aevere ins
  100. 00:38 < cyberlard> Nd
  101. 00:39 < cyberlard> i was on a plane
  102. 00:39 < cyberlard> and
  103. 00:39 < cyberlard> someone was in the stall for 45 minutes
  104. 00:39 < cyberlard> and ot was shitty
  105. 00:39 < cyberlard> lol
  106. 00:39 < Israel_B> "avevere ins"?
  107. 00:39 < Der> Israel_B: severe ibs
  108. 00:40 < cyberlard> yes
  109. 00:40 < cyberlard> plus it was laba
  110. 00:41 -!- augur [~augur@ has joined #reddit-cyberpunk
  111. 00:41 < cyberlard> s/laba/lava/
  112. 00:41 < Rond> like a lava cake?
  113. 00:42 < gary_host> i gave up on running my own home server
  114. 00:42 < Der> Rond: schlits
  115. 00:42 < gary_host> after what i saw them do to hillary
  116. 00:42 < cyberlard> :(
  117. 00:42 < gary_host> i said "no way no how"
  118. 00:42 < cyberlard> xx
  119. 00:42 < Israel_B> one toilet on a plane and for 45 minutes you didnt get the staff to deal with it?
  120. 00:43 < Der> Israel_B: there was a line ahead of him
  121. 00:44 < cyberlard> i have a video of hilary and chelsea circular shitting
  122. 00:44 < Israel_B> gary_host: I was unaware that you had the IT chops to try running a home server
  123. 00:44 < Israel_B> but I was also unaware that you liked guns until yesterday
  124. 00:44 < Der> Israel_B: im using a pi as a home server :D though i have to reconfigure it -_-
  125. 00:44 < gary_host> Israel_B, just making a bad, and not even timely, political joke
  126. 00:45 < Israel_B> der what hardare people use isnt realy of much interest to me
  127. 00:45 < Israel_B> hardware is comodity
  128. 00:45 < Israel_B> even something "really old" like my G4 Cube would do just fine
  129. 00:45 < Der> how very kind of you Israel_B , "its the inside that counts"
  130. 00:46 < cyberlard> dont speak of my reality as if it is a commodity
  131. 00:47 < Der> cyberlard: in the future, you might be able to sell it to people wanting to experience others' memories
  132. 00:47 < cyberlard> it is eberythimg to mr, amd ejemmi close my eure it is it i see
  133. 00:47 < cyberlard> latah all
  134. 00:48 < Der> cyberlard: peace
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