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My Side of abusement

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Nov 7th, 2018
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  1. Alright, In 2014 I joined a mini group that had anonymous activists in, i met two people one named Jalil Middleton and the other "TheScienceeEnthusiastic" short for "TSE", after awhile one of the activists named "Mr Anonymous" commented on a post a harsh message about me not being 'anonymous' and that it is a group, i had gotten confused, one nice man came and said 'David Anonymous is an idea' but Mr Anonymous kept his word and said it is a 'group' so i listened to Matt the nice man, after that confrontation, Mr Anonymous went dark, he blocked me for agreeing with a man? So after a few weeks the news spread that he took down his profile, the next few weeks was peaceful, until i saw a profile named 'Pontifex Maximus' meaning the 'greatest'. I became friends with him not knowing if he was Mr Anonymous or TSE, after months and years, we we're like a band, until i was told to attack a 'fed' anonymiss by a man whom was his friend which his name is 'CipherGhost' since his comments and Pontifex's comments sounds like they knew each other, so anyways after i attacked the lady, keep this in mind i was very young around 13 years old, Pontifex's friend and a lawyer named 'John Carroll' told me what does the 'fed' mean since i do not live in the US, as soon as he said Federal agents i freaked out, i attacked the lady whom was a fed according to multiple people turned out to be a smoker pretending to have cancer, Pontifex attacked me and threatened me but at end he said in a post 'he will learn', after that day i kept him out, i noticed TSE when he was mad it sounded like Pontifex's anger, but couldn't bother asking him so i did, he left the un-amused emoji for me, then stopped talking. After a year around 2015 I met two people, one saying he was a 'famous Australian TV show host' and the other an Indian wannabe hacker, the host guy whom i forgot his name was on drugs at all times, he lost all his job and family. He pissed Pontifex off and at end his information was leaked, he then blamed me for Pontifex's actions but kept trolling me so i told him to f!ck himself and blocked him. Now the Indian one his name is Daka, Daka and Jalil along with TSE were close, one other ex friend i forgot to mention his name is 'Legions', Legions used me all the entire time, anyways Daka and Legions usually talked for hours on end, on one day Legions introduced us to a 21 year old girl named Gabi Massey, innocent as an angel, Legions said that 'Daka is in love with Gabi' and he asked Gabi out and about him moving to US, Gabi rejected him, Daka attempted suicide but i didn't believe Legions, he was always known for manipulating people mostly me. So i went along with Legions plan and attacked Gabi not only me Jalil and TSE attacked the poor girl with harsh words, not knowing that legions was lying we went and made her cry into tears of an ocean. After she went missing i was not giving any crap but what happened next was really out of line, Daka deleted his account, made a new one and only spoke to Legions, he blocked all of us but i kept telling him not to block as we we're innocent. Besides Gabi i always pray for her every night nowadays. During the year we were raided by trolls and our Google+ communities were kept being flagged and taken down, Pontifex had a childish plan, that is to raid theirs just like how they joined ours, he told a few to join and raid also during the time Pontifex attacked a disabled man named 'Mike Hollis' for 'hacking and doxing' anons another false accusation from him, i video chat Mike, Mike says he did not hack people nor dox, maybe one woman but i asked him too, she kept telling everyone she was in danger, she was going to die, so Mike did it, i wanted her information so i could contact her local police but it seems Mike just did it for her 'hot pics', he hacked her without permission as well as he believed she was Pontifex but was wrong the whole time, she went dark after awhile, i doxxed to find her and help her but dead ends kept popping up. The next victim was a single father named 'IDONOT FORGIVE' now this man is lovely than anyone you will ever meet, during 2015 the year was hectic,trolls joined our communities and hacked a few of them. We fought back, etc. Childish fights you know? So near the end i decided to help Pontifex again and he invited me to a community named 'Troll Hunters' a woman named 'Sai Anarchy' is a troll and is a fake anon known as 'AnonDK'. She trolled me very hard and to the point that i told her a warning to "shut up or I'll ' leak' your information". Note that my meds make my anger worse like fuel into fire. She became one of us, an ex anon known as Isabelle told me and said 'David i seen her in multiple troll communities! Tell Pontifex!' or similar words and at end i did tell Pontifex, his reaction was to? attack me and threaten me, then said 'tough love'. I shortly met a man known as 'DTE AKA Delete The Elite' note his name you must've heard or not(hopefully not), this man is a lying piece of shit. I helped him and his friends to get well known in the anonymous community, after i met a single mother named Natasha Joy or Naomi Joy. She and i had a lot in common but older around her 30s. We had a great friendship for half a year, she then was talking to a man named 'Chris Pyle' AKA 'Wally Gator'. Chris hacked her, when talking I made a joke and they both attacked me saying 'DAVID IT IS NOT FUNNY' so i made more just being a kid you know? She blocked and unblocked me, i begged her to unblock and resolve it on hangouts, i told her about myself, she was crying emotionally and by emotionally i mean scared, i told her all my information, name , age , etc. i couldn't bear her sound of crying with her baby in background happy. She told me how and note this is very disturbing, how Chris hacked her baby monitor and her whole network and watched her doing everything, shower or not then i went to find Chris Pyle and came up with a few leads but Pontifex seemed to lie about the sites Chris owned, it seemed like Chris was someone there before in Pontifex's circles known as "Agro1" so i gave up and before the drama i met a women named 'Felomina' a webcam girl, Isabelle and i were close, so i asked her about Felomina, she said 'David she is fake' but i did not agree as Felomina gave me her phone and address, was not a sex bot. So i talked with her, slowly i realized Isabelle is right, Felomina seemed to copy my response and how i react. She seemed like she knew everything, someone on the inside was telling all about me, so i attacked her a bit very gentle saying 'if you lie i will find out where you live and report you' she blocks and tells who? Pontifex, pontifex then forced me to apologize, after Naomi told me during the time, i told her to blame me for hacking and doxxing as she told me 'Before I go David(real name too) i want to say to you, please find Chris Pyle and i love you, you are like my son, please David if you do this you save my life! I'll travel from the UK to visit you! Please pinkie promise'. After that I realized i was being fooled like a fucking puppet. That was near the end of 2015, in early 2016 Sai created an IRC, She invited everyone, she said 'you all are welcome to join and talk' so we did, she then made a post complaining how i joined and was not able to be there? She then attacked Jalil a young black 20s man whom has autism. I told her to 'leave Jalil alone or I'll fuck you up' by fuck you up i did not mean dox and destroy her and her family. She doxed Naomi. She made all the good anons leave, so what does Pontifex do? invite a fake native American named 'Chris Big Eagle' now CBE he likes to be called kept threatening me worse than a dox such as "I'll fucking skin you alive, come here!" he went from bad to hell. So they all decided including DTE to dox me and leak it, leaving me powerless, this includes Legions, i was scared and told the police but they did not care, they leaked my father's work place and his picture, they mocked me, said 'your father is nothing unlike Nomee(Naomi)!' My father lost his father and mother when young and Naomi did not, then they went on how i was lying about my medications as i have nocturnal epilepsy if you do not believe me i will send you a video of me when young around 10 having one. Or the fact i kept telling them all 'i have anger cause of my medication', where i live marijuana is illegal and the pharma earns big. So at end i quit being on Google+ , i kept getting threats, spied on, i even tried to let the FBI know but they are assholes. did not gave a shit, check out his posts if you do not believe me, Pontifex and his friends/crew are well known to edit crap and make me look bad but this time i want justice for all of them, they all asked for mercy this monster used me when young, he made me join his groups, it was all his plans. My apologies if this is way too long, also apologies to Naomi, i failed you. This time Chris will be down
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