
Gunge Project #1

Dec 22nd, 2016
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  1. Susan took a deep breath as she walked into the gymnasium. She could feel the tension in the air, the wooden bench’s where filled from one row to the other with students. Releasing her breath, she quickly eased down into one of the empty spots. Once settled she placed her purse down upon the floor and started to look around her.
  3. The first thing she noticed was somebody had taped a series of pieces of paper to the back’s of the wooden bench’s. A quick look over her shoulder, told her she was sitting on number “44” a lucky number she hoped. Titling her head to side, she wondered if the numbers had something to do with that “Top Secret” project Ms. Tiff was working one.
  5. Rolling her shoulders, she bundled everything up and shoved it out of her mind. Today was a holiday after all, we’ll the closest thing she’ll ever get to a real holiday. The dress code had been lifted, class’s had been cancelled, test postponed and best of all no homework. Heck, even lunch promised to be good. Oven roasted chicken, sweet corn and homemade yeast rolls! A major step up from the canned corn beef, white sandwich bread and cold beans in this watery red sauce that was the normal fair.
  7. “Hey Susan.” A voice came over her shoulder. The voice belonged to her best friend Sarah. A girl around her height with golden blonde hair, blue eyes and deep southern tone of voice. “Mind if I sit by you? Rest of the seats seem taken.” She said spreading her arms about.
  9. “Sure don’t mind a bit.” Susan said smiling as she patted the seat next to her. “Been a little worried about you. Tried calling you over the weekend, but all my calls went straight into voice mail.” She said taking her eyes off the highly waved floor.
  11. “Been a little under the weather.” Sarah answered. “Plus, Ms. Tiff been driving me mad with all this homework. But then again.” She paused and took a deep breath. “But then again, my cooking is kind of lacking and I’ve pricked my finger more times than I care to remember during are last sewing project. So I guess the extra homework kind of helps.”
  13. It took all the will power Susan posed not to giggle like a mad women at Sarah’s statement. She was just about to respond when the lights dimmed and a sudden boom filled the air.
  15. “Its starting!” Sarah said clapping her hands as she pointed toward one of the doors. “The football players, there all lining up!” Her voice had risen a little.
  17. Susan rolled her eyes as she shifted her head toward the door her friend was pointing too. The players where just starting to line up. Each one of them wore gray colored woolen trousers, brown dress shoes, long sleeve, white button down shirts. Black ties and matching gray, woolen coats. Each one wore there hair short. Walking in a signal file line, they entered into the gym.
  19. “Totally not my type.” Susan said taking a deep breath she settled into her seat. “Totally not my type.” She said again as she released her breath, a deep, dark blush was starting to settle in her cheeks.
  21. Sarah smirked a little.
  23. “Is that because you have a boyfriend?” She said reaching over and poking Susan in her side. “Come on girl, come clean. Everybody knows you and that Walkers boy are a thing.” She said sticking her tongue out as she watched Susan blush turn a deeper shade of red.
  24. “Maybe.” Susan said acting a little coy as she closed her eyes and turned her full attention toward the cheerleaders. Who where now, handing each football player a plastic set of Rosary beads. Fr. Trent the rector of St. Katherine’s Episcopal Church, and there school chaplain was now walking into the floor. His salt and peppered colored hair was parted down the middle, and he wore the standard clerical attire. A black button down shirt with white clerical collar, black slacks, black dress shoes and a black colored blazer. Tucked under one hand was a old, well used book of Common Prayer.
  26. “Maybe there going to give them final rites and communion.” Susan said, trying to turn the attention away from the subject of her and her boyfriend.
  28. “Don’t try to change the subject girl.” Sarah said in a teasing tone of voice. “But..” Her voice trailed a little. “Come on Susie, we’ve been friends since daycare. Heck our mom’s basically raised both of us. And James is kind of like the little brother I never had.” She said wrapping her arm around Susan shoulder.
  30. “Since last summer.” Susan finally said. “We just meet one night at a local coffee house. He mentioned he liked the manga I was reading, and we’ll we started talking about manga and anime and one thing lead to the other.” Susan paused to take a deep breath. “And before I could catch myself. I was going over to his house for dinner and he was coming over to mine. Its crazy..”
  32. “Sounds nice.” Sarah said once her friend finished speaking. Fr. Trent was now sprinkling holy water over the football players who where bending the knee before the old priest. Once the rite was finished, he took his lead. The football players, there role finished likewise took there seats. The cheerleaders followed there lead.
  34. “We’ll.” A young women said strolling onto the gym floor. “Now that Fr. Trent has blessed the football players, and the cheerleaders have handed out the rosary beads. I think its time we can move on to the fun things. Don’t you agree Miss. Fox.” The young women said with a nod.
  36. “I agree with you there.” Said a older women said as she joined the other women in the center of the gym floor. “We have quite a few surprises for you guys. Starting with the numbers taped to the back of your seats.” She paused and winked. “More on that later. First lets puts are hands together and welcome Miss. Tiff down!” The women shouted.
  38. The students on both sides rose to there feet and started to clap a women with flaming red hair, a motherly smile stepped down and made her way toward the center of the floor. She was dressed in white blouse with mother of pear buttons, the blouse was tucked into the waistline of a solid black pencil skirt. Black court shoes completed the outfit.
  40. “Miss. Tiff.” The older women said with a little smirk as she wrapped her arm around the women’s shoulder. “I have a modest proposal for you. As you know where raising money for our cheerleaders to attended a workshop in Oxford.” She said in a gentle tone of voice.
  42. “Yes I’m aware of that.” She said giggling a little
  48. “Right, we’ll I have some good news for you.” She said smirking a little as she nodded her head. A few seconds latter, a old bathtub was rolled out and placed in the middle of the gym. “If you agree to sit in this bathtub and allow all twelve of are varsity cheerleaders pour a bucket of beans over you. The Downtown Merchant Council and the Historical Committee have agreed to donate one thousand dollars a piece to the school.”
  50. “We’ll.” Miss. Tiff said taking a deep breath as she peered toward the women. “Sure,” She said giggling a wildly as she reaching down and removing her shoes. Once the shoes where removed, she tossed them to the side and gently climbed in. Once she was in, she settled down and put on a broad smile.
  52. “Good on you!” The women said smiling a little as she nodded toward the line of twelve cheerleaders marching out, each one following closely behind the other. Each one wore there hair in a high ponytail, with a ribbon in the schools colors tied around the base.
  54. “Ms. Smith.” The women said nodding toward the honey blonde girl who was the first in line. “Is the captain of are varsity cheerleading team. She a senior, and will graduated this year with honors. She plan’s attend Mississippi State this coming autumn.” The women said as the honey blonde hosted the bucket above Miss. Tiff head. Slowly she titled the bucket of beans over her head, sending a stream of orange red beans down all over Miss. Tiff.
  56. Tiffany could only giggle as the waterfall of beans started to roll down her head. Sending a wave of coldness rushing over her body, the savory smell of the beans filled her noise and the tingly feeling of beans, sneaking there way into her clothing caused her to squeal from shock and groan some might say from the pleasure.
  58. “Up next we have Ms. Cartwright.” The women said once Ms. Smith had finished pouring her bucket and stepped away. “She’s one of two vice captains of are varsity cheerleading team. She also a senior and will graduated this year with honors. She plan’s to enroll in a clinic based nursing school this coming summer.” She then nodded to the second girl in a line. A fiery red haired girl with green eyes that seem to shimmer in the artificial light.
  60. The girl giggled a little as she stepped up to the side of the bathtub. She slowly started to turn the bucket over, sending another waterfall of reddish sauce mixed in with small, tiny beans all over Miss. Tiff. Smirking a little, she reached into the bucket and filled the palm of her hand with beans, then grinning ear to earth she smothered the hand full all over Tiffany face, before ruffling her hair, getting beans and sauce into her hair
  62. Tiffany sputtered a little. “Hey that was mean!” She said flicking some of the gathered beans and sauce at the girl, who quickly skipped out of rang.
  65. “I guess.” The women said smirking a little as she took notice of the large amounts of sauce and beans settling in the bottom of the tub. “We should start calling you Miss. Saucy now.” She said with a wink as the girl next in line dumped her bucket of beams, followed by another and another.
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